require 'lualibs' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ do local ipath = {} function luatexja.input_path_clear() for i in ipairs(ipath) do ipath[i]=nil end end function luatexja.input_path_add(s) ipath[#ipath+1]=s end function luatexja.load_lua(fn) local found = kpse.find_file(fn, 'tex') if not found then for _,v in ipairs(ipath) do found = kpse.find_file(v .. fn, 'tex'); if found then break end end end if not found then tex.error("LuaTeX-ja error: File `" .. fn .. "' not found") else texio.write_nl('(' .. found .. ')'); dofile(found) end end end function luatexja.load_module(name) require('ltj-' .. name.. '.lua') end do local dnode = local getfield, traverse = dnode.getfield, dnode.traverse local node_new, set_attr, get_attr =, dnode.set_attribute, dnode.get_attribute local set_attrlist, get_attrlist = dnode.setattributelist, dnode.getattributelist local unset_attr = dnode.unset_attribute local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local function node_inherit_attr(n, b, a) if b or a then local attrlist = get_attrlist(b or a) local nic = get_attr(n, attr_icflag) set_attrlist(n, attrlist); set_attr(n, attr_icflag, nic) if b and a then for na in traverse(attrlist) do local id = getfield(na, 'number') if id and id~=attr_icflag and getfield(na, 'value')~=get_attr(a, id) then unset_attr(n, id) end end end end return n end luatexja.node_inherit_attr = node_inherit_attr luatexja.dnode_new = function (id, subtype, b, a) return node_inherit_attr(node_new(id, subtype), b, a) end end --- 以下は全ファイルで共有される定数 local icflag_table = {} luatexja.icflag_table = icflag_table icflag_table.ITALIC = 1 icflag_table.PACKED = 2 icflag_table.KINSOKU = 3 icflag_table.FROM_JFM = 4 icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP = 68 -- = 4+64 icflag_table.KANJI_SKIP_JFM = 69 icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP = 70 icflag_table.XKANJI_SKIP_JFM = 71 icflag_table.LINEEND = 72 icflag_table.PROCESSED = 73 icflag_table.IC_PROCESSED = 74 icflag_table.BOXBDD = 75 icflag_table.SPECIAL_JAGLUE = 76 -- 段落組版中のノードリストでは通常のノード (not whatsit) だが -- 和文処理グルー挿入プロセスで長さが決定されるもの icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = 4096 -- sufficiently large power of 2 local stack_ind = {} luatexja.stack_table_index = stack_ind stack_ind.PRE = 0x200000 -- characterごと stack_ind.POST = 0x400000 -- characterごと stack_ind.KCAT = 0x600000 -- characterごと stack_ind.XSP = 0x800000 -- characterごと stack_ind.RIPRE = 0xA00000 -- characterごと,ruby pre stack_ind.RIPOST = 0xC00000 -- characterごと,ruby post stack_ind.JWP = 0 -- これだけ stack_ind.KSK = 1 -- これだけ stack_ind.XSK = 2 -- これだけ stack_ind.MJT = 0x100 -- 0--255 stack_ind.MJS = 0x200 -- 0--255 stack_ind.MJSS = 0x300 -- 0--255 stack_ind.KSJ = 0x400 -- 0--9 local uid_table = {} luatexja.userid_table = uid_table uid_table.IHB = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('inhibitglue', 'luatexja') -- \inhibitglue uid_table.STCK = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('stack_marker', 'luatexja') -- スタック管理 uid_table.BPAR = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('begin_par', 'luatexja') -- 「段落始め」 uid_table.DIR = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('direction', 'luatexja') -- 組方向 uid_table.BOXB = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('box_boundary', 'luatexja') -- 「ボックス始め・終わり」 uid_table.JA_AL_BDD = luatexbase.newuserwhatsitid('ja_al_boundary', 'luatexja') local dir_table = {} luatexja.dir_table = dir_table dir_table.dir_dtou = 1 dir_table.dir_tate = 3 dir_table.dir_yoko = 4 dir_table.dir_math_mod = 8 dir_table.dir_node_auto = 128 -- 組方向を合わせるために自動で作られたもの dir_table.dir_node_manual = 256 -- 寸法代入によって作られたもの dir_table.dir_utod = dir_table.dir_tate + dir_table.dir_math_mod -- 「縦数式ディレクション」 in pTeX --- 定義終わり local load_module = luatexja.load_module load_module 'base'; local ltjb = luatexja.base if tex.outputmode==0 then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'DVI output is not supported in LuaTeX-ja', 'Use lua*tex instead dvilua*tex.') end load_module 'rmlgbm'; local ltjr = luatexja.rmlgbm -- must be 1st if luatexja_debug then load_module 'debug' end load_module 'lotf_aux'; local ltju = luatexja.lotf_aux load_module 'charrange'; local ltjc = luatexja.charrange load_module 'stack'; local ltjs = luatexja.stack load_module 'direction'; local ltjd = luatexja.direction -- +1 hlist +1 attr_list load_module 'lineskip'; local ltjl = luatexja.lineskip -- +1 hlist +1 attr_list load_module 'jfont'; local ltjf = luatexja.jfont load_module 'inputbuf'; local ltji = luatexja.inputbuf load_module 'pretreat'; local ltjp = luatexja.pretreat load_module 'setwidth'; local ltjw = luatexja.setwidth load_module 'jfmglue'; local ltjj = luatexja.jfmglue -- +1 glue +1 gs +1 attr_list load_module 'math'; local ltjm = luatexja.math load_module 'base'; local ltjb = luatexja.base local attr_jchar_class = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charclass'] local attr_jchar_code = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@charcode'] local attr_curjfnt = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@curjfnt'] local attr_yablshift = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@yablshift'] local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag'] local attr_uniqid = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@uniqid'] local attr_dir = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@dir'] local cat_lp = luatexbase.catcodetables['latex-package'] -- Three aux. functions, borrowed from tex.web local floor = math.floor local function print_scaled(s) local out, delta = '', 10 if s<0 then s, out = -s, out..'-' end out=out..tostring(floor(s/65536)) .. '.' s=10*(s%65536)+5 repeat if delta>65536 then s=s+32768-50000 end out=out .. tostring(floor(s/65536)) s=10*(s%65536); delta=delta*10 until s<=delta return out end luatexja.print_scaled = print_scaled local function print_glue(d,order) local out=print_scaled(d) if order>0 then out=out..'fi' while order>1 do out=out..'l'; order=order-1 end else out=out..'pt' end return out end local function print_spec(p) local out=print_scaled(p.width or p[1])..'pt' if (p.stretch or p[2])~=0 then out=out..' plus '..print_glue(p.stretch or p[2], p.stretch_order or p[4]) end if (p.shrink or p[3])~=0 then out=out..' minus '..print_glue(p.shrink or p[3], p.shrink_order or p[5]) end return out end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- CODE FOR GETTING/SETTING PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local getcount, texwrite = tex.getcount, tex.write local cnt_stack = luatexbase.registernumber 'ltj@@stack' -- EXT: print parameters that don't need arguments do local tex_getattr, getnest = tex.getattribute, tex.getnest local function getattr(a, d) local r = tex_getattr(a); d = d or 0 return (r==-0x7FFFFFFF) and d or r end luatexja.unary_pars = { yalbaselineshift = function(t) return print_scaled(getattr('ltj@yablshift'))..'pt' end, yjabaselineshift = function(t) return print_scaled(getattr('ltj@ykblshift'))..'pt' end, talbaselineshift = function(t) return print_scaled(getattr('ltj@tablshift'))..'pt' end, tjabaselineshift = function(t) return print_scaled(getattr('ltj@tkblshift'))..'pt' end, kanjiskip = function(t) return print_spec(ltjs.get_stack_skip(stack_ind.KSK, t)) end, xkanjiskip = function(t) return print_spec(ltjs.get_stack_skip(stack_ind.XSK, t)) end, jcharwidowpenalty = function(t) return ltjs.get_stack_table(stack_ind.JWP, 0, t) end, autospacing = function(t) return getattr('ltj@autospc', 1) end, autoxspacing = function(t) return getattr('ltj@autoxspc', 1) end, differentjfm = function(t) local f, r = luatexja.jfmglue.diffmet_rule, '???' if f == math.max then r = 'large' elseif f == math.min then r = 'small' elseif f == math.two_average then r = 'average' elseif f == math.two_paverage then r = 'paverage' elseif f == math.two_pleft then r = 'pleft' elseif f == math.two_pright then r = 'pright' elseif f == math.two_add then r = 'both' end return r end, direction = function() local v = ltjd.get_dir_count() if math.abs(getnest().mode) == ltjs.mmode and v == dir_table.dir_tate then v = dir_table.dir_utod end return v end, adjustdir = ltjd.get_adjust_dir_count, } local unary_pars = luatexja.unary_pars local scan_arg = token.scan_argument function luatexja.ext_get_parameter_unary() local k= scan_arg() if unary_pars[k] then texwrite(tostring(unary_pars[k](getcount(cnt_stack)))) end ltjb.stop_time_measure 'get_par' end end -- EXT: print parameters that need arguments do luatexja.binary_pars = { jacharrange = function(c, t) if type(c)~='number' or c<-1 or c>31*ltjc.ATTR_RANGE then -- 0, -1 はエラーにしない(隠し) ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'invalid character range number (' .. tostring(c) .. ')', 'A character range number should be in the range 1..' .. 31*ltjc.ATTR_RANGE .. ",\n".. 'So I changed this one to ' .. 31*ltjc.ATTR_RANGE .. ".") c=0 -- external range 217 == internal range 0 elseif c==31*ltjc.ATTR_RANGE then c=0 end -- 負の値は 65535 then ltjb.package_error('luatexja', 'Bad register code (' .. tostring(c) .. ')', 'A register must be between 0 and 65535.\n'.. 'I changed this one to zero.') c=0 end return ltjd.get_register_dir(c) end, } local binary_pars = luatexja.binary_pars local scan_arg, scan_int = token.scan_argument, token.scan_int binary_pars.alxspmode = binary_pars.jaxspmode function luatexja.ext_get_parameter_binary(k, c) if binary_pars[k] then texwrite(tostring(binary_pars[k](c, getcount(cnt_stack)))) end ltjb.stop_time_measure 'get_par' end end -- EXT: print \global if necessary function luatexja.ext_print_global() if luatexja.isglobal=='global' then tex.sprint(cat_lp, '\\global') end end -- main process do local start_time_measure, stop_time_measure = ltjb.start_time_measure, ltjb.stop_time_measure local nullfunc = function (n) return n end local to_node = local to_direct = local ensure_tex_attr = ltjb.ensure_tex_attr local slide = node.slide -- mode = true iff main_process is called from pre_linebreak_filter local function main_process(head, mode, dir, gc) ensure_tex_attr(attr_icflag, 0) if gc == 'fin_row' then return head else start_time_measure 'jfmglue' slide(head); local p = ltjj.main(to_direct(head),mode, dir) stop_time_measure 'jfmglue' return to_node(p) end end local function adjust_icflag(h) -- kern from luaotfload will have icflag = 1 -- (same as italic correction) ensure_tex_attr(attr_icflag, 1) return h end -- callbacks ltjb.add_to_callback( 'pre_linebreak_filter', function (head,groupcode) return main_process(head, true, tex.textdir, groupcode) end,'ltj.main', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', 'luaotfload.node_processor')+1) ltjb.add_to_callback( 'hpack_filter', function (head,groupcode,size,packtype, dir) return main_process(head, false, dir, groupcode) end,'ltj.main', luatexbase.priority_in_callback('hpack_filter', 'luaotfload.node_processor')+1) ltjb.add_to_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', adjust_icflag, 'ltj.adjust_icflag', 1) ltjb.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', adjust_icflag, 'ltj.adjust_icflag', 1) end -- lastnodechar do local get_attr, traverse_glyph = node.get_attribute, node.traverse_glyph local getnest = tex.getnest local id_hlist = 'hlist' local id_glyph = 'glyph' local PACKED, PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG = icflag_table.PACKED, icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG function luatexja.pltx_composite_last_node_char() local n = getnest().tail local r = '-1' if n then if and (get_attr(n, attr_icflag) or 0) % PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG == PACKED then for i in traverse_glyph(n.head) do n = i; break end end if then while n.components and n.subtype and n.subtype%4 >= 2 do n = node.tail(n) end r = tostring(n.char) end end tex.sprint(-2, r) end end do local cache_ver = 4 -- must be same as ltj-kinsoku.tex local cache_outdate_fn = function (t) return t.version~=cache_ver end local t = ltjs.charprop_stack_table function luatexja.load_kinsoku() for i,_ in pairs(t) do t[i]=nil end local kinsoku = ltjb.load_cache('ltj-kinsoku_default',cache_outdate_fn) if kinsoku and kinsoku[1] then t[0] = kinsoku[1] else t[0] = {}; tex.print(cat_lp, '\\input ltj-kinsoku.tex\\relax') end luatexja.load_kinsoku=nil end end -- debug do local node_type = node.type local node_next = local get_attr = node.get_attribute local id_penalty = 'penalty' local id_glyph = 'glyph' local id_glue = 'glue' local id_kern = 'kern' local id_hlist = 'hlist' local id_vlist = 'vlist' local id_rule = 'rule' local id_math = 'math' local id_whatsit = 'whatsit' local sid_user = node.subtype 'user_defined' local prefix, inner_depth local utfchar = utf.char local function debug_show_node_X(p,print_fn, limit, inner_depth) local k = prefix local s local pt, pic = node_type(, (get_attr(p, attr_icflag) or 0) % icflag_table.PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG local base = prefix .. string.format('%X', pic) .. ' ' .. pt .. ' ' .. tostring(p.subtype) .. ' ' if pt == 'glyph' then s = base .. ' ' .. (p.char<0xF0000 and utfchar(p.char) or '') .. string.format(' (U+%X) ', p.char) .. tostring(p.font) .. ' (' .. print_scaled(p.height) .. '+' .. print_scaled(p.depth) .. ')x' .. print_scaled(p.width) if p.xoffset~=0 or p.yoffset~=0 then s = s .. ' off: (' .. print_scaled(p.xoffset) .. ',' .. print_scaled(p.yoffset) .. ')' end print_fn(s) elseif pt=='hlist' or pt=='vlist' or pt=='unset'or pt=='ins' then if pt=='ins' then s = base .. '(' .. print_scaled(p.height) .. '+' .. print_scaled(p.depth) .. ')' .. ', dir=' .. tostring(node.get_attribute(p, attr_dir)) else s = base .. '(' .. print_scaled(p.height) .. '+' .. print_scaled(p.depth) .. ')x' .. print_scaled(p.width) .. ', dir=' .. tostring(node.get_attribute(p, attr_dir)) end if (p.shift or 0)~=0 then s = s .. ', shifted ' .. print_scaled(p.shift) end if p.glue_set and p.glue_sign ==2 or ( p.glue_sign==1 and p.glue_set>0) then s = s .. ' glue set ' if p.glue_sign == 2 then s = s .. '-' end s = s .. tostring(floor(p.glue_set*10000)/10000) if p.glue_order == 0 then s = s .. 'pt' else s = s .. 'fi' for i = 2, p.glue_order do s = s .. 'l' end end end if pic == icflag_table.PACKED then s = s .. ' (packed)' end print_fn(s); local bid = inner_depth prefix, inner_depth = prefix.. '.', inner_depth + 1 if inner_depth < limit then for q in node.traverse(p.head) do debug_show_node_X(q, print_fn, limit, inner_depth) end end prefix=k elseif pt=='rule' then s = base .. '(' .. print_scaled(p.height) .. '+' .. print_scaled(p.depth) .. ')x' .. print_scaled(p.width) .. ', dir=' .. tostring(node.get_attribute(p, attr_dir)) print_fn(s) elseif pt=='disc' then print_fn(s) local bid = inner_depth if inner_depth < limit then prefix, inner_depth = k.. 'p.', inner_depth + 1 for q in node.traverse(p.pre) do debug_show_node_X(q, print_fn, limit, inner_depth) end prefix = k.. 'P.' for q in node.traverse( do debug_show_node_X(q, print_fn, limit, inner_depth) end prefix = k.. 'R.' for q in node.traverse(p.replace) do debug_show_node_X(q, print_fn, limit, inner_depth) end end prefix=k elseif pt == 'glue' then s = base .. ' ' .. print_spec(p) if pic>icflag_table.KINSOKU and picicflag_table.KINSOKU and pic