----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-main.lua -- DESCRIPTION: OpenType layout system / luaotfload entry point -- REQUIREMENTS: luatex v.0.95.0 or later; package lualibs -- AUTHOR: Élie Roux, Khaled Hosny, Philipp Gesang, Ulrike Fischer, Marcel Krüger ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local authors = "\z Hans Hagen,\z Khaled Hosny,\z Elie Roux,\z Will Robertson,\z Philipp Gesang,\z Dohyun Kim,\z Reuben Thomas,\z David Carlisle,\ Ulrike Fischer,\z Marcel Krüger\z " -- version number is used below! local ProvidesLuaModule = { name = "luaotfload-main", version = "3.1", --TAGVERSION date = "2019-11-04", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload entry point", author = authors, copyright = authors, license = "GPL v2.0" } if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then luatexbase.provides_module (ProvidesLuaModule) end local osgettimeofday = os.gettimeofday config = config or { } luaotfload = luaotfload or { } local luaotfload = luaotfload luaotfload.log = luaotfload.log or { } luaotfload.version = ProvidesLuaModule.version luaotfload.loaders = { } luaotfload.min_luatex_version = { 0, 95, 0 } luaotfload.fontloader_package = "reference" --- default: from current Context if not tex or not tex.luatexversion then error "this program must be run in TeX mode" --- or call tex.initialize() =) else --- version check local major = tex.luatexversion / 100 local minor = tex.luatexversion % 100 local revision = tex.luatexrevision --[[ : string ]] local revno = tonumber (revision) local minimum = luaotfload.min_luatex_version local actual = { major, minor, revno or 0 } if actual [1] < minimum [1] or actual == minimum and actual [2] < minimum [2] or actual == minimum and actual [2] == minimum [2] and actual [3] < minimum [3] then texio.write_nl ("term and log", string.format ("\tFATAL ERROR\n\z \tLuaotfload requires a Luatex version >= %d.%d.%d.\n\z \tPlease update your TeX distribution!\n\n", (unpack or table.unpack) (minimum))) error "version check failed" end end if status.safer_option ~= 0 then texio.write_nl("term and log","luaotfload can't run with option --safer. Aborting") error("safer_option used") end --[[doc-- This file initializes the system and loads the font loader. To minimize potential conflicts between other packages and the code imported from \CONTEXT, several precautions are in order. Some of the functionality that the font loader expects to be present, like raw access to callbacks, are assumed to have been disabled by \identifier{luatexbase} when this file is processed. In some cases it is possible to trick it by putting dummies into place and restoring the behavior from \identifier{luatexbase} after initilization. Other cases such as attribute allocation require that we hook the functionality from \identifier{luatexbase} into locations where they normally wouldn’t be. Anyways we can import the code base without modifications, which is due mostly to the extra effort by Hans Hagen to make \LUATEX-Fonts self-contained and encapsulate it, and especially due to his willingness to incorporate our suggestions. --doc]]-- local luatexbase = luatexbase local require = require local type = type --[[doc-- \subsection{Module loading} We load the files imported from \CONTEXT with function derived this way. It automatically prepends a prefix to its argument, so we can refer to the files with their actual \CONTEXT name. --doc]]-- local make_loader_name = function (prefix, name) local msg = luaotfload.log and luaotfload.log.report or function (stream, lvl, cat, ...) if lvl > 1 then --[[not pressing]] return end texio.write_nl ("log", string.format ("luaotfload | %s : ", tostring (cat))) texio.write (string.format (...)) end if not name then msg ("both", 0, "load", "Fatal error: make_loader_name (“%s”, “%s”).", tostring (prefix), tostring (name)) return "dummy-name" end name = tostring (name) if prefix == false then msg ("log", 9, "load", "No prefix requested, passing module name “%s” unmodified.", name) return tostring (name) .. ".lua" end prefix = tostring (prefix) msg ("log", 9, "load", "Composing module name from constituents %s, %s.", prefix, name) return prefix .. "-" .. name .. ".lua" end local timing_info = { t_load = { }, t_init = { }, } local make_loader = function (prefix, load_helper) return function (name) local t_0 = osgettimeofday () local modname = make_loader_name (prefix, name) --- We don’t want the stack info from inside, so just pcall(). local ok, data = pcall (load_helper or require, modname) local t_end = osgettimeofday () timing_info.t_load [name] = t_end - t_0 if not ok then io.write "\n" local msg = luaotfload.log and luaotfload.log.report or print msg ("both", 0, "load", "FATAL ERROR") msg ("both", 0, "load", " × Failed to load module %q.", tostring (modname)) local lines = string.split (data, "\n\t") if not lines then msg ("both", 0, "load", " × Error message: %q", data) else msg ("both", 0, "load", " × Error message:") for i = 1, #lines do msg ("both", 0, "load", " × %q.", lines [i]) end end io.write "\n\n" local debug = debug if debug then io.write (debug.traceback()) io.write "\n\n" end os.exit(-1) end return data end end --[[doc-- Certain files are kept around that aren’t loaded because they are part of the imported fontloader. In order to keep the initialization structure intact we also provide a no-op version of the module loader that can be called in the expected places. --doc]]-- local dummy_loader = function (name) luaotfload.log.report ("log", 3, "load", "Skipping module “%s” on purpose.", name) end local context_environment = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) luaotfload.fontloader = context_environment local function context_isolated_load(name) local fullname = kpse.find_file(name, 'lua') if not fullname then error(string.format('Fontloader module "%s" could not be found.', name)) end return assert(loadfile(fullname, nil, context_environment))(name) end local context_loader = function (name, path) luaotfload.log.report ("log", 3, "load", "Loading module “%s” from Context.", name) local t_0 = osgettimeofday () local modname = make_loader_name (false, name) local modpath = modname if path then if lfs.isdir (path) then luaotfload.log.report ("log", 3, "load", "Prepending path “%s”.", path) modpath = file.join (path, modname) else luaotfload.log.report ("both", 0, "load", "Non-existant path “%s” specified, ignoring.", path) end end local ret = context_isolated_load (modpath) local t_end = osgettimeofday () timing_info.t_load [name] = t_end - t_0 if ret ~= true then --- require () returns “true” upon success unless the loaded file --- yields a non-zero exit code. This isn’t per se indicating that --- something isn’t right, but against HH’s coding practices. We’ll --- silently ignore this ever happening on lower log levels. luaotfload.log.report ("log", 4, "load", "Module “%s” returned “%s”.", ret) end return ret end local install_loaders = function () local loaders = { } local loadmodule = make_loader "luaotfload" loaders.luaotfload = loadmodule loaders.fontloader = make_loader ("fontloader", context_isolated_load) loaders.context = context_loader loaders.ignore = dummy_loader ----loaders.plaintex = make_loader "luatex" --=> for Luatex-Plain loaders.initialize = function (name) local tmp = loadmodule (name) local logreport = luaotfload.log.report local init = type(tmp) == "table" and tmp.init or tmp if init and type (init) == "function" then local t_0 = osgettimeofday () if not init () then logreport ("log", 0, "load", "Failed to load module “%s”.", name) return end local t_end = osgettimeofday () local d_t = t_end - t_0 logreport ("log", 4, "load", "Module “%s” loaded in %d ms.", name, d_t) timing_info.t_init [name] = d_t end end return loaders end local luaotfload_initialized = false --- prevent multiple invocations luaotfload.main = function () if luaotfload_initialized then logreport ("log", 0, "load", "Luaotfload initialization requested but is already \z loaded, ignoring.") return end luaotfload_initialized = true luaotfload.loaders = install_loaders () local loaders = luaotfload.loaders local loadmodule = loaders.luaotfload local initialize = loaders.initialize local starttime = osgettimeofday () local init = loadmodule "init" --- fontloader initialization init (function () initialize "parsers" --- fonts.conf and syntax initialize "configuration" --- configuration options end) local logreport = luaotfload.log.report initialize "loaders" --- Font loading; callbacks initialize "database" --- Font management. initialize "colors" --- Per-font colors. local init_resolvers = loadmodule "resolvers" --- Font lookup init_resolvers () if not config.actions.reconfigure () then logreport ("log", 0, "load", "Post-configuration hooks failed.") end initialize "features" --- font request and feature handling loadmodule "letterspace" --- extra character kerning loadmodule "embolden" --- fake bold loadmodule "notdef" --- missing glyph handling local harfstatus, harfbuzz = pcall(require, 'luaharfbuzz') if harfstatus then luaotfload.harfbuzz = harfbuzz loadmodule "harf-define" loadmodule "harf-plug" end initialize "auxiliary" --- additional high-level functionality loadmodule "multiscript" --- ... loadmodule "tounicode" luaotfload.aux.start_rewrite_fontname () --- to be migrated to fontspec logreport ("both", 0, "main", "initialization completed in %0.3f seconds\n", osgettimeofday() - starttime) ----inspect (timing_info) end -- vim:tw=79:sw=4:ts=4:et