1-column abstract in 2-column document

One often requires that the abstract of a paper should appear across the entire page, even in a two-column paper. The required trick is:

  ... % \author, etc
Unfortunately, with the above \thanks won’t work in the \author list. If you need such specially-numbered footnotes, you can make them like this:
  \author{Me, You\thanks{}}
    ... as above ...
    \footnotetext[1]{Thanks for nothing}
and so on.

As an alternative, among other facilities the abstract package provides a \saythanks command and a onecolabstract environment which remove the need to fiddle with the \thanks and footnoting. They can be used like this:

  \maketitle             % full width title
  \begin{onecolabstract} % full width abstract
  ... text 
\saythanks               % typeset any \thanks
The memoir class offers all the facilities of abstract.
macros/latex/contrib/abstract (gzipped tar, browse)
macros/latex/contrib/memoir (gzipped tar, browse)

This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=onecolabs