fr 32 135 '' '' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '!' '' 33 % fr.htf 2005-10-23 % '”' '' right doublequote 34 % Copyright (C) 2002--2005 Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 35 % % '' '' 36 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions % '%' '' 37 % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this % '' '' ampersand 38 % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % '’' '' right singlequote 39 % of this license is in and % '(' '' 40 % version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version % ')' '' 41 % 2003/12/01 or later. % '' '' 42 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". This % '+' '' 43 % Current Maintainer of this work is Eitan M. Gurari. % ',' '' 44 % % '-' '' 45 % If you modify this file your your adding a note of % '.' '' 46 % your own after this copyright note will be appreciated. % '/' '' 47 % % '0' '' 48 % % '1' '' 49 % % '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '∖' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'א' '' aleph 96 'ב' '' beit 97 'ג' '' gimel 98 'ד' '' dalet 99 'ה' '' hei 100 'ו' '' vav 101 'ז' '' zain 102 'ח' '' chet 103 'ט' '' tet 104 'י' '' yud 105 'ך' '' final caf 106 'כ' '' caf 107 'ל' '' lamed 108 'ם' '' final mem 109 'מ' '' mem 110 'ן' '' final nun 111 'נ' '' nun 112 'ס' '' samech 113 'ע' '' hain 114 'ף' '' final pei 115 'פ' '' pei 116 'ץ' '' final tzadik 117 'צ' '' tzadik 118 'ק' '' cuf 119 'ר' '' reish 120 'ש' '' shin 121 'ת' '' taf 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 'ַ' '' patach 130 'ִ' '' chirik 131 'ְ' '' shva 132 'ֶ' '' qubutz 133 'ֵ' '' tzere .. 134 '孄' '' chirik 135 fr 32 135 htfcss: fr font-weight: bold; htfcss: frbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: frsl font-style: oblique;