%% file: TXSeqns.tex - Equation Numbering - TeXsis version 2.18 %% @(#) $Id: TXSeqns.tex,v 18.0 1999/07/09 17:24:29 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % % These macros use \tag from TXStags to number equations automatically, % including chapter and section numbers if \showchapIDtrue and % \showsectIDtrue are used. To obtain automatic equation numbers in % ordinary displayed equations, use \EQN in place of \eqno: % $$ % \EQN % $$ % The can include almost anything, including a number. A ; is used % for multi-part equations, with the equation number only being % incremented for ;a. For example, % $$ \EQN ;a $$ % ... % $$ \EQN ;b $$ % This usage requires that ; NOT be surrounded by {}; \EQN % takes as its argument everything up to the $$. % % To construct multi-part equations with \EQN, use \EQNalign and % \EQNdisplaylines in place of the \eqalign and \displaylines of plain % TeX. For equations aligned at the & sign, use % $$ % \EQNalign{ % & \EQN \cr % & \EQN \cr % ...} % $$ % For centered equations with less space than between separate equations, % use instead % $$ % \EQNdisplaylines{ % \EQN \cr % \EQN \cr % ...} % $$ % The \EQN can be omitted on any of the lines, or the ; construction can be % used for multi-part numbers. (Note that these macros actually redefine % \EQN to be & inside of the \halign and typeset the equation number in the % same way as does \eqalignno in plain TeX.) % % Several macros are provided to use a tag to refer to a previous % equation: % \Eq{} ==> Eq.~() % \Eqs{} ==> Eqs.~() % \Ep{} ==> () % Compound constructions are possible, e.g. % \Eqs{}-\Ep{} ==> Eqs.~()-() % % Note: there may be difficulties with using parentheses in labels % if \onparens is set. % % This file is a part of TeXsis. % (C) Copyright 1986, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige %======================================================================* \message{Equation numbering.} % Counters and such: \newcount\eqnum \eqnum=\z@ % equation number in section \def\@chaptID{} \def\@sectID{} % start with these null % Equation Label Tracing: \eqnotracetrue allows you to trace equation % numbers by internal label when you print a rough draft of the document. % Both the external sequential equation number and the internal label are % printed, one over the other. \newif\ifeqnotrace \eqnotracefalse % start with it off %----------------------------------------------------------------------* % \EQN