----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-harf-define.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / HarfBuzz / font definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------- do -- block to avoid to many local variables error assert(luaotfload_module, "This is a part of luaotfload and should not be loaded independently") { name = "luaotfload-harf-define", version = "3.20", --TAGVERSION date = "2022-02-27", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / HarfBuzz font loading", license = "GPL v2.0", author = "Khaled Hosny, Marcel Krüger", copyright = "Luaotfload Development Team", } end local unpack = string.unpack local stringlower = string.lower local stringupper = string.upper local gsub = string.gsub local hb = luaotfload.harfbuzz local scriptlang_to_harfbuzz = require'luaotfload-scripts'.to_harfbuzz local cff2_handler = require'luaotfload-harf-var-cff2' local ttf_handler = require'luaotfload-harf-var-ttf' local harf_settings = luaotfload.harf or {} luaotfload.harf = harf_settings harf_settings.default_buf_flags = hb.Buffer.FLAGS_DEFAULT or 0 local cfftag = hb.Tag.new("CFF ") local cff2tag = hb.Tag.new("CFF2") local os2tag = hb.Tag.new("OS/2") local posttag = hb.Tag.new("post") local glyftag = hb.Tag.new("glyf") local gpostag = hb.Tag.new("GPOS") local italtag = hb.Tag.new("ital") local wghttag = hb.Tag.new("wght") local slnttag = hb.Tag.new("slnt") local opsztag = hb.Tag.new("opsz") local invalid_l = hb.Language.new() local invalid_s = hb.Script.new() local tointeger = math.tointeger local floor = math.floor local function round(x) return floor(x + 0.5) end local get_designsize do -- local lpeg = lpeg or require'lpeg' -- local size_patt = 'size' * lpeg.C(2)/function(s) -- local first, second = string.byte(s) -- return (first << 8) | second -- end local factor = 6578.176 -- =803/125*2^10=7227/7200/10*2^16 function get_designsize(face) local buf = face:get_table(gpostag):get_data() if #buf == 0 then return 655360 end local major, feature_off = unpack(">HxxxxH", buf) assert(major == 1, "Unsupported major version of GPOS table") local feature_count = unpack(">H", buf, feature_off + 1) for off = feature_off + 3, feature_off + 6*feature_count, 6 do local tag = buf:sub(off, off + 3) if tag == 'size' then local off = feature_off + 1 + unpack(">H", buf, off + 4) local off = off + unpack(">H", buf, off) local design_size = unpack(">H", buf, off) -- unpack(">HHHHH", buf, off)) return round(design_size * factor) end end return 655360 end end local containers = luaotfload.fontloader.containers local hbcacheversion = 1.4 local fontcache = containers.define("fonts", "hb", hbcacheversion, true) local facecache = {} local variable_pattern do local l = lpeg or require'lpeg' local white = l.S' \t'^0 local number = l.C(l.S'+-'^-1 * (l.R'09'^1 * ('.' * l.R'09'^0)^-1 + '.' * l.R'09'^1)) local name_or_tag = l.C(l.R('AZ', 'az')^1) local pair = l.Ct(name_or_tag * white * '=' * white * (number + l.Cc(nil) * 'auto')) variable_pattern = l.Ct(pair * (white * ',' * white * pair)^0) end local function loadfont(spec) local path, sub = spec.resolved, spec.sub or 1 local key = gsub(string.format("%s:%d:%s", path, sub, instance), "[/\\]", ":") local attributes = lfs.attributes(path) if not attributes then return end local size, date = attributes.size or 0, attributes.modification or 0 local hbface = facecache[key] if not hbface then hbface = hb.Face.new(path, sub - 1) facecache[key] = hbface end local normalized local varkey if hbface.ot_var_has_data and hbface:ot_var_has_data() then local design_coords local instance = spec.features.raw.instance local axis = spec.features.raw.axis local assignments = axis and variable_pattern:match(axis) if axis and not assignments and not instance then instance, axis = axis, nil end if instance then instance = instance:lower() local instances = hbface:ot_var_named_instance_get_infos() for i = 1, #instances do local inst = instances[i] if instance == hbface:get_name(inst.subfamily_name_id):lower() then design_coords = {hbface:ot_var_named_instance_get_design_coords(inst.index)} break end end if not design_coords then texio.write_nl'Warning (luaotfload): Unknown instance name ignored.' end end local axes = hbface:ot_var_get_axis_infos() design_coords = design_coords or lua.newtable(#axes, 0) if assignments then for i = 1, #assignments do local found local name = assignments[i][1] local tag if #name <= 4 then tag = hb.Tag.new(name) end name = string.lower(name) for j = 1, #axes do local axis = axes[j] if tag and tag == axis.tag then found = axis break end if name == hbface:get_name(axis.name_id):lower() then found = axis if not tag then break end end end if found then design_coords[found.axis_index] = assignments[i][2] else texio.write_nl'Warning (luaotfload): Unknown axis name ignored.' end end end for i = 1, #axes do local axis = axes[i] local index = axis.axis_index -- == i in practise if not design_coords[index] then local tag = axis.tag if tag == italtag and spec.style then design_coords[index] = spec.style == 'i' or spec.style == 'bi' and 1 or 0 elseif tag == slnttag and spec.style then design_coords[index] = spec.style == 'i' or spec.style == 'bi' and -5 or 0 elseif tag == wghttag and spec.style then design_coords[index] = (spec.style == 'b' or spec.style == 'bi') and 600 or 400 elseif tag == opsztag and (spec.optsize or spec.size > 0) then design_coords[index] = spec.optsize or spec.size / 65536 else design_coords[index] = axis.default_value end end end normalized = {hbface:ot_var_normalize_coords(table.unpack(design_coords))} varkey = ':' .. table.concat(normalized, ':') key = key .. varkey else varkey = '' end local cached = containers.read(fontcache, key) local iscached = cached and cached.date == date and cached.size == size local tags = hbface and hbface:get_table_tags() -- If the face has no table tags then it isn’t a valid SFNT font that -- HarfBuzz can handle. if not tags then return end local hbfont = iscached and cached.font or hb.Font.new(hbface) if normalized then hbfont:set_var_coords_normalized(table.unpack(normalized)) end if not iscached then local upem = hbface:get_upem() -- The engine seems to use the font type to tell whether there is a CFF -- table or not, so we check for that here. local fonttype = nil local hasos2 = false local haspost = false for i = 1, #tags do local tag = tags[i] if tag == cfftag or tag == cff2tag then fonttype = "opentype" elseif tag == glyftag then fonttype = "truetype" elseif tag == os2tag then hasos2 = true elseif tag == posttag then haspost = true end end local fontextents = hbfont:get_h_extents() local ascender = fontextents and fontextents.ascender or upem * .8 local descender = fontextents and fontextents.descender or upem * .2 local gid = hbfont:get_nominal_glyph(0x0020) local real_space = hbfont:get_glyph_h_advance(gid or 0) local tex_space = gid and real_space or upem / 2 local slant = 0 if haspost then local post = hbface:get_table(posttag) local length = post:get_length() local data = post:get_data() if length >= 32 and unpack(">i4", data) <= 0x00030000 then local italicangle = unpack(">i4", data, 5) / 2^16 if italicangle ~= 0 then slant = -math.tan(italicangle * math.pi / 180) * 65536.0 end end end -- Load glyph metrics for all glyphs in the font. We used to do this on -- demand to make loading fonts faster, but hit many limitations inside -- the engine (mainly with shared backend fonts, where the engine would -- assume all fonts it decides to share load the same set of glyphs). -- -- Getting glyph advances is fast enough, but glyph extents are slower -- especially in CFF fonts. We might want to have an option to ignore exact -- glyph extents and use font ascender and descender if this proved to be -- too slow. local glyphcount = hbface:get_glyph_count() local glyphs = {} local autoitalic = slant ~= 0 and 20 or nil -- the magic 20 is taken from ConTeXt where it came from Dohyun Kim. We keep it to be metric compatible as far as possible for gid = 0, glyphcount - 1 do local width = hbfont:get_glyph_h_advance(gid) local height, depth, italic = nil, nil, nil local extents = hbfont:get_glyph_extents(gid) if extents then height = extents.y_bearing depth = extents.y_bearing + extents.height local right_bearing = extents.x_bearing + extents.width - width if autoitalic and right_bearing > -autoitalic then italic = right_bearing + autoitalic end end glyphs[gid] = { width = width, height = height or ascender, depth = -(depth or descender), italic = italic or 0, } end local unicodes = hbface:collect_unicodes() local characters = {} local nominals = {} for _, uni in next, unicodes do local glyph = hbfont:get_nominal_glyph(uni) if glyph then characters[uni] = glyph nominals[glyph] = tointeger(uni) end end local xheight, capheight = 0, 0 if hasos2 then local os2 = hbface:get_table(os2tag) local length = os2:get_length() local data = os2:get_data() if length >= 96 and unpack(">H", data) > 1 then -- We don’t need much of the table, so we read from hard-coded offsets. xheight = unpack(">H", data, 87) capheight = unpack(">H", data, 89) end end if xheight == 0 then local gid = characters[120] -- x if gid then xheight = glyphs[gid].height else xheight = ascender / 2 end end if capheight == 0 then local gid = characters[88] -- X if gid then capheight = glyphs[gid].height else capheight = ascender end end cached = { date = date, size = size, designsize = get_designsize(hbface), gid_offset = 0x120000, upem = upem, fonttype = fonttype, real_space = real_space, tex_space = tex_space, xheight = xheight, capheight = capheight, slant = slant, glyphs = glyphs, nominals = nominals, unicodes = characters, psname = hbface:get_name(hb.ot.NAME_ID_POSTSCRIPT_NAME), fullname = hbface:get_name(hb.ot.NAME_ID_FULL_NAME) .. varkey, haspng = hbface:ot_color_has_png(), loaded = {}, -- Cached loaded glyph data. normalized = normalized, } containers.write(fontcache, key, cached) end cached.face = hbface cached.font = hbfont do local nominals = cached.nominals local gid_offset = cached.gid_offset cached.name_to_char = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, name) local gid = hbfont:get_glyph_from_name(name) local char = gid and (nominals[gid] or gid_offset + gid) t[name] = char -- ? Do we want this return char end}) end return cached end -- Drop illegal characters from PS Name, per the spec -- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/name#nid6 local function sanitize(psname) return psname:gsub('[][\0-\32\127-\255(){}<>/%%]', '-') end local function scalefont(data, spec) if not data then return data, spec end local size = spec.size local features = fonts.constructors.checkedfeatures("otf", spec.features.normal) features.mode = 'plug' features.features = 'harf' local hbface = data.face local hbfont = data.font local upem = data.upem local tex_space = data.tex_space local real_space = data.real_space local gid_offset = data.gid_offset if size < 0 then size = round(size * data.designsize / -1000) end -- We shape in font units (at UPEM) and then scale output with the desired -- sfont size. local scale = size / upem hbfont:set_scale(upem, upem) -- Populate font’s characters table. local glyphs = data.glyphs local characters = {} for gid, glyph in next, glyphs do characters[gid_offset + gid] = { index = gid, width = glyph.width * scale, height = glyph.height * scale, depth = glyph.depth * scale, italic = glyph.italic * scale, } end local unicodes = data.unicodes for uni, gid in next, unicodes do characters[uni] = characters[gid_offset + gid] end -- Select font palette, we support `palette=index` option, and load the first -- one otherwise. local paletteidx = tonumber(features.palette or features.colr) or 1 -- Load CPAL palette from the font. local palette = nil if hbface:ot_color_has_palettes() and hbface:ot_color_has_layers() then local count = hbface:ot_color_palette_get_count() if paletteidx <= count then palette = hbface:ot_color_palette_get_colors(paletteidx) end end local tfmdata = { name = spec.specification, filename = 'harfloaded:' .. spec.resolved, subfont = spec.sub or 1, designsize = data.designsize, psname = sanitize(data.psname), fullname = data.fullname, index = spec.index, size = size, units_per_em = upem, embedding = "subset", tounicode = 1, nomath = true, format = data.fonttype, squeeze = squeezefactor, characters = characters, parameters = { slant = data.slant, space = tex_space * scale, space_stretch = tex_space * scale / 2, space_shrink = tex_space * scale / 3, x_height = data.xheight * scale, quad = size, extra_space = tex_space * scale / 3, [8] = data.capheight * scale, -- for XeTeX compatibility. }, hb = { space = (real_space * scale + .5) // 1, scale = scale, palette = palette, shared = data, hscale = upem, vscale = upem, buf_flags = harf_settings.default_buf_flags, obj_repl = characters[0xFFFC] and 0xD800 or 0xFFFC, }, specification = spec, shared = { features = features, }, properties = {}, resources = { unicodes = data.name_to_char, }, streamprovider = data.normalized and (data.fonttype == 'opentype' and 1 or 3) or nil, } tfmdata.shared.processes = fonts.handlers.otf.setfeatures(tfmdata, features) fonts.constructors.applymanipulators("otf", tfmdata, features, false) return tfmdata end -- Register a reader for `harf` mode (`mode=harf` font option) so that we only -- load fonts when explicitly requested. Fonts we load will be shaped by the -- harf plugin in luaotfload-harf-plug. fonts.readers.harf = function(spec) if not spec.resolved then return end local rawfeatures = spec.features.raw local hb_features = {} spec.hb_features = hb_features if rawfeatures.script then local script = stringlower(rawfeatures.script) if script == "dflt" then -- Probably a noop, HarfBuzz normalizes anyway script = "DFLT" end local language = stringupper(rawfeatures.language or 'dflt') language = language == "DFLT" and "dflt" or language local hb_script, hb_lang = scriptlang_to_harfbuzz(script, language) spec.script, spec.language = hb.Script.new(hb_script), hb.Language.new(hb_lang) elseif rawfeatures.language then local language = stringupper(rawfeatures.language) spec.language = hb.Language.new(language == "DFLT" and "dflt" or language) spec.script = invalid_s else spec.script = invalid_s spec.language = invalid_l end for key, val in next, rawfeatures do if key:len() == 4 then -- 4-letter options are likely font features, but not always, so we do -- some checks below. Other options will be queried -- from spec.features.normal. if val == true or val == false then val = (val and '+' or '-')..key hb_features[#hb_features + 1] = hb.Feature.new(val) elseif tonumber(val) then val = '+'..key..'='..tonumber(val) hb_features[#hb_features + 1] = hb.Feature.new(val) end end end return scalefont(loadfont(spec), spec) end local find_file = kpse.find_file luatexbase.add_to_callback('find_opentype_file', function(name) return find_file(name, 'opentype fonts') or name:gsub('^harfloaded:', '') end, 'luaotfload.harf.strip_prefix') luatexbase.add_to_callback('find_truetype_file', function(name) return find_file(name, 'truetype fonts') or name:gsub('^harfloaded:', '') end, 'luaotfload.harf.strip_prefix') local glyph_stream_data local glyph_stream_mapping, glyph_stream_mapping_inverse local extents_hbfont local cb = luatexbase.remove_from_callback('glyph_stream_provider', 'luaotfload.glyph_stream') luatexbase.add_to_callback('glyph_stream_provider', function(fid, cid, kind, ocid) if cid == 0 then -- Always the first call for a font glyph_stream_data, extents_hbfont = nil collectgarbage() local fontdir = font.getfont(fid) if fontdir and fontdir.hb then if kind == 3 then glyph_stream_mapping = {[ocid] = cid} glyph_stream_mapping_inverse = {[cid] = ocid} extents_hbfont = fontdir.hb.shared.font elseif kind == 2 then glyph_stream_data = ttf_handler(fontdir.hb.shared.face, fontdir.hb.shared.font, glyph_stream_mapping, glyph_stream_mapping_inverse) else glyph_stream_data = cff2_handler(fontdir.hb.shared.face, fontdir.hb.shared.font) end end end if glyph_stream_data then return glyph_stream_data(cid) elseif extents_hbfont then glyph_stream_mapping[ocid] = cid glyph_stream_mapping_inverse[cid] = ocid local extents = extents_hbfont:get_glyph_extents(ocid) return extents.width, extents.x_bearing, extents.height, extents.y_bearing else return cb(fid, cid, kind, ocid) end end, 'luaotfload.harf.glyphstream')