-- Code from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleStack module(...,package.seeall) Stack = {} -- Create a Table with stack functions function Stack:Create() -- stack table local t = {} -- entry table t._et = {} -- push a value on to the stack function t:push(...) if ... then local targs = {...} -- add values for _,v in pairs(targs) do table.insert(self._et, v) end end end -- pop a value from the stack function t:pop(num) -- get num values from stack local num = num or 1 -- return table local entries = {} -- get values into entries for i = 1, num do -- get last entry if #self._et ~= 0 then table.insert(entries, self._et[#self._et]) -- remove last value table.remove(self._et) else break end end -- return unpacked entries return unpack(entries) end -- get entries function t:getn() return #self._et end -- list values function t:list() for i,v in pairs(self._et) do print(i, v) end end function t:join(s) return table.concat(self._et,s) end return t end