%% file: twin.txs - TeXsis version 2.18 % @(#) $Id: twin.txs,v 18.1 2001/04/06 22:05:11 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % TWINOUT -- two pages side by side on one piece of paper % % \twinout redefines TeX's \output routine to put two pages side-by-side % on one piece of paper, in landscape format. By default the height/width % ratio of \vsize to \hsize is preserved, unless this would make the % two pages overlap. In that case the new \hsize is adjusted to give % a "reasonable" gutter between the two pages. (For example, the first % method works for A4 paper, but fails for U.S. letter size, so then the % second method is used.) % % In some cases the defaults will not give you what you want. % If you don't like the way that \twinout sets the sizes of the pages % you can adjust them to your liking AFTER you have invoked \twinout. % \hsize is the width of an individual page, \vsize is the height of % either page, and \twinhsize is the width of both pages across the % length of the paper (the default is the \vsize in effect before you % invoked \twinout). The \hoffset and \voffset can also be adjusted. % The default is to set \hoffset=-0.10in, which is a reasonable place to % start; \voffset is unchanged. % % Typestyles are NOT changed, you have to do that yourself. % % An example showing both page size and typestyle selection is: % % \twinout % \twinhsize=9in \vsize=6.95in \hsize=4.36in \hoffset=-0.5in % \tenpoint % % These macros are patterned after similar macros in Harvmac by % Paul Ginsparg, as well as the plain.tex \output routines, but this % is a total rewrite by Eric Myers . % % Dependencies: \LandscapeSpecial should be defined in TXSsite.tex, but % you can make your own definition before twin.txs is read in, or you % can do without it and give dvips the "-t landscape" flag. Other than % worrying about that, this can be used by itself with plain.tex. % %======================================================================* % (C) Copyright 1993, 2000 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige. % This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications % are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). % See the file COPYING or ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis/LPPL %======================================================================* \message{- two pages on one} \catcode`@=11 % @ is a letter here to hide the inner workings \newbox\@leftpage % box to hold left page while building right page \newdimen\twinhsize % width of both pages together across the page % \LandscapeSpecial is the \special command that puts your laser printer % in "landscape" mode, i.e. printing sideways. If it is not already % defined (in TeXsis this is done in TXSsite.tex) then the default % is for Tom Rokicki's dvips. \ifx\undefined\LandscapeSpecial % is there no definition? then use \def\LandscapeSpecial{\special{papersize=11in,8.5in}}% dvips version \fi % \twinout just sets up the column flag (to start in Left column), % sets the new \hsize and \vsize and changes \output. \def\twinout{% change \output to get two pages on one \global\let\@LR=L % begin in left column \twinsize % set paper size to default \output={\twinoutput}} % redefine \output % \twinsize sets the page size for twin page output from the % current settings of \vsize and \hsize, preserving their ratio. % If h and v are the original horizontal and vertical sizes then the % width of a new page is w = h*(h/v). [Since TeX stores dimensions % in scaled points (65536sp=1pt) we have to be careful to rescale % from sp to pt to avoid arithmetic overflow.] If the columns would % overlap then a smaller \hsize is chosen such that there is a % reasonable gutter between the two pages. \def\twinsize{% set page sizes for twin page output \twinhsize=\vsize % two pages across one rotated page \vsize=\hsize % height of page is width of paper \hoffset=-0.1in % also adjust offset a bit % now compute default \hsize from \hsize/\vsize ratio \divide\hsize by 65536 % convert sp to pt for calculations \multiply\hsize by \hsize % h^2 in points \dimen@=\twinhsize \divide \dimen@ by 65536 % v in pt from sp \divide\hsize by \dimen@ % w = h * (h/v) \multiply\hsize by 65536 % convert pt back to sp % also compute candidate \hsize based on \twinhsize with a reasonable gutter \dimen@=-\vsize \divide\dimen@ by 13 % gutter width computed from height \advance\dimen@ by \twinhsize % width of page minus gutter \divide\dimen@ by 2 % divide by 2 to get column width \ifdim\dimen@<\hsize \hsize=\dimen@\fi} % choose smaller \hsize % \twinoutput builds the page as plain.tex does, but with a modified % \shipout to collect the left page first, then put both pages out together \def\twinoutput{% modified version of \plainoutput for two-on-one printing \twinshipout{\vbox{\makeheadline\pagebody\makefootline}}% \advancepageno \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi} % \twinshipout takes a \vbox, as \shipout does, but for the left page % it saves it temporarily. When the right page is given it puts the two % side by side and ships them out together. \def\twinshipout#1{% modified version of \shipout for two-on-one printing \if L\@LR % left page? \global\setbox\@leftpage=#1 % save the box for left page \message{[\the\pageno]}% % fake [page number] in log \global\let\@LR=R % set flag for next (right) page \else % right page? \shipout\vbox{\LandscapeSpecial % force landscape on every page \hbox to \twinhsize{\box\@leftpage\hfil{#1}}}% 2 pages side by side \global\let\@LR=L % set flag back to left page \fi} \catcode`@=12 % @ is no longer a letter % >>> EOF twinout.txs <<<