pltex 0 127 '⋅' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '↓' '' downarrow 1 % pltex.htf (unicode) 2008-06-21 % 'α' '' alpha 2 % Copyright (C) 2004--2008 Eitan M. Gurari % 'β' '' beta 3 % % '∧' '' 4 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions % '¬' '' 5 % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this % '𝜖' '' 6 % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % 'π' '' 7 % of this license is in and % 'λ' '' 8 % version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version % 'γ' '' 9 % 2003/12/01 or later. % 'δ' '' 10 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". This % '↑' '' uparrow 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". This % '±' '' plusminus 12 % If you modify this file your your adding a note of % '⊕' '' oplus 13 % If you modify this file your your adding a note of % '∞' '' infinity 14 % your own after this copyright note will be appreciated. % '∂' '' partial 15 % % '⊂' '' subset 16 % % '⊃' '' supset 17 % % '∩' '' 18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '∪' '' 19 '∀' '' forall 20 '∃' '' exists 21 '⊗' '' otimes 22 '↔' '' leftrightarrow 23 '←' '' leftarrow 24 '→' '' rightarrow 25 '≠' '' notequal 26 '◇' '' diamond 27 '≤' '' lessorequalslant 28 '≶' '' lessorgreater 29 '≡' '' equiv 30 '∨' '' 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' circumflex 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '∫' '' integral 127 pltex 0 127