%%      File: langsci-forest-setup.sty
%%    Author: Language Science Press (http://langsci-press.org)
%%      Date: 2016-01-16 16:47:43 UTC
%%   Purpose: This file contains optional styles and settings for the
%%            forest package. This version is for 2.0.
%%  Language: LaTeX
%%   Licence:

% texlive 2015 is broken (in comparison to texlive 2013)
% a workaround is to use a different pgf driver.
% See email from Akira Kakuto to Stefan Müller 15.01.2016

% Do we need this for 2017?
% We seem to be better off without it 31.10.2017
%deceive the driver
%use the old driver for dvipdfm

% http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Linguistics#Syntactic_trees

\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} % saves positions in tikz pictures, allows to connect arbitrary text

% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/256280/drawing-complex-dependency-diagrams-with-tikz-forest


% does not work with forest v1.05 did not check later versions
\tikzset{external/up to date check=simple}
% for texlive: -shell-escape, for miktex -enable-write18
% All externalized graphics go go the \externaldirectory
%\tikzexternalize[prefix=external-figures/,shell escape=-shell-escape]
\tikzset{external/system call={xelatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}}

% specification for all trees, "default preamble" appends to existing specification.
% The version with apostrophe replaces it.
\forestset{default preamble'={
    for tree={align=center,parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,anchor=north,base=bottom},
    before drawing tree={
      sort by=y,
      for min={tree}{baseline}

  declare dimen={child anchor yshift}{0pt},
  adjust childrens child anchors/.style={
    if n children>=2{
      before packing={
        for children={
          child anchor yshift=tempdima()-max_y()
  default preamble={
    for tree={
      edge path'={(!u.parent anchor)--([yshift=\forestoption{child anchor yshift}].child anchor)},
      adjust childrens child anchors

% http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/borrowers-and-lenders/
\usetikzlibrary{arrows} %,positioning}
    %Define standard arrow tip

%% \forestset{
%% sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=bottom,where n children=0{tier=word}{}}},
%% background tree/.style={for tree={text opacity=0.2,draw opacity=0.2,edge={draw opacity=0.2}}}
%% }

% The following code fixes the size of triangles for examples with translations. The specification
% ",delay=with translation" at the leaves is important to make this work.
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/167978/smaller-roofs-for-forest/205311#205311
  with translation/.style={
    l sep=0,inner xsep=0,
    append translation/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettranslation{##1}}{content},
    content/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettext{##1}}{content},
  append translation/.style={
      append={[#1,no edge,inner xsep=0,inner ysep=0,outer ysep=0,
               l=\baselineskip + 0.2ex,


% a specific style that specifies the word tier: all nodes that do not have any children
% to do: make this style default and change all other figures explicitely as is described here:
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/167983/getting-rid-of-a-default-where-specification
sm edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,base=top}, % changed base=bottom
                                % to top since we have NP and AVM nodes and the NP has to start
                                % right away at the same hight as the AVM St. Mü. 18.10.2017
                 where n children=0{tier=word,delay=with translation}{} %,delay=with translation
sm edges without translation/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,base=bottom},
                 where n children=0{tier=word}{}
word tier/.style={where n children=0{tier=word}{}
% dependency grammar trees, projective trees only, I guess. St. Mü. 29.09.2014
dg edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=bottom},
                 where n children=0{tier=word,edge=dotted,calign with current edge,delay=with translation}{}
% Adjunct edges as suggested by Engels, 1977
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/204770/defining-a-special-edge-style-for-connecting-nodes-in-forest/204819#204819
dg adjunct/.style={edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor)--(.child anchor)-- +(0,#1)\forestoption{edge label};}},
dg adjunct/.default=6pt,
% for Tesniere-style translations
dg transfer/.style={edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}, rounded corners=3pt]
    % the line downwards
    (!u.parent anchor)-- +($(0,-l)-(0,4pt)$)-- +($(12pt,-l)-(0,4pt)$)
    % the horizontal line
    ($(!p.north west)+(0,l)-(0,20pt)$)--($(.north east)+(0,l)-(0,20pt)$)\forestoption{edge label};},!p.edge'={}},
% for Tesniere-style junctions
dg junction/.style={no edge, tikz+={\draw (!p.east)--(!.west) (.east)--(!n.west);}    },
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/256280/drawing-complex-dependency-diagrams-with-tikz-forest/256300#256300
% in the tree draw the highest nodes of the inheritance network. For lower nodes insert empty nodes
% "[]". These will be filled by the same word and the numbers will be provided with bars according
% to remoteness from the word level.
% So cool! Thanks Sašo Živanović
    for tree={
      no edge,
      outer ysep=1pt,
    copy label/.style={
      for children={
        if content={}{
            calign with current,
            copy label,
          copy label,
      copy label,
      for tree={name/.pgfmath={content}},
    for tree={content format={\strut\forestoption{content}}},
    where n children={0}{
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/207459/getting-old-school-trees-with-forest
% fit -> fit=band causes all nodes to have nothing below them
tag/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top,fit=rectangle},
  where n children=0{delay=with translation}{},
% the following breaks the alignments in sets
  begin draw/.code={\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]}
% like the tag style, but without fit rectangle
no word baseline/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top},
  where n children=0{delay=with translation}{}},
% a style that creates an arrow pointing to the substitution node from a tree top node encoded as daughter
typehierarchy/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child
% if there are instances as leaves in the hiarchy
% auxiliary nodes without node label
%empty nodes/.style={
%  delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}}

% Manual page 52
%% \forestset{
%% nice empty nodes/.style={
%% for tree={calign=fixed edge angles},
%% delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}
%% }}

% forest 2.0
     empty nodes/.style={
     delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for siblings={anchor=north}}{}}