%% skhyph.tex, Petr Olsak, Oct 2002 % the main goal of this file is to \input skhyphen.tex (from CSTeX). % Suppose that the skhyph.tex file is used only by babelised formats % (babelised plain and babelised LaTeX). % WARNING: Don't use the skhyph.tex file from csplain or cslatex % (these formats use the skhyphen.tex file from CSTeX directly). \ifx\addlanguage\undefined \errmessage{This file can be used only in babelised formats!} \fi % We can do some local settings (from file t1code.tex) because we are % in \begingroup ... \endgroup generated by Babel % The following trick makes possibility to \input t1codes without errors: \let\czech=\hsize \let\slovak=\hsize \let\toneczech=\hsize \let\toneslovak=\hsize % The following trick removes the message "Loading CZ hyphen..." % from \everyjob: \let\global=\relax % Now, the main work: \input t1code.tex \csaccents \input skhyphen.tex \relax %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: plain-tex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: