# Generated by /home/texlive/karl/Master/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr on Sat Oct 5 01:53:45 2019 # $Id: updmap-hdr.cfg 42939 2017-01-13 14:32:10Z preining $ # # The updmap.cfg in the TEXMFDIST tree is generated by tlmgr by # concatenating updmap-hdr.cfg with the updmap.cfg files in this tree. # # To make local customizations to the map files, using one of the # following methods is simplest: # 1) run # updmap-sys --enable Map=foo.map # for each map file. (Or MixedMap instead of Map, if your font has # both Metafont and outline definitions.) See the updmap --help # documentation. This will add lines to the updmap.cfg file in # TEXMFSYSCONFIG (creating it if necessary). # # 2) put all your additional fonts into TEXMFLOCAL, edit # TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg, and run updmap-sys. # # See the output of updmap --help and/or # http://tug.org/fonts/fontinstall.html for more. # # In any case, manual edits to TL's updmap.cfg files, psfonts.map, # pdftex.map, etc., will be lost on update. So don't do that. # # The default settings of the updmap options (not maps) are also # specified in TEXMFDIST/web2c/updmap.cfg (also coming originally from # updmap-hdr.cfg) and can be overridden by an updmap.cfg in any other # tree. # # Options for updmap. # dvipsPreferOutline # # Should dvips (by default) prefer bitmap fonts or outline fonts # if both are available? Independent of this setting, outlines # can be forced by putting "p psfonts_t1.map" into a config file # that dvips reads. Bitmaps (for the fonts in question) can # be forced by putting "p psfonts_pk.map" into a config file. # We provide such config files which can be enabled via # dvips -Poutline ... resp. dvips -Ppk ... # dvipsPreferOutline true # LW35 # # Which fonts for the "Basic 35 Laserwriter Fonts" do you want to use and # how are the filenames chosen? Valid settings: # URW: URW fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. n019064l.pfb) # URWkb: URW fonts with "berry" filenames (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb) # ADOBE: Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb) # ADOBEkb: Adobe fonts with "berry" filenames (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb) # LW35 URWkb # dvipsDownloadBase35 # # Should dvips (by default) download the standard 35 LaserWriter fonts # with the document (then set dvipsDownloadBase35 true) or should these # fonts be used from the ps interpreter / printer? # Whatever the default is, the user can override it by specifying # dvips -Pdownload35 ... resp. dvips -Pbuiltin35 ... to either download # the LW35 fonts resp. use the built-in fonts. # dvipsDownloadBase35 true # pdftexDownloadBase14 # # Should pdftex download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations # (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download # the fonts. The PDF files will get bigger, though. # pdftexDownloadBase14 true # dvipdfmDownloadBase14 # # Should dvipdfm(x) download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations # (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download # the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though. # dvipdfmDownloadBase14 true # jaEmbed, scEmbed, tcEmbed, koEmbed # # updmap generates a file kanjix.map for usage with dvipdfmx. With this # option one can switch between not embedding any kanji font, or # any of the several available. # # The value can be any string. When updmap is run, the substring # @jaEmbed@ in a map file name will be replaced with this value, and # the respective map file used. # jaEmbed ipaex scEmbed arphic tcEmbed arphic koEmbed baekmuk # (end of updmap-hdr.cfg) Map accanthis.map Map OrnementsADF.map Map ArrowsADF.map Map BulletsADF.map Map Alegreya.map Map AlgolRevived.map MixedMap allrunes.map Map almendra.map Map euler.map MixedMap cm.map MixedMap cmextra.map MixedMap cyrillic.map MixedMap latxfont.map MixedMap symbols.map Map AnonymousPro.map Map uaq.map Map antt.map Map arabi.map MixedMap arabtex.map Map syriac.map Map archaicprw.map Map arev.map Map arimo.map MixedMap arss.map MixedMap artm.map Map bkaiu.map Map bsmiu.map Map gbsnu.map Map gkaiu.map Map ascii.map Map aspectratio.map Map augie.map Map auncial.map Map aurical.map Map uag.map Map ybv.map Map baskervaldx.map Map BaskervilleF.map MixedMap bbold.map Map belleek.map Map bera.map Map ybd.map Map beuron.map Map bguq.map Map bitter.map Map sqrcaps.map Map ubk.map Map boondox.map Map pbsi.map Map burmese.map Map cabin.map Map caladea.map Map calligra.map Map cantarell.map Map carlito.map Map cmin.map MixedMap cbgreek-full.map MixedMap ccpl.map Map ccicons.map Map clm.map Map chemarrow.map Map Chivo.map Map cinzel.map Map cjhebrew.map Map ClearSans.map MixedMap cmtext-bsr-interpolated.map Map cm-lgc.map MixedMap cm-super-t1.map MixedMap cm-super-t2a.map MixedMap cm-super-t2b.map MixedMap cm-super-t2c.map MixedMap cm-super-ts1.map MixedMap cm-super-x2.map Map cmcyr.map Map cmexb.map MixedMap cmll.map Map cmsrb.map Map Cochineal.map Map Coelacanth.map Map comfortaa.map Map ComicNeue.map Map ComicNeueAngular.map Map original-context-symbol.map Map CormorantGaramond.map Map countriesofeurope.map Map ucr.map Map crimson.map Map CrimsonPro.map Map cs-charter.map Map csfonts.map Map cuprum.map Map cyklop.map Map dad.map Map dante.map Map dejavu-type1.map Map dictsym.map Map dstroke.map Map droidsans.map Map droidsansmono.map Map droidserif.map Map DSSerif.map Map dutchcal.map Map EBGaramond.map Map EBGaramond-Maths.map Map yes.map Map epigrafica.map Map epiolmec.map Map erewhon.map MixedMap esint.map Map esrelation.map Map ESSTIX.map Map esvect.map MixedMap ethiop.map MixedMap eurosym.map Map fbb.map Map fdsymbol.map Map fetamont.map Map fge.map Map fira.map Map foekfont.map Map fonetika.map Map fontawesome.map Map fontawesome5.map Map nectec.map Map nf.map Map sipa.map Map tlwg.map Map forum.map Map fourier-utopia-expert.map Map fourier.map Map frcursive.map Map garuda-c90.map Map gentium-type1.map Map gfsartemisia.map Map gfsbaskerville.map Map gfsbodoni.map Map gfscomplutum.map Map gfsdidot.map Map gfsneohellenic.map Map gfsporson.map Map gfssolomos.map Map gillius.map Map go.map Map ugq.map Map hacm.map Map uhv.map Map Heuristica.map MixedMap hfbright.map MixedMap iby.map Map imfellEnglish.map Map zi4.map Map Acorn.map Map AnnSton.map Map ArtNouv.map Map ArtNouvc.map Map Carrickc.map Map Eichenla.map Map Eileen.map Map EileenBl.map Map Elzevier.map Map GotIn.map Map GoudyIn.map Map Kinigcap.map Map Konanur.map Map Kramer.map Map MorrisIn.map Map Nouveaud.map Map Romantik.map Map Rothdn.map Map RoyalIn.map Map Sanremo.map Map Starburst.map Map Typocaps.map Map Zallman.map Map InriaSans.map Map InriaSerif.map Map ipaex-type1.map Map iwona.map KanjiMap otf-@jaEmbed@.map KanjiMap otf-ko-@koEmbed@.map KanjiMap otf-sc-@scEmbed@.map KanjiMap otf-tc-@tcEmbed@.map KanjiMap otf-up-@jaEmbed@.map Map kerkis.map Map knitfont.map Map kpfonts.map Map kurier.map Map lato.map Map libertine.map Map libertinegc.map Map libertinus.map Map libertinust1math.map Map LibreBaskerville.map Map LibreBodoni.map Map LibreCaslon.map Map LibreFranklin.map Map yly.map Map linearA.map Map LinguisticsPro.map Map l7x-urwvn.map Map lm.map Map LobsterTwo.map MixedMap lxfonts.map MixedMap manfnt.map Map marcellus.map Map marvosym.map Map mathabx.map Map mdbch.map Map mdgreek.map Map mdici.map Map mdpgd.map Map mdpus.map Map mdput.map Map mdugm.map Map mdsymbol.map Map merriweather.map Map troff-updmap.map MixedMap mflogo.map Map miama.map Map mintspirit.map Map MnSymbol.map MixedMap mongolian.map Map montserrat.map KanjiMap morisawa5.map MixedMap musix.map Map mxedruli.map Map nanumfonts.map Map unc.map Map newpx.map Map newtx.map Map newtxsf.map Map newtxtt.map Map niceframe.map Map nimbus15.map Map norasi-c90.map Map noto.map Map cherokee.map Map ocrb.map Map oinuit.map Map oasy.map Map OldStandard.map Map omega.map Map opensans.map Map overlock.map Map upl.map Map paratype-type1.map Map dummy-space.map Map phaistos.map MixedMap pigpen.map MixedMap plother.map MixedMap pltext.map Map PlayfairDisplay.map Map plex.map Map ap.map Map prodint.map Map charter.map Map fpls.map Map pazo.map Map utopia.map KanjiMap ptex-@jaEmbed@@jaVariant@.map Map pxfonts.map Map pxtx.map Map quattrocento.map Map Raleway.map Map recycle.map Map roboto.map Map yrd.map Map Rosario.map MixedMap rsfs.map Map rsfso.map Map skt.map Map sansmathaccent.map Map sansmathfonts.map Map scanpages.map MixedMap semaf.map Map SkakNew.map Map SourceCodePro.map Map SourceSansPro.map Map SourceSerifPro.map Map starfont.map Map icelandic.map Map STEP.map Map SticksTooText.map Map stix.map Map stix2.map MixedMap stmaryrd.map Map superiors.map Map svrsymbols.map Map usy.map Map tabvar.map Map tempora.map Map mathpple.map Map qag.map Map qbk.map Map qcr.map Map qcs.map Map qhv.map Map qpl.map Map qtm.map Map qzc.map Map tfrupee.map Map TheanoDidot.map Map TheanoModern.map Map TheanoOldStyle.map Map utm.map Map tinos.map MixedMap tipa.map MixedMap trajan.map Map txfonts.map Map gptimes.map Map TXUprCal.map Map umj.map Map universalis.map KanjiMap uptex-@jaEmbed@@jaVariant@.map KanjiMap uptex-ko-@koEmbed@.map KanjiMap uptex-sc-@scEmbed@.map KanjiMap uptex-tc-@tcEmbed@.map MixedMap dvng.map Map yv1.map Map yv2.map Map yv3.map Map yvo.map Map yvt.map Map arevvn.map Map chartervn.map Map cmbrightvn.map Map concretevn.map Map grotesqvn.map Map txttvn.map Map urwvn.map MixedMap vnrother.map MixedMap vnrtext.map Map vntopia.map Map dgj.map Map dmj.map Map mc2j.map Map mcj.map Map mr2j.map Map mrj.map MixedMap wasy.map Map XCharter.map MixedMap xypic.map Map yfrak.map MixedMap yhmath.map Map uzc.map Map uzd.map