# texdoc.cnf # # DO NOT edit this file! # # For your personal settings, run 'texdoc -f' and use the file indicated by a # star; you may need to create it. DO NOT copy the present file, please # create a new one (you may want to copy/paste/edit portions of the present # file however, or just read it for inspiration). # # For system-wide configuration or other uses, you may want to use the other # files listed, see the manual (texdoc texdoc) for details. The files are read # in the order they are printed. If a value is set multiple times, first wins. # # In those files, you can set your preferred viewer for various formats, # some nice names (alias) for specific documentation, and your preferred default # values of texdoc's configuration settings. # # Everything after a # on a line is ignored. # Spaces at the beginning/end of a line, as well as empty lines, are ignored. # # For more details, see the texdoc manual (try `texdoc texdoc'). # General settings # ================ ## Viewers # Defaults depend on what is available on your system, as well as your desktop # environment. Here are a few examples. # # %s is optional and stands for the filename. # # viewer_pdf = xpdf # works # viewer_pdf = xpdf %s & # works even better # If you want to enable support for zipped documentation (see below), # you may want to adapt viewer_* so that it starts a subshell: # # viewer_pdf = (xpdf %s) & # # Otherwise, the & will have no effect since the viewing command is followed by # some cleanup-commands for temporary files. For the same reason, %s must be the # last thing on your command line: (xpdf %s -option) will not work. # # WARNING: for zip support your viewer needs to be blocking, i.e. it must not # return immediately: otherwise the temporary file will be deleted too early. ## Zipped documentation support # WARNING: support for zipped documents works only on Unix. Make sure that the # values of the associated options are adapted to your system. Read the above # warning concerning viewers. # Built-in defaults (for reference): # # zipext_list = # (empty list) # rm_file = rm -f # rm_dir = rmdir # # For each "ext" in zipext_list, you must define a "unzip_ext" unzipper. # The unzipped data must be printed on stdout. Example: # # zipext_list = gz # unzip_gz = gzip -d -c ## User interaction # Built-in defaults (for reference): # # mode = view # # interact_switch = true # machine_switch = false # # verbosity_level = 2 # Print: 0: nothing, 1: errors, 2: warnings, 3: infos # debug_list = # the empty list ## Documentation searching # Built-in defaults (for reference): # # ext_list = pdf, htm, html, txt, ps, dvi, # Note: empty string at end # badext_list = txt, # Note: empty string at end # basename_list = readme, 00readme # badbasename_list = readme, 00readme # Known suffixes for documentation suffix_list = doc, -doc, _doc, .doc, /doc, manual, /manual, -manual, userguide, /user_guide, -guide, -user, -man, notes, -info, ref # Score adjustments # ================= # Results are sorted by score (decreasing). # Only results with positive scores are displayed (unless mode is 'showall'). # Results with score <= -100 are never displayed. # # The score of results containing a given pattern can be adjusted using the # 'adjscore' directive, either globally or only for specific queries. It is # also possible to set the score directly in alias directives, see the next # section. # # As a general rule, use 'adjscore' if you only want to adjust the score of # particular results, and 'alias' if you want to add new results (possibly # adjusting their score) for a particular query. # # To override one of the settings below, use the 'noadjscore' directive in # your personal configuration file, see the manual for details. ## General adjustments # Makefile are never documentation, just as documents in src or source subdir # -1000 should be enough to kill them adjscore /Makefile = -1000 adjscore /src/ = -1000 adjscore /source/ = -1000 # licence files aren't very likely to contain relevant documentation, but it # feels wrong to totally kill them adjscore copying = -10 adjscore license = -10 adjscore gpl = -10 # tex-virtual-academy provides a lot of spurious matches adjscore /tex-virtual-academy-pl/ = -50 # test and example files are not likely the best documentation adjscore test = -3 adjscore tests = -3 adjscore example = -3 adjscore examples = -3 adjscore sample = -3 adjscore samples = -3 adjscore /images/ = -3 # readme's usually get a negative score because they have a bad extension, # but they're still slightly better than other results with negative scores adjscore readme = 0.1 # uncomment this to make the man pages have a greater priority #adjscore .man1. = 5 #adjscore .man5. = 5 ## Specific adjustments # 'texdoc' may look like "tex's documentation" but it isn't # similar problem with 'tex-*' adjscore(tex) texdoc = -10 adjscore(tex) tex-gyre = -10 adjscore(tex) tex-ps = -10 # avoid too many results to be shown for 'latex' # package names adjscore(latex) cjw-latex = -10 adjscore(latex) cweb-latex = -10 adjscore(latex) duerer-latex = -10 adjscore(latex) guide-to-latex = -10 # only useful with the book adjscore(latex) latex-web-companion = -10 adjscore(latex) ocr-latex = -10 adjscore(latex) tufte-latex = -10 # file names adjscore(latex) Content_LaTeX_Package_Demo = -10 adjscore(latex) example_latex = -10 adjscore(latex) test_latex = -10 # beamer adjscore(beamer) beamer-tut-pt/tutorialbeamer = +10 adjscore(beamer) beamer-FUBerlin = -3 adjscore(beamer) beamer-tut-pt = -10 adjscore(beamer) presentations = -10 # misc adjscore(context) circuitikz = -10 adjscore(context) /gnuplot/ = -3 adjscore(context) context.man1 = +2 adjscore(symbols) /staves/ = -5 # catalogue info missing in the tlcontrib version of the package :-( adjscore(pgf) pgfmanual.pdf = +5 # context version is found first adjscore(fixme) /third/ = -6 # Aliases # ======= # Aliases allow to add results for a specific query, by making texdoc search # for additional keywords in the file name. Matches for the new keyword get a # very high score by default, but this can be adjusted. # # To override one of the settings below, use the 'noalias' directive in # your personal configuration file, see the manual for details. ## Essential documentation alias live = texlive-en alias texlive = texlive-en alias tex-live = texlive-en ## various stuff # a few useful general documents alias faq-en = newfaq alias faq = newfaq alias latex = latex-doc-ptr # various lshort translations adjscore(lshort) /lshort-english/ = +0.5 # original alias lshort-de = l2kurz # german alias lshort-pl = lshort-polish/lshort2e # polish alias lshort-pt = pt-lshort # portuguese alias lshort-sk = slshorte # slovak alias lshort-es = lshort-spanish/lshort-a4 # spanish # *TeX engines reference manuals, man pages and related alias e-tex-ref = etex_man alias etex-ref = etex_man alias pdftex-ref = pdftex-a #alias xetex-ref = xetex-reference # OK alias xelatex = xetex-reference alias luatex-ref = luatexref-t # by default, = -ref (duplicated: no alias cascading) alias e-tex = etex_man alias etex = etex_man alias pdftex = pdftex-a #alias xetex = xetex-reference # OK alias xelatex = xetex-reference alias luatex = luatexref-t alias e-tex-man = etex.man1 alias etex-man = etex.man1 alias pdftex-man = pdftex.man1 #alias xetex-man = xetex.man1 # missing alias luatex-man = luatex.man1 alias luatex-pkg = oberdiek/luatex.pdf # latex/basic classes alias article = classes alias book = classes alias report = classes #alias ltxguide = ? # missing #alias minimal = ? # missing adjscore(minimal) europecv = -1000 # false positive # latex/basic packages, sorted by dtx alias doc = base/doc alias shortvrb = base/doc alias letter = base/letter alias slides = base/slides alias(20) fontenc = encguide alias(20) textcomp = encguide alias fix-cm = fixltx2e alias bezier = latex209 alias fleqn = latex209 alias leqno = latex209 alias openbib = latex209 alias t1enc = latex209 alias makeidx = makeindx alias showidx = makeindx alias flafter = source2e alias fontenc = source2e alias textcomp = source2e alias tracefnt = source2e # TODO: try to avoid the huge amount of false positives for `doc' itself. # latex's required graphics bundle alias color-dev = color alias epsfig-dev = epsfig alias graphics-dev = graphics alias graphicx-dev = graphicx alias color = grfguide alias epsfig = grfguide alias graphics = grfguide alias graphicx = grfguide # latex's required psnfss2e bundle #alias avant = psnfss2e #alias bookman = psnfss2e #alias chancery = psnfss2e alias charter = psnfss2e alias courier = psnfss2e #alias helvet = psnfss2e alias mathpazo = psnfss2e #alias mathpple = psnfss2e #alias mathptm = psnfss2e #alias mathptmx = psnfss2e #alias newcent = psnfss2e #alias palatino = psnfss2e #alias times = psnfss2e alias utopia = psnfss2e # ams alias amsfonts = amsfndoc alias amslatex2 = technote alias amsmath = amsldoc alias amsrefs = amsrdoc alias amsthm = amsthdoc alias amsart = instr-l alias amsbook = instr-l alias amscls = instr-l alias amsproc = instr-l alias amsart-dev = amsclass alias amsbook-dev = amsclass alias amscls-dev = amsclass alias amsproc-dev = amsclass alias amsmath-dev = amsmath # koma-script alias koma = scrguien alias koma-script = scrguien alias scrartcl = scrguien alias scrbook = scrguien alias scrreprt = scrguien alias typearea = scrguien alias koma-de = scrguide alias koma-script-de = scrguide alias scrartcl-de = scrguide alias scrbook-de = scrguide alias scrreprt-de = scrguide alias typearea-de = scrguide # tugboat package and classes alias tugboat = ltubguid # caption alias caption = caption-eng alias caption-dev = caption.pdf # metapost by various names alias metapost = mpman alias(5) metapost = mpgraph alias(5) metapost = mpintro alias mpost = mpman alias(5) mpost = mpgraph alias(5) mpost = mpintro alias mp = mpman alias(5) mp = mpgraph alias(5) mp = mpintro # latex3 and friends alias latex3 = ltx3info alias l3bootstrap = interface3 alias l3names = interface3 alias l3basics = interface3 alias l3expan = interface3 alias l3prg = interface3 alias l3quark = interface3 alias l3token = interface3 alias l3int = interface3 alias l3skip = interface3 alias l3tl = interface3 alias l3seq = interface3 alias l3clist = interface3 alias l3prop = interface3 alias l3box = interface3 alias l3coffins = interface3 alias l3color = interface3 alias l3msg = interface3 alias l3keys = interface3 alias l3file = interface3 alias l3fp = interface3 alias l3luatex = interface3 # misc alias autofe = ucs alias afoot = arabtex-doc alias arabicfont = bezos alias bibtex = btxdoc alias(5) cmsuper = cm-super/FAQ alias cm-super = cm-super/README alias cmsuper = cm-super/README alias cyrillic = cyrillic/00readme.txt alias elsarticle = elsdoc alias(0.1) fontinst = fontinstallationguide alias hyperref = hyperref/manual.pdf alias hyperref-dev = hyperref.pdf alias iso = isoman alias lettrine = lettrine # to hide context/third/lettrine-doc.pdf alias nonfloat-de = nonfloat alias nonfloat = nonfloat-en alias xstring-fr = xstring_doc_fr alias arabic = arabi/user_guide alias 3parttable = threeparttable alias croatian = babel alias mls = montex alias vrbexin = verbasef alias dtk = dtk/doc/beispiel.pdf alias musixtex = musixdoc alias mychemistry = mychemistry_en alias mychemistry-de = mychemistry_de alias cjk = CJK.txt # FIXME: should be case insensitive alias ieee = IEEEtran_HOWTO alias layouts = layman alias plnfss = plnfss.txt # XXX alias teubner = teubner-doc alias xypic = xyguide alias kvoptions-patch = kvoptions # XXX? alias cweb = cwebman # XXX: is in 'cweb' dir, should win alias einfuehrung = einfuehrung/README # tl should get "readme" tag ## a few easy patterns # egrep 'manual\.pdf\>' alias tree-dvips = tree-manual # egrep 'user\.pdf\>' alias cweb-latex = cweb-user # egrep 'doc\.pdf\>' alias barcode = eandoc.pdf alias enctex-cz = encdoc alias ngerman = gerdoc alias jurabib-de = jbgerdoc alias ofs-cz = ofsdoc alias ofs = ofsdoc-e alias pst-geo = pst-map3d-doc ## aliases basically borrowed from texdoctk.dat with some adaptations alias akletter = akletter/lettereng alias arydshln = arydshln-man alias cv = curve/curve alias datenumber-de = datenumber/docgerman alias labels(1) = envlab/elguide alias expressg = expeg alias flcards = flashcards alias lehman = fontinstallationguide alias gnlogic = gn-logic14 alias kluwer = kluwer/usrman alias lmfonts = lm-info alias mathenv = mdwtab alias montex = mlsquick alias mltex = mltex/mltex.txt alias natbib2 = natnotes alias uktugfaq = newfaq alias onrannual = onrannual/README alias otibet = otibet/unidoc alias pbdiagram = pb-manual alias tikz = pgfmanual alias apmgraph = pmgraph alias preprint = preprint/00readme.txt alias dutch = rapdoc alias startex = startex/base/guide alias tangles = t-angles/t-manual alias tex4ht = tex4ht/mn.html alias(60) akademia = tex-virtual-academy-pl/index.html alias treetex = tree_doc alias lineno = ulineno alias texguide = usrguide alias(5) xypic = xyrefer ## packages from ctan/macros/latex/contrib/misc or with doc in .sty only # the score used is 4.1 because: # - it is less than 4.5, the default score of foobar/foobar.pdf for name foobar # - it is greater than the worse false positive here (.../VERSION for version) # # Anyway, this is a hopefully a temporary measure, since work is going on to # produce suitable documentation for all these packages (thanks to Philipp # Stephani and Robin Fairbairns mostly). alias(4.1) 3parttable = 3parttable.sty alias(4.1) bibcheck = bibcheck.sty alias(4.1) concrete = concrete.sty alias(4.1) linsys = linsys.sty alias(4.1) mitpress = mitpress.sty alias(4.1) nextpage = nextpage.sty alias(4.1) statex2 = statex2.sty alias(4.1) statex = statex.sty alias(4.1) texilikecover = texilikecover.sty alias(4.1) thrmappendix = thrmappendix.sty alias(4.1) topcapt = topcapt.sty alias(4.1) vrbexin = vrbexin.sty # Final hack # # The next line has no effect when this file is installed as the last # configuration file (default) but is useful when you install it as the "tricky" # configuration file (usually TEXMFHOME/texdoc/texdoc-dist.cnf) whose mere # existence is a hack to make it easier to run the the development version, see # . # # It is strongly recommended NOT to use it in any other circumstance. lastfile_switch = true