msbm 0 127 '≨' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '≩' '' 1 % msbm.htf 2008-06-21 % '' '' 2 % Copyright (C) 2000--2008 Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 % % '≮' '' 4 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions % '≯' '' 5 % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this % '⊀' '' 6 % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % '⊁' '' 7 % of this license is in and % '≨' '' 8 % version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version % '≩' '' 9 % 2003/12/01 or later. % '≰' '' 10 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". This % '≱' '' 11 % Current Maintainer of this work is Eitan M. Gurari. % '≩' '' 12 % % '≰' '' 13 % If you modify this file your your adding a note of % '' '' 14 % your own after this copyright note will be appreciated. % '' '' 15 % % '⋨' '' 16 % % '⋩' '' 17 % % '⋦' '' 18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '⋧' '' 19 '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '⋨' '' 24 '⋩' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '≁' '' 28 '≇' '' 29 '/' '' 30 '\\' '' 31 '⊊' '' 32 '⊋' '' 33 '⊈' '' 34 '⊉' '' 35 '⊊' '' 36 '⊋' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '⊊' '' 40 '⊋' '' 41 '⊈' '' 42 '⊉' '' 43 '∦' '' 44 '∤' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '⊬' '' 48 '⊮' '' 49 '⊭' '' 50 '⊯' '' 51 '⋭' '' 52 '⋬' '' 53 '⋪' '' 54 '⋫' '' 55 '↚' '' 56 '↛' '' 57 '⇍' '' 58 '⇏' '' 59 '⇎' '' 60 '↮' '' 61 '⋇' '' 62 '∅' '' 63 '∄' '' 64 '𝔸' '' 65 '𝔹' '' 66 'ℂ' '' 67 '𝔻' '' 68 '𝔼' '' 69 '𝔽' '' 70 '𝔾' '' 71 'ℍ' '' 72 '𝕀' '' 73 '𝕁' '' 74 '𝕂' '' 75 '𝕃' '' 76 '𝕄' '' 77 'ℕ' '' 78 '𝕆' '' 79 'ℙ' '' 80 'ℚ' '' 81 'ℝ' '' 82 '𝕊' '' 83 '𝕋' '' 84 '𝕌' '' 85 '𝕍' '' 86 '𝕎' '' 87 '𝕏' '' 88 '𝕐' '' 89 'ℤ' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'Ⅎ' '' 96 'G' '254' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '℧' '' 102 '∂' '' 103 '≂' '' 104 'ℶ' '' 105 'ℷ' '' 106 'ℸ' '' 107 '⋖' '' 108 '⋗' '' 109 '⋉' '' 110 '⋊' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '\\' '' 114 '∽' '' 115 '' '' 116 '≊' '' 117 '≿' '' 118 '≼' '' 119 '↶' '' 120 '↷' '' 121 'г' '' 122 'ϰ' '' 123 '𝕜' '' 124 'ℏ' '' 125 'ℏ' '' 126 '∍' '' 127 msbm 0 127