% F I L E V E R B A T I M . T E X % % THIS SET OF MACROs IS TAKEN FROM D.E.K.'s TeXBook % AND PROVIDES AN EASY WAY OF TYPESETTING TEXTS VERBATIM: % % 1. \verbatim % causes the text to be set verbatim using \tt font; % 2. if the text uses up all the alphabet, \doubleverbatim macro % can be used instead; this is similar to the previous one but % a pair of characters is now used as a delimiter; % 3. in case of emergency \tripleverbatim macro may be of help... % %--------------------------------------------- \def\uncatcodespecials % see D.E.K., pp. 344 and 380 {\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12}\dospecials}% %--------------------------------------------- {\catcode`\^^I=\active \gdef^^I{\ \ \ \ }% TAB character is replaced by % 4 spaces; it is better than % nothing, but it does not mimic % true tabbing satisfactorily---maybe % some nice day... \catcode`\`=\active\gdef`{\relax\lq}}% this line inhibits Spanish % ligatures ?` and !` of \tt font \def\setupverbatim % see D.E.K., p. 381 {\tt % \spaceskip=0pt \xspaceskip=0pt % just in case... \catcode`\^^I=\active % \catcode`\`=\active % \def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}% this causes that empty lines aren't % skipped \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces}% {\obeyspaces \global\let =\ }% this causes that leading blanks aren't % skipped; cf. also def's of \space, \endgraf, % \lq, \obeyspaces, and \obeylines, % D.E.K., pp. 351--352 %--------------------------------------------- % see D.E.K., p. 382 \def\doverbatim#1{\def\next##1#1{##1\endgroup}\next}% \def\verbatim{\begingroup\setupverbatim\doverbatim}% %---------- \def\dodoubleverbatim#1#2{\def\next##1#1#2{##1\endgroup}\next}% \def\doubleverbatim{\begingroup\setupverbatim\dodoubleverbatim}% %---------- \def\dotripleverbatim#1#2#3{\def\next##1#1#2#3{##1\endgroup}\next}% \def\tripleverbatim{\begingroup\setupverbatim\dotripleverbatim}% %--------------------------------------------- \endinput