module(...,package.seeall) --- -- Overview: -- ========= -- -- This module provides a non-validating XML stream parser in Lua. -- -- Features: -- ========= -- -- * Tokenises well-formed XML (relatively robustly) -- * Flexible handler based event api (see below) -- * Parses all XML Infoset elements - ie. -- - Tags -- - Text -- - Comments -- - CDATA -- - XML Decl -- - Processing Instructions -- - DOCTYPE declarations -- * Provides limited well-formedness checking -- (checks for basic syntax & balanced tags only) -- * Flexible whitespace handling (selectable) -- * Entity Handling (selectable) -- -- Limitations: -- ============ -- -- * Non-validating -- * No charset handling -- * No namespace support -- * Shallow well-formedness checking only (fails -- to detect most semantic errors) -- -- API: -- ==== -- -- The parser provides a partially object-oriented API with -- functionality split into tokeniser and hanlder components. -- -- The handler instance is passed to the tokeniser and receives -- callbacks for each XML element processed (if a suitable handler -- function is defined). The API is conceptually similar to the -- SAX API but implemented differently. -- -- The following events are generated by the tokeniser -- -- handler:start - Start Tag -- handler:end - End Tag -- handler:text - Text -- handler:decl - XML Declaration -- handler:pi - Processing Instruction -- handler:comment - Comment -- handler:dtd - DOCTYPE definition -- handler:cdata - CDATA -- -- The function prototype for all the callback functions is -- -- callback(val,attrs,start,end) -- -- where attrs is a table and val/attrs are overloaded for -- specific callbacks - ie. -- -- Callback val attrs (table) -- -------- --- ------------- -- start name { attributes (name=val).. } -- end name nil -- text nil -- cdata nil -- decl "xml" { attributes (name=val).. } -- pi pi name { attributes (if present).. -- _text = -- } -- comment nil -- dtd root element { _root = , -- _type = SYSTEM|PUBLIC, -- _name = , -- _uri = , -- _internal = -- } -- -- (start & end provide the character positions of the start/end -- of the element) -- -- XML data is passed to the parser instance through the 'parse' -- method (Nore: must be passed a single string currently) -- -- Options -- ======= -- -- Parser options are controlled through the 'self.options' table. -- Available options are - -- -- * stripWS -- -- Strip non-significant whitespace (leading/trailing) -- and do not generate events for empty text elements -- -- * expandEntities -- -- Expand entities (standard entities + single char -- numeric entities only currently - could be extended -- at runtime if suitable DTD parser added elements -- to table (see obj._ENTITIES). May also be possible -- to expand multibyre entities for UTF-8 only -- -- * errorHandler -- -- Custom error handler function -- -- NOTE: Boolean options must be set to 'nil' not '0' -- -- Usage -- ===== -- -- Create a handler instance - -- -- h = { start = function(t,a,s,e) .... end, -- end = function(t,a,s,e) .... end, -- text = function(t,a,s,e) .... end, -- cdata = text } -- -- (or use predefined handler - see handler.lua) -- -- Create parser instance - -- -- p = xmlParser(h) -- -- Set options - -- -- p.options.xxxx = nil -- -- Parse XML data - -- -- xmlParser:parse(" local format= string.format ---Parses a XML string --@param handler Handler object to be used to convert the XML string --to another formats. @see handler.lua xmlParser = function(handler) local obj = {} -- Public attributes obj.options = { stripWS = 1, expandEntities = 1, errorHandler = function(err,pos) error(format("%s [char=%d]\n", err or "Parse Error",pos)) end, } -- Public methods obj.parse = function(self, str, parseAttributes) if parseAttributes == nil then parseAttributes = true end self._handler.parseAttributes = parseAttributes local match,endmatch,pos = 0,0,1 local text,endt1,endt2,tagstr,tagname,attrs,starttext,endtext local errstart,errend,extstart,extend while match do -- Get next tag (first pass - fix exceptions below) match,endmatch,text,endt1,tagstr,endt2 = string.find(str,self._XML,pos) if not match then if string.find(str,self._WS,pos) then -- No more text - check document complete if table.getn(self._stack) ~= 0 then self:_err(self._errstr.incompleteXmlErr,pos) else break end else -- Unparsable text self:_err(self._errstr.xmlErr,pos) end end -- Handle leading text starttext = match endtext = match + string.len(text) - 1 match = match + string.len(text) text = self:_parseEntities(self:_stripWS(text)) if text ~= "" and self._handler.text then self._handler:text(text,nil,match,endtext) end -- Test for tag type if string.find(string.sub(tagstr,1,5),"?xml%s") then -- XML Declaration match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._PI,pos) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.declErr,pos) end if match ~= 1 then -- Must be at start of doc if present self:_err(self._errstr.declStartErr,pos) end tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(text) -- TODO: Check attributes are valid -- Check for version (mandatory) if attrs.version == nil then self:_err(self._errstr.declAttrErr,pos) end if self._handler.decl then self._handler:decl(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch) end elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,1) == "?" then -- Processing Instruction match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._PI,pos) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.piErr,pos) end if self._handler.pi then -- Parse PI attributes & text tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(text) local pi = string.sub(text,string.len(tagname)+1) if pi ~= "" then if attrs then attrs._text = pi else attrs = { _text = pi } end end self._handler:pi(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch) end elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,3) == "!--" then -- Comment match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._COMMENT,pos) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.commentErr,pos) end if self._handler.comment then text = self:_parseEntities(self:_stripWS(text)) self._handler:comment(text,next,match,endmatch) end elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,8) == "!DOCTYPE" then -- DTD --match,endmatch,attrs = self:_parseDTD(string,pos) match,endmatch,attrs = self:_parseDTD(str,pos) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.dtdErr,pos) end if self._handler.dtd then self._handler:dtd(attrs._root,attrs,match,endmatch) end elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,8) == "![CDATA[" then -- CDATA match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._CDATA,pos) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.cdataErr,pos) end if self._handler.cdata then self._handler:cdata(text,nil,match,endmatch) end else -- Normal tag -- Need theck for embedded '>' in attribute value and extend -- match recursively if necessary eg. while 1 do errstart,errend = string.find(tagstr,self._ATTRERR1) if errend == nil then errstart,errend = string.find(tagstr,self._ATTRERR2) if errend == nil then break end end extstart,extend,endt2 = string.find(str,self._TAGEXT,endmatch+1) tagstr = tagstr .. string.sub(string,endmatch,extend-1) if not match then self:_err(self._errstr.xmlErr,pos) end endmatch = extend end -- Extract tagname/attrs tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(tagstr) if (endt1=="/") then -- End tag if self._handler.endtag then if attrs then -- Shouldnt have any attributes in endtag self:_err(format("%s (/%s)", self._errstr.endTagErr, tagname) ,pos) end if table.remove(self._stack) ~= tagname then self:_err(format("%s (/%s)", self._errstr.unmatchedTagErr, tagname) ,pos) end self._handler:endtag(tagname,nil,match,endmatch) end else -- Start Tag table.insert(self._stack,tagname) if self._handler.starttag then self._handler:starttag(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch) end -- Self-Closing Tag if (endt2=="/") then table.remove(self._stack) if self._handler.endtag then self._handler:endtag(tagname,nil,match,endmatch) end end end end pos = endmatch + 1 end end -- Private attrobures/functions obj._handler = handler obj._stack = {} obj._XML = '^([^<]*)<(%/?)([^>]-)(%/?)>' obj._ATTR1 = '([%w-:_]+)%s*=%s*"(.-)"' obj._ATTR2 = '([%w-:_]+)%s*=%s*\'(.-)\'' obj._CDATA = '<%!%[CDATA%[(.-)%]%]>' obj._PI = '<%?(.-)%?>' obj._COMMENT = '' obj._TAG = '^(.-)%s.*' obj._LEADINGWS = '^%s+' obj._TRAILINGWS = '%s+$' obj._WS = '^%s*$' obj._DTD1 = '' obj._DTD2 = '' obj._DTD3 = '' obj._DTD4 = '' obj._DTD5 = '' --obj._DTD6 = "" obj._ATTRERR1 = '=%s*"[^"]*$' obj._ATTRERR2 = '=%s*\'[^\']*$' obj._TAGEXT = '(%/?)>' obj._ENTITIES = { ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["&"] = "&", ["""] = '"', ["'"] = "'", ["&#(%d+);"] = function (x) local d = tonumber(x) if d >= 0 and d < 256 then return string.char(d) else return "&#"..d..";" end end, ["&#x(%x+);"] = function (x) local d = tonumber(x,16) if d >= 0 and d < 256 then return string.char(d) else return "&#x"..x..";" end end, } obj._err = function(self,err,pos) if self.options.errorHandler then self.options.errorHandler(err,pos) end end obj._errstr = { xmlErr = "Error Parsing XML", declErr = "Error Parsing XMLDecl", declStartErr = "XMLDecl not at start of document", declAttrErr = "Invalid XMLDecl attributes", piErr = "Error Parsing Processing Instruction", commentErr = "Error Parsing Comment", cdataErr = "Error Parsing CDATA", dtdErr = "Error Parsing DTD", endTagErr = "End Tag Attributes Invalid", unmatchedTagErr = "Unbalanced Tag", incompleteXmlErr = "Incomplete XML Document", } obj._stripWS = function(self,s) if self.options.stripWS then s = string.gsub(s,'^%s+','') s = string.gsub(s,'%s+$','') end return s end obj._parseEntities = function(self,s) if self.options.expandEntities then --for k,v in self._ENTITIES do for k,v in pairs(self._ENTITIES) do --print (k, v) s = string.gsub(s,k,v) end end return s end obj._parseDTD = function(self,s,pos) -- match,endmatch,root,type,name,uri,internal --print(s.." : "..pos) local m,e,r,t,n,u,i m,e,r,t,n,u = string.find(s,self._DTD5,pos) if m then return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_name=n,_uri=u} end m,e,r,t,u,i = string.find(s,self._DTD1,pos) if m then return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_uri=u,_internal=i} end m,e,r,t,n,u,i = string.find(s,self._DTD2,pos) if m then return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_name=n,_uri=u,_internal=i} end m,e,r,i = string.find(s,self._DTD3,pos) if m then return m,e,{_root=r,_internal=i} end m,e,r,t,u = string.find(s,self._DTD4,pos) if m then return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_uri=u} end return nil end obj._parseTag = function(self,s) local attrs = {} local tagname = string.gsub(s,self._TAG,'%1') string.gsub(s,self._ATTR1,function (k,v) attrs[string.lower(k)]=self:_parseEntities(v) attrs._ = 1 end) string.gsub(s,self._ATTR2,function (k,v) attrs[string.lower(k)]=self:_parseEntities(v) attrs._ = 1 end) if attrs._ then attrs._ = nil else attrs = nil end return tagname,attrs end return obj end function xmlEscape(s) local t = {['"']=""",["'"]="'",["&"]="&",["<"]="<",[">"]=">"} return string.gsub(s,"([\"'<>&])",t) end function serialize(tb) local function getAttributes(k,v) local i = "" if(type(v["_attr"])=="table") then -- texio.write_nl("attr") for p,n in pairs(v["_attr"]) do i = i ..' '.. p .. '="'..xmlEscape(n)..'"' end --table.remove(v,"_attr") end return i end local function printable(tb, level,currTag) local r ={} local currTag = currTag or "" level = level or 0 local spaces = string.rep(' ', level*2) for k,v in pairs(tb) do if type(v) ~= "table" then local ct = k if type(k)=="number" then ct = currTag end if ct == "" then table.insert(r,spaces .. xmlEscape(v).."\n") else local i = getAttributes(k,v) table.insert(r,spaces .. '<'..ct..i..'>'..xmlEscape(v)..''.."\n") end else if k == "_attr" then --table.insert(r,printable(v, level)) else if type(k)=="string" then --currTag = k if type(k)=="numeric" then k = currTag end if #v > 1 then table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1,k)) else local i = getAttributes(k,v) table.insert(r,spaces.."<"..k..i..">\n") table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1,k)) table.insert(r,spaces.."\n") end else local i = getAttributes(k,v) table.insert(r,spaces .. "<"..currTag..i..">\n") --level = level + 1 table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1)) table.insert(r,spaces .. "\n") end end end end return table.concat(r,"") end return table.concat({'',printable(tb)},"\n") end