<title>UK TeX FAQ -- question label addtoreset</title>
<h3>Master and slave counters</h3>
<p/>It&rsquo;s common to have things numbered &ldquo;per chapter&rdquo; (for example, in
the standard <i>book</i> and <i>report</i> classes, figures, tables
and footnotes are all numbered thus).  The process of resetting is
done automatically, when the &ldquo;master&rdquo; counter is stepped (when the
<code>\</code><code>chapter</code> command that starts chapter &lt;<i>n</i>&gt; happens, the
<code>chapter</code> counter is stepped, and all the dependent counters are set
to zero).
<p/>How would you do that for yourself?  You might want to number
algorithms per section, or corrollaries per theorem, for example.  If
you&rsquo;re defining these things by hand, you declare the relationship
when you define the counter in the first place:
says that every time counter &lt;<i>master</i>&gt; is stepped, counter
&lt;<i>new-name</i>&gt; will be reset.
<p/>But what if you have an uncooperative package, that defines the
objects for you, but doesn&rsquo;t provide a programmer interface to make
the counters behave as you want?
<p/>The <code>\</code><code>newcounter</code> command uses a LaTeX internal command, and you
can also use it:
(but remember that it needs to be between <code>\</code><code>makeatletter</code> and
<code>\</code><code>makeatother</code>, or in a package of your own).
<p/>The <i>chngcntr</i> package encapsulates the <code>\</code><code>@addtoreset</code>
command into a command <code>\</code><code>counterwithin</code>.  So:
will make the corrollary counter slave to theorem counters.  The
command without its asterisk:
will do the same, and also redefine <code>\</code><code>thecorrollary</code> as 
&lt;<i>theorem number</i>&gt;.&lt;<i>corollary number</i>&gt;, which is a good scheme
if you ever want to refer to the corrollaries &mdash; there are potentially
many &ldquo;corrollary 1&rdquo; in any document, so it&rsquo;s as well to tie its number
to the counter of the theorem it belongs to.  This is true of pretty
much any such counter-within-another; if you&rsquo;re not using the
<i>chngcntr</i>, refer to the answer to 
<a href="FAQ-the-commands.html">redefining counters&rsquo; <code>\</code><code>the-</code>commands</a> for
the necessary techniques.
<p/>Note that the technique doesn&rsquo;t work if the master counter is <code>page</code>,
the number of the current page.  The <code>page</code> counter is stepped deep
inside the output routine, which usually gets called some time after
the text for the new page has started to appear: so special
techniques are required to deal with that.  One special case is dealt
with elsewhere: <a href="FAQ-footnpp.html">footnotes numbered per page</a>.  One
of the techniques described there, using package <i>perpage</i>,
may be applied to any counter.  The command:
will cause &lt;<i>counter</i>&gt; to be reset for each page.  The package uses
a label-like mechanism, and may require more than one run of LaTeX
to stabilise counter values &mdash; LaTeX will generate the usual
warnings about labels changing.
<dt><tt><i>chngcntr.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/misc/chngcntr.sty">macros/latex/contrib/misc/chngcntr.sty</a>
<dt><tt><i>perpage.sty</i></tt><dd>Distributed as part <a href="ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot.zip">macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot</a> (<a href="ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot.tar.gz">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot/">browse</a>)
<p/><p>This question on the Web: <a href="http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=addtoreset">http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=addtoreset</a>