% na-position.sty encodage : UTF8 % Created By : Naam Mohamed & Salim Bou and distributed under the LPPL license. % من إنشاء الأستاذين ناعم محمد و سليم بو \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{na-position}[2017/08/20 version1.0] \RequirePackage{tkz-tab} \RequirePackage{listofitems} \RequirePackage{amsmath,amsfonts,mathrsfs,amssymb} \def\Nplot{C_f} \def\Nline{\Delta} \def\posaa[#1,#2,#3](#4)#5{ \readlist*\myarg{#4} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /2.5}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , } \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \draw[thick] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23); \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small \textarabic{ $#5$} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posab[#1,#2,#3](#4)#5{ \readlist*\myarg{#4} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /2.5}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ }% \tkzTabLine{d , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , } \tkzTabLine{d ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \draw[thick] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23); \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small \textarabic{ $#5$} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posac[#1,#2,#3](#4)#5{ \readlist*\myarg{#4} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /2.5}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , d} \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) ,d } \draw[thick] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23); \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small \textarabic{ $#5$} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posad[#1,#2,#3,#4](#5)#6{ \readlist*\myarg{#5} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.8,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /2.5}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , z , \myarg[2] , d,\myarg[3] } \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) ,d, \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[3]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[3]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot)} \draw[thick] (N22)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M13) (N22)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M23); \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z22){\vskip 0.2cm \small \textarabic{ $#6$} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posae[#1,#2,#3,#4](#5)#6{ \readlist*\myarg{#5} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.8,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /2.5}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }% \tkzTabLine{,\myarg[1] ,d , \myarg[2] , z , \myarg[3] , } \tkzTabLine{\hskip 2.5cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[3]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , ,d, \hskip -1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , ,\hskip 1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[3]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[3]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot), } \draw[thick] (N32)to[out=200,in=90] ([xshift=.5cm]M23) (N32)to[out=-20,in=90] ([xshift=-.5cm]M33); \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -1.07cm \small \textarabic{$(\Nplot)$\ يقطع } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip -0.4cm \small \textarabic{ $(\Nline)$ في النقطة } }; \node[text width=2.5cm,align=center,anchor=base] at (Z32){\vskip 0.2cm \small \textarabic{ $#6$} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posba[#1,#2](#3) { \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 , الوضعية/1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , #3 , } \tkzTabLine{ , (\Nline)\ \ifx #3+ \text{فوق}\else \ifx #3- \text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posbb[#1,#2](#3) { \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 , الوضعية/1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ }% \tkzTabLine{d , #3 , } \tkzTabLine{d , (\Nline)\ \ifx #3+ \text{فوق}\else \ifx #3- \text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posbc[#1,#2](#3) { \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 , الوضعية/1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , #3 , d } \tkzTabLine{ , (\Nline)\ \ifx #3+ \text{فوق}\else \ifx #3- \text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , d } \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posbd[#1,#2,#3](#4){ \readlist*\myarg{#4} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=4.5,lw=1.1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , d , \myarg[2] , } \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , d , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posbe[#1,#2,#3,#4](#5){ \readlist*\myarg{#5} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.2,lw=1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] , d,h,d , \myarg[2] , } \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , d,h,d , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \end{tikzpicture} } \def\posbf[#1,#2,#3,#4](#5){ \readlist*\myarg{#5} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[espcl=3.2,lw=1pt] {$x$ / 1 ,$f(x)-y$ /1 ,\textarabic{الوضعية} /1.6}% {$#1$ , $#2$ , $#3$ ,$#4$ }% \tkzTabLine{ , \myarg[1] ,,h, , \myarg[2] , } \tkzTabLine{ ,\hskip -1.3cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[1]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[1]\text{تحت} \fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , ,h, , \hskip 1cm (\Nline)\ \if +\myarg[2]\text{فوق}\else \if -\myarg[2]\text{تحت}\fi\fi \ (\Nplot) , } \end{tikzpicture} } \endinput