-- -- ltj-base.lua -- local ltb = luatexbase local tostring = tostring local node, table, tex, token = node, table, tex, token local cat_lp = luatexbase.catcodetables['latex-package'] -------------------- local ltjb = {} luatexja.base = ltjb local public_name = 'luatexja' local public_version = 'alpha' ltjb.public_name = public_name ltjb.public_version = public_version -------------------- Fully-expandable error messaging local _error_set_break, _error_set_message, _error_show local generic_error, _generic_warn_info local generic_warning, generic_warning_no_line local generic_info, generic_info_no_line local package_error, package_warning, package_warning_no_line local package_info, package_info_no_line local ltj_error, ltj_warning_no_line do --! LaTeX 形式のエラーメッセージ(\PackageError 等)を --! Lua 関数の呼び出しで行う. local LF, BEL = "\n", "\a" local err_main = "" local err_help = "" local function message_cont(str, c) return str:gsub(LF, LF .. c) end local function into_lines(str) return str:explode(LF) end _error_set_message = function (msgcont, main, help) err_main = message_cont(main, msgcont):gsub(BEL, LF) err_help = (help and help~="") and into_lines(help) or {"Sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation.", "Maybe you should try asking a human?" } end _error_show = function (escchar) local escapechar = tex.escapechar local newlinechar = tex.newlinechar local errorcontextlines = tex.errorcontextlines if not escchar then tex.escapechar = -1 end tex.newlinechar = 10 tex.errorcontextlines = -1 tex.error(err_main, err_help) tex.escapechar = escapechar tex.newlinechar = newlinechar tex.errorcontextlines = errorcontextlines end local message_a = "Type H for immediate help" generic_error = function (msgcont, main, ref, help) local mainref = main..".\a\a"..ref..BEL..message_a _error_set_message(msgcont, mainref, help) _error_show(true) end _generic_warn_info = function (msgcont, main, warn, line) local mainc = message_cont(main, msgcont) local br = warn and "\n" or "" local out = warn and "term and log" or "log" local on_line = line and (" on input line "..tex.inputlineno) or "" local newlinechar = tex.newlinechar tex.newlinechar = -1 texio.write_nl(out, br..mainc..on_line.."."..br) tex.newlinechar = newlinechar end generic_warning = function (msgcont, main) _generic_warn_info(msgcont, main, true, true) end generic_warning_no_line = function (msgcont, main) _generic_warn_info(msgcont, main, true, false) end generic_info = function (msgcont, main) _generic_warn_info(msgcont, main, false, true) end generic_info_no_line = function (msgcont, main) _generic_warn_info(msgcont, main, false, false) end package_error = function (pkgname, main, help) generic_error("("..pkgname..") ", "Package "..pkgname.." Error: "..main, "See the "..pkgname.." package documentation for explanation.", help) end package_warning = function (pkgname, main) generic_warning("("..pkgname..") ", "Package "..pkgname.." Warning: "..main) end package_warning_no_line = function (pkgname, main) generic_warning_no_line("("..pkgname..") ", "Package "..pkgname.." Warning: "..main) end package_info = function (pkgname, main) generic_info("("..pkgname..") ", "Package "..pkgname.." Info: "..main) end package_info_no_line = function (pkgname, main) generic_info_no_line("("..pkgname..") ", "Package "..pkgname.." Info: "..main) end ltj_error = function (main, help) package_error(public_name, main, help) end ltj_warning_no_line = function (main) package_warning_no_line(public_name, main, help) end end -------------------- TeX stream I/O --! ixbase.print() と同じ --- Extension to tex.print(). Each argument string may contain -- newline characters, in which case the string is output (to -- TeX input stream) as multiple lines. -- @param ... (string) string to output local function mprint(...) local arg = {...} local lines = {} if type(arg[1]) == "number" then table.insert(lines, arg[1]) table.remove(arg, 1) end for _, cnk in ipairs(arg) do local ls = cnk:explode("\n") if ls[#ls] == "" then table.remove(ls, #ls) end for _, l in ipairs(ls) do table.insert(lines, l) end end return tex.print(unpack(lines)) end ltjb.mprint = mprint -------------------- Handling of TeX values do --! ixbase.to_dimen() と同じ local function to_dimen(val) if val == nil then return 0 elseif type(val) == "number" then return val else return tex.sp(tostring(val)) end end local function parse_dimen(val) val = tostring(val):lower() local r, fil = val:match("([-.%d]+)fi(l*)") if r then val, fil = r.."pt", fil:len() + 1 else fil = 0 end return tex.sp(val), fil end ltjb.to_dimen = to_dimen end -------------------- Virtual table for LaTeX counters -- not used in current LuaTeX-ja do --! ixbase.counter と同じ local counter = {} local mt_counter = {} setmetatable(counter, mt_counter) function mt_counter.__index(tbl, key) return tex.count['c@'..key] end function mt_counter.__newindex(tbl, key, val) tex.count['c@'..key] = val end ltjb.counter = counter --! ixbase.length は tex.skip と全く同じなので不要. end -------------------- common error message do local function in_unicode(c, admit_math) local low = admit_math and -1 or 0 if type(c)~='number' or c0x10FFFF then local s = 'A character number must be between ' .. tostring(low) .. ' and 0x10ffff.\n' .. (admit_math and "(-1 is used for denoting `math boundary')\n" or '') .. 'So I changed this one to zero.' package_error('luatexja', 'bad character code (' .. tostring(c) .. ')', s) c=0 end return c end ltjb.in_unicode = in_unicode end -------------------- cache management -- load_cache (filename, outdate) -- * filename: without suffix '.lua' -- * outdate(t): return true iff the cache is outdated -- * return value: non-nil iff the cache is up-to-date -- save_cache (filename, t): no return value -- save_cache_luc (filename, t): no return value -- save_cache always calls save_cache_luc. -- But sometimes we want to create only the precompiled cache, -- when its 'text' version is already present in LuaTeX-ja distribution. if not os.type then require'lualibs-os' end if not string.split then require'lualibs-lpeg' end if not gzip then if kpse.find_file('lualibs-util-zip', 'lua') then require'lualibs-util-zip' else require'lualibs-gzip' end end do local kpse_var_value = kpse.var_value local path, pathtmp = kpse_var_value("TEXMFVAR") pathtmp = kpse_var_value("TEXMFSYSVAR") if pathtmp then path = (path and path .. ';' or '') .. pathtmp end pathtmp = kpse_var_value("TEXMFCACHE") if pathtmp then path = (path and path .. ';' or '') .. pathtmp end if os.type~='windows' then path = string.gsub(path, ':', ';') end path = table.unique(string.split(path, ';')) local cache_dir = '/luatexja' local find_file = kpse.find_file local join, isreadable = file.join, file.isreadable local tofile, serialize = table.tofile, table.serialize local luc_suffix = jit and '.lub' or '.luc' local dump = string.dump -- determine save path local savepath = '' for _,v in pairs(path) do local testpath = join(v, cache_dir) if not lfs.isdir(testpath) then dir.mkdirs(testpath) end if lfs.isdir(testpath) then savepath = testpath; break end end local serial_spec = {functions=false, noquotes=true} local function remove_file_if_exist(name) if os.rename(name,name) then os.remove(name) end end local function remove_cache (filename) local fullpath_wo_ext = savepath .. '/' .. filename .. '.lu' remove_file_if_exist(fullpath_wo_ext .. 'a') remove_file_if_exist(fullpath_wo_ext .. 'a.gz') remove_file_if_exist(fullpath_wo_ext .. 'b') remove_file_if_exist(fullpath_wo_ext .. 'c') end local function save_cache_luc(filename, t, serialized) local fullpath = savepath .. '/' .. filename .. luc_suffix local s = serialized or serialize(t, 'return', false, serial_spec) if s then local sa = load(s) local f = io.open(fullpath, 'wb') if f and sa then f:write(dump(sa, true)) texio.write('log', '(save cache: ' .. fullpath .. ')') f:close() end end end local function save_cache(filename, t) local fullpath = savepath .. '/' .. filename .. '.lua.gz' local s = serialize(t, 'return', false, serial_spec) if s then gzip.save(fullpath, s, 1) texio.write('log', '(save cache: ' .. fullpath .. ')') save_cache_luc(filename, t, s) end end local function load_cache_a(filename, outdate, compressed) local result for _,v in pairs(path) do local fn = join(v, cache_dir, filename) if isreadable(fn) then texio.write('log','(load cache: ' .. filename .. ')') if compressed then result = loadstring(gzip.load(fn)) else result = loadfile(fn) end result = result and result() break end end if (not result) or outdate(result) then return nil else return result end end local function load_cache(filename, outdate) remove_file_if_exist(savepath .. '/' .. filename .. '.lua') local r = load_cache_a(filename .. luc_suffix, outdate, false) if r then return r else local r = load_cache_a(filename .. '.lua.gz', outdate, true) if r then save_cache_luc(filename, r) end -- update the precompiled cache return r end end ltjb.remove_cache = remove_cache ltjb.load_cache = load_cache ltjb.save_cache_luc = save_cache_luc ltjb.save_cache = save_cache end ---- do local tex_set_attr, tex_get_attr = tex.setattribute, tex.getattribute function ltjb.ensure_tex_attr(a, v) if tex_get_attr(a)~=v then tex_set_attr(a, v) end end end ---- ltjb._error_set_message = _error_set_message ltjb._error_show = _error_show ltjb._generic_warn_info = _generic_warn_info ltjb.package_error = package_error ltjb.package_warning = package_warning ltjb.package_warning_no_line = package_warning_no_line ltjb.package_info = package_info ltjb.package_info_no_line = package_info_no_line ltjb.generic_error = generic_error ltjb.generic_warning = generic_warning ltjb.generic_warning_no_line = generic_warning_no_line ltjb.generic_info = generic_info ltjb.generic_info_no_line = generic_info_no_line ltjb.ltj_warning_no_line = ltj_warning_no_line ltjb.ltj_error = ltj_error ---- deterministic version of luatexbase.add_to_callback function ltjb.add_to_callback(name,fun,description,priority) local priority= priority if priority==nil then priority=#luatexbase.callback_descriptions(name)+1 end if(luatexbase.callbacktypes[name] == 3 and priority == 1 and #luatexbase.callback_descriptions(name)==1) then luatexbase.module_warning("luatexbase", "resetting exclusive callback: " .. name) luatexbase.reset_callback(name) end local saved_callback={} for k,v in ipairs(luatexbase.callback_descriptions(name)) do if k >= priority then local ff,dd = luatexbase.remove_from_callback(name, v) saved_callback[#saved_callback+1]={ff,dd} end end luatexbase.base_add_to_callback(name,fun,description) for _,v in ipairs(saved_callback) do luatexbase.base_add_to_callback(name,v[1],v[2]) end return end -------------------- mock of debug logger if not ltjb.out_debug then local function no_op() end ltjb.start_time_measure = no_op ltjb.stop_time_measure = no_op ltjb.out_debug = no_op ltjb.package_debug = no_op ltjb.debug_logger = function() return no_op end ltjb.show_term = no_op ltjb.show_log = no_op end -------------------- all done -- EOF