%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \uv {Miscenaleous <2022-05-04>} % preloaded in format \_doc ---------------------------- \`\useOpTeX` and \`\useoptex` are declared as `\relax`. \_cod ---------------------------- \_let \useOpTeX = \_relax \_let \useoptex = \_relax \_doc ---------------------------- The \`\lastpage` and \`\totalpages` get the information from the \^`\_currpage`. The \^`\_Xpage` from `.ref` file sets the \^`\_currpage`. \_cod ---------------------------- \_def\_totalpages {\_openref\_ea\_ignoresecond\_currpage} \_def\_lastpage {\_openref\_ea\_usesecond\_currpage} \_def\_currpage {{0}{?}} \_public \lastpage \totalpages ; \_doc ---------------------------- We need \`\uv`, \`\clqq`, \`\crqq`, \`\flqq`, \`\frqq`, \`\uslang`, \`\ehyph` \`\chyph`, \`\shyph`, for backward compatibility with \csplain. Codes are set according to Unicode because we are using Czech only in Unicode when \LuaTeX/ is used. \_cod ---------------------------- % for compatibility with csplain: \_chardef\clqq=8222 \_chardef\crqq=8220 \_chardef\flqq=171 \_chardef\frqq=187 \_chardef\promile=8240 \_def\uv#1{\clqq#1\crqq} \_let\uslang=\enlang \_let\ehyph=\enlang \_let\chyph=\cslang \_let\shyph=\sklang \_let\csUnicode=\csPatt \_let\czUnicode=\csPatt \_let\skUnicode=\skPatt \_doc ---------------------------- The \`\letfont` was used in \csplain/ instead of `\fontlet`. \_cod ---------------------------- \_let \letfont = \_fontlet \_doc ---------------------------- Non-breaking space in Unicode. \_cod ---------------------------- \let ^^a0=~ \_doc ---------------------------- Old macro packages need these funny control sequences. We don't use them in new macros. \_cod ---------------------------- \_catcode`\@=11 \_let\z@=\_zo \_let\z@skip=\_zoskip \_newdimen\p@ \p@=1pt \_toksdef\toks@=0 \_let\voidb@x=\_voidbox \_chardef\@ne=1 \_chardef\tw@=2 \_chardef\thr@@=3 \_chardef\sixt@@n=16 \_mathchardef\@m=1000 \_mathchardef\@M=10000 \_mathchardef\@MM=20000 \_countdef\m@ne=22 \m@ne=-1 \_chardef\@cclv=255 \_mathchardef\@cclvi=256 \_skipdef\skip@=0 \_dimendef\dimen@=0 \_dimendef\dimen@i=1 \_dimendef\dimen@ii=2 \_countdef\count@=255 \_def\m@th{\_mathsurround\z@} \_def\o@lign{\_lineskiplimit\z@ \_oalign} \_def\n@space{\_nulldelimiterspace\z@ \m@th} \_newdimen\p@renwd \p@renwd=8.75pt \_def\alloc@#1#2#3#4#5{\_allocator#5{\_csstring#2}#3} \_catcode`\@=12 \_doc ---------------------------- We don't want to read `opmac.tex` unless `\input opmac` is specified. \_cod ---------------------------- \_def\OPmacversion{OpTeX} \_doc ---------------------------- We allow empty lines in math formulae. It is more comfortable. \_cod ---------------------------- \_suppressmathparerror = 1 \_doc ---------------------------- Lorem ipsum can be printed by \`\lipsum``[]` or \`\lorem``[]`, for example `\lipsum[3]` or `\lipsum[112-121]`, max=150. First usage of `\lipsum` reads the \LaTeX/ file `lipsum.ltd.tex` by \`\_lipsumload` and prints the selected paragraph(s). Next usages of `\lipsum` prints the selected paragraph(s) from memory. This second and more usages of `\lipsum` are fully expandable. If you want to have all printings of `\lipsum` expandable, use dummy `\lipsum[0]` first. `\lipsum` adds `\_par` after each printed paragraph. If you don't need such `\_par` here, use \`\lipsumtext``[]` or `\lipsum[.]` (i.e.\ dot after the parameter). The first case prints the paragraph without the final `\_par` and the second case prints only first sentence from the paragraph using \`\_lipsumdot`. \_cod ---------------------------- \_def\_lipsumtext[#1]{\_lipsumload\_cs{_lip:#1}} \_def\_lipsum[#1]{\_lipsumA #1.]{#1}} \_def\_lipsumA #1.#2]#3{\_ifx^#2^\_lipsumB #1\_empty-\_empty\_fin \_else \_lipsumdot[#1].\_fi} \_def\_lipsumB #1-#2\_empty#3\_fin{% \_fornum #1..\_ifx^#2^#1\_else#2\_fi \_do {\_lipsumtext[##1]\_par}} \_def\_lipsumload{{% \_setbox0=\_vbox{\_tmpnum=0 % vertical mode during \input lipsum.ltd.tex \_def\ProvidesFile##1[##2]{}% \_def\SetLipsumLanguage##1{}% \_def\NewLipsumPar{\_incr\_tmpnum \_sxdef{_lip:\_the\_tmpnum}}% \_opinput {lipsum.ltd.tex}% \_global\_let\_lipsumload=\_empty }}} \_def\_lipsumdot[#1]{\_lipsumload \_ea\_ea\_ea \_lipsumdotA \_csname _lip:#1\_endcsname.\_fin} \_def\_lipsumdotA #1.#2\_fin {#1} \_public \lipsum \lipsumtext ; \_let \lorem=\lipsum \_doc ----------------------------- Lua\TeX/ version 1.14 and newer provides `\partokenname` which allows to specify something different than `\par` at empty lines. We set `\_par` (see bellow) in \OpTeX/ version 1.04+ and newer. Some macros were rewritten due to this change. And we copy old versions of these changed macros here in order to allow to use older Lua\TeX/ versions where `\partokenname` is not provided.\nl Note that your macros where a parameter is separated by the empty line must be changed too. Use `\def\macro #1\_par{...}` instead `\def\macro #1\par{...}`. \_cod ----------------------------- \_ifx\_partokenname\_undefined % LuaTeX 1.13 or older: \_def\_begmulti #1 {\_par\_bgroup\_wipeepar\_multiskip\_penalty0 \_def\_Ncols{#1} \_setbox6=\_vbox\_bgroup\_bgroup \_let\_setxhsize=\_relax \_penalty-99 \_advance\_hsize by\_colsep \_divide\_hsize by\_Ncols \_advance\_hsize by-\_colsep \_mullines=0 \_def\par{\_ifhmode\_endgraf\_global\_advance\_mullines by\_prevgraf\_fi}% } \_def\_incaption {\_bgroup \_ifcsname _\_tmpa num\_endcsname \_ea\_incr \_csname _\_tmpa num\_endcsname \_else \_opwarning{Unknown caption /\_tmpa}\_fi \_edef\_thecapnum {\_csname _the\_tmpa num\_endcsname}% \_edef\_thecaptitle{\_mtext{\_tmpa}}% \_ea\_the \_csname _everycaption\_tmpa\_endcsname \_def\_par{\_nbpar\_egroup}\_let\par=\_par \_cs{_printcaption\_tmpa}% } \_def\_boxlines{% \_def\_boxlinesE{\_ifhmode\_egroup\_empty\_fi}% \_def\_nl{\_boxlinesE}% \_bgroup \_lccode`\~=`\^^M\_lowercase{\_egroup\_let~}\_boxlinesE \_everypar{\_setbox0=\_lastbox\_endgraf \_hbox\_bgroup \_catcode`\^^M=13 \_let\par=\_nl \_aftergroup\_boxlinesC}% } \_def\_letter{ \_def\_address{\_vtop\_bgroup\_boxlines \_parskip=0pt \_let\par=\_egroup} \_def\_subject{{\_bf \_mtext{subj}: }} \_public \address \subject ; \_typosize[11/14] \_vsize=\_dimexpr \_topskip + 49\_baselineskip \_relax % added 2020-03-28 \_parindent=0pt \_parskip=\_medskipamount \_nopagenumbers } \_def\_printverbline#1{\_putttpenalty \_indent \_printverblinenum \_kern\_ttshift #1\par} \_public \begmulti \boxlines \letter ; \_else % LuaTeX 1.14 or newer: \_doc ----------------------------- We set `\partokenneame` to `\_par` in order to keep the name `\par` in the public namespace for end users. I.e.\ a user can say `\def\par{paragraph}` for example without crash of processing the document. Se section~\ref[namespaces] for more details about the name space concept.\nl Moreover, we set `\partokencontext` to one in order to the `\_par` token is inserted not only at empty lines, but also at the end of `\vbox`, `\vtop` and `\vcenter` if horizontal mode is opened here. This differs from default \TeX/ behavior where horizontal mode is closed in these cases without inserting par token.\nl We set \`\_partokenset` to defined value 1 in order to the macro programmer can easily check these settings in \OpTeX/ format by `\ifx\_partokenset\undefined ... \else ...\fi`. \_cod ----------------------------- \_partokenname\_par \_partokencontext=1 \_let\_partokenset=1 \_fi \_endcode 2022-05-04 \lipsum[]. changed to \lipsum[.] to keep macro expandable. 2022-04-21 syntax \lipsum[]. introduced. 2022-02-16 declaration of @-names moved here from plain-at.opm. 2021-08-02 \SetLipsumLanguage added, fix for new lipusm version 2021-01-04 \lipsumtext introduced 2020-05-22 \lipsum uses \fornum (expandable after first usage) 2020-04-02 released