Typesetting all those TeX-related logos
Knuth was making a particular point about the capabilities of TeX
when he defined the logo. Unfortunately, many believe, he thereby
opened floodgates to give the world a whole range of rather silly
‘bumpy road’ logos such as AMSTeX, PicTeX, BibTeX, and so on,
produced in a flurry of different fonts, sizes, and baselines — indeed,
everything one might hope to cause them to obstruct the reading process.
In particular, Lamport invented LaTeX
(silly enough in itself, with a raised small ‘A’ and a lowered ‘E’)
and marketing input from Addison-Wesley led to the even
stranger current logo
LaTeX2e, which appends a lowered single-stroke Greek letter
Sensible users don’t have to follow this stuff wherever it goes,
but, for those who insist, a large collection of logos is defined in
the texnames package (but note that this set of macros isn’t
entirely reliable in LaTeX2e).
The Metafont and MetaPost logos can be set in fonts that LaTeX2e
knows about (so that they scale with the surrounding text) using the
mflogo package; but be aware that booby-traps surround the
use of the Knuthian font for MetaPost (you might get
something like ‘META O T’).
You needn’t despair, however — the author himself uses just ‘MetaPost’.
For those who don’t wish to acquire the ‘proper’ logos, the canonical
thing to do is to say AMS-
for AMSTeX, Pic
for PicTeX, Bib
for BibTeX, and so on.
- mflogo.sty
- macros/latex/contrib/mflogo (gzipped tar, browse)
- texnames.sty
- info/biblio/texnames.sty
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=logos