-- -- This is file `luatex-hyphen.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- luatex-hyphen.dtx (with options: `lua') -- -- This is a generated file (source: luatex-hyphen.dtx). -- -- Copyright (C) 2012 by The LuaLaTeX development team. -- -- This work is under the CC0 license. -- local error, dofile, pairs, ipairs = error, dofile, pairs, ipairs local io, texio, lang, kpse = io, texio, lang, kpse module('luatexhyphen') local function wlog(msg, ...) texio.write_nl('log', 'luatex-hyphen: '..msg:format(...)) end local function err(msg, ...) error('luatex-hyphen: '..msg:format(...), 2) end local dbname = "language.dat.lua" local language_dat local dbfile = kpse.find_file(dbname) if not dbfile then err("file not found: "..dbname) else wlog('using data file: %s', dbfile) language_dat = dofile(dbfile) end function lookupname(name) if language_dat[name] then return language_dat[name], name else for canon, data in pairs(language_dat) do for _,syn in ipairs(data.synonyms) do if syn == name then return data, canon end end end end end function loadlanguage(lname, id) if id == 0 then return end local msg = "loading%s patterns and exceptions for: %s (\\language%d)" local ldata, cname = lookupname(lname) if not ldata then err("no entry in %s for this language: %s", dbname, lname) end if ldata.special then if ldata.special:find('^disabled:') then err("language disabled by %s: %s (%s)", dbname, cname, ldata.special:gsub('^disabled:', '')) elseif ldata.special == 'language0' then err("\\language0 should be dumped in the format") else err("bad entry in %s for language %s") end end wlog(msg, '', cname, id) for _, item in ipairs{'patterns', 'hyphenation'} do local filelist = ldata[item] if filelist ~= nil and filelist ~= '' then for _, file in ipairs(filelist:explode(',')) do local file = kpse.find_file(file) or err("file not found: %s", file) local fh = io.open(file, 'r') local data = fh:read('*a') or err("file not readable: %s", f) fh:close() lang[item](lang.new(id), data) end else if item == 'hyphenation' then item = item..' exceptions' end wlog("info: no %s for this language", item) end end end function adddialect(dialect, language) if dialect ~= '0' then dialect = dialect:gsub('l@', '') language = language:gsub('l@', '') data = language_dat[language] if data then data.synonyms[#data.synonyms+1] = dialect end end end -- -- End of File `luatex-hyphen.lua'.