if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-tab'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } utilities = utilities or {} utilities.tables = utilities.tables or { } local tables = utilities.tables local format, gmatch, gsub, sub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.sub local concat, insert, remove, sort = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove, table.sort local setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring, rawget = setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring, rawget local type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select = type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select local lpegmatch, P, Cs, Cc = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc local sortedkeys, sortedpairs = table.sortedkeys, table.sortedpairs local formatters = string.formatters local utftoeight = utf.toeight local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(".") function utilities.tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast) -- defines undefined tables local composed = nil local t = { } local snippets = lpegmatch(splitter,target) for i=1,#snippets - (nolast and 1 or 0) do local name = snippets[i] if composed then composed = composed .. "." .. name t[#t+1] = formatters["if not %s then %s = { } end"](composed,composed) else composed = name if not nofirst then t[#t+1] = formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed) end end end if composed then if nolast then composed = composed .. "." .. snippets[#snippets] end return concat(t,"\n"), composed -- could be shortcut else return "", target end end -- local t = tables.definedtable("a","b","c","d") function tables.definedtable(...) local t = _G for i=1,select("#",...) do local li = select(i,...) local tl = t[li] if not tl then tl = { } t[li] = tl end t = tl end return t end function tables.accesstable(target,root) local t = root or _G for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do t = t[name] if not t then return end end return t end function tables.migratetable(target,v,root) local t = root or _G local names = lpegmatch(splitter,target) for i=1,#names-1 do local name = names[i] t[name] = t[name] or { } t = t[name] if not t then return end end t[names[#names]] = v end function tables.removevalue(t,value) -- todo: n if value then for i=1,#t do if t[i] == value then remove(t,i) -- remove all, so no: return end end end end function tables.replacevalue(t,oldvalue,newvalue) if oldvalue and newvalue then for i=1,#t do if t[i] == oldvalue then t[i] = newvalue -- replace all, so no: return end end end end function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra) for i=1,#t do if t[i] == extra then remove(t,i) end end for i=1,#t do if t[i] == value then insert(t,i,extra) return end end insert(t,1,extra) end function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra) for i=1,#t do if t[i] == extra then remove(t,i) end end for i=1,#t do if t[i] == value then insert(t,i+1,extra) return end end insert(t,#t+1,extra) end -- experimental local escape = Cs(Cc('"') * ((P('"')/'""' + P(1))^0) * Cc('"')) function table.tocsv(t,specification) if t and #t > 0 then local result = { } local r = { } specification = specification or { } local fields = specification.fields if type(fields) ~= "string" then fields = sortedkeys(t[1]) end local separator = specification.separator or "," local noffields = #fields if specification.preamble == true then for f=1,noffields do r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f])) end result[1] = concat(r,separator) end for i=1,#t do local ti = t[i] for f=1,noffields do local field = ti[fields[f]] if type(field) == "string" then r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,field) else r[f] = tostring(field) end end -- result[#result+1] = concat(r,separator) result[i+1] = concat(r,separator) end return concat(result,"\n") else return "" end end -- local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ") -- local escape = Cs((P("<")/"<" + P(">")/">" + P("&")/"&" + P(1))^0) -- -- local function toxml(t,d,result,step) -- for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do -- local s = nspaces[d] -- local tk = type(k) -- local tv = type(v) -- if tv == "table" then -- if tk == "number" then -- result[#result+1] = format("%s",s,k) -- toxml(v,d+step,result,step) -- result[#result+1] = format("%s",s,k) -- else -- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>",s,k) -- toxml(v,d+step,result,step) -- result[#result+1] = format("%s",s,k) -- end -- elseif tv == "string" then -- if tk == "number" then -- result[#result+1] = format("%s%s",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k) -- else -- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k) -- end -- elseif tk == "number" then -- result[#result+1] = format("%s%s",s,k,tostring(v),k) -- else -- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s",s,k,tostring(v),k) -- end -- end -- end -- -- much faster local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ") local function toxml(t,d,result,step) local r = #result for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do local s = nspaces[d] -- inlining this is somewhat faster but gives more formatters local tk = type(k) local tv = type(v) if tv == "table" then if tk == "number" then r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s"](s,k) toxml(v,d+step,result,step) r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s"](s,k) else r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k) toxml(v,d+step,result,step) r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s"](s,k) end elseif tv == "string" then if tk == "number" then r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s%!xml!"](s,k,v,k) else r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!"](s,k,v,k) end elseif tk == "number" then r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s%S"](s,k,v,k) else r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>%S"](s,k,v,k) end end end -- function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces) -- local noroot = name == false -- local result = (nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "" } -- local indent = rep(" ",indent or 0) -- local spaces = rep(" ",spaces or 1) -- if noroot then -- toxml( t, inndent, result, spaces) -- else -- toxml( { [name or "root"] = t }, indent, result, spaces) -- end -- return concat(result,"\n") -- end function table.toxml(t,specification) specification = specification or { } local name = specification.name local noroot = name == false local result = (specification.nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "" } local indent = specification.indent or 0 local spaces = specification.spaces or 1 if noroot then toxml( t, indent, result, spaces) else toxml( { [name or "data"] = t }, indent, result, spaces) end return concat(result,"\n") end -- also experimental -- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables) -- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables,true) -- encapsulate(table,true) function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect) if type(capsule) ~= "table" then protect = true capsule = { } end for key, value in next, core do if capsule[key] then print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core)) os.exit() else capsule[key] = value end end if protect then for key, value in next, core do core[key] = nil end setmetatable(core, { __index = capsule, __newindex = function(t,key,value) if capsule[key] then print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core)) os.exit() else rawset(t,key,value) end end } ) end end -- best keep [%q] keys (as we have some in older applications i.e. saving user data (otherwise -- we also need to check for reserved words) if JITSUPPORTED then local f_hashed_string = formatters["[%Q]=%Q,"] local f_hashed_number = formatters["[%Q]=%s,"] local f_hashed_boolean = formatters["[%Q]=%l,"] local f_hashed_table = formatters["[%Q]="] local f_indexed_string = formatters["[%s]=%Q,"] local f_indexed_number = formatters["[%s]=%s,"] local f_indexed_boolean = formatters["[%s]=%l,"] local f_indexed_table = formatters["[%s]="] local f_ordered_string = formatters["%Q,"] local f_ordered_number = formatters["%s,"] local f_ordered_boolean = formatters["%l,"] function table.fastserialize(t,prefix) -- todo, move local function out -- prefix should contain the = -- not sorted -- only number and string indices (currently) local r = { type(prefix) == "string" and prefix or "return" } local m = 1 local function fastserialize(t,outer) -- no mixes local n = #t m = m + 1 r[m] = "{" if n > 0 then local v = t[0] if v then local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_string(0,v) elseif tv == "number" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_number(0,v) elseif tv == "table" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_table(0) fastserialize(v) m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_table(0) elseif tv == "boolean" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_boolean(0,v) end end for i=1,n do local v = t[i] local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_string(v) elseif tv == "number" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_number(v) elseif tv == "table" then fastserialize(v) elseif tv == "boolean" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_boolean(v) end end end -- hm, can't we avoid this ... lua should have a way to check if there -- is a hash part for k, v in next, t do local tk = type(k) if tk == "number" then if k > n or k < 0 then local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_string(k,v) elseif tv == "number" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_number(k,v) elseif tv == "table" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_table(k) fastserialize(v) elseif tv == "boolean" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_boolean(k,v) end end else local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_string(k,v) elseif tv == "number" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_number(k,v) elseif tv == "table" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_table(k) fastserialize(v) elseif tv == "boolean" then m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_boolean(k,v) end end end m = m + 1 if outer then r[m] = "}" else r[m] = "}," end return r end return concat(fastserialize(t,true)) end else -- local f_v = formatters["[%q]=%q,"] -- local f_t = formatters["[%q]="] -- local f_q = formatters["%q,"] function table.fastserialize(t,prefix) -- todo, move local function out local r = { type(prefix) == "string" and prefix or "return" } local m = 1 local function fastserialize(t,outer) -- no mixes local n = #t m = m + 1 r[m] = "{" if n > 0 then local v = t[0] if v then m = m + 1 r[m] = "[0]='" if type(v) == "table" then fastserialize(v) else r[m] = format("%q,",v) end end for i=1,n do local v = t[i] m = m + 1 if type(v) == "table" then r[m] = format("[%i]=",i) fastserialize(v) else r[m] = format("[%i]=%q,",i,v) end end end -- hm, can't we avoid this ... lua should have a way to check if there -- is a hash part for k, v in next, t do local tk = type(k) if tk == "number" then if k > n or k < 0 then m = m + 1 if type(v) == "table" then r[m] = format("[%i]=",k) fastserialize(v) else r[m] = format("[%i]=%q,",k,v) end end else m = m + 1 if type(v) == "table" then r[m] = format("[%q]=",k) fastserialize(v) else r[m] = format("[%q]=%q,",k,v) end end end m = m + 1 if outer then r[m] = "}" else r[m] = "}," end return r end return concat(fastserialize(t,true)) end end function table.deserialize(str) if not str or str == "" then return end local code = load(str) if not code then return end code = code() if not code then return end return code end -- inspect(table.fastserialize { a = 1, b = { [0]=4, { 5, 6 } }, c = { d = 7, e = 'f"g\nh' } }) function table.load(filename,loader) if filename then local t = (loader or io.loaddata)(filename) if t and t ~= "" then local t = utftoeight(t) t = load(t) if type(t) == "function" then t = t() if type(t) == "table" then return t end end end end end function table.save(filename,t,n,...) io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,n == nil and true or n,...)) -- no frozen table.serialize end local f_key_value = formatters["%s=%q"] local f_add_table = formatters[" {%t},\n"] local f_return_table = formatters["return {\n%t}"] local function slowdrop(t) -- maybe less memory (intermediate concat) local r = { } local l = { } for i=1,#t do local ti = t[i] local j = 0 for k, v in next, ti do j = j + 1 l[j] = f_key_value(k,v) end r[i] = f_add_table(l) end return f_return_table(r) end local function fastdrop(t) local r = { "return {\n" } local m = 1 for i=1,#t do local ti = t[i] m = m + 1 r[m] = " {" for k, v in next, ti do m = m + 1 r[m] = f_key_value(k,v) end m = m + 1 r[m] = "},\n" end m = m + 1 r[m] = "}" return concat(r) end function table.drop(t,slow) -- only { { a=2 }, {a=3} } -- for special cases if #t == 0 then return "return { }" elseif slow == true then return slowdrop(t) -- less memory else return fastdrop(t) -- some 15% faster end end -- inspect(table.drop({ { a=2 }, {a=3} })) -- inspect(table.drop({ { a=2 }, {a=3} },true)) -- function table.autokey(t,k) -- replaced -- local v = { } -- t[k] = v -- return v -- end local selfmapper = { __index = function(t,k) t[k] = k return k end } function table.twowaymapper(t) -- takes a 0/1 .. n indexed table and returns if not t then -- it with string-numbers as indices + reverse t = { } -- mapping (all strings) .. used in cvs etc but else -- typically a helper that one forgets about local zero = rawget(t,0) -- so it might move someplace else for i=zero and 0 or 1,#t do local ti = t[i] -- t[1] = "one" if ti then local i = tostring(i) t[i] = ti -- t["1"] = "one" t[ti] = i -- t["one"] = "1" end end end -- setmetatableindex(t,"key") setmetatable(t,selfmapper) return t end -- The next version is somewhat faster, although in practice one will seldom -- serialize a lot using this one. Often the above variants are more efficient. -- If we would really need this a lot, we could hash q keys, or just not used -- indented code. -- char-def.lua : 0.53 -> 0.38 -- husayni.tma : 0.28 -> 0.19 local f_start_key_idx = formatters["%w{"] local f_start_key_num = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={"] or formatters["%w[%q]={"] local f_start_key_str = formatters["%w[%q]={"] local f_start_key_boo = formatters["%w[%l]={"] local f_start_key_nop = formatters["%w{"] local f_stop = formatters["%w},"] local f_key_num_value_num = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%s]=%q,"] local f_key_str_value_num = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%Q]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%Q]=%q,"] local f_key_boo_value_num = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%l]=%q,"] local f_key_num_value_str = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%Q,"] or formatters["%w[%q]=%Q,"] local f_key_str_value_str = formatters["%w[%Q]=%Q,"] local f_key_boo_value_str = formatters["%w[%l]=%Q,"] local f_key_num_value_boo = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"] or formatters["%w[%q]=%l,"] local f_key_str_value_boo = formatters["%w[%Q]=%l,"] local f_key_boo_value_boo = formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"] local f_key_num_value_not = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={},"] or formatters["%w[%q]={},"] local f_key_str_value_not = formatters["%w[%Q]={},"] local f_key_boo_value_not = formatters["%w[%l]={},"] local f_key_num_value_seq = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"] or formatters["%w[%q]={ %, t },"] local f_key_str_value_seq = formatters["%w[%Q]={ %, t },"] local f_key_boo_value_seq = formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"] local f_val_num = JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w%s,"] or formatters["%w%q,"] local f_val_str = formatters["%w%Q,"] local f_val_boo = formatters["%w%l,"] local f_val_not = formatters["%w{},"] local f_val_seq = formatters["%w{ %, t },"] local f_fin_seq = formatters[" %, t }"] local f_table_return = formatters["return {"] local f_table_name = formatters["%s={"] local f_table_direct = formatters["{"] local f_table_entry = formatters["[%Q]={"] local f_table_finish = formatters["}"] local spaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ") local original_serialize = table.serialize -- the extensive one, the one we started with -- there is still room for optimization: index run, key run, but i need to check with the -- latest lua for the value of #n (with holes) .. anyway for tracing purposes we want -- indices / keys being sorted, so it will never be real fast local is_simple_table = table.is_simple_table -- local function is_simple_table(t) -- local nt = #t -- if nt > 0 then -- local n = 0 -- for _, v in next, t do -- n = n + 1 -- if type(v) == "table" then -- return nil -- end -- end -- -- local haszero = t[0] -- local haszero = rawget(t,0) -- don't trigger meta -- if n == nt then -- local tt = { } -- for i=1,nt do -- local v = t[i] -- local tv = type(v) -- if tv == "number" then -- tt[i] = v -- not needed tostring(v) -- elseif tv == "string" then -- tt[i] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v) -- elseif tv == "boolean" then -- tt[i] = v and "true" or "false" -- else -- return nil -- end -- end -- return tt -- elseif haszero and (n == nt + 1) then -- local tt = { } -- for i=0,nt do -- local v = t[i] -- local tv = type(v) -- if tv == "number" then -- tt[i+1] = v -- not needed tostring(v) -- elseif tv == "string" then -- tt[i+1] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v) -- elseif tv == "boolean" then -- tt[i+1] = v and "true" or "false" -- else -- return nil -- end -- end -- tt[1] = "[0] = " .. tt[1] -- return tt -- end -- end -- return nil -- end -- In order to overcome the luajit (65K constant) limitation I tried a split approach, -- i.e. outputting the first level tables as locals but that failed with large cjk -- fonts too so I removed that ... just use luatex instead. local function serialize(root,name,specification) if type(specification) == "table" then return original_serialize(root,name,specification) -- the original one end local t -- = { } local n = 1 -- local m = 0 -- no gain local unknown = false local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed) if level > 0 then n = n + 1 if indexed then t[n] = f_start_key_idx(depth) else local tn = type(name) if tn == "number" then t[n] = f_start_key_num(depth,name) elseif tn == "string" then t[n] = f_start_key_str(depth,name) elseif tn == "boolean" then t[n] = f_start_key_boo(depth,name) else t[n] = f_start_key_nop(depth) end end depth = depth + 1 end -- we could check for k (index) being number (cardinal) if root and next(root) ~= nil then local first = nil local last = #root if last > 0 then for k=1,last do if rawget(root,k) == nil then -- if root[k] == nil then last = k - 1 break end end if last > 0 then first = 1 end end local sk = sortedkeys(root) for i=1,#sk do local k = sk[i] local v = root[k] local tv = type(v) local tk = type(k) if first and tk == "number" and k <= last and k >= first then if tv == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_num(depth,v) elseif tv == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_str(depth,v) elseif tv == "table" then if next(v) == nil then -- tricky as next is unpredictable in a hash n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_not(depth) else local st = is_simple_table(v) if st then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_seq(depth,st) else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true) end end elseif tv == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_boo(depth,v) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_str(depth,tostring(v)) end elseif tv == "number" then if tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_num(depth,tostring(k),v) end elseif tv == "string" then if tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),v) end elseif tv == "table" then if next(v) == nil then if tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_not(depth,k) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_not(depth,k) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_not(depth,k) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_not(depth,tostring(k)) end else local st = is_simple_table(v) if not st then do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1) elseif tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_seq(depth,tostring(k),st) end end elseif tv == "boolean" then if tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_boo(depth,tostring(k),v) end else if tk == "number" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif tk == "string" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif tk == "boolean" then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif unknown then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),tostring(v)) end end -- if n > 100000 then -- no gain -- local k = m + 1 -- t[k] = concat(t,"\n",k,n) -- n = k -- m = k -- end end end if level > 0 then n = n + 1 t[n] = f_stop(depth-1) end end local tname = type(name) if tname == "string" then if name == "return" then t = { f_table_return() } else t = { f_table_name(name) } end elseif tname == "number" then t = { f_table_entry(name) } elseif tname == "boolean" then if name then t = { f_table_return() } else t = { f_table_direct() } end else t = { f_table_name("t") } end if root then -- The dummy access will initialize a table that has a delayed initialization -- using a metatable. (maybe explicitly test for metatable). This can crash on -- metatables that check the index against a number. if getmetatable(root) then -- todo: make this an option, maybe even per subtable local dummy = root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ -- needed root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ = nil end -- Let's forget about empty tables. if next(root) ~= nil then local st = is_simple_table(root) if st then return t[1] .. f_fin_seq(st) -- todo: move up and in one go else do_serialize(root,name,1,0) end end end n = n + 1 t[n] = f_table_finish() return concat(t,"\n") -- return concat(t,"\n",1,n) -- no gain end table.serialize = serialize if setinspector then setinspector("table",function(v) if type(v) == "table" then print(serialize(v,"table",{ metacheck = false })) return true end end) end -- ordered hashes (for now here but in the table namespace): -- local t = table.orderedhash() -- -- t["1"] = { "a", "b" } -- t["2"] = { } -- t["2a"] = { "a", "c", "d" } -- -- for k, v in table.ordered(t) do -- ... -- end local mt = { __newindex = function(t,k,v) local n = t.last + 1 t.last = n t.list[n] = k t.hash[k] = v end, __index = function(t,k) return t.hash[k] end, __len = function(t) return t.last end, } function table.orderedhash() return setmetatable({ list = { }, hash = { }, last = 0 }, mt) end function table.ordered(t) local n = t.last if n > 0 then local l = t.list local i = 1 local h = t.hash local f = function() if i <= n then local k = i local v = h[l[k]] i = i + 1 return k, v end end return f, 1, h[l[1]] else return function() end end end -- function table.randomremove(t,n) -- if not n then -- n = #t -- end -- if n > 0 then -- return remove(t,random(1,n)) -- end -- end function combine(target,source) -- no copy so if that is needed one needs to deepcopy source first if target then for k, v in next, source do if type(v) == "table" then target[k] = combine(target[k],source[k]) else target[k] = v end end return target else return source end end table.combine = combine -- If needed we can add something (some discussion on the list but I'm not sure if -- it makes sense because merging such mixed tables is quite unusual. -- -- function table.himerged(...) -- local result = { } -- local r = 0 -- for i=1,select("#",...) do -- local s = select(i,...) -- if s then -- for k, v in next, s do -- if type(k) == "number" then -- r = r + 1 -- result[r] = v -- else -- result[k] = v -- end -- end -- end -- end -- return result -- end