%% Polish Plain format (for some historical reasons called MeX) %% Generowanie formatu MeX dla Web2c (teTeX, TeXlive), mikTeX itp. %% 21.06.2004 Staszek Wawrykiewicz (public domain) \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \else \ifx\pdfoutput\relax \else % % We're building the Mex format with the pdfetex engine (started 2004). \input pdftexconfig \pdfoutput=0 % % pdfTeX related primitives are no longer hidden by default % (started 2005). Uncomment and recreate the format files by running % "fmtutil --all" resp. "fmtutil-sys --all" to revert to the old % (2004) behaviour. % \input pdftex-dvi.tex % \fi \fi % % the usual format initialization. \input mex \dump