%% file: CVformat.txs - TeXsis version 2.18 %% @(#) $Id: CVformat.txs,v 17.2 2001/04/06 22:27:24 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % CVformat.txs -- macros for producing a Curriculum Vitae and % publication list. Modify these as you like or add to it. % Since a CV is a personal thing, you may find this doesn't quite % do what you want it to do, but at least it's a start. % % Eric Myers, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 7 November, 1985 %======================================================================* \ATunlock \emsg{\@comment CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros}% \def\CVformat{% CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros \hsize=6.0 true in \nopagenumbers \auxswitchfalse \quoteon % turn on easyquotes \twelvepoint \parindent=2.5cm \raggedright\tolerance=800 % ragged right with looser tolerance \def\NAME{}% \def\endmode{\relax}% % % headline placement and spacing: % \ifx\empty\NAME\else \headline={\ifnum\pageno>1 {\twelvepoint\sl Curriculum Vitae of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}% \else \hfil\fi}\fi \headlineoffset=0.5cm } % MACRO DEFINITIONS: % \item, \EXitem, \pubitem \def\ITEM#1{\endmode \pagecheck{5\baselineskip}% \begingroup \def\endmode{\endgroup}% \tolerance=2000 \bigskip\goodbreak \item{\undertext{\bf #1}}\smallskip \let\itm=\EXitem } \def\Education{\ITEM{Education}} \def\Experience{\ITEM{Experience}} \def\hang{\hangindent=\parindent} \def\item{\medskip\par\hang\textindent} \def\textindent#1{\indent\llap{\hbox to \parindent{#1\hss}}\ignorespaces} % \EXitem{note} puts the note in the left margin in \tenpoint, % and you can break the line with \n \def\EXitem#1{% \item{\def\n{\hss\egroup\hbox to \hangindent\bgroup}% \hbox to 0pt{% \vtop to 0pt{\tenpoint\rm \hbox to \hangindent\bgroup#1\hss\egroup\vss}% }}} % \Publications begins list of publications \def\Publications{\endmode \pageno=1 \ifx\empty\NAME\else \headline={{\twelvepoint\sl Publications of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}}\fi \headlineoffset=0.5cm \parindent=1.0cm \raggedright \tolerance=2200 \item{\bf PUBLICATIONS:} \smallskip \let\itm=\pubitem } % \pubitem is \itm for publications list % \pubitem is like \item, but it automatically gives the item a number \newcount\pubnum \pubnum=0 \def\pubitem{\medskip \advance\pubnum by 1 \item{\the\pubnum.}} %%\def\vol#1{\undertext{#1}} % \booktitle is used in the reference text to cause the title of a book % to be printed in italics. \def\booktitle#1{{\sl #1}} \def\references{\parindent=1.0cm \pageno=1 \ifx\empty\NAME\else \headline={{\twelvepoint\sl References for \NAME\hfil}}\fi \headlineoffset=0.5cm \item{\bf REFERENCES:} \smallskip} \ATlock %>>> EOF CVformat.txs <<<