%% file: texsis.tex - TeX macros for Physicists - TeXsis version 2.18 %% @(#) $Id: texsis.tex,v 18.1 2001/04/06 22:52:02 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % TeXsis - TeX Macros for Physicists -- by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige % % This is version 2.18 of TeXsis, a collection of TeX macros % for physicists (and anyone else who finds them useful). % % The source code for this format is contained in this file and % in the files TXS*.tex read by it. The documentation is contained % in the files TXS*.doc. To produce a printed version of the % documentation, run TeXsis on TXSdoc.doc (or run Manual.tex through % plain tex). % % You can always get the latest version of TeXsis from % ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis % % Eric Myers, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor % Frank Paige, Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory % ---------- % (C) Copyright 1988-2001 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige. % This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications % are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). % See the file COPYING or ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis/LPPL % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED % WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %======================================================================* % This is the master file, which brings together all of the components % of TeXsis. They should all be in the same directory. This master file % can be used to generate TeXsis as a pre-loaded format using initex: % initex texsis (or initex &plain texsis) % followed by "\dump". See The TeXbook for more on INITEX and \dump. % % First check to see if the PLAIN format is pre-loaded. % If \plainoutput is undefined then it is not, so read in plain.tex. % \ifx\plainoutput\undefined\input plain.tex\fi %---------------------------------* \def\Input #1 {\def\filename{#1}\input #1} % \Input someday...? \def\TeXsis{\TeX sis}% % the TeXsis logo %---------------------------------* % Fonts: TXSfonts contains the fonts which (almost) all TeX % installations should have, but there may be some changes necessary % for your own instalation. It's not a good idea to just replace these % though, because there is other info there too. Read the comments in % the file TXSfonts for further info. % \input TXSfonts % 12, 10, 7, 5, 14, 16 pt fonts, etc... %---------------------------------* % Macros: different "packages" are kept in separate files % \input TXSmacs % main macros common to all components \input TXSinit % initialization stuff and some basic macros \input TXShead % running headlines and footlines \input TXSeqns % equation numbering \input TXSprns % automatic parentheses sizing and balancing \input TXSrefs % references and citations \input TXSsects % chapter and section divisions \input TXStags % tags for ref and eqn numbers, \label-ing \input TXStitle % title page macros for physics papers \input TXSenvmt % center and flush environments, etc.. \input TXSfmts % document layouts, \paper, \preprint, etc \input TXSfigs % figure, tables, lists of figures \input TXSruled % ruled tables \input TXSdcol % double column format \input TXSletr % letter format \input TXSmemo % memos and referee reports \input TXSconts % table of contents macros \input TXSsymb % extended math symbols for physics %---------------------------------* % Patches and Changes: The two files named below will be read % AT RUN TIME by \texsis, if they exist. See the file TXSinit.tex % for more info. % \def\TeXsisLib{}% use this to specify an alternate path to where code is kept \def\TXSpatches{\TeXsisLib TXSpatch}% % global run-time patches \def\TXSmods{TXSmods}% % local or personal modifications %---------------------------------* % Site dependent info: See if there is a site info file out % there called TXSsite.tex. If so, read it in. This happens only once % when running INITEX to create the format file texsis.fmt. \LoadSiteFile %---------------------------------* \pageno = 1 % start on page 1 \tenpoint % as in Plain TeX \singlespaced % default until \texsis \def\fmtname{TeXsis}\def\fmtversion{2.18}% \def\revdate{21 April 2001}% \everyjob={% This stuff is done every job... \emsg{\fmtname\space version \fmtversion\space (\revdate) format preloaded.}% \SetDate % set \adate and \edate \ReadPatches % read patch file, if it exists \ReadAUX % read .aux file, if it exists \let\filename=\jobname % for \Input, for starters \colwidth=\hsize % default column width } \ATlock % lock @ macros \emsg{\fmtname\space version \fmtversion\space (\revdate) loaded.}% %%>>> EOF texsis.tex <<<