#!/usr/bin/env python ########################################################################### # # xasy2asy provides a Python interface to Asymptote # # # Author: Orest Shardt # Created: June 29, 2007 # ########################################################################### import sys,os,signal,threading from subprocess import * from string import * import xasyOptions import Queue from Tkinter import * from tempfile import mkdtemp # PIL support is now mandatory due to rotations try: import ImageTk import Image except: pass import CubicBezier class asyProcessFailure(Exception): """asy could not be invoked to execute a command because the process has failed.""" pass idCounter = 0; randString = 'wGd3I26kOcu4ZI4arZZMqoJufO2h1QE2D728f1Lai3aqeTQC9' quickAsyFailed = True global AsyTempDir console=None def startQuickAsy(): global quickAsy global quickAsyFailed global AsyTempDir if quickAsyRunning(): return try: quickAsy.stdin.close() quickAsy.wait() except: pass try: quickAsyFailed = False if os.name == "nt": AsyTempDir=mkdtemp(prefix="asy_", dir="./") else: AsyTempDir=mkdtemp(prefix="asy_")+os.sep quickAsy = Popen([xasyOptions.options['asyPath'],"-noV","-multiline", "-interactive","-o"+AsyTempDir], stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=STDOUT) if quickAsy.returncode != None: quickAsyFailed = True except: quickAsyFailed = True def getAsyTempDir(): return AsyTempDir def quickAsyRunning(): if quickAsyFailed or quickAsy.returncode != None: return False else: return True def asyExecute(command): if not quickAsyRunning(): startQuickAsy() syncQuickAsyOutput() quickAsy.stdin.write(command) def closeConsole(event): global console console = None def consoleOutput(line): global console global ctl if console == None: ctl=Toplevel() ctl.title("Asymptote Console") ctl.bind("",closeConsole) yscrollbar=Scrollbar(ctl) yscrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) console=Text(ctl,yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set) console.pack() yscrollbar.config(command=console.yview) console.insert(END,line) ctl.lift() def syncQuickAsyOutput(verbose=False,queue=None): global idCounter idStr = randString+"-id "+str(idCounter) idCounter += 1 quickAsy.stdin.write("\nwrite(\""+idStr+"\");\n") quickAsy.stdin.flush() line = quickAsy.stdout.readline() while not line.endswith(idStr+'\n'): if verbose: queue.put(("OUTPUT",line)) line = quickAsy.stdout.readline() quickAsy.stdin.flush() class asyTransform: """A python implementation of an asy transform""" def __init__(self,initTuple,delete=False): """Initialize the transform with a 6 entry tuple""" if type(initTuple) == type((0,)) and len(initTuple) == 6: self.t = initTuple self.x,self.y,self.xx,self.xy,self.yx,self.yy = initTuple self.deleted = delete else: raise Exception,"Illegal initializer for asyTransform" def getCode(self): """Obtain the asy code that represents this transform""" if self.deleted: return str(self.t) + ", false" else: return str(self.t) def scale(self,s): #return asyTransform((s*self.t[0],s*self.t[1],s*self.t[2],s*self.t[3],s*self.t[4],s*self.t[5])) return asyTransform((0,0,s,0,0,s))*self def __str__(self): """Equivalent functionality to getCode(). It allows the expression str(asyTransform) to be meaningful.""" return self.getCode() def __mul__(self,other): """Define multiplication of transforms as composition.""" if type(other)==type((0,)): if len(other) == 6: return self*asyTransform(other) elif len(other) == 2: return ((self.t[0]+self.t[2]*other[0]+self.t[3]*other[1]),(self.t[1]+self.t[4]*other[0]+self.t[5]*other[1])) else: raise Exception, "Illegal multiplier of %s"%str(type(other)) elif isinstance(other,asyTransform): result = asyTransform((0,0,0,0,0,0)) result.x = self.x+self.xx*other.x+self.xy*other.y result.y = self.y+self.yx*other.x+self.yy*other.y result.xx = self.xx*other.xx+self.xy*other.yx result.xy = self.xx*other.xy+self.xy*other.yy result.yx = self.yx*other.xx+self.yy*other.yx result.yy = self.yx*other.xy+self.yy*other.yy result.t = (result.x,result.y,result.xx,result.xy,result.yx,result.yy) return result else: raise Exception, "Illegal multiplier of %s"%str(type(other)) def identity(): return asyTransform((0,0,1,0,0,1)) class asyObj: """A base class for asy objects: an item represented by asymptote code.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the object""" self.asyCode = "" def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Update the object's code: should be overriden.""" pass def getCode(self): """Return the code describing the object""" self.updateCode() return self.asyCode class asyPen(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asymptote pen""" def __init__(self,color=(0,0,0),width=0.5,options=""): """Initialize the pen""" asyObj.__init__(self) self.options=options self.width=width self.setColor(color) self.updateCode() if options != "": self.computeColor() def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the pen's code""" self.asyCode = "rgb(%g,%g,%g)"%self.color+"+"+str(self.width) if len(self.options) > 0: self.asyCode += "+"+self.options def setWidth(self,newWidth): """Set the pen's width""" self.width=newWidth self.updateCode() def setColor(self,color): """Set the pen's color""" if type(color) == type((1,)) and len(color) == 3: self.color = color else: self.color = "(0,0,0)" self.updateCode() def computeColor(self): """Find out the color of an arbitrary asymptote pen.""" syncQuickAsyOutput() quickAsy.stdin.write("pen p="+self.getCode()+';\n') quickAsy.stdin.write("write(\";\n\");write(colorspace(p));\n") quickAsy.stdin.write("write(colors(p));\n") quickAsy.stdin.flush() testline = quickAsy.stdout.readline() if testline.startswith("> -:"): raise Exception,"Invalid pen options" quickAsy.stdout.readline() colorspace = quickAsy.stdout.readline() if colorspace.find("cmyk") != -1: lines = quickAsy.stdout.readline()+quickAsy.stdout.readline()+quickAsy.stdout.readline()+quickAsy.stdout.readline() parts = lines.split() c,m,y,k = eval(parts[2]),eval(parts[4]),eval(parts[6]),eval(parts[8]) k = 1-k r,g,b = ((1-c)*k,(1-m)*k,(1-y)*k) elif colorspace.find("rgb") != -1: lines = quickAsy.stdout.readline()+quickAsy.stdout.readline()+quickAsy.stdout.readline() parts = lines.split() r,g,b = eval(parts[2]),eval(parts[4]),eval(parts[6]) elif colorspace.find("gray") != -1: lines = quickAsy.stdout.readline() parts = lines.split() r = g = b = eval(parts[2]) self.color = (r,g,b) def tkColor(self): """Return the tk version of the pen's color""" self.computeColor() r,g,b = self.color r,g,b = int(256*r),int(256*g),int(256*b) if r == 256: r = 255 if g == 256: g = 255 if b == 256: b = 255 r,g,b = map(hex,(r,g,b)) r,g,b = r[2:],g[2:],b[2:] if len(r) < 2: r += '0' if len(g) < 2: g += '0' if len(b) < 2: b += '0' return'#'+r+g+b class asyPath(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asymptote path""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the path to be an empty path: a path with no nodes, control points, or links.""" asyObj.__init__(self) self.nodeSet = [] self.linkSet = [] self.controlSet = [] self.computed = False def initFromNodeList(self,nodeSet,linkSet): """Initialize the path from a set of nodes and link types, "--", "..", or "::" """ if len(nodeSet)>0: self.nodeSet = nodeSet[:] self.linkSet = linkSet[:] self.computed = False def initFromControls(self,nodeSet,controlSet): """Initialize the path from nodes and control points""" self.controlSet = controlSet[:] self.nodeSet = nodeSet[:] self.computed = True def makeNodeStr(self,node): """Represent a node as a string""" if node == 'cycle': return node else: return "("+str(node[0])+","+str(node[1])+")" def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code describing the path""" if not self.computed: count = 0 #this string concatenation could be optimised self.asyCode = self.makeNodeStr(self.nodeSet[0]) for node in self.nodeSet[1:]: self.asyCode += self.linkSet[count]+self.makeNodeStr(node) count += 1 else: count = 0 #this string concatenation could be optimised self.asyCode = self.makeNodeStr(self.nodeSet[0]) for node in self.nodeSet[1:]: self.asyCode += "..controls" self.asyCode += self.makeNodeStr(self.controlSet[count][0]) self.asyCode += "and" self.asyCode += self.makeNodeStr(self.controlSet[count][1]) self.asyCode += ".." + self.makeNodeStr(node) + "\n" count += 1 def getNode(self,index): """Return the requested node""" return self.nodeSet[index] def getLink(self,index): """Return the requested link""" return self.linkSet[index] def setNode(self,index,newNode): """Set a node to a new position""" self.nodeSet[index] = newNode def moveNode(self,index,offset): """Translate a node""" if self.nodeSet[index] != "cycle": self.nodeSet[index] = (self.nodeSet[index][0]+offset[0],self.nodeSet[1]+offset[1]) def setLink(self,index,ltype): """Change the specified link""" self.linkSet[index] = ltype def addNode(self,point,ltype): """Add a node to the end of a path""" self.nodeSet.append(point) if len(self.nodeSet) != 1: self.linkSet.append(ltype) if self.computed: self.computeControls() def insertNode(self,index,point,ltype=".."): """Insert a node, and its corresponding link, at the given index""" self.nodeSet.insert(index,point) self.linkSet.insert(index,ltype) if self.computed: self.computeControls() def setControl(self,index,position): """Set a control point to a new position""" self.controlSet[index] = position def moveControl(self,index,offset): """Translate a control point""" self.controlSet[index] = (self.controlSet[index][0]+offset[0],self.controlSet[index][1]+offset[1]) def computeControls(self): """Evaluate the code of the path to obtain its control points""" syncQuickAsyOutput() quickAsy.stdin.write("path p="+self.getCode()+';\n') quickAsy.stdin.write("write(length(p));\n") quickAsy.stdin.write("write(unstraighten(p));write(\"\");\n") quickAsy.stdin.flush() lengthStr = quickAsy.stdout.readline() pathSegments = eval(lengthStr.split()[-1]) pathStrLines = [] for i in range(pathSegments+1): pathStrLines.append(quickAsy.stdout.readline()) oneLiner = "".join(split(join(pathStrLines))) oneLiner = oneLiner.replace(">","") splitList = oneLiner.split("..") nodes = [a for a in splitList if a.find("controls")==-1] self.nodeSet = [] for a in nodes: if a == 'cycle': self.nodeSet.append(a) else: self.nodeSet.append(eval(a)) controls = [a.replace("controls","").split("and") for a in splitList if a.find("controls") != -1] self.controlSet = [[eval(a[0]),eval(a[1])] for a in controls] self.computed = True class asyLabel(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asy label""" def __init__(self,text="",location=(0,0),pen=asyPen()): """Initialize the label with the given test, location, and pen""" asyObj.__init__(self) self.text = text self.location = location self.pen = pen def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code describing the label""" self.asyCode = "Label(\""+self.text+"\","+str((self.location[0],self.location[1]))+","+self.pen.getCode()+",align=SE)" def setText(self,text): """Set the label's text""" self.text = text self.updateCode() def setPen(self,pen): """Set the label's pen""" self.pen = pen self.updateCode() def moveTo(self,newl): """Translate the label's location""" self.location = newl class asyImage: """A structure containing an image and its format, bbox, and IDTag""" def __init__(self,image,format,bbox): self.image = image self.format = format self.bbox = bbox self.IDTag = None class xasyItem: """A base class for items in the xasy GUI""" def __init__(self,canvas=None): """Initialize the item to an empty item""" self.transform = [identity()] self.asyCode = "" self.imageList = [] self.IDTag = None self.asyfied = False self.onCanvas = canvas def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Update the item's code: to be overriden""" pass def getCode(self): """Return the code describing the item""" self.updateCode() return self.asyCode def handleImageReception(self,file,format,bbox,count): """Receive an image from an asy deconstruction. It replaces the default in asyProcess.""" image = Image.open(file) self.imageList.append(asyImage(image,format,bbox)) if self.onCanvas != None: self.imageList[-1].itk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.imageList[-1].originalImage = image.copy() self.imageList[-1].originalImage.theta = 0.0 self.imageList[-1].originalImage.bbox = bbox if count >= len(self.transform) or self.transform[count].deleted == False: self.imageList[-1].IDTag = self.onCanvas.create_image(bbox[0],-bbox[3],anchor=NW,tags=("image"),image=self.imageList[-1].itk) self.onCanvas.update() def asyfy(self,mag=1.0): self.removeFromCanvas() self.imageList = [] self.imageHandleQueue = Queue.Queue() worker = threading.Thread(target=self.asyfyThread,args=(mag,)) worker.start() item = self.imageHandleQueue.get() if console != None: console.delete(1.0,END) while item != (None,) and item[0] != "ERROR": if(item[0] == "OUTPUT"): consoleOutput(item[1]) else: self.handleImageReception(*item) try: os.remove(item[0]) except: pass item = self.imageHandleQueue.get() #self.imageHandleQueue.task_done() worker.join() def asyfyThread(self,mag=1.0): """Convert the item to a list of images by deconstructing this item's code""" quickAsy.stdin.write("\nreset;\n") quickAsy.stdin.write("initXasyMode();\n") quickAsy.stdin.write("atexit(null);\n") syncQuickAsyOutput() global console for line in self.getCode().splitlines(): quickAsy.stdin.write(line+"\n"); quickAsy.stdin.flush() syncQuickAsyOutput(verbose=True,queue=self.imageHandleQueue); quickAsy.stdin.write("deconstruct(%f);\n"%mag) quickAsy.stdin.flush() format = "png" maxargs = int(split(quickAsy.stdout.readline())[1]) boxes=[] batch=0 n=0 text = quickAsy.stdout.readline() template=AsyTempDir+"%d_%d.%s" def render(): for i in range(len(boxes)): l,b,r,t = [float(a) for a in split(boxes[i])] name=template%(batch,i+1,format) self.imageHandleQueue.put((name,format,(l,b,r,t),i)) while text != "Done\n" and text != "Error\n": boxes.append(text) text = quickAsy.stdout.readline() n += 1 if n >= maxargs: render() boxes=[] batch += 1 n=0 if text == "Error\n": self.imageHandleQueue.put(("ERROR",quickAsy.stdout.readline())) else: render() self.imageHandleQueue.put((None,)) self.asyfied = True def drawOnCanvas(self,canvas,mag,forceAddition=False): pass def removeFromCanvas(self): pass class xasyDrawnItem(xasyItem): """A base class for GUI items was drawn by the user. It combines a path, a pen, and a transform.""" def __init__(self,path,pen = asyPen(),transform = identity()): """Initialize the item with a path, pen, and transform""" xasyItem.__init__(self) self.path = path self.pen = pen self.transform = [transform] def appendPoint(self,point,link=None): """Append a point to the path. If the path is cyclic, add this point before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': self.path.nodeSet[-1] = point self.path.nodeSet.append('cycle') else: self.path.nodeSet.append(point) self.path.computed = False if len(self.path.nodeSet) > 1 and link != None: self.path.linkSet.append(link) def clearTransform(self): """Reset the item's transform""" self.transform = [identity()] def removeLastPoint(self): """Remove the last point in the path. If the path is cyclic, remove the node before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': del self.path.nodeSet[-2] else: del self.path.nodeSet[-1] del self.path.linkSet[-1] self.path.computed = False def setLastPoint(self,point): """Modify the last point in the path. If the path is cyclic, modify the node before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': self.path.nodeSet[-2] = point else: self.path.nodeSet[-1] = point self.path.computed = False class xasyShape(xasyDrawnItem): """An outlined shape drawn on the GUI""" def __init__(self,path,pen=asyPen(),transform=identity()): """Initialize the shape with a path, pen, and transform""" xasyDrawnItem.__init__(self,path,pen,transform) def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code to describe this shape""" self.asyCode = "xformStack.push("+self.transform[0].getCode()+");\n" self.asyCode += "draw("+self.path.getCode()+","+self.pen.getCode()+");" def removeFromCanvas(self,canvas): """Remove the shape's depiction from a tk canvas""" if self.IDTag != None: canvas.delete(self.IDTag) def drawOnCanvas(self,canvas,mag,asyFy=False,forceAddition=False): """Add this shape to a tk canvas""" if not asyFy: if self.IDTag == None or forceAddition: #add ourselves to the canvas self.path.computeControls() self.IDTag = canvas.create_line(0,0,0,0,tags=("drawn","xasyShape"),fill=self.pen.tkColor(),width=self.pen.width*mag) self.drawOnCanvas(canvas,mag) else: self.path.computeControls() pointSet = [] previousNode = self.path.nodeSet[0] nodeCount = 0 if len(self.path.nodeSet) == 0: pointSet = [0,0,0,0] elif len(self.path.nodeSet) == 1: if self.path.nodeSet[-1] != 'cycle': p = self.transform[0]*(self.path.nodeSet[0][0],self.path.nodeSet[0][1]) pointSet = [p[0],-p[1],p[0],-p[1],p[0],-p[1]] else: pointSet = [0,0,0,0] else: for node in self.path.nodeSet[1:]: if node == 'cycle': node = self.path.nodeSet[0] transform = self.transform[0].scale(mag) points = CubicBezier.makeBezier(transform*previousNode,transform*self.path.controlSet[nodeCount][0],transform*self.path.controlSet[nodeCount][1],transform*node) for point in points: pointSet += [point[0],-point[1]] nodeCount += 1 previousNode = node canvas.coords(self.IDTag,*pointSet) canvas.itemconfigure(self.IDTag,fill=self.pen.tkColor(),width=self.pen.width*mag) else: #first asyfy then add an image list pass def __str__(self): """Create a string describing this shape""" return "xasyShape code:%s"%("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyFilledShape(xasyShape): """A filled shape drawn on the GUI""" def __init__(self,path,pen=asyPen(),transform=identity()): """Initialize this shape with a path, pen, and transform""" if path.nodeSet[-1] != 'cycle': raise Exception,"Filled paths must be cyclic" xasyShape.__init__(self,path,pen,transform) def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code describing this shape""" self.asyCode = "xformStack.push("+self.transform[0].getCode()+");\n" self.asyCode += "fill("+self.path.getCode()+","+self.pen.getCode()+");" def removeFromCanvas(self,canvas): """Remove this shape's depiction from a tk canvas""" if self.IDTag != None: canvas.delete(self.IDTag) def drawOnCanvas(self,canvas,mag,asyFy=False,forceAddition=False): """Add this shape to a tk canvas""" if not asyFy: if self.IDTag == None or forceAddition: #add ourselves to the canvas self.path.computeControls() self.IDTag = canvas.create_polygon(0,0,0,0,0,0,tags=("drawn","xasyFilledShape"),fill=self.pen.tkColor(),outline=self.pen.tkColor(),width=1*mag) self.drawOnCanvas(canvas,mag) else: self.path.computeControls() pointSet = [] previousNode = self.path.nodeSet[0] nodeCount = 0 if len(self.path.nodeSet) == 0: pointSet = [0,0,0,0,0,0] elif len(self.path.nodeSet) == 1: if self.path.nodeSet[-1] != 'cycle': p = self.transform[0]*(self.path.nodeSet[0][0],self.path.nodeSet[0][1]) pointSet = [p[0],-p[1],p[0],-p[1],p[0],-p[1]] else: pointSet = [0,0,0,0,0,0] elif len(self.path.nodeSet) == 2: if self.path.nodeSet[-1] != 'cycle': p = self.transform[0].scale(mag)*(self.path.nodeSet[0][0],self.path.nodeSet[0][1]) p2 = self.transform[0].scale(mag)*(self.path.nodeSet[1][0],self.path.nodeSet[1][1]) pointSet = [p[0],-p[1],p2[0],-p2[1],p[0],-p[1]] else: pointSet = [0,0,0,0,0,0] else: for node in self.path.nodeSet[1:]: if node == 'cycle': node = self.path.nodeSet[0] transform = self.transform[0].scale(mag) points = CubicBezier.makeBezier(transform*previousNode,transform*self.path.controlSet[nodeCount][0],transform*self.path.controlSet[nodeCount][1],transform*node) for point in points: pointSet += [point[0],-point[1]] nodeCount += 1 previousNode = node canvas.coords(self.IDTag,*pointSet) canvas.itemconfigure(self.IDTag,fill=self.pen.tkColor(),outline=self.pen.tkColor(),width=1*mag) else: #first asyfy then add an image list pass def __str__(self): """Return a string describing this shape""" return "xasyFilledShape code:%s"%("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyText(xasyItem): """Text created by the GUI""" def __init__(self,text,location,pen=asyPen(),transform=identity()): """Initialize this item with text, a location, pen, and transform""" xasyItem.__init__(self) self.label=asyLabel(text,location,pen) self.transform = [transform] self.onCanvas = None def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code describing this object""" self.asyCode = "xformStack.push("+self.transform[0].getCode()+");\n" self.asyCode += "label("+self.label.getCode()+");" def removeFromCanvas(self): """Removes the label's images from a tk canvas""" if self.onCanvas == None: return for image in self.imageList: if image.IDTag != None: self.onCanvas.delete(image.IDTag) def drawOnCanvas(self,canvas,mag,asyFy=True,forceAddition=False): """Adds the label's images to a tk canvas""" if self.onCanvas == None: self.onCanvas = canvas elif self.onCanvas != canvas: raise Exception,"Error: item cannot be added to more than one canvas" self.asyfy(mag) def __str__(self): return "xasyText code:%s"%("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyScript(xasyItem): """A set of images create from asymptote code. It is always deconstructed.""" def __init__(self,canvas,script="",transforms=[]): """Initialize this script item""" xasyItem.__init__(self,canvas) self.transform = transforms[:] self.script = script def clearTransform(self): """Reset the transforms for each of the deconstructed images""" self.transform = [identity() for im in self.imageList] def updateCode(self,mag=1.0): """Generate the code describing this script""" self.asyCode = ""; if len(self.transform) > 0: self.asyCode = "xformStack.add(" isFirst = True count = 0 for xform in self.transform: if not isFirst: self.asyCode+=",\n" self.asyCode += "indexedTransform(%d,%s)"%(count,str(xform)) isFirst = False count += 1 self.asyCode += ");\n" self.asyCode += "startScript(); {\n" self.asyCode += self.script.replace("\t"," ") self.asyCode = self.asyCode.rstrip() self.asyCode += "\n} endScript();\n" def setScript(self,script): """Sets the content of the script item.""" self.script = script self.updateCode() def removeFromCanvas(self): """Removes the script's images from a tk canvas""" if self.onCanvas == None: return for image in self.imageList: if image.IDTag != None: self.onCanvas.delete(image.IDTag) def asyfy(self,mag): """Generate the list of images described by this object and adjust the length of the transform list.""" xasyItem.asyfy(self,mag) while len(self.imageList) > len(self.transform): self.transform.append(identity()) while len(self.imageList) < len(self.transform): self.transform.pop() self.updateCode() def drawOnCanvas(self,canvas,mag,asyFy=True,forceAddition=False): """Adds the script's images to a tk canvas""" if self.onCanvas == None: self.onCanvas = canvas elif self.onCanvas != canvas: raise Exception,"Error: item cannot be added to more than one canvas" self.asyfy(mag) def __str__(self): """Return a string describing this script""" retVal = "xasyScript\n\tTransforms:\n" for xform in self.transform: retVal += "\t"+str(xform)+"\n" retVal += "\tCode Ommitted" return retVal if __name__=='__main__': root = Tk() t=xasyText("test",(0,0)) t.asyfy()