struct sCAD { int nLineGroup = 0; // 0-3 pen // A pA, pVisibleEdge, // Sichtbare Kanten pVisibleContour, // Sichtbarer Umriss pUsableWindingLength, // Nitzbare Gewindelänge pSystemLine, // Systemlinie (Stahlbau) pDiagramCurve, // Kurve in Diagrammen pSurfaceStructure, // Oberflächenstrukturen // B pB, pLightEdge, // Lichtkante pMeasureLine, // Maßlinie pMeasureHelpLine, // Maßhilfslinie pMeasureLineBound, // Maßlinienbegrenzung pReferenceLine, // Hinweislinie pHatch, // Schraffur pWindingGround, // Gewindegrund pDiagonalCross, // Diagonalkreuz pBendLine, // Biegelinie pProjectionLine, // Projektionslinie pGrid, // Rasterlinien // C pC, pFreehand, // Begrenzung abgebrochener oder unterbrochener // Schnitte, wenn die Begrenzung // keine Mittellinie ist // E pE, pSurfaceTreatmentAllowed, // Bereich zulässiger Oberflächenbehandlung // F pF, pInvisibleEdge, // unsichtbare Kante pInvisibleContour, // unsichtbarer Umriss // G pG, pMiddleLine, // Mittellinie pSymmetryLine, // Symmetrielinie pPartialCircle, // Teilkreis pCircularHole, // Lochkreis pDivisionPlane, // Teilungsebene pTransferLine, // Trajektorien (Übertragunslinien) // J pJ, pCuttingPlane, // Schnittebene pSurfaceTreatmentRequested, // Bereich geforderter Behandlungen // K pK, pContourBeforeDeformation, // Umrisse vor Verformung pAdjacentPartContour, // Umrisse angrenzender Teile pEndShapeRawMaterial, // Fertigformen in Rohteilen pContourEligibleType, // Umrisse wahlweiser Ausführungen pPartInFrontOfCuttingPlane; // Teile vor der Schnittebene static sCAD Create(int nLineGroup = 1) { sCAD cad = new sCAD; if ( nLineGroup < 0 ) nLineGroup = 0; if ( nLineGroup > 3 ) nLineGroup = 3; cad.nLineGroup = nLineGroup; restricted real[] dblFullWidth = {0.35mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm, 1.0mm}; restricted real[] dblHalfWidth = {0.18mm, 0.25mm, 0.35mm, 0.5mm}; pen pFullWidth = linewidth(dblFullWidth[nLineGroup]); pen pHalfWidth = linewidth(dblHalfWidth[nLineGroup]); // Linienarten: // A cad.pA = cad.pVisibleEdge = cad.pVisibleContour = cad.pUsableWindingLength = cad.pSystemLine = cad.pDiagramCurve = cad.pSurfaceStructure = pFullWidth + solid; // B cad.pB = cad.pLightEdge = cad.pMeasureLine = cad.pMeasureHelpLine = cad.pMeasureLineBound = cad.pReferenceLine = cad.pHatch = cad.pWindingGround = cad.pDiagonalCross = cad.pBendLine = cad.pProjectionLine = cad.pGrid = pHalfWidth + solid; // C cad.pC = cad.pFreehand = pHalfWidth + solid; // D // Missing, as I have no idea how to implement this... // E cad.pE = cad.pSurfaceTreatmentAllowed = pFullWidth + linetype("10 2.5"); // F cad.pF = cad.pInvisibleEdge = cad.pInvisibleContour = pHalfWidth + linetype("20 5"); // G cad.pG = cad.pMiddleLine = cad.pSymmetryLine = cad.pPartialCircle = cad.pCircularHole = cad.pDivisionPlane = cad.pTransferLine = pHalfWidth + linetype("40 5 5 5"); // H // see J // I // This letter is not used in DIN 15 // J cad.pJ = cad.pCuttingPlane = cad.pSurfaceTreatmentRequested = pFullWidth + linetype("20 2.5 2.5 2.5"); // K cad.pK = cad.pContourBeforeDeformation = cad.pAdjacentPartContour = cad.pEndShapeRawMaterial = cad.pContourEligibleType = cad.pPartInFrontOfCuttingPlane = pHalfWidth + linetype("40 5 5 5 5 5"); return cad; } // end of Create real GetMeasurementBoundSize(bool bSmallBound = false) { if ( bSmallBound ) return 1.5 * linewidth(pVisibleEdge) / 2; else return 5 * linewidth(pVisibleEdge); } path GetMeasurementBound(bool bSmallBound = false) { if ( bSmallBound ) return scale(GetMeasurementBoundSize(bSmallBound = bSmallBound)) * unitcircle; else return (0,0) -- (-cos(radians(7.5)), -sin(radians(7.5))) * GetMeasurementBoundSize(bSmallBound = bSmallBound) -- (-cos(radians(7.5)), sin(radians(7.5))) * GetMeasurementBoundSize(bSmallBound = bSmallBound) -- cycle; } void MeasureLine(picture pic = currentpicture, Label L, pair pFrom, pair pTo, real dblLeft = 0, real dblRight = 0, real dblRelPosition = 0.5, bool bSmallBound = false) { if ( dblLeft < 0 ) dblLeft = 0; if ( dblRight < 0 ) dblRight = 0; if ( (dblLeft > 0) && (dblRight == 0) ) dblRight = dblLeft; if ( (dblLeft == 0) && (dblRight > 0) ) dblLeft = dblRight; pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom; real dblLength = length(pDiff); pair pBegin = pFrom - dblLeft * unit(pDiff); pair pEnd = pTo + dblRight * unit(pDiff); if ( bSmallBound ) { draw( pic = pic, g = pBegin--pEnd, p = pMeasureLine); } else { real dblBoundSize = GetMeasurementBoundSize(bSmallBound = bSmallBound); if ( dblLeft == 0 ) draw( pic = pic, g = (pFrom + dblBoundSize/2 * unit(pDiff)) -- (pTo - dblBoundSize/2 * unit(pDiff)), p = pMeasureLine); else draw( pic = pic, g = pBegin -- (pFrom - dblBoundSize/2 * unit(pDiff)) ^^ pFrom -- pTo ^^ (pTo + dblBoundSize/2 * unit(pDiff)) -- pEnd, p = pMeasureLine); } path gArrow = GetMeasurementBound(bSmallBound = bSmallBound); picture picL; label(picL, L); pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL) - min(picL)); if ( dblLeft == 0 ) { fill( pic = pic, g = shift(pFrom) * rotate(degrees(-pDiff)) * gArrow, p = pVisibleEdge); fill( pic = pic, g = shift(pTo) * rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * gArrow, p = pVisibleEdge); if ( dblRelPosition < 0 ) dblRelPosition = 0; if ( dblRelPosition > 1 ) dblRelPosition = 1; label( pic = pic, L = rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * L, position = pFrom + dblRelPosition * pDiff + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2); } else { fill( pic = pic, g = shift(pFrom) * rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * gArrow, p = pVisibleEdge); fill( pic = pic, g = shift(pTo) * rotate(degrees(-pDiff)) * gArrow, p = pVisibleEdge); if ( (dblRelPosition >= 0) && (dblRelPosition <= 1) ) label( pic = pic, L = rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * L, position = pFrom + dblRelPosition * pDiff + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2); else { // draw label outside if ( dblRelPosition < 0 ) label( pic = pic, L = rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * L, position = pBegin + pLabelSize.x / 2 * unit(pDiff) + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2); else // dblRelPosition > 1 label( pic = pic, L = rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * L, position = pEnd - pLabelSize.x / 2 * unit(pDiff) + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2); } } } // end of MeasureLine void MeasureParallel(picture pic = currentpicture, Label L, pair pFrom, pair pTo, real dblDistance, // Variables from MeasureLine real dblLeft = 0, real dblRight = 0, real dblRelPosition = 0.5, bool bSmallBound = false) { pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom; pair pPerpendicularDiff = unit(rotate(90) * pDiff); real dblDistancePlus; if ( dblDistance >= 0 ) dblDistancePlus = dblDistance + 1mm; else dblDistancePlus = dblDistance - 1mm; draw( pic = pic, g = pFrom--(pFrom + dblDistancePlus*pPerpendicularDiff), p = pMeasureHelpLine ); draw( pic = pic, g = pTo--(pTo + dblDistancePlus*pPerpendicularDiff), p = pMeasureHelpLine ); MeasureLine( pic = pic, L = L, pFrom = pFrom + dblDistance * pPerpendicularDiff, pTo = pTo + dblDistance * pPerpendicularDiff, dblLeft = dblLeft, dblRight = dblRight, dblRelPosition = dblRelPosition, bSmallBound = bSmallBound); } // end of MeasureParallel path MakeFreehand(pair pFrom, pair pTo, real dblRelDivisionLength = 12.5, real dblRelDistortion = 2.5, bool bIncludeTo = true) { pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom; pair pPerpendicular = dblRelDistortion * linewidth(pFreehand) * unit(rotate(90) * pDiff); int nNumOfSubDivisions=ceil(length(pDiff) / (dblRelDivisionLength * linewidth(pFreehand))); restricted real[] dblDistortion = {1, -.5, .75, -.25, .25, -1, .5, -.75, .25, -.25}; int nDistortion = 0; guide g; g = pFrom; for ( int i = 1 ; i < nNumOfSubDivisions ; ++i ) { g = g .. (pFrom + pDiff * i / (real)nNumOfSubDivisions + pPerpendicular * dblDistortion[nDistortion]); nDistortion += 1; if ( nDistortion > 9 ) nDistortion = 0; } if ( bIncludeTo ) g = g .. pTo; return g; } // end of MakeFreehand } // end of CAD