%% This is part of OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \normalbaselineskip {Parameter settings <2020-03-17>} % preloaded in format \_doc ----------------------------- \secc Primitive registers The primitive registers with the same default value as in plain \TeX/ follow: \_cod ----------------------------- \_parindent=20pt % indentation of paragraphs \_pretolerance=100 % parameters used in paragraph breaking algorithm \_tolerance=200 \_hbadness=1000 \_vbadness=1000 \_doublehyphendemerits=10000 \_finalhyphendemerits=5000 \_adjdemerits=10000 \_uchyph=1 \_defaulthyphenchar=`\- \_defaultskewchar=-1 \_hfuzz=0.1pt \_vfuzz=0.1pt \_overfullrule=5pt \_linepenalty=10 % penalty between lines inside the paragraph \_hyphenpenalty=50 % when a word is bro-ken \_exhyphenpenalty=50 % when the hyphenmark is used explicitly \_binoppenalty=700 % between binary operators in math \_relpenalty=500 % between relations in math \_brokenpenalty=100 % after lines if they end by a broken word. \_displaywidowpenalty=50 % before last line of paragraph if display math follows \_predisplaypenalty=10000 % above display math \_postdisplaypenalty=0 % below display math \_delimiterfactor=901 % parameter for scaling delimiters \_delimitershortfall=5pt \_nulldelimiterspace=1.2pt \_scriptspace=0.5pt \_maxdepth=4pt \_splitmaxdepth=\_maxdimen \_boxmaxdepth=\_maxdimen \_parskip=0pt plus 1pt \_abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt \_abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt \_belowdisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt \_belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt \_parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil \_thinmuskip=3mu \_medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu \_thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu \_doc ----------------------------- Note that `\topskip` and `\splittopskip` are changed when first `\typosize` sets the main values (default font size and default `\baselineskip`). \_cod ----------------------------- \_topskip=10pt % top edge of page-box to first baseline distance \_splittopskip=10pt \_doc ----------------------------- \secc Plain \TeX/ registers Declared registers used in plain \TeX/ \_cod ----------------------------- % We also define special registers that function like parameters: \_newskip\_smallskipamount \_smallskipamount=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \_newskip\_medskipamount \_medskipamount=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt \_newskip\_bigskipamount \_bigskipamount=12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt \_newskip\_normalbaselineskip \_normalbaselineskip=12pt \_newskip\_normallineskip \_normallineskip=1pt \_newdimen\_normallineskiplimit \_normallineskiplimit=0pt \_newdimen\_jot \_jot=3pt \_newcount\_interdisplaylinepenalty \_interdisplaylinepenalty=100 \_newcount\_interfootnotelinepenalty \_interfootnotelinepenalty=100 \_def\_normalbaselines{\_lineskip=\_normallineskip \_baselineskip=\_normalbaselineskip \_lineskiplimit=\_normallineskiplimit} \_def\_frenchspacing{\_sfcode`\.=1000 \_sfcode`\?=1000 \_sfcode`\!=1000 \_sfcode`\:=1000 \_sfcode`\;=1000 \_sfcode`\,=1000 } \_def\_nonfrenchspacing{\_sfcode`\.=3000 \_sfcode`\?=3000 \_sfcode`\!=3000 \_sfcode`\:=2000 \_sfcode`\;=1500 \_sfcode`\,=1250 } \_public \normalbaselines \frenchspacing \nonfrenchspacing \smallskipamount \medskipamount \bigskipamount \normalbaselineskip \normallineskip \normallineskiplimit \jot \interdisplaylinepenalty \interfootnotelinepenalty ; \_doc ----------------------------- \secc Different settings than in plain \TeX/ Default \"baseline setting" is for 10\,pt fonts (like in plain \TeX/). But `\typosize` and `\typoscale` macros re-declare it if another font size is used. The \`\nonfrenchspacing` is not set by default because the author of \OpTeX/ is living in the Europe. If you set `\enlang` hyphenation patterns then `\nonfrenchspacing` is set. \_cod ----------------------------- \_normalbaselines % baseline setting, 10 pt font size \_doc ----------------------------- Different values than in plain \TeX/ have following primitive registers. We prohibit orphans, set more information for tracing boxes, set page origin to upper left corner of the paper (no at 1\,in, 1\,in coordinates) and set default page dimensions as A4, no letter. \_cod ----------------------------- \_emergencystretch=20pt % we want to use third pass of aparagraph building algoritmh % we need not to keep the compatibility with old documents \_clubpenalty=10000 % after first line of paragraph \_widowpenalty=10000 % before last line of paragraph \_showboxbreadth=150 % for tracing boxes \_showboxdepth=7 \_errorcontextlines=15 \_tracinglostchars=2 % missing chracter warnings on terminal too \_outputmode=1 % PDF ouput \_pdfvorigin=0pt % orgin is exatly at left upper corner \_pdfhorigin=0pt \_hoffset=25mm % margins are 2.5cm, no 1in \_voffset=25mm \_hsize=160mm % 210mm (from A4 size) - 2*25mm (default margins) \_vsize=244mm % 297mm (from A4 size) - 2*25mm (default margins) -3mm baseline correction \_pagewidth=210 true mm \_pageheight=297 true mm \_doc ----------------------------- If you insist on plain \TeX/ values of these parameters then you can call the `\plaintexsetting` macro. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_plaintexsetting{% \_emergencystretch=0pt \_clubpenalty=150 \_widowpenalty=150 \_pdfvorigin=1in \_pdfhorigin=1in \_hoffset=0pt \_voffset=0pt \_hsize=6.5in \_vsize=8.9in \_pagewidth=8.5 true in \_pageheight=11 true in \_nonfrenchspacing } \_public \plaintexsetting ; \_doc ----------------------------- \secc[oparams] \OpTeX/ parameters The main principle how to configure \OpTeX/ is not to use only parameters. A designer can copy macros from \OpTeX/ and re-define them as required. This is a reason why we don't implement dozens of parameters, but we keep \OpTeX/ macros relatively simple. Example: do you want another design of section titles? Copy macros `\_printsec` and `\_printsecc` from `sections.opm` file to your macro file and re-define them. Notice for OPmac users: there is important difference: all "string-like" parameters are token lists in \OpTeX/ (OPmac uses macros for them). The reason of this difference: if user sets parameter by unprotected control sequence, an \OpTeX/ macro can read {\em the same data} using protected control sequence. If user re-defines such unprotected control sequence (because he/she does know about it) then nothing bad happens. The \`\picdir` tokens list can include a directory where image files (loaded by `\inspic`) are saved. Empty `\picdir` (default value) means that image files are in the current directory (or somewhere in the \TeX/ system where \LuaTeX/ is able to find them). If you set non-empty value to the `\picdir`, then it must end by `/` character, for example `\picdir={img/}` means that there exists a directory `img` in your current directory and the image files are stored here. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_picdir \_public \picdir ; \_doc ----------------------------- You can control the dimensions of included images by the parameters \`\picwidth` (which is equivalent to \`\picw`) and \`\picheight`. By default these parameters are set to zero: the native dimension of the image is used. If only `\picwidth` has a nonzero value, then this is the width of the image (height is calculated automatically in order to respect the aspect of the image). If only `\picheight` has a nonzero value then height is given, width is calculated. If both parameters are non-zero, the height and width are given and the aspect ratio of the image is (probably) broken. We recommend to set these parameters locally in the group where `\inspic` is used in order to not influence the dimensions of another images. But there exist many situations you need to put the same dimensions to more images, so you can set this parameter only once before more `\inspic` macros. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newdimen\_picwidth \_picwidth=0pt \_let\picw=\_picwidth \_newdimen\_picheight \_picheight=0pt \_public \picwidth \picheight ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\everytt` is token list used in `\begtt`...`\endtt` environment and in the verbatim group opened by `\verbinput` macro. You can include a code which is processed inside the group after basic settings were done On the other hand, it is processed before scanner of verbatim text is started. Your macros should influence scanner (catcode settings) or printing process of the verbatim code or both. The code from the line immediately after `\begtt` is processed after the `\everytt`. This code should overwrite `\everytt` settings. Use `\everytt` for all verbatim environments in your document and use a code after `\begtt` locally only for this environment. The \`\everyintt` token list does similar work but acts in the in-line verbatim text processed by a pair of `\activettchar` characters or by `\code{}`. You can set `\everyintt={\Red}` for example if you want in-line verbatim in red color. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_everytt \_newtoks\_everyintt \_public \everytt \everyintt ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\ttline` is used in `\begtt`...`\endtt` environment or in the code printed by `\verbinput`. If `\ttline` is positive or zero, then the verbatim code have numbered lines from `\ttline+1`. The `\ttline` register is re-set to new value after a code piece is printed, so next code pieces have numbered lines continuously. If `\ttline=-1`, then `\begtt`...`\endtt` lines are without numbers and `\verbinput` lines shows the line numbers of inputted file. If `\ttline`\code{<-1} then no line numbers are printed. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newcount\_ttline \_ttline=-1 % last line number in \begtt...\endtt \_public \ttline ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\ttindent` gives default indentation of verbatim lines printed by `\begtt`...`\endtt` pair or by `\verbinput`. \nl The \`\ttshift` gives the amount of shift of all verbatim lines to right. Despite to the \^`\ttindent`, it does not shift the line numbers, only the text. \nl The \`\iindent` gives default indentations used in table of contents, captions, lists, bib references, \nl It is strongly recommended to re-set this value if you set `\parindent` to another value than plain \TeX/ default 20pt. A well typeset document should have the same dimension for all indentations, so you should say `\ttindent=\parindent` and `\iindent=\parindent`. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newdimen\_ttindent \_ttindent=\_parindent % indentation in verbatim \_newdimen\_ttshift \_newdimen\_iindent \_iindent=\_parindent \_public \ttindent \ttshift \iindent ; \_doc ----------------------------- The tabelator `^^I` has its category code like space: it behaves as a space in normal text. This is normal plain \TeX/ setting. But in the multiline verbatim environment it is active and expands to the `\hskip` where `` is the width of \`\tabspaces` spaces. Default `\tabspaces=3` means that tabelator behaves like three spaces in multiline verbatim. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newcount \_tabspaces \_tabspaces=3 \_public \tabspaces ; \_doc ----------------------------- If \`\hicolors` is non-empty then its contents is used instead `\_hicolors` declared in the file `hisyntax-.opm`. The user can give his/her preferences about colors for syntax highlighting by this tokens list. Full color set must be declared here. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_hicolors \_public \hicolors ; \_doc ----------------------------- The default item mark used between `\begitems` and `\enditems` is bullet. The \`\defaultitem` tokens list declare this default item mark. \nl The \`\everyitem` tokens list is applied in vertical mode at the start of each item. \nl The \`\everylist` tokens list is applied after group is opened by \nl The \`\ilevel` keeps the value of current nesting level of the items list. \nl The \`\listskipamount` gives vertical skip above and below the items list if `\ilevel=1`. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_defaultitem \_defaultitem={$\_bullet$\_enspace} \_newtoks\_everyitem \_newtoks\_everylist \_newskip \_listskipamount \_listskipamount=\_medskipamount \_newcount \_ilevel \_public \defaultitem \everyitem \everylist \listskipamount \ilevel ; \_doc ----------------------------- The `\tit` macro includes `\vglue`\`\titskip` above the title of the document. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newskip\_titskip \_titskip=40pt \_relax % \vglue above title printed by \tit \_public \titskip ; \_doc ---------------------------- The `\begmulti` `\endmulti` pair creates more columns. The parameter \`\colsep` declares the space between columns. If $n$ columns are specified then we have $n-1$ `\colseps` and $n$ columns in total `\hsize`. This gives definite result of columns width. \_cod ---------------------------- \_newdimen\_colsep \_colsep=20pt % space between columns \_public \colsep ; \_doc ----------------------------- Each line in the Table of contents is printed in a group. The \`\everytocline` tokens list is processed here before the internal `\_tocl:` macro which starts printing the line. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_everytocline \_public \everytocline ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\bibtexhook` tokens list is used inside the group when `\usebib` command is processed after style file is loaded and before printing bib-entries. You can re-define a behavior of style file here or you can modify the more declaration for printing (fonts, baselineskip, etc.) or you can define a specific macros used in your `.bib` file. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_bibtexhook \_public \bibtexhook ; \_newtoks\_everycaptiont \_newtoks\_everycaptionf \_public \everycaptiont \everycaptionf ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\everyii` tokens list is used before `\noindent` for each Index item when printing the Index. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_everyii \_public \everyii ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\everymnote` is used in the `\mnote` group before `\noindent` which immediately precedes marginal note text. \nl The \`\mnotesize` is horizontal size of the marginal notes. \nl The \`\mnoteindent` is horizontal space between body-text and marginal note. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_everymnote \_newdimen\_mnotesize \_mnotesize=20mm % the width of the mnote paragraph \_newdimen\_mnoteindent \_mnoteindent=10pt % ditance between mnote and text \_public \everymnote \mnotesize \mnoteindent ; \_doc ----------------------------- The `\table` parameters follows. The \`\thistable` tokens list register should be used for giving an exception for only one `\table` which follows. It should change locally other parameters of the `\table`. It is reset to empty list after the table is printed. \nl The \`\everytable` tokens list register is applied in every table. There is another difference between these two registers. The `\thistable` is used first, then strut and baselineskip settings are done, then `\everytable` is applied and then the table is printed. \nl \`\tabstrut` configures the height and depth of lines in the table. You can declare `\tabstrut={}`, then normal baselineskip is used in the table. This can be used when you don't use horizontal nor vertical lines in tables. \nl \`\tabiteml` is applied before each item, \`\tabitemr` is applied after each item of the table. \nl \`\tablinespace` is additional vertical space between horizontal rules and the lines of the table. \nl \`\hhkern` gives the space between horizontal lines if they are doubled and \`\vvkern` gives the space between such vertical lines. \nl \`\tabskipl` is `\tabskip` used before first column, \`\tabskipr` is `\tabskip` used after the last column. \nl \`\tsize` is virtual unit of the width of paragraph-like table items when `\table pxto` is used. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_everytable \_newtoks\_thistable \_newtoks\_tabiteml \_newtoks\_tabitemr \_newtoks\_tabstrut \_newdimen\_tablinespace \_newdimen\_vvkern \_newdimen\_hhkern \_newdimen\_tsize \_newskip\_tabskipl \_newskip\_tabskipr \_everytable={} % code used after settings in \vbox before table processing \_thistable={} % code used when \vbox starts, is is removed after using it \_tabstrut={\_strut} \_tabiteml={\_enspace} % left material in each column \_tabitemr={\_enspace} % right material in each column \_tablinespace=2pt % additional vertical space before/after horizontal rules \_vvkern=1pt % space between double vertical line and used in \frame \_hhkern=1pt % space between double horizontal line and used in \frame \_tabskipl=0pt\_relax % \tabskip used before first column \_tabskipr=0pt\_relax % \tabskip used after the last column \_public \everytable \thistable \tabiteml \tabitemr \tabstrut \tablinespace \vvkern \hhkern \tsize \tabskipl \tabskipr ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \^`\eqalign` macro can be configured by \`\eqlines` and \`\eqstyle` tokens lists. The default values are set in order this macro beahaves like in Plain \TeX. The \`\eqspace` is horizontal space put between equation systems if more columns in \^`\eqalign` is used. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_eqlines \_eqlines={\_openup\_jot} \_newtoks \_eqstyle \_eqstyle={\_strut\_displaystyle} \_newdimen \_eqspace \_eqspace=20pt \_public \eqlines \eqstyle \eqspace ; \_doc ----------------------------- \`\lmfil` is \"left matrix filler" (for `\matrix` columns). The default value does centering because right matrix filler is directly set to `\hfil`. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_lmfil \_lmfil={\_hfil} \_public \lmfil ; \_doc ----------------------------- The output routine uses token list \`\headline` and \`\footline` in the same sense as in plain \TeX/. If they are non-empty then `\hfil` or `\hss` must be here because they are used inside `\hbox to\hsize`. Assume that page-body text can be typeset in different sizes and different fonts and we don't know in what font context the output routine is invoked. So, it is strongly recommended to declare fixed variants of fonts at the beginning of your document. For example `\fontdef\rmfixed{\rm}`, `\fontdef\itfixed{\it}`. Then use them in headline and footline: \begtt \headline={\itfixed Text of headline, section: \fistmark \hss} \footline={\rmfixed \ifodd\pageno \hfill\fi \folio \hfil} \endtt \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks\_headline \_headline={} \_newtoks\_footline \_footline={\_hss\_rmfixed \_folio \_hss} \_public \headline \footline ; \_doc ----------------------------- The distance between the `\headline` and the top of the page-text is controlled by the \`\headlinedist` register. The distance between bottom of page-text and `\footline` is \`\footlinedist`. More precisely: baseline of headline and baseline of first line in page-text have distance `\headlinedist+\topskip`. The baseline of the last line in page-text and the baseline of the footline have distance `\footlinedist`. Default values are inspired from plain \TeX/. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newdimen \_headlinedist \_headlinedist=14pt \_newdimen \_footlinedist \_footlinedist=24pt \_public \headlinedist \footlinedist ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\pgbottomskip` is inserted to the page bottom in the output routine. You can set a less tolerance here than `\raggedbotom` does. By default, no tolerance is given. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newskip \_pgbottomskip \_pgbottomskip=0pt \_relax \_public \pgbottomskip ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\nextpages` tokens list can include settings which will be used at next pages. It is processed at the end of output routine with `\globaldefs=1` prefix. The `\nextpages` is reset to empty after processing. Example of usage: \begtt \headline={} \nexptages={\headline={\rmfixed \firstmark \hfil}} \endtt This example sets current page with empty headline, but next pages have non-empty headlines. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_nextpages \_public \nextpages ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\pgbackground` token list can include macros which generate a vertical list. It is used as page background. The top-left corner of such `\vbox` is at the top-left corner of the paper. Example creates the background of all pages yellow: \begtt \pgbackground={\Yellow \hrule height 0pt depth\pdfpageheight width\pdfpagewidth} \endtt \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_pgbackground \_pgbackground={} % for page background \_public \pgbackground ; \_doc ----------------------------- The parameters used in \^`\inoval` and \^`\incircle` macros can be re-set by \`\ovalparams`, \`\circleparams` tokens lists. The default values (documented in the user manual) are set in the macros. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newtoks \_ovalparams \_newtoks \_circleparams %\_ovalparams={\_roundness=2pt \_fcolor=\Yellow \_lcolor=\Red \_lwidth=.5bp % \_shadow=N \_overlapmargins=N \_hhkern=0pt \_vvkern=0pt } %\_circleparams={\_ratio=1 \_fcolor=\Yellow \_lcolor=\Red \_lwidth=.5bp % \_shadow=N \_overlapmargins=N \_hhkern=3pt \_vvkern=3pt} \_newdimen \_roundness \_roundness=5mm % used in \clippingoval macro \_public \ovalparams \circleparams \roundness ; \_endcode %---------------------------------------------------- The behavior of document processing by \OpTeX/ is controlled by {\em parameters}. The parameters are \begitems * primitive registers used in build-in algorithms of \TeX/, * registers declared and used by \OpTeX/ macros. \enditems Both groups of registers have their type: number, dimension, skip, token list. The registers are represented by their names (control sequences). If the user re-defines such control sequence then the appropriate register exists steadily and build-in algorithms are using it without change. But user cannot access its value in such case. \OpTeX/ declares two control sequences for each register: prefixed and unprefixed. \OpTeX/ macros use only prefixed variants of control sequences. The user should use unprefixed variant with the same meaning and set or read values of registers using the unprefixed variant. If the user re-defines the unprefixed control sequence of a register then \OpTeX/ macros still work without change. %There is only few parameters declared by \OpTeX/ macros. All of them %are listed in this section. This is desired feature of the \OpTeX/. %If you want to do more %changes wich cannot be controlled by parameters listed here then you %can copy the appropriate \OpTeX/ macro to your macro file and you %can completely re-define it. The typical examples are `\_printsomething` %macros which declares the design of the document. \_endinput History: 2020-04-04 ... \tabspaces added 2020-04-03 ... \hicolors added