%% %% This is file `xunicode-addon.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% xeCJK.dtx (with options: `xunicode') %% %% Copyright (C) 2007--2010 by Wenchang Sun %% Copyright (C) 2009--2020 by Leo Liu %% Copyright (C) 2012--2020 by Qing Lee %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainers of this work are Leo Liu and Qing Lee. %% %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{expl3} \GetIdInfo$Id: xeCJK.dtx f475abb 2020-10-19 20:24:03 +0800 Qing Lee $ {addon file for xunicode} \ProvidesExplPackage{xunicode-addon} {\ExplFileDate}{3.8.6}{\ExplFileDescription} \bool_lazy_or:nnF { \sys_if_engine_xetex_p: } { \sys_if_engine_luatex_p: } { \msg_new:nnnn { xunicode-addon } { xetex-luatex } { This~package~requires~either~XeTeX~or~LuaTeX~to~function.} { You~must~change~your~typesetting~engine~to,~e.g.,\\ "xelatex"~or~"lualatex"~instead~of~plain~"latex"~or~"pdflatex". } \msg_critical:nn { xunicode-addon } { xetex-luatex } } \RequirePackage { xparse } \clist_new:N \g__xunadd_encname_clist \tl_if_exist:NT \UTFencname { \clist_gput_right:Nx \g__xunadd_encname_clist { \UTFencname } } \DeclareOption* { \clist_gput_right:NV \g__xunadd_encname_clist \CurrentOption } \ProcessOptions \scan_stop: \@ifpackageloaded { xunicode } { } { \clist_get:NNF \g__xunadd_encname_clist \UTFencname { \cs_if_exist:NTF \UnicodeEncodingName { \tl_set:Nx \UTFencname { \UnicodeEncodingName } } { \sys_if_engine_xetex:TF { \tl_set:Nn \UTFencname { EU1 } } { \tl_set:Nn \UTFencname { EU2 } } } \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__xunadd_encname_clist \UTFencname } \sys_if_engine_xetex:TF { \RequirePackage { xunicode } } { \cs_set_eq:NN \__xunadd_tmp:w \XeTeXpicfile \cs_set_eq:NN \XeTeXpicfile \prg_do_nothing: \RequirePackage { xunicode } \cs_set_eq:NN \XeTeXpicfile \__xunadd_tmp:w } } \AtEndOfPackage { \__xunadd_reload:N \g__xunadd_encname_clist } \RenewDocumentCommand \ReloadXunicode { m } { \clist_set:Nx \l__xunadd_encname_clist {#1} \__xunadd_reload:N \l__xunadd_encname_clist } \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_reload:N #1 { \cs_set_eq:NN \__xunadd_tmp:w \iftipaonetoken \cs_set_eq:NN \iftipaonetoken \scan_stop: \use:x { \ExplSyntaxOff \char_set_catcode_letter:n { 64 } \exp_not:N \clist_map_function:NN \exp_not:N #1 \__xunadd_reload_aux:n \bool_if:NTF \l__kernel_expl_bool { \ExplSyntaxOn } { \ExplSyntaxOff } \char_set_catcode:nn { 64 } { \char_value_catcode:n { 64 } } } \cs_set_eq:NN \iftipaonetoken \__xunadd_tmp:w } \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_reload_aux:n #1 { \cs_if_exist:cTF { T@ #1 } { \tl_set:Nn \UTFencname {#1} \clist_if_in:NnF \g__xunadd_encname_clist {#1} { \clist_gput_right:Nn \g__xunadd_encname_clist {#1} } \file_input:n { xunicode.sty } \file_input:n { xunicode-extra.def } } { \msg_error:nnn { xunicode-addon } { encoding-unknown } {#1} } } \clist_new:N \l__xunadd_encname_clist \msg_new:nnnn { xunicode-addon } { encoding-unknown } { Encoding~scheme~"#1"~unknown. } { You~may~use \\\\ \token_to_str:N \usepackage [ #1 , \encodingdefault ] \{fontenc\} \\\\ before~xunicode-addon~or~xunicode. } \RenewDocumentCommand \DeclareUTFmathsymbols { m } { \bool_if:NT \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_bool { \seq_map_inline:Nn \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_seq { \__xunadd_declare_math_as_UTF_text:n {##1} } \bool_set_false:N \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_bool } } \seq_new:N \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_seq \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_seq { hbar , Finv , aleph , beth , gimel , daleth , Game } \bool_new:N \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_bool \RenewDocumentCommand \UseMathAsText { } { \math@s@text@true \bool_set_true:N \l__xunadd_math_as_UTF_text_bool } \@onlypreamble \UseMathAsText \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_declare_math_as_UTF_text:n #1 { \cs_if_exist:cTF {#1} { \cs_new_eq:cc { keepmathUTF #1 } {#1} \cs_gset_protected:cpx {#1} { \exp_not:N \mode_if_math:TF { 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{#4} {#2} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_undeclare_composite:Nnnn #1#2#3#4 { \cs_undefine:c { \__xunadd_composite_cs:Nnn #1 {#2} {#3} } } \cs_new:Npx \__xunadd_composite_cs:Nnn #1#2#3 { \c_backslash_str #2 \exp_not:N \token_to_str:N #1 - \exp_not:N \tl_to_str:n {#3} } \cs_new:Npx \__xunadd_composite_cs:nnn #1#2#3 { \c_backslash_str #2 #1 - \exp_not:N \tl_to_str:n {#3} } \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__xunadd_if_csname:n #1 { TF } { \tl_if_single_token:nTF {#1} { \token_if_cs:NTF #1 { \prg_return_true: } { \token_if_active:NTF #1 { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } } { \prg_return_false: } } \RenewDocumentCommand \DeclareUTFcharacter { O { \UTFencname } m m } { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { __xunadd_restore_ \tl_to_str:n {#3} : } { \__xunadd_if_csname:nTF {#3} { \__xunadd_declare_character:Nnn #3 } { \__xunadd_declare_character:cnn { \tl_to_str:n {#3} } } {#1} {#2} } } \cs_new_protected:cpn { __xunadd_restore_ \tl_to_str:n { \hbar } : } { \__xunadd_restore_cmd:N \hbar } 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{#2} } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \__xunadd_declare_character:NNnn { NNx } \cs_new:Npn \__xunadd_check_slot:n #1 { \int_eval:n { \tl_if_head_eq_charcode:nNTF {#1} x { " \use_none:n #1 } {#1} } } \RenewDocumentCommand \DeclareUTFcomposite { O { \UTFencname } m m m } { \__xunadd_if_csname:nTF {#3} { \__xunadd_declare_composite:Nnnn #3 } { \__xunadd_declare_composite:cnnn { \tl_to_str:n {#3} } } {#1} {#4} {#2} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_declare_composite:Nnnn #1#2#3#4 { \tex_afterassignment:D \use_none_delimit_by_q_stop:w \__xunadd_chardef:cn { \__xunadd_composite_cs:Nnn #1 {#2} {#3} } { \__xunadd_check_slot:n {#4} } \q_stop } \cs_new_protected:Npn \__xunadd_chardef:Nn #1#2 { \tex_chardef:D #1 = \tex_numexpr:D #2 \scan_stop: } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \__xunadd_chardef:Nn { c } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \__xunadd_declare_composite:Nnnn { c } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareUTFCompositeCommand { m O { \UTFencname } m m } { \cs_set_protected:cpn { \__xunadd_composite_cs:Nnn #1 {#2} {#3} } {#4} 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{ \xunadd@microtype@hook } %% %% This package consists of the files xeCJK.dtx, %% full-stop.map, %% fullwidth-stop.map, %% han-simp.map, %% han-trad.map, %% and the derived files xeCJK.pdf, %% xeCJK.sty, %% xeCJK.cfg, %% xeCJK.ins, %% xeCJKfntef.sty, %% xeCJK-listings.sty, %% xunicode-addon.sty, %% xunicode-extra.def, %% xeCJK-example-autofake.tex, %% xeCJK-example-fallback.tex, %% xeCJK-example-subCJKblock.tex, %% xeCJK-example-CJKecglue.tex, %% xeCJK-example-checksingle.tex, %% xeCJK-example-CJKfntef.tex, %% xeCJK-example-punctstyle.tex, %% xeCJK-example-verbatim.tex, %% xeCJK-example-CM.tex, %% xeCJK-example-listings.tex, %% xeCJK-example-mathblock.tex, %% xunicode-symbols.tex, %% xunicode-commands.tex, %% xunicode-combine-marks.tex, %% xunicode-symbols.pdf, %% full-stop.tec, %% fullwidth-stop.tec, %% han-simp.tec, %% han-trad.tec, and %% README.md. %% %% End of file `xunicode-addon.sty'.