private import graph; typedef bounds range(picture pic, real min, real max); range Range(bool automin=false, real min=-infinity, bool automax=false, real max=infinity) { return new bounds(picture pic, real dmin, real dmax) { // autoscale routine finds reasonable limits bounds mz=autoscale(pic.scale.z.T(dmin), pic.scale.z.T(dmax), pic.scale.z.scale); // If automin/max, use autoscale result, else // if min/max is finite, use specified value, else // use minimum/maximum data value real pmin=automin ? pic.scale.z.Tinv(mz.min) : (finite(min) ? min : dmin); real pmax=automax ? pic.scale.z.Tinv(mz.max) : (finite(max) ? max : dmax); return bounds(pmin,pmax); }; } range Automatic=Range(true,true); range Full=Range(); void image(frame f, real[][] data, pair initial, pair final, pen[] palette, bool transpose=(initial.x < final.x && initial.y < final.y), transform t=identity(), bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { _image(f,transpose ? transpose(data) : copy ? copy(data) : data, initial,final,palette,t,copy=false,antialias=antialias); } void image(frame f, pen[][] data, pair initial, pair final, bool transpose=(initial.x < final.x && initial.y < final.y), transform t=identity(), bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { _image(f,transpose ? transpose(data) : copy ? copy(data) : data, initial,final,t,copy=false,antialias=antialias); } // Reduce color palette to approximate range of data relative to "display" // range => errors of 1/palette.length in resulting color space. pen[] adjust(picture pic, real min, real max, real rmin, real rmax, pen[] palette) { real dmin=pic.scale.z.T(min); real dmax=pic.scale.z.T(max); int minindex=floor((dmin-rmin)/(rmax-rmin)*palette.length); if(minindex < 0) minindex=0; int maxindex=floor((dmax-rmin)/(rmax-rmin)*palette.length); if(maxindex > palette.length) maxindex=palette.length; if(minindex > 0 || maxindex < palette.length) { pen[] newpalette; for(int i=minindex; i < maxindex; ++i) newpalette.push(palette[i]); return newpalette; } return palette; } private real[] sequencereal; bounds image(picture pic=currentpicture, real[][] f, range range=Full, pair initial, pair final, pen[] palette, bool transpose=(initial.x < final.x && initial.y < final.y), bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { if(transpose) f=transpose(f); else if(copy) f=copy(f); if(copy) palette=copy(palette); real m=min(f); real M=max(f); bounds bounds=range(pic,m,M); real rmin=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.min); real rmax=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.max); palette=adjust(pic,m,M,rmin,rmax,palette); // Crop data to allowed range and scale if(range != Full || pic.scale.z.scale.T != identity || pic.scale.z.postscale.T != identity) { scalefcn T=pic.scale.z.T; real m=bounds.min; real M=bounds.max; for(int i=0; i < f.length; ++i) f[i]=map(new real(real x) {return T(min(max(x,m),M));},f[i]); } initial=Scale(pic,initial); final=Scale(pic,final); pic.add(new void(frame F, transform t) { _image(F,f,initial,final,palette,t,copy=false,antialias=antialias); },true); pic.addBox(initial,final); return bounds; // Return bounds used for color space } bounds image(picture pic=currentpicture, real f(real,real), range range=Full, pair initial, pair final, int nx=ngraph, int ny=nx, pen[] palette, bool antialias=false) { // Generate data, taking scaling into account real xmin=pic.scale.x.T(initial.x); real xmax=pic.scale.x.T(final.x); real ymin=pic.scale.y.T(initial.y); real ymax=pic.scale.y.T(final.y); real[][] data=new real[ny][nx]; for(int j=0; j < ny; ++j) { real y=pic.scale.y.Tinv(interp(ymin,ymax,(j+0.5)/nx)); scalefcn Tinv=pic.scale.x.Tinv; // Take center point of each bin data[j]=sequence(new real(int i) { return f(Tinv(interp(xmin,xmax,(i+0.5)/ny)),y); },nx); } return image(pic,data,range,initial,final,palette,transpose=false, copy=false,antialias=antialias); } void image(picture pic=currentpicture, pen[][] data, pair initial, pair final, bool transpose=(initial.x < final.x && initial.y < final.y), bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { if(transpose) data=transpose(data); else if(copy) data=copy(data); initial=Scale(pic,initial); final=Scale(pic,final); pic.add(new void(frame F, transform t) { _image(F,data,initial,final,t,copy=false,antialias=antialias); },true); pic.addBox(initial,final); } bounds image(picture pic=currentpicture, pair[] z, real[] f, range range=Full, pen[] palette) { if(z.length != f.length) abort("z and f arrays have different lengths"); real m=min(f); real M=max(f); bounds bounds=range(pic,m,M); real rmin=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.min); real rmax=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.max); palette=adjust(pic,m,M,rmin,rmax,palette); // Crop data to allowed range and scale if(range != Full || pic.scale.z.scale.T != identity || pic.scale.z.postscale.T != identity) { scalefcn T=pic.scale.z.T; real m=bounds.min; real M=bounds.max; f=map(new real(real x) {return T(min(max(x,m),M));},f); } int[] edges={0,0,1}; int N=palette.length-1; int[][] trn=triangulate(z); real step=rmax == rmin ? 0.0 : N/(rmax-rmin); for(int i=0; i < trn.length; ++i) { int[] trni=trn[i]; int i0=trni[0], i1=trni[1], i2=trni[2]; pen color(int i) {return palette[round((f[i]-rmin)*step)];} gouraudshade(pic,z[i0]--z[i1]--z[i2]--cycle, new pen[] {color(i0),color(i1),color(i2)},edges); } return bounds; // Return bounds used for color space } bounds image(picture pic=currentpicture, real[] x, real[] y, real[] f, range range=Full, pen[] palette) { int n=x.length; if(n != y.length) abort("x and y arrays have different lengths"); pair[] z=sequence(new pair(int i) {return (x[i],y[i]);},n); return image(pic,z,f,range,palette); } // Construct a pen[] array from f using the specified palette. pen[] palette(real[] f, pen[] palette) { real Min=min(f); real Max=max(f); if(palette.length == 0) return new pen[]; real step=Max == Min ? 0.0 : (palette.length-1)/(Max-Min); return sequence(new pen(int i) {return palette[round((f[i]-Min)*step)];}, f.length); } // Construct a pen[][] array from f using the specified palette. pen[][] palette(real[][] f, pen[] palette) { real Min=min(f); real Max=max(f); int n=f.length; int m=n > 0 ? f[0].length : 0; pen[][] p=new pen[n][m]; real step=(Max == Min) ? 0.0 : (palette.length-1)/(Max-Min); for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { real[] fi=f[i]; p[i]=sequence(new pen(int j) {return palette[round((fi[j]-Min)*step)];},m); } return p; } typedef ticks paletteticks(int sign=-1); paletteticks PaletteTicks(Label format="", ticklabel ticklabel=null, bool beginlabel=true, bool endlabel=true, int N=0, int n=0, real Step=0, real step=0, pen pTick=nullpen, pen ptick=nullpen) { return new ticks(int sign=-1) { format.align(sign > 0 ? RightSide : LeftSide); return Ticks(sign,format,ticklabel,beginlabel,endlabel,N,n,Step,step, true,true,extend=true,pTick,ptick); }; } paletteticks PaletteTicks=PaletteTicks(); void palette(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L="", bounds bounds, pair initial, pair final, axis axis=Right, pen[] palette, pen p=currentpen, paletteticks ticks=PaletteTicks, bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { real initialz=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.min); real finalz=pic.scale.z.T(bounds.max); bounds mz=autoscale(initialz,finalz,pic.scale.z.scale); axisT axis; axis(pic,axis); real angle=degrees(axis.align.dir); initial=Scale(pic,initial); final=Scale(pic,final); pair lambda=final-initial; bool vertical=(floor((angle+45)/90) % 2 == 0); pair perp,par; if(vertical) {perp=E; par=N;} else {perp=N; par=E;} path g=(final-dot(lambda,par)*par)--final; path g2=initial--final-dot(lambda,perp)*perp; if(sgn(dot(lambda,perp)*dot(axis.align.dir,perp)) == -1) { path tmp=g; g=g2; g2=tmp; } if(copy) palette=copy(palette); Label L=L.copy(); if(L.defaultposition) L.position(0.5); L.align(axis.align); L.p(p); if(vertical && L.defaulttransform) { frame f; add(f,Label(L.s,(0,0),L.p)); if(length(max(f)-min(f)) > ylabelwidth*fontsize(L.p)) L.transform(rotate(90)); } real[][] pdata={sequence(palette.length)}; if(vertical) pdata=transpose(pdata); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { _image(f,pdata,initial,final,palette,t,copy=false,antialias=antialias); },true); ticklocate locate=ticklocate(initialz,finalz,pic.scale.z,mz.min,mz.max); axis(pic,L,g,g2,p,ticks(sgn(axis.side.x*dot(lambda,par))),locate,mz.divisor, true); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { pair Z0=t*initial; pair Z1=t*final; draw(f,Z0--(Z0.x,Z1.y)--Z1--(Z1.x,Z0.y)--cycle,p); },true); pic.addBox(initial,final); } // A grayscale palette pen[] Grayscale(int NColors=256) { real ninv=1.0/(NColors-1.0); return sequence(new pen(int i) {return gray(i*ninv);},NColors); } // A color wheel palette pen[] Wheel(int NColors=32766) { if(settings.gray) return Grayscale(NColors); int nintervals=6; int n=quotient(NColors,nintervals); pen[] Palette; if(n == 0) return Palette; Palette=new pen[n*nintervals]; real ninv=1.0/n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { real ininv=i*ninv; real ininv1=1.0-ininv; Palette[i]=rgb(1.0,0.0,ininv); Palette[n+i]=rgb(ininv1,0.0,1.0); Palette[2n+i]=rgb(0.0,ininv,1.0); Palette[3n+i]=rgb(0.0,1.0,ininv1); Palette[4n+i]=rgb(ininv,1.0,0.0); Palette[5n+i]=rgb(1.0,ininv1,0.0); } return Palette; } // A rainbow palette pen[] Rainbow(int NColors=32766) { if(settings.gray) return Grayscale(NColors); int offset=1; int nintervals=5; int n=quotient(NColors-1,nintervals); pen[] Palette; if(n == 0) return Palette; Palette=new pen[n*nintervals+offset]; real ninv=1.0/n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { real ininv=i*ninv; real ininv1=1.0-ininv; Palette[i]=rgb(ininv1,0.0,1.0); Palette[n+i]=rgb(0.0,ininv,1.0); Palette[2n+i]=rgb(0.0,1.0,ininv1); Palette[3n+i]=rgb(ininv,1.0,0.0); Palette[4n+i]=rgb(1.0,ininv1,0.0); } Palette[4n+n]=rgb(1.0,0.0,0.0); return Palette; } private pen[] BWRainbow(int NColors, bool two) { if(settings.gray) return Grayscale(NColors); int offset=1; int nintervals=6; int divisor=3; if(two) nintervals += 6; int num=NColors-offset; int n=quotient(num,nintervals*divisor)*divisor; NColors=n*nintervals+offset; pen[] Palette; if(n == 0) return Palette; Palette=new pen[NColors]; real ninv=1.0/n; int k=0; if(two) { for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { real ininv=i*ninv; real ininv1=1.0-ininv; Palette[i]=rgb(ininv1,0.0,1.0); Palette[n+i]=rgb(0.0,ininv,1.0); Palette[2n+i]=rgb(0.0,1.0,ininv1); Palette[3n+i]=rgb(ininv,1.0,0.0); Palette[4n+i]=rgb(1.0,ininv1,0.0); Palette[5n+i]=rgb(1.0,0.0,ininv); } k += 6n; } if(two) for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) Palette[k+i]=rgb(1.0-i*ninv,0.0,1.0); else { int n3=quotient(n,3); int n23=2*n3; real third=n3*ninv; real twothirds=n23*ninv; for(int i=0; i < n3; ++i) { real ininv=i*ninv; Palette[k+i]=rgb(ininv,0.0,ininv); Palette[k+n3+i]=rgb(third,0.0,third+ininv); Palette[k+n23+i]=rgb(third-ininv,0.0,twothirds+ininv); } } k += n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { real ininv=i*ninv; real ininv1=1.0-ininv; Palette[k+i]=rgb(0.0,ininv,1.0); Palette[k+n+i]=rgb(0.0,1.0,ininv1); Palette[k+2n+i]=rgb(ininv,1.0,0.0); Palette[k+3n+i]=rgb(1.0,ininv1,0.0); Palette[k+4n+i]=rgb(1.0,ininv,ininv); } Palette[k+5n]=rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0); return Palette; } // Quantize palette to exactly n values pen[] quantize(pen[] Palette, int n) { if(Palette.length == 0) abort("cannot quantize empty palette"); if(n <= 1) abort("palette must contain at least two pens"); real step=(Palette.length-1)/(n-1); return sequence(new pen(int i) { return Palette[round(i*step)]; },n); } // A rainbow palette tapering off to black/white at the spectrum ends, pen[] BWRainbow(int NColors=32761) { return BWRainbow(NColors,false); } // A double rainbow palette tapering off to black/white at the spectrum ends, // with a linearly scaled intensity. pen[] BWRainbow2(int NColors=32761) { pen[] Palette=BWRainbow(NColors,true); int n=Palette.length; real ninv=1.0/n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) Palette[i]=i*ninv*Palette[i]; return Palette; } //A palette varying linearly over the specified array of pens, using // NColors in each interpolation interval. pen[] Gradient(int NColors=256 ... pen[] p) { pen[] P; if(p.length < 2) abort("at least 2 colors must be specified"); real step=NColors > 1 ? (1/(NColors-1)) : 1; for(int i=0; i < p.length-1; ++i) { pen begin=p[i]; pen end=p[i+1]; P.append(sequence(new pen(int j) { return interp(begin,end,j*step); },NColors)); } return P; } pen[] cmyk(pen[] Palette) { int n=Palette.length; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) Palette[i]=cmyk(Palette[i]); return Palette; }