;; $Id: basic.xdy,v 1.2 2008/01/09 15:13:54 jschrod Exp $ -*- Lisp -*- ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; (history at end) ;; Licensed under GPL, see README and LICENSE. ;;; ;;; Very basic xindy style, to get some TeX-like output at all. ;;; Useful for testing without the whole texindy framework. ;;; It assumes the alphabets to be handled elsewhere, by language modules. ;;; (define-location-class "page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers")) (define-attributes ("default")) (markup-letter-group :open-head "~n~n \textbf{" :close-head "}~n" :capitalize) (markup-indexentry :open "~n \item " :depth 0) (markup-indexentry :open "~n \subitem " :depth 1) (markup-indexentry :open "~n \subsubitem " :depth 2) (markup-locclass-list :open "\quad ") (markup-locref-list :sep ", ") (markup-range :sep "--") ;====================================================================== ;; ;; $Log: basic.xdy,v $ ;; Revision 1.2 2008/01/09 15:13:54 jschrod ;; Add another newline in front of letter groups. ;; ;; Revision 1.1 2006/08/05 15:58:11 jschrod ;; Initial revision. ;;