%GregorioTeX file. % % Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md) % % This file is part of Gregorio. % % Gregorio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Gregorio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Gregorio. If not, see . % this file contains definitions of signs (bar, episema, punctum, alterations) \def\grebarbracewidth{.58879}% \gre@declarefileversion{gregoriotex-signs.tex}{5.0.1}% GREGORIO_VERSION \def\gre@usestylecommon{% \gre@trace{gre@usestylecommon}% \ifgre@usestylefont\else % \gre@usestylefonttrue% \gre@setstylefont % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \gresetglyphstyle{default}% % Possibility to disable some signs: \newif\ifgre@disablevepisema \gre@disablevepisemafalse \newif\ifgre@disablehepisema \gre@disablehepisemafalse \newif\ifgre@disablemora \gre@disablemorafalse \def\greprintsigns#1#2{% \gre@trace{greprintsigns{#1}{#2}}% \IfStrEqCase{#2}{% {enable}% {% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {vepisema}% {\global\gre@disablevepisemafalse}% {hepisema}% {\global\gre@disablehepisemafalse}% {mora}% {\global\gre@disablemorafalse}% {all}% {\global\gre@disablemorafalse\global\gre@disablevepisemafalse\global\gre@disablehepisemafalse}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized first argument for \protect\greprintsigns}% ]% }% {disable}% {% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {vepisema}% {\global\gre@disablevepisematrue}% {hepisema}% {\global\gre@disablehepisematrue}% {mora}% {\global\gre@disablemoratrue}% {all}% {\global\gre@disablemoratrue\global\gre@disablevepisematrue\global\gre@disablehepisematrue}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized first argument for \protect\greprintsigns}% ]% }% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized second argument for \protect\greprintsigns}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for discretionaries %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % In order to avoid clef change at beginning or end of line, we use discretionaries % for clef change, or even with more complex data (z0::c3 for instance). The problem % with discretionaries is that: % - you cannot use \hskip (but you can use kern) % - you cannot use \penalty (which is useless indeed) % % To remedy that, we define \gre@hskip to be \hskip outside a discretionary, and % \kern inside a discretionary. This is what these macros do: \def\gre@falsepenalty#1{}% \def\gre@truepenalty#1{\penalty#1}% \let\gre@hskip\hskip% \let\gre@penalty\gre@truepenalty% \xdef\gre@insidediscretionary{\number 0}% % #1 is the type of discretionary, for penalty assignment. Recognized types: % - 0: clef change \def\GreDiscretionary#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreDiscretionary{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@save@additionalspaces % \directlua{gregoriotex.adjust_line_height(\gre@insidediscretionary, true)}% \gre@restore@additionalspaces % \global\let\gre@hskip\kern % \global\let\gre@penalty\gre@falsepenalty % \global\xdef\gre@insidediscretionary{\number 1}% \discretionary{% \global\gre@lastoflinecount=1\relax % (a good magic trick) \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{discretionary pre lastoflinecount: \the\gre@lastoflinecount}% #2% }{% \global\gre@lastoflinecount=2\relax % (a good magic trick) \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{discretionary post lastoflinecount: \the\gre@lastoflinecount}% }{% \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{discretionary no lastoflinecount: \the\gre@lastoflinecount}% #3% }% \global\xdef\gre@insidediscretionary{\number 0}% \global\let\gre@hskip\hskip % \global\let\gre@penalty\gre@truepenalty % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting of the clefs of the beginning of lines and custos %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % flag for showing the clef \newif\ifgre@showclef% \gre@showcleftrue \def\gresetclef#1{% \gre@trace{gresetclef{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {visible}% {\gre@showcleftrue}% {invisible}% {\gre@showcleffalse}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetclef\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'visible' and 'invisible'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% %% macro to define the clef that will appear at the beginning of the lines %% #1 c or f: type of first clef %% #2 int: line of first clef %% #3 int: 0 if not space, 1 if normal space, 2 for short space %% #4 int: height of the flat of first clef, 3 for no flat %% #5, #6, #7 = #1, #2, #3 for second clef \def\GreSetLinesClef#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{GreSetLinesClef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% \gre@save@clef{#1}{#2}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% \gre@localleftbox{% \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@dimen@additionalleftspace\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \copy\gre@box@lines% draws the lines \unkern % \ifgre@showclef% \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@afterclefnospace\relax% \hbox{\gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{0}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}\gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four}% \else % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@dimen@noclefspace\relax% \hbox{\kern\gre@skip@temp@four}% \fi % }% \xdef\gre@clefflatheight{#4}% \xdef\gre@cleftwoflatheight{#7}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % defines the largest clef of the score % arguments are the same as \GreSetLinesClef except that the #3 of % \GreSetLineClef is removed (always 1) \def\GreSetLargestClef#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{GreSetLargestClef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \gre@boxclef{#1}{#2}{0}{1}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \gre@update@clefwidth@largest{\wd\gre@box@temp@width}% \relax% }% \def\gre@save@clef#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{gre@save@clef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \global\let\gre@clef=#1\relax% \xdef\gre@clefheight{#2}% \xdef\gre@clefflatheight{#3}% \global\let\gre@cleftwo=#4\relax% \xdef\gre@cleftwoheight{#5}% \xdef\gre@cleftwoflatheight{#6}% \gre@trace@end% }% %% macro redrawing a key from clefnum, useful for vertical space changes \def\gre@updatelinesclef{% \gre@trace{gre@updatelinesclef}% \GreSetLinesClef{\gre@clef}{\gre@clefheight}{1}{\gre@clefflatheight}% {\gre@cleftwo}{\gre@cleftwoheight}{\gre@cleftwoflatheight}\relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \newbox\gre@box@temp@clef% \newbox\gre@box@temp@cleftwo% % sets \gre@box@temp@width with the clef, the arguments are the same as \gre@typeclef \def\gre@boxclef#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% \gre@trace{gre@boxclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}% \global\setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{% \ifcase#7% \gre@typesingleclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#5}% \else % \ifnum\numexpr (#7 - #2) * (#7 - #2) > 1 \relax % \setbox\gre@box@temp@clef=\hbox{\gre@typesingleclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#5}}% \setbox\gre@box@temp@cleftwo=\hbox{\gre@typesingleclef{#6}{#7}{#3}{#8}}% \ifdim\wd\gre@box@temp@clef>\wd\gre@box@temp@cleftwo% \hbox to 0pt{\copy\gre@box@temp@cleftwo}\copy\gre@box@temp@clef% \else % \hbox to 0pt{\copy\gre@box@temp@clef}\copy\gre@box@temp@cleftwo% \fi % \else % \gre@typesingleclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#5}% \gre@skip@temp@two=\gre@space@skip@clefflatspace\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@two % \gre@typesingleclef{#6}{#7}{#3}{#8}% \fi % \fi % }% \gre@trace@end% } \def\gre@saveclefextrema#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@saveclefextrema{#1}{#2}}% % compute the clef extrema \ifcase#1\or % first@1 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@e % \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@c % \ifcase#2\or\or % second@2 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@g % \or % second@3 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@i % \or % second@4 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@k % \or % second@5 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@m % \fi % \or % first@2 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@g % \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@e % \ifcase#2\or % second@1 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@c % \or\or % second@3 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@i % \or % second@4 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@k % \or % second@5 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@m % \fi % \or % first@3 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@i % \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@g % \ifcase#2\or % second@1 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@c % \or % second@2 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@e % \or\or % second@4 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@k % \or % second@5 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@m % \fi % \or % first@4 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@k % \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@i % \ifcase#2\or % second@1 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@c % \or % second@2 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@e % \or % second@3 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@g % \or\or % second@5 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@m % \fi % \or % first@5 \global\let\gre@pitch@cleftop\gre@pitch@m % \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@k % \ifcase#2\or % second@1 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@c % \or % second@2 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@e % \or % second@3 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@g % \or % second@4 \global\let\gre@pitch@clefbottom\gre@pitch@i % \fi % \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInitialClefPosition#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreInitialClefPosition{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@showclef % \gre@saveclefextrema{#1}{#2}% \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% % macro that typesets the clef % arguments are : %% #1: the type of the clef : c or f %% #2: the line of the clef (1 is the lowest) %% #3: if we must use small clef characters (inside a line) or not 0: if not inside, 1 if inside %% #4: 0: no space after, 1: normal space after, 2: short space after %% #5: if 3, it means that we must not put a flat after the clef, otherwise it's the height of the flat %% #6: the type of the secondary clef : c or f %% #7: the line of the secondary clef (1 is the lowest) %% #8: if 3, it means that we must not put a flat after the secondary clef, otherwise it's the height of the flat \def\gre@typeclef#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% \gre@trace{gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}% \gre@saveclefextrema{#2}{#7}% \gre@boxclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}% \ifcase#3% \gre@update@clefwidth@current{\wd\gre@box@temp@width}% \fi % \copy\gre@box@temp@width % \ifcase#4 % \gre@skip@temp@two=\gre@space@skip@afterclefnospace\relax% \or % \gre@skip@temp@two=\gre@space@skip@spaceafterlineclef\relax% \else % \gre@skip@temp@two=\gre@space@skip@shortspaceafterlineclef\relax% \fi % \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@two % \gre@trace@end% }% % macro that typesets one clef % arguments are : %% #1: the type of the key : c or f %% #2: the line of the key (1 is the lowest) %% #3: if we must use small key characters (inside a line) or not 0: if not inside, 1 if inside %% #4: if 3, it means that we must not put a flat after the key, otherwise it's the height of the flat \def\gre@typesingleclef#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{gre@typesingleclef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \ifcase#2 % \or% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@c}{0}{}% \or% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@e}{0}{}% \or% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@g}{0}{}% \or% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@i}{0}{}% \or% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@k}{0}{}% \fi% \ifx c#1% we check if it is a c key \ifcase#3% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@fontchar@cclef}{}{}% \or% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@fontchar@incclef}{}{}% \fi% \else % we consider that it is a f key \ifcase#3% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@fontchar@fclef}{}{}% \or% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@fontchar@infclef}{}{}% \fi% \fi% \ifnum#4=3% \else % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@clefflatspace\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreFlat{#4}{1}{}{}{}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % macro that writes the initial key, and sets the next keys to the same value % if #3 is 3, it means that we must not put a flat after the key, otherwise it's the height % of the flat \def\GreSetInitialClef#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{GreSetInitialClef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% \gre@save@clef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \ifgre@showclef% \ifnum\gre@initiallines=1\relax % \ifnum#7=1\relax % \gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{0}{1}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \else % \gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{0}{2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \fi % \else % \gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{0}{1}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \fi % \else% \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@dimen@noclefspace\relax% \hbox{\kern\gre@skip@temp@four}% \fi % \GreSetLinesClef{#1}{#2}{1}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% % if the initial is big, then we adjust the second line \ifnum\gre@biginitial=0\relax % \else % \gre@adjustsecondline % \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % macro called when the key changes % #1 and #2 are the type and line of the clef % #3 is 1 or 0 according to the need of a space before the clef. Useful for clefs after bars for example % if #4 is 3, it means that we must not put a flat after the key, otherwise it's the height % of the flat \def\GreChangeClef#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{GreChangeClef{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% % it makes no sense to change the clef when there is no clef... \gresetclef{visible}% \gre@save@clef{#1}{#2}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% \ifnum\gre@insidediscretionary=0\relax % \GreSetLinesClef{#1}{#2}{1}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% \fi % \ifnum#3=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@clefchangespace\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \else % \ifdim\gre@skip@bar@lastskip=0pt\else % we're after a bar: % here it means that there is a bar before the clef, so we skip the difference between the normal space and the space around bars with clef changes \gre@skip@temp@four = -\gre@space@skip@spacearoundclefbars\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \fi % \GreNoBreak % \gre@typeclef{#1}{#2}{1}{0}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% \ifnum\gre@insidediscretionary=0\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@clefchangespace\relax% \else % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@interwordspacenotes\relax% \fi % \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % custos just typesets a custos, useful for before the key changes for example % #1 is the height \def\GreCustos#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreCustos{#1}{#2}}% \GreNoBreak % \ifdim\gre@skip@bar@lastskip=0pt\else % we're after a bar: \kern-\gre@skip@bar@lastskip % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \ifgre@firstglyph% we check if it is the first glyph \global\gre@firstglyphfalse% \ifnum\gre@insidediscretionary=0\else % \gre@skip@temp@four=\gre@space@skip@interwordspacenotes % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four% \GreNoBreak % \fi % \else% \ifgre@endofscore % \gre@skip@temp@four=\gre@space@skip@spacebeforeeolcustos % \else % \gre@skip@temp@four=\gre@space@skip@spacebeforeinlinecustos % \fi % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four% \GreNoBreak % \fi % \gre@custosalteration{#1}{#2}% \GreNoBreak% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{0}{}% %here we need some tricks to draw the line before the custos (for the color) \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@pickcustos{#1}{1}}% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \ifgre@showlines % \ifnum#1<\gre@pitch@belowstaff\relax % \gre@additionalbottomcustoslinemiddle % \else\ifnum#1>\gre@pitch@abovestaff\relax % \gre@additionaltopcustoslinemiddle % \fi\fi % \fi % \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue% \copy\gre@box@temp@width % \ifdim\gre@skip@bar@lastskip=0pt\relax % % for now we consider we always have a bar after the custos % we don't want to end the line here \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = -\gre@space@skip@spacearoundclefbars\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \else % \GreNoBreak % \kern\gre@skip@bar@lastskip % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \directlua{gregoriotex.adjust_line_height(\gre@insidediscretionary)}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % typesets a custos for the end of the score \def\GreFinalCustos#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreFinalCustos{#1}{#2}}% \GreNoBreak% \GreCustos{#1}{#2}% \gre@endofglyphcommon % \gre@trace@end% } % the argument is the height \edef\gre@nextcustospitch{\gre@pitch@dummy}% \edef\gre@nextcustosalteration{}% \def\GreNextCustos#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreNextCustos{#1}{#2}}% \gre@debugmsg{custos}{nextcustos = #1,#2}% \ifnum\gre@insidediscretionary=0\relax % \gre@debugmsg{custos}{not discretionary}% \edef\gre@nextcustospitch{#1}% \edef\gre@nextcustosalteration{#2}% \ifgre@blockeolcustos\else% \gre@debugmsg{custos}{not blocked}% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{0}{}% %here we need some tricks to draw the line before the custos (for the color) \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{% % we type a hskip and the we type the custos \gre@hskip\gre@space@skip@spacebeforeeolcustos\relax % \gre@custosalteration{#1}{#2}% \GreNoBreak% \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue% \hbox{% \gre@pickcustos{#1}{2}\relax % }% }% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % % we make \wd\gre@box@temp@sign contain the width of a custos \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{% \gre@custosalteration{#1}{#2}% \GreNoBreak% \gre@pickcustos{#1}{0}\relax % }% \gre@localrightbox{% \ifgre@showlines % \ifnum#1<\gre@pitch@belowstaff\relax % \gre@additionalbottomcustoslineend % \else\ifnum#1>\gre@pitch@abovestaff\relax % \gre@additionaltopcustoslineend % \fi\fi % \fi % \copy\gre@box@temp@width % }% \fi % \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % macro that typesets an additional line at the top for custos at end of line \def\gre@additionaltopcustoslineend{% \gre@trace{gre@additionalaltopcustoslineend}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\gre@dimen@staffheight % + \gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % + \gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight)\relax % \raise\gre@dimen@temp@five % \hbox to 0pt{% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three % \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@sign + \gre@space@dimen@additionalcustoslineswidth)\relax% \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \vrule width \gre@dimen@temp@five height \gre@dimen@stafflineheight\relax% \hss % \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% }% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@additionalbottomcustoslineend{% \gre@trace{gre@additionalbottomcustoslineend}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight % - \gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % - \gre@dimen@stafflineheight)\relax % \raise\gre@dimen@temp@five % \hbox to 0pt{% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three % \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@sign+\gre@space@dimen@additionalcustoslineswidth)\relax% \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \vrule width \gre@dimen@temp@five height \gre@dimen@stafflineheight\relax% \hss % \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% }% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % same macros, but for a custos in the middle \def\gre@additionaltopcustoslinemiddle{% \gre@trace{gre@additionaltopcustoslinemiddle}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\gre@dimen@staffheight % + \gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % + \gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight)\relax% \raise\gre@dimen@temp@five % \hbox to 0pt{% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \hss % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three % \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr((\gre@space@dimen@additionalcustoslineswidth*2)+\wd\gre@box@temp@sign)\relax % \vrule width \gre@dimen@temp@five height \gre@dimen@stafflineheight\relax% \hss % \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% }% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@additionalbottomcustoslinemiddle{% \gre@trace{gre@additionalbottomcustoslinemiddle}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight % - \gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % - \gre@dimen@stafflineheight)\relax% \raise\gre@dimen@temp@five % \hbox to 0pt{% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \hss % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three % \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr((\gre@space@dimen@additionalcustoslineswidth*2)+\wd\gre@box@temp@sign)\relax % \vrule width \gre@dimen@temp@five height \gre@dimen@stafflineheight\relax% \hss % \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% }% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \newif\ifgre@usecustosalteration% \gre@usecustosalterationtrue% \def\gresetcustosalteration#1{% \gre@trace{gresetcustosalteration{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {visible}{\gre@usecustosalterationtrue}% {invisible}{\gre@usecustosalterationfalse}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetcustosalteration\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'visible' and 'invisible'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@custosalteration#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@custosalteration{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@usecustosalteration % \IfStrEq{#2}{}{}{\csname Gre#2\endcsname{#1}{0}{}{}{}}% \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% % #2 is 0 for measurement only, 1 in the normal case, 2 for the right box \def\gre@pickcustos#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@pickcustos{#1}{#2}}% % set attributes to adjust the line height for the pitch of the custos \ifcase#2% 0 \or % 1 \global\advance\gre@attr@glyph@id by 1\relax % \GreGlyphHeights{#1}{#1}% \or % 2 \ifgre@eolshiftsenabled % \GreGlyphHeights{#1}{#1}% \fi % \fi % \ifcase#1% \or\or% \or\gre@fontchar@custostopmiddle % \or\gre@fontchar@custostoplong % \or\gre@fontchar@custostopshort % \or\gre@fontchar@custostoplong % \or\gre@fontchar@custostopshort % \or % \ifgre@haslinethree % \gre@fontchar@custostoplong % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomlong % \fi % \or % \ifgre@haslinethree % \gre@fontchar@custostopshort % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomshort % \fi % \or % \ifgre@haslinefour % \gre@fontchar@custostoplong % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomlong % \fi % \or % \ifgre@haslinefour % \gre@fontchar@custostopshort % \else % \ifgre@haslinethree % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomshort % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottommiddle % \fi % \fi % \or % \ifgre@haslinefive % \gre@fontchar@custostoplong % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomlong % \fi % \or % \ifgre@haslinefive % \gre@fontchar@custostopshort % \else % \ifgre@haslinefour % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomshort % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottommiddle % \fi % \fi % \or\gre@fontchar@custosbottomlong % \or % \ifgre@haslinefive % \gre@fontchar@custosbottomshort % \else % \gre@fontchar@custosbottommiddle % \fi % \or\gre@fontchar@custosbottomlong % \or\gre@fontchar@custosbottommiddle % \fi% \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting of braces and other things above the score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif\ifgre@metapost@brace\gre@metapost@bracetrue % \newif\ifgre@metapost@underbrace\gre@metapost@underbracetrue % \newif\ifgre@metapost@curlybrace\gre@metapost@curlybracetrue % \newif\ifgre@metapost@barbrace\gre@metapost@barbracetrue % \def\gresetbracerendering{% \@ifnextchar[{\gre@setbracerendering}{\gre@setallbracerendering}% }% \def\gre@setallbracerendering#1{% \gre@trace{gre@setallbracerendering{#1}}% \gre@@setbracerendering{brace}{#1}% \gre@@setbracerendering{underbrace}{#1}% \gre@@setbracerendering{curlybrace}{#1}% \gre@@setbracerendering{barbrace}{#1}% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@setbracerendering[#1]#2{% \gre@trace{gre@setbracerendering[#1]{#2}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {brace}{\gre@@setbracerendering{#1}{#2}}% {underbrace}{\gre@@setbracerendering{#1}{#2}}% {curlybrace}{\gre@@setbracerendering{#1}{#2}}% {barbrace}{\gre@@setbracerendering{#1}{#2}}% }[\gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetbracerendering\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'brace', 'underbrace', 'curlybrace', and 'barbrace'}]% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@@setbracerendering#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@@setbracerendering{#1}{#2}}% \IfStrEqCase{#2}{% {font}{\csname gre@metapost@#1false\endcsname}% {metapost}{\csname gre@metapost@#1true\endcsname}% }[\gre@error{Unrecognized option "#2" for \protect\gresetbracerendering\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'font' and 'metapost'}]% \gre@trace@end% }% \gdef\gre@fontchar@curlybrace{\gre@font@music\GreCPCurlyBrace}% \gdef\gre@fontchar@brace{\gre@font@music\GreCPRoundBrace}% \gdef\gre@fontchar@underbrace{\gre@font@music\GreCPRoundBraceDown}% % the command to resize a box, \resizebox is provided by graphicx \global\let\gre@resizebox\resizebox % % #1: the width % #2: a vertical shift % #3: a horizontal shift % #4: 1 if we shift to the beginning of the last glyph, 0 otherwise % #5: 1 if we put an accentus above or not \def\GreOverCurlyBrace#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{GreOverCurlyBrace{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \gre@brace@common{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{\gre@pitch@overbraceglyph}{\gre@fontchar@curlybrace}% \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width % #2: a vertical shift % #3: a horizontal shift % #4: 1 if we shift to the beginning of the last glyph, 0 otherwise \def\GreOverBrace#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{GreOverBrace{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \gre@brace@common{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{0}{\gre@pitch@overbraceglyph}{\gre@fontchar@brace}% \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width % #2: a vertical shift % #3: a horizontal shift % #4: 1 if we shift to the beginning of the last glyph, 0 otherwise \def\GreUnderBrace#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{GreUnderBrace{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \gre@brace@common{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{0}{\gre@pitch@underbrace}{\gre@fontchar@underbrace}% \fi % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width % #2: a vertical shift % #3: a horizontal shift % #4: 1 if we shift to the beginning of the last glyph, 0 otherwise % #5: 1 if we put an accentus above, 0 if not % #6: the pitch at which to compute the height % #7: the brace character \def\gre@brace@common#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{gre@brace@common{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% \ifnum#4=1\relax % \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctum}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \fi % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#6}{13}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by #2\relax % \hbox to 0pt{% \gre@skip@temp@four = #3\relax % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{% \ifx#7\gre@fontchar@curlybrace % \ifgre@metapost@curlybrace % \gre@draw@curlybrace{#1}% \else % \gre@draw@fontbrace{#1}{#7}% \fi % \else % \ifx#7\gre@fontchar@brace % \ifgre@metapost@brace % \gre@draw@brace{#1}% \else % \gre@draw@fontbrace{#1}{#7}% \fi % \else % \ifx#7\gre@fontchar@underbrace % \ifgre@metapost@underbrace % \gre@draw@underbrace{#1}% \else % \gre@draw@fontbrace{#1}{#7}% \fi % \fi % \fi % \fi % }% \hss % \ifnum#5=1\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@overbrace}{13}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by \gre@space@dimen@curlybraceaccentusshift\relax% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{% \gre@font@music\GreCPAccentus\relax % }% \hss % \fi % }% \ifnum#4=1\relax % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@five % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1 : the width % #2 : the brace character \def\gre@draw@fontbrace#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@fontbrace{#1}{#2}}% \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{#2}% \gre@resizebox{#1}{\ht\gre@box@temp@sign}{#2}% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width, or * for the bar brace width % this can't have @ in the name because of the metapost catcode settings \def\grebracemetapostpreamble#1{% % multiplier to convert gre@factor to em-size in bp % (100000 sp) * (72 bp/in) / (65536 sp/pt) / 72.27 (pt/in) factor = 1.5201782378; scale = \the\gre@factor * factor; % assuming #1 is in bp, we convert it back into the internal unit of the % calculation, ems width = \directlua{gregoriotex.width_to_bp([[#1]], "\grebarbracewidth * scale")} / scale; }% % #1: the width \def\gre@draw@curlybrace#1{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@curlybrace{#1}}% \gre@metapost{ \grebracemetapostpreamble{#1} transform t; t = identity scaled scale; p := (width - 0.1416) / 2; q := (width - 0.08626) / 2; if (p < 0.1005) or (q < 0.12817): t := t xscaled (width / 0.34261); p := 0.1005; q := 0.12817; fi; f := 1 + (p / 4); beginfig(0); fill ( (0,0) -- (0.00651,0) .. controls (((0.03239**f)*p)+0.00651,0.01763) and (((0.08502**f)*p)+0.00651,0.03065) .. (((0.15789**f)*p)+0.00651,0.03906) .. controls (((0.23347**f)*p)+0.00651,0.04801) and (((0.32659**f)*p)+0.00651,0.05249) .. (((0.43725**f)*p)+0.00651,0.05249) .. controls (((0.49663**f)*p)+0.00651,0.05249) and (((0.59109**f)*p)+0.00651,0.05086) .. (((0.72065**f)*p)+0.00651,0.04761) .. controls (((0.82861**f)*p)+0.00651,0.04408) and (((0.92173**f)*p)+0.00651,0.04232) .. (p+0.00651,0.04232) .. controls (p+0.0198,0.04232) and (p+0.03242,0.04842) .. (p+0.04435,0.06063) .. controls (p+0.05602,0.07365) and (p+0.06483,0.0906) .. (p+0.0708,0.11149) .. controls (p+0.07677,0.0906) and (p+0.08558,0.07365) .. (p+0.09725,0.06063) .. controls (p+0.10918,0.04842) and (p+0.1218,0.04232) .. (p+0.13509,0.04232) .. controls (p+((1-(0.92173**f))*p)+0.13509,0.04232) and (p+((1-(0.82861**f))*p)+0.13509,0.04408) .. (p+((1-(0.72065**f))*p)+0.13509,0.04761) .. controls (p+((1-(0.59109**f))*p)+0.13509,0.05086) and (p+((1-(0.49663**f))*p)+0.13509,0.05249) .. (p+((1-(0.43725**f))*p)+0.13509,0.05249) .. controls (p+((1-(0.32659**f))*p)+0.13509,0.05249) and (p+((1-(0.23347**f))*p)+0.13509,0.04801) .. (p+((1-(0.15789**f))*p)+0.13509,0.03906) .. controls (p+((1-(0.08502**f))*p)+0.13509,0.03065) and (p+((1-(0.03239**f))*p)+0.13509,0.01763) .. (p+p+0.13509,0) -- (p+p+0.13509,0) -- (q+q+0.08626,0) -- (q+q+0.08626,0) .. controls (q+((1-(0.02117**f))*q)+0.08626,0.02658) and (q+((1-(0.08466**f))*q)+0.08626,0.04774) .. (q+((1-(0.19048**f))*q)+0.08626,0.06348) .. controls (q+((1-(0.29418**f))*q)+0.08626,0.07975) and (q+((1-(0.42434**f))*q)+0.08626,0.08789) .. (q+((1-(0.58095**f))*q)+0.08626,0.08789) .. controls (q+((1-(0.63386**f))*q)+0.08626,0.08789) and (q+((1-(0.70159**f))*q)+0.08626,0.08626) .. (q+((1-(0.78413**f))*q)+0.08626,0.08301) .. controls (q+((1-(0.87937**f))*q)+0.08626,0.07894) and (q+((1-(0.95132**f))*q)+0.08626,0.0769) .. (q+0.08626,0.0769) .. controls (q+0.06219,0.0769) and (q+0.05013,0.10644) .. (q+0.04679,0.13102) -- (q+0.04679,0.13102) -- (q+0.03947,0.13102) -- (q+0.03947,0.13102) .. controls (q+0.03614,0.10644) and (q+0.02407,0.0769) .. (q+0,0.0769) .. controls (((0.95132**f)*q)+0,0.0769) and (((0.87937**f)*q)+0,0.07894) .. (((0.78413**f)*q)+0,0.08301) .. controls (((0.70159**f)*q)+0,0.08626) and (((0.63386**f)*q)+0,0.08789) .. (((0.58095**f)*q)+0,0.08789) .. controls (((0.42434**f)*q)+0,0.08789) and (((0.29418**f)*q)+0,0.07975) .. (((0.19048**f)*q)+0,0.06348) .. controls (((0.08466**f)*q)+0,0.04774) and (((0.02117**f)*q)+0,0.02658) .. (0,0) -- cycle ) transformed t; setbounds currentpicture to ( (0,-0.67980) -- (q+q+0.08626,-0.67980) -- (q+q+0.08626,0.13102) -- (0,0.13102) -- cycle ) transformed t; endfig; }% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width \def\gre@draw@brace#1{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@brace{#1}}% \gre@draw@roundbrace{#1}{.89500}{ (-.00192,.70347) % start the top .. controls (-.00192,.70525) and (-.00134,.70740) .. (.00000,.71000) -- (.00000,.71000){curl c} .. (p/2,.89500) % top of the center .. {curl c}(p,.71000) -- (p,.71000) .. controls (p+.00134,.70740) and (p+.00192,.70525) .. (p+.00192,.70347) % end the top .. controls (p+.00192,.69508) and (p-.01103,.69500) .. (p-.01856,.69500) % start the bottom .. controls (p-.01856,.69500) and (p-.01900,.69500) .. (p-.01900,.69500) -- (p-.01900,.69500){curl c} .. (p/2,.86400) % bottom of the center .. {curl c}(.01900,.69500) -- (.01900,.69500) .. controls (.01900,.69500) and (.01856,.69500) .. (.01856,.69500) % end the bottom .. controls (.01103,.69500) and (-.00192,.69508) .. (-.00192,.70347) -- cycle }% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width \def\gre@draw@underbrace#1{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@underbrace{#1}}% \gre@draw@roundbrace{#1}{.25500}{ (-.00192,.24653) % start the bottom .. controls (-.00192,.24475) and (-.00134,.24260) .. (.00000,.24000) -- (.00000,.24000){curl c} .. (p/2,.05500) % bottom of the center .. {curl c}(p,.24000) -- (p,.24000) .. controls (p+.00134,.24260) and (p+.00192,.24475) .. (p+.00192,.24653) % end the bottom .. controls (p+.00192,.25492) and (p-.01103,.25500) .. (p-.01856,.25500) % start the top .. controls (p-.01856,.25500) and (p-.01900,.25500) .. (p-.01900,.25500) -- (p-.01900,.25500){curl c} .. (p/2,.08600) % top to the center .. {curl c}(.01900,.25500) -- (.01900,.25500) .. controls (.01900,.25500) and (.01856,.25500) .. (.01856,.25500) % end the top .. controls (.01103,.25500) and (-.00192,.25492) .. (-.00192,.24653) -- cycle }% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: the width % #2: height of the bounding box % #3: metapost commands to draw the outline \def\gre@draw@roundbrace#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@roundbrace{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@debugmsg{general}{round brace width = #1}% \gre@metapost{ \grebracemetapostpreamble{#1} p = width; transform t; t = identity scaled scale; c = 1; if p < 0.200: c := 0; t := t xscaled (p/0.200); p := 0.200; elseif p < 0.350: c := (p - 0.200) / 0.350; fi; beginfig(0); fill ( #3 ) transformed t; setbounds currentpicture to ( (0,0) -- (p,0) -- (p,#2) -- (0,#2) -- cycle ) transformed t; endfig; }% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1 : x-distance % #2 : y-distance % #3 : -1 for below, 1 for above \def\gre@draw@slur#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{gre@draw@slur{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@metapost{ \grebracemetapostpreamble{\directlua{gregoriotex.hypotenuse([[#1]],[[#2]])}} transform t; t = identity scaled scale; t := t xscaled width; t := t rotated \directlua{gregoriotex.rotation([[#1]],[[#2]])}; beginfig(0); fill ( (0,0) .. controls (0.3,#3*0.20) and (0.7,#3*0.20) .. (1,0) -- (1,0) .. controls (0.7,#3*0.22) and (0.3,#3*0.22) .. (0,0) -- cycle ) transformed t withpen pencircle scaled 0.3; endfig; }% \gre@trace@end% }% \newdimen\greslurheight % #1 : height % #2 : -1 for below, 1 for above % #3 : 0 = no left-shift, 1 = left-shift 1 punctum, 2 = left shift 1/2 punctum % #4 : x-distance % #5 : y-distance % #6 : end height if #6 not given \def\GreSlur#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{GreSlur{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \ifnum\number#2 > 0\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{15}{}% \else % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{16}{}% \fi % \hbox to 0pt{\raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{% \ifcase#3 % 0 \or % 1 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctum}% \kern-\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \or % 2 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctum}% \kern-.5\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \fi % \if\relax\detokenize{#5}\relax % \gre@dimen@temp@five=\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\relax % \ifnum\number#2 > 0\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#6}{15}{}% \else % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#6}{16}{}% \fi % \greslurheight = \dimexpr(\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue - \gre@dimen@temp@five)\relax % \else % \greslurheight = #5\relax % \fi % \gre@draw@slur{#4}{\the\greslurheight}{#2}% }}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1: id of the variable length brace within the score % this function cannot be traced because doing so interferes with it producing something which TeX recognizes as a number \def\GreVarBraceLength#1{% \ifgre@boxing\else % \directlua{gregoriotex.var_brace_len(#1)}% \fi % }% % #1: id of the variable length brace within the score % #2: 0 = no left-shift, 1 = left-shift 1 punctum, 2 = left shift 1/2 punctum % #3: 1 if the start, 2 if the end \def\GreVarBraceSavePos#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreVarBraceSavePos{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \ifcase#2 % 0 \gre@debugmsg{general}{save case 0}% \gre@savepos % \or % 1 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctum}% \kern-\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \gre@savepos % \kern\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \or % 2 \gre@debugmsg{general}{save case 2}% \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctum}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \kern-.5\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \gre@savepos % \kern.5\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \fi % \directlua{gregoriotex.save_length(#1, #3)}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting of punctum mora, auctum duplex and choral signs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % a function to typeset a punctum mora, % #1 is the letter of the height of the punctum mora % #2 is % - 0 in the general case % - 1 if we make the punctum mora 0-width (e.g!hv) % - 2 if we shift the width of one punctum to the left (g.e) % - 3 same as 2 but with ambitus of one (g.f) % #3 is 1 in case of a punctommora in the note before the last note of a podatus, porrectus or torculus resupinus, 0 otherwise. % #4 is 1 if we are at a punctum inclinatum, 0 otherwise \def\gre@punctum@mora#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{gre@punctum@mora{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \GreNoBreak % \ifcase#2\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four% \or % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \or % % to get the widht of a punctum minus a line, we calculate the width of a flexus (with ambitus of two) minus the width of a punctum \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPPesQuadratumLongqueueThreeNothing}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPPunctum}% \advance\gre@dimen@temp@five by -\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \or % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPPunctum}% \gre@dimen@temp@five=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \ifnum#2=0\relax % \global\gre@lastendswithmoratrue% \fi % \ifcase#3\relax % 0 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{4}{}% \or% 1 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{8}{}% \or% 2 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{14}{}% \fi % % here we shift a bit left in the case where we have a punctum inclinatum on a line \ifnum#4=1\relax % \ifgre@isonaline % \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(3700sp * \gre@factor)\relax % \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@three % \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(4500sp * \gre@factor)\relax% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@temp@three % \else % \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(2500sp * \gre@factor)\relax % \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@temp@three % \fi % \fi % \GreNoBreak % \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue \hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctummora}% \GreNoBreak % \ifcase#2\relax\or % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctummora}% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \or % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctummora}% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@five % \or % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@punctummora}% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four% \gre@skip@temp@four = -\gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@five % \fi % \GreNoBreak % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GrePunctumMora#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{GrePunctumMora{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \ifgre@disablemora\else % \gre@punctum@mora{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% } % a function to typeset an augmentum duplex, easy enough to be understood... \def\GreAugmentumDuplex#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreAugmentumDuplex{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \GrePunctumMora{#1}{1}{#3}{0}% \fi % \GrePunctumMora{#2}{0}{0}{0}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % quite simple function: #1 is the height, #2 is the string, #3 is #2 of punctum mora, #4 is #3 of punctum mora % #3 is 1 if it must be a bit higher \def\GreLowChoralSign#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreLowChoralSign{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@skip@beforelowchoralsignspace\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \ifnum#3=1\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{12}{}% \else % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{10}{}% \fi % \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@style@lowchoralsign#2\endgre@style@lowchoralsign}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreHighChoralSign#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreHighChoralSign{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \GreNoBreak % \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#3}{}{3}{\gre@style@highchoralsign#2\endgre@style@highchoralsign}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting of vertical episema %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newbox\gre@box@temp@sign% % a macro to help typesetting vertical episema. % #1 is an offset glyph (see #3 below) % #2 represents the glyph upon which the sign is to be centered % #3 is a case number % 0 : go back to the beginning of the previous glyph and then forward half % the width of #2; this puts the sign at the beginning of the previous % glyph, whose first note is the size of #2 % 1 : go back half the width of #2; this puts the sign at the end of the % previous glyph, whose last note is the size of #2 % 2 : go back the width of #1 and then foward half the width of #2; this % puts the sign at the glyph from the end that starts at #1's width from % the end % 3 : go back to the beginning of the previous glyph and then forward the % width of #1 and then back half the width of #2; this puts the sign at % the glyph from the start that ends at #1's width from the start % #4 is a shift that we want to get applied, useful for punctum inclinatum for example % #5 is the glyph number. % #6 is the type of sign (1: vertical episema, 2: rare sign, 3: choral sign) % #7 is the choral sign if relevant \def\gre@vepisemaorrareaux#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{gre@vepisemaorrareaux{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% % first we set \gre@dimen@temp@three to the width of the last glyph \gre@dimen@temp@three=\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth\relax% \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #2}% \gre@dimen@temp@two=\dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@sign / 2)\relax % \ifcase#3% % tempwidth is the width of the last glyph \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by -\gre@dimen@temp@two % \or% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\gre@dimen@temp@two % \or% \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #1}% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@sign - \gre@dimen@temp@two)\relax % \or % \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #1}% \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by \dimexpr(-\wd\gre@box@temp@sign + \gre@dimen@temp@two)\relax % \fi% \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@three % we do it here because of the now-removed ictus (chironomy) % then we draw the sign \ifcase#6\or % % vertical episema \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@verticalepisema}% \or % rare sign \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music#5}% \or % choral sign \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{#7}% \or % brace above bar \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@render@barbrace}% \fi % % we set tempwidth to half a punctum malus half the sign width, so that the centers are aligned \gre@dimen@temp@two=\dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@sign / 2)\relax % \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by \gre@dimen@temp@two % \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@two% \gre@skip@temp@four = #4sp% \kern \gre@skip@temp@four% \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue \copy\gre@box@temp@sign % \kern -\gre@skip@temp@four% % and finally we go back to the end of the glyph, where we were first \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by -2\gre@dimen@temp@two % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \directlua{gregoriotex.emit_offset_macros()}% % a function to typeset a vertical episema or a rare accent (like accentus, % circulus, etc.). This function must be called after a call to \GreGlyph. % #1 is the letter of the height of the episema (not the height of the note % it corresponds to. % #2 is note position case as in the table above % #3 is the sign glyph % #4 is type (1: vertical episema, 2: rare sign, 3: choral sign, 4: brace above the bar) % #5 is the choral sign if relevant \def\gre@vepisemaorrare#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \ifcase#4\or % % if it is a vertical episema, we call the normal calculateglyphvalue \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{3}{}% \or % % if it is not, we call it with 6 as second argument, it will give us the height of the rare signs (accentus, etc.) the first argument is m if the pitch is < k, otherwise it's n. \ifnum#1<\gre@pitch@raresign\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@raresign}{6}{}% \else % {% \gre@count@temp@three=\numexpr(#1 + 1)\relax % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@count@temp@three}{6}{}% }% \fi % \or % if it's a choral sign \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{11}{}% \or % if it's the brace above the bar \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{13}{}% \fi % \gre@v@case{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreVEpisema#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreVEpisema{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@disablevepisema\else % \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPVEpisema}{1}{}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreBarBrace#1{% \gre@trace{GreBarBrace{#1}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{\gre@pitch@overbraceglyph}{#1}{% \gre@render@barbrace% }{4}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@render@barbrace{% \gre@trace{gre@render@barbrace}% \hbox{% \ifgre@metapost@barbrace % \gre@draw@brace{*}% \else % \gre@fontchar@abovebarbrace % \fi % }% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreBarVEpisema#1{% \gre@trace{GreBarVEpisema{#1}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{\gre@pitch@barvepisema}{#1}{\GreCPVEpisema}{1}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreAccentus#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreAccentus{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPAccentus}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreSemicirculus#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreSemicirculus{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPSemicirculus}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreCirculus#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreCirculus{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPCirculus}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreReversedAccentus#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreReversedAccentus{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPAccentusReversus}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreReversedSemicirculus#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreReversedSemicirculus{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPSemicirculusReversus}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreMusicaFictaFlat#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreMusicaFictaFlat{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPFlat}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreMusicaFictaNatural#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreMusicaFictaNatural{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPNatural}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreMusicaFictaSharp#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreMusicaFictaSharp{#1}{#2}}% \gre@vepisemaorrare{#1}{#2}{\GreCPSharp}{2}{}% \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting horizontal episema %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % a macro that will help in the typesetting of a horizontal episema and additional lines, % #1 is an offset glyph (see #3, below) % #2 is the episema glyph % #3 is a case number, similar in nature to #3 in gre@vepisemaorrareaux % 0 : go back to the beginning of the previous glyph; this starts the % episema at the beginning of the previous glyph % 1 : stay at the end of the glyph; doesn't make much sense to use this % 2 : go back the width of #1; this starts the episema at the glyph from % the end that starts at #1's width from the end % 3 : go back to the beginning of the previous glyph and then forward the % width of #1; this starts the episema at the glyph from the start that % starts just after #1's width from the start % 4 : go back to the beginning of the previous glyph and then forward the % width of #1, then back the width of #2; this ends the episema at the % end of #1 % #4 argument is the same as in hepisorline \def\gre@hepisorlineaux#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{gre@hepisorlineaux{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \ifcase#3% case 0 % first we set \gre@dimen@temp@three to the width of the last glyph \gre@dimen@temp@three=\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth\relax% \or % case 1 \gre@dimen@temp@three=0 pt\relax % \or % case 2 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #1}% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\wd\gre@box@temp@sign% \or % case 3 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #1}% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth - \wd\gre@box@temp@sign)\relax % \or % case 4 \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #1}% \gre@dimen@temp@three=\dimexpr(\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth - \wd\gre@box@temp@sign)\relax % \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music #2}% \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by \wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \fi% \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@three % % then we draw the sign, and go back to the beginning of the sign \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{\gre@font@music#2}% % we set tempwidth to half a punctum malus half the sign width, so that the centers are aligned \gre@dimen@temp@two=\wd\gre@box@temp@sign % \ifcase#4% %case of hepisema \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue \copy\gre@box@temp@sign % \or % %case of hepisema at the bottom \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue \copy\gre@box@temp@sign % \or % case of a line at the top \ifnum\gre@count@lastglyphiscavum=2\relax % \gre@drawadditionalline{0}{\gre@dimen@temp@two}{0}{}{1}{}% \else % \gre@drawadditionalline{0}{\gre@dimen@temp@two}{1}{}{1}{}% \fi % \gre@dimen@temp@two=0pt\relax % \or % case of a line at the bottom \ifnum\gre@count@lastglyphiscavum=2\relax % \gre@drawadditionalline{1}{\gre@dimen@temp@two}{0}{}{1}{}% \else % \gre@drawadditionalline{1}{\gre@dimen@temp@two}{1}{}{1}{}% \fi % \gre@dimen@temp@two=0pt\relax % \or % %case of choral sign \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue \copy\gre@box@temp@sign % \or % \fi % % and finally we go back to the end of the glyph, where we were first \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by -\gre@dimen@temp@two % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % another dumb top function \def\GreAdditionalLine#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreAdditionalLine{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \ifgre@showlines % \ifgre@boxing\else % \xdef\gre@saved@dimen@glyphraise{\the\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue}% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \gre@hepisorline{\gre@pitch@dummy}{#1}{#2}{#3}{f}{}{}% \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=\gre@saved@dimen@glyphraise\relax% \fi % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % #1 0 for over staff, % 1 for under staff % #2 length of line % #3 0 for no space before, % 1 for \gre@space@dimen@additionallineswidth before, % 2 for #4 space before % #4 custom space before, used if #2 is 2 % #5 0 for no space after, % 1 for \gre@space@dimen@additionallineswidth after, % 2 for #6 space after % #6 custom space after, used if #4 is 2 \def\GreDrawAdditionalLine#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{GreDrawAdditionalLine{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \ifgre@showlines % \xdef\gre@saved@dimen@glyphraise{\the\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue}% \gre@style@additionalstafflines % \gre@drawadditionalline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \endgre@style@additionalstafflines% \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=\gre@saved@dimen@glyphraise\relax% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% } \def\gre@drawadditionalline#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{gre@drawadditionalline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \ifcase#3 % 0 \gre@dimen@temp@five=0pt\relax % \or % 1 \gre@dimen@temp@five=\gre@space@dimen@additionallineswidth\relax % \or % 2 \gre@dimen@temp@five=#4\relax % \fi % \ifcase#5 % 0 \gre@dimen@temp@four=0pt\relax % \or % 1 \gre@dimen@temp@four=\gre@space@dimen@additionallineswidth\relax % \or % 2 \gre@dimen@temp@four=#6\relax % \fi % \gre@dimen@temp@two=% \dimexpr(#2 % + \gre@dimen@temp@five % + \gre@dimen@temp@four)\relax % \ifcase#1 % 0 \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=% \dimexpr(\gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight % + \gre@stafflines\gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % + \gre@stafflines\gre@dimen@stafflineheight)\relax% \or % 1 \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=% \dimexpr(\gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight % - \gre@dimen@interstafflinespace % - \gre@dimen@stafflineheight)\relax% \fi % \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox to 0pt{% \kern-\gre@dimen@temp@five % \vrule height \gre@dimen@stafflineheight % width \gre@dimen@temp@two % }% \gre@trace@end% } % a function to typeset a horizontal line (additional line or episema). % This function must be called after a call to \GreGlyph. % #1 is the letter of the height of the episema (not the height of the note % it corresponds to. % #2 is note position case as in the table above % #3 is the ambitus for a two note episema at the diagonal stroke of a % porrectus, porrectus flexus, orculus resupinus, or torculus resupinus % flexus % #4 is 0 for an horizontal episema, 1 for an horizontal episema under a % note, 3 for a line at the bottom, 2 for a line at the top % #5 is f for a normal episema, l for a small episema aligned left, % c for a small episema aligned center, or r for a small episema % aligned right % #6 is the vertical nudge % #7 is horizontal episema interline position case %% 0 : auto %% 1 : middle %% 2 : low in space above note %% 3 : high in space above note %% 4 : low in space below note %% 5 : high in space below note \def\gre@hepisorline#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{{% \gre@trace{gre@hepisorline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% \ifcase#4 % 0 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{9}{#7}% \or % 1 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{5}{#7}% \or % 2 % the glyphraisevalue is ignored anyway... but it's just in case... \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@ledger@above}{0}{}% \or % 3 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@ledger@below}{0}{}% \fi % \global\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=\dimexpr\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue#6\relax % \gre@h@case{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }}% % dumb top function % #6 is a trick for bridges: if we must use a different height because of a % bridge, use #6, otherwise use #1 % #7 is used for setting heuristics % #8 is the vertical nudge % #9 is horizontal episema interline position case %% 0 : auto %% 1 : middle %% 2 : low in space above note %% 3 : high in space above note %% 4 : low in space below note %% 5 : high in space below note \def\GreHEpisema#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{% \gre@trace{GreHEpisema{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}{#9}}% \ifgre@boxing\else\ifgre@disablehepisema\else % \gre@prephepisemaledgerlineheuristics% #7% \ifgre@hepisemabridge% \gre@hepisorline{#6}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#8}{#9}% \else % \gre@hepisorline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#8}{#9}% \fi % \gre@resetledgerlineheuristics% \fi\fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% \newif\ifgre@hepisemabridge \gre@hepisemabridgetrue \def\gresethepisema#1{% \gre@trace{gresethepisema{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {bridge}% {\gre@hepisemabridgetrue}% {break}% {\gre@hepisemabridgefalse}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option, #1, for \protect\gresethepisema\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'bridge' and 'break'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% % same but for a "bridge episema" after the last note of a glyph (element, syllable) if the next episema is at the same height % #1 is the height % #2 is 0 for episema above, 1 for episema below % #3 is the "space case" for the following note, if a punctum inclinatum % #4 is for setting heuristics % #5 is the vertical nudge % #6 is horizontal episema interline position case %% 0 : auto %% 1 : middle %% 2 : low in space above note %% 3 : high in space above note %% 4 : low in space below note %% 5 : high in space below note \def\GreHEpisemaBridge#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gre@trace{GreHEpisemaBridge{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \ifgre@hepisemabridge% \ifgre@boxing\else % \gre@prephepisemaledgerlineheuristics% #4% \ifcase#2 % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{9}{#6}% \or % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{5}{#6}% \fi % \global\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue=\dimexpr\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue#5\relax % \IfStrEq{-1}{#3}{% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox to 0pt{\gre@font@music\gre@char@he@punctum{f}\hss}% }{% % special handling for punctum inclinatum \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPHEpisemaPunctumReduced}% \gre@dimen@temp@four = \wd\gre@box@temp@width\relax % \gre@get@spaceskip{#3}% % convert rubber length to dimension... not perfect but works in the usual case \gre@dimen@temp@three = 1\gre@skip@temp@four\relax % \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox to 0pt{% \loop\ifdim\gre@dimen@temp@three > 0pt\relax% \advance\gre@dimen@temp@three by -\gre@dimen@temp@four\relax % {\gre@font@music\GreCPHEpisemaPunctumReduced}% \repeat % \kern\gre@dimen@temp@three{\gre@font@music\GreCPHEpisemaPunctumReduced}% \hss % }% }% \gre@resetledgerlineheuristics% \fi % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for the typesetting of bars %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % we define two types of macro for each four bar : when it is inside a syllable, and when it is not \def\GreInVirgula#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreInVirgula{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@writebar{0}{1}{#1}{#2}{#3}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreVirgula#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreVirgula{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@writebar{0}{0}{#1}{#2}{#3}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInDivisioMinima#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreInDivisioMinima{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@writebar{1}{1}{#1}{#2}{#3}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreDivisioMinima#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreDivisioMinima{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \gre@writebar{1}{0}{#1}{#2}{#3}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInDivisioMinor#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreInDivisioMinor{#1}{#2}}% \gre@writebar{2}{1}{#1}{#2}{0}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreDivisioMinor#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreDivisioMinor{#1}{#2}}% \gre@writebar{2}{0}{#1}{#2}{0}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInDivisioMaior#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreInDivisioMaior{#1}{#2}}% \gre@writebar{3}{1}{#1}{#2}{0}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreDivisioMaior#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreDivisioMaior{#1}{#2}}% \gre@writebar{3}{0}{#1}{#2}{0}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreDominica#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreDominica{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \ifcase#1\or % \gre@writebar{6}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{7}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{8}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{9}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{10}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{11}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{12}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{13}{0}{#2}{#3}{0}% \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInDominica#1#2#3{% \gre@trace{GreInDominica{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \ifcase#1\or % \gre@writebar{6}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{7}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{8}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{9}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{10}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{11}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{12}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \or % \gre@writebar{13}{1}{#2}{#3}{0}% \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreInDivisioFinalis#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreInDivisioFinalis{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@endofscore % \gre@writebar{5}{1}{#1}{#2}{0}% \else % \gre@writebar{4}{1}{#1}{#2}{0}% \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreDivisioFinalis#1#2{% \gre@trace{GreDivisioFinalis{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@endofscore % \gre@writebar{5}{0}{#1}{#2}{0}% \else % \gre@writebar{4}{0}{#1}{#2}{0}% \fi % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1 is #2 of gre@writebar (@standalone or nothing) % #2 is #3 of gre@writebar (@text or @notext, only if standalone) % #3 is #5 of gre@writebar (@short or nothing) % emits the suffix of the space % this function cannot be traced because it appears inside \csname constructs \def\gre@bar@space@suffix#1#2#3{% \ifgre@newbarspacing % \ifcase#1 % \ifcase#3 % \ifcase#2 @standalone@notext\or @standalone@text\fi % \or % \ifcase#2 @standalone@notext@short\or @standalone@text@short\fi % \fi % \else % \ifcase#3 \or @short\fi % \fi % \else % \ifcase#3 \or @short\fi % \fi % }% \newcount\gre@count@shiftaftermora \gre@count@shiftaftermora=5 \def\gresetshiftaftermora#1{% \gre@trace{gresetshiftaftermora{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {always}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=5}% {notesonly}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=4}% {barsonly}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=3}% {barsnotextonly}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=2}% {barsinsideonly}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=1}% {never}% {\gre@count@shiftaftermora=0}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" in gresetshiftaftermora\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'always', 'barsonly', 'notesonly', 'barsnotextonly', 'barsinsideonly' and 'never'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% % width of a punctum mora, reinitalized at each score \newdimen\gre@dimen@morawidth % sets gre@skip@punctummorashift to the (usually negative) shift to apply before % a syllable following a punctum mora, to cancel its taking into account into % horizontal placement. % First argument is: % - 1 for the general case % - 2 when the punctum mora is before a bar \def\gre@get@unkern@aftermora#1{% \gre@trace{gre@get@unkern@aftermora{#1}}% \ifdim\gre@dimen@morawidth=0pt\relax % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\gre@fontchar@punctummora}% \global\gre@dimen@morawidth=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \fi % \ifnum #1=1% \global\gre@skip@punctummorashift=\glueexpr - \gre@dimen@morawidth - \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns + \gre@space@skip@moraadjustment\relax % \else % \global\gre@skip@punctummorashift=\glueexpr - \gre@dimen@morawidth - \gre@space@skip@spacebeforesigns + \gre@space@skip@moraadjustmentbar\relax % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% } \def\gre@unkern@bar@aftermora{% \gre@trace{gre@unkern@bar@aftermora}% \ifgre@newbarspacing% % don't apply a negative kern on the first glyph % while boxing, otherwise the box width will be wrong \ifgre@firstglyph % \ifgre@boxing\else % \gre@get@unkern@aftermora{2}% \kern\gre@skip@punctummorashift % \fi % \else % \gre@get@unkern@aftermora{2}% \kern\gre@skip@punctummorashift % \fi % \else% \gre@get@unkern@aftermora{2}% \kern\gre@skip@punctummorashift % \fi% \relax % \gre@trace@end% } \newskip\gre@skip@bar@lastskip% skip after last bar %a macro to write a bar %% 1: the type of the bar : 0 for virgula, 1 for minima 2 for minor, 3 for major, 4 for finalis and 5 for the last finalis, 6 to 13 for dominican bars %% 2: is 0 if it is in a syllable containing only this bar, 1 otherwise %% 3: is 0 if there's no text under the bar or 1 if there is text under the bar %% 4: macros that may happen before the skip after the bar (typically GreVEpisema) %% 5: 0 for the normal version of spaces, 1 for the short one (virgula and minima only) \def\gre@writebar#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{gre@writebar{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% % first, for the bar to be really centered, if the last glyph has a punctum % mora, we kern of the corresponding space. We do it only in the case % of a bar in the middle of other notes. \ifgre@lastendswithmora % \ifnum\gre@count@shiftaftermora=0\else\ifnum\gre@count@shiftaftermora=4\else % % if bar doesn’t has its own syllable, then we need to take care of the kern after a punctum mora here \ifcase #2\or % \gre@unkern@bar@aftermora % \fi % \fi\fi % \fi % \gre@newglyphcommon % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@bar}{0}{}% bar glyphs are made to be at this height \GreNoBreak % % count indicating if we have to output space or not: \gre@count@temp@one=0\relax % \ifnum#2=1\relax % \gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \else % \ifgre@newbarspacing % \gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \fi % \fi % \gre@skip@temp@four=0pt\relax % \ifcase#1 % 0 : virgula \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@virgula\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPVirgula}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPVirgula}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@virgula\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 1 : minima \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@minima\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMinima}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMinima}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@minima\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 2 : minor \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@minor\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMinor}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMinor}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@minor\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 3 : maior \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@maior\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMaior}% \gre@fontchar@divisiomaior % #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@maior\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 4 : finalis \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@finalis\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@divisiofinalis}% #4\relax % \gre@fontchar@divisiofinalis% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@finalis\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 5 : final finalis \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@finalfinalis\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@fontchar@divisiofinalis}% #4\relax % \gre@fontchar@divisiofinalis% \ifgre@newbarspacing % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@finalfinalis\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \or % 6 : dominican bar 1 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@e}{0}{}% % we need to adjust the height of the bar a little so that it is perfectly aligned with the bottom (or the top for some bars) of the staff line, which is not the case by default if \gre@stafflinefactor is not 10. \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 7 : dominican bar 2 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@e}{0}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by \gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 8 : dominican bar 3 \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 9 : dominican bar 4 \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by \gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 10 : dominican bar 5 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@i}{0}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 11 : dominican bar 6 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@i}{0}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by \gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 12 : dominican bar 7 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@k}{0}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by -\gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominican}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \or % 13 : dominican bar 8 \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@k}{0}{}% \advance\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue by \gre@dimen@stafflinediff\relax% \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioDominicanAlt}% #4\relax % \ifnum\gre@count@temp@one=1\relax % \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \csname gre@space@skip@bar@dominican\gre@bar@space@suffix{#2}{#3}{#5}\endcsname\relax% \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \fi % \global\gre@skip@bar@lastskip=\gre@skip@temp@four % \gre@debugmsg{spacing}{Width of bar just printed: \the\wd\gre@box@temp@width}% \gre@debugmsg{spacing}{Last bar space: \the\gre@skip@temp@four}% \global\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \directlua{gregoriotex.adjust_line_height(\gre@insidediscretionary)}% \global\gre@firstglyphfalse % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\gre@fontchar@divisiomaior{% \ifnum\gre@stafflinefactor=17\relax % %\gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@bar}{0}{}% bar glyphs are made to be at this height \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMaior}% \else % \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@font@music\GreCPDivisioMaior}% % we calculate the raise of the bar \gre@dimen@temp@five=\dimexpr(\gre@dimen@additionalbottomspace % + \gre@space@dimen@spacebeneathtext % + \gre@space@dimen@spacelinestext % + \gre@dimen@currenttranslationheight)\relax% % we calculate the height of the bar \raise\gre@dimen@temp@five\hbox{\vrule height \gre@dimen@staffheight width \wd\gre@box@temp@width}% \fi % \relax % }% \def\gre@fontchar@divisiofinalis{% \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{\gre@pitch@bar}{0}{}% bar glyphs are made to be at this height \gre@fontchar@divisiomaior % \kern\gre@space@dimen@divisiofinalissep % \GreNoBreak % \gre@fontchar@divisiomaior % }% % Flag to tell if we have to keep the localrightbox until the end \newif\ifgre@keeprightbox% %macro to end a line with a divisio finalis \def\GreFinalDivisioFinalis#1{% \gre@trace{GreFinalDivisioFinalis{#1}}% \GreBarSyllable{\GreSetThisSyllable{}{}{}{}{}}{}{}{1}{\GreSetNextSyllable{}{}{}{}{}\GreLastOfLine}{}{16}{}{% \ifgre@newbarspacing\else % \gre@hskip\gre@space@skip@bar@finalfinalis % \GreNoBreak % \fi % \GreLastOfScore % \GreDivisioFinalis{0}{}% #1% }% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% %macro to end a line with a divisio maior \def\GreFinalDivisioMaior#1{% \gre@trace{GreFinalDivisioMaior{#1}}% \GreBarSyllable{\GreSetThisSyllable{}{}{}{}{}}{}{}{1}{\GreSetNextSyllable{}{}{}{}{}\GreLastOfLine}{}{16}{}{% \GreLastOfScore % \GreDivisioMaior{0}{}% #1% }% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for filling holes of empty notes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % flag to indicate that lines behind a punctum cavum should be hidden \newif\ifgre@hidepclines % default state is to not hide them \gre@hidepclinesfalse % macro for manipulating above flag \def\gresetlinesbehindpunctumcavum#1{% \gre@trace{gresetlinesbehindpunctumcavum{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {visible}% {\gre@hidepclinesfalse}% {invisible}% {\gre@hidepclinestrue}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetlinesbehindpunctumcavum\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'visible' and 'invisible'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% % flag to indicate that lines behind an alteration should be hidden \newif\ifgre@hidealtlines % default state is to not hide them \gre@hidealtlinesfalse % macro for manipulating above flag \def\gresetlinesbehindalteration#1{% \gre@trace{gresetlinesbehindalteration{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {visible}% {\gre@hidealtlinesfalse}% {invisible}% {\gre@hidealtlinestrue}% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetlinesbehindalteration\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'visible' and 'invisible'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% % is last glyph a cavum? \newcount\gre@count@lastglyphiscavum % 0 if no % 1 if current glyph is a cavum (set once the cavum is filled) % 2 if previous glyph is a cavum (which is the most interesting information) \gre@count@lastglyphiscavum=0 % #1 is the character with which we fill the hole, and we suppose that % isonaline and glyphraisevalue are correctly set. % #2 is 0 for alteration or 1 for normal cavum \def\gre@fillhole#1#2{% \gre@trace{gre@fillhole{#1}{#2}}% \ifgre@boxing\else % \global\gre@count@lastglyphiscavum=1\relax % \setbox\gre@box@temp@sign=\hbox{#1}% \ifcase#2\raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue\fi% \hbox to 0pt{% {% \color{grebackgroundcolor}% \copy\gre@box@temp@sign % }% %\pdfliteral{}% this is a ugly hack for old versions of LuaTeX to work \hss % }% \GreNoBreak % \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for typesetting alterations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the top level macro: % #1 is the height % #2 is the char of the alteration % #3 is the char of the alteration hole % #4 is 1 if the alteration is the flat in a clef % #5 are the signs to typeset before the glyph (typically additional bars, as they must be "behind" the glyph) % #6 are the signs to typeset after the glyph (almost all signs) % #7 is the line:char:column for a textedit link \def\gre@alteration#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gre@trace{gre@alteration{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@pointandclick{#2}{#7}}% \ifnum#4=0\relax % \gre@newglyphcommon % \fi % \global\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % % the three next lines are a trick to get the additional lines below the glyphs \gre@skip@temp@one = \gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth\relax% \kern\gre@skip@temp@one % #5\relax % \kern-\gre@skip@temp@one % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#1}{0}{}% \ifgre@hidealtlines % \gre@fillhole{#3}{0}% \fi % \raise \gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue% \copy\gre@box@temp@width% #6\relax % \ifnum#4=0\relax % % we try to avoid line breaking after a flat or a natural \GreNoBreak % \gre@skip@temp@four = \gre@space@dimen@alterationspace\relax% \ifgre@firstglyph% \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{making adjustments for leading alteration}% \global\advance\gre@dimen@notesaligncenter by % \dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@width + \dimexpr\gre@skip@temp@four)\relax % \kern\gre@skip@temp@four % \global\gre@dimen@bolextra = \dimexpr(\wd\gre@box@temp@width + \dimexpr\gre@skip@temp@four)\relax% \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{bolextra: \the\gre@dimen@bolextra}% \else % \gre@hskip\gre@skip@temp@four % \fi % \GreNoBreak % \directlua{gregoriotex.adjust_line_height(\gre@insidediscretionary)}% \fi % \relax % \gre@trace@end% }% % This macro typesets a flat on the height provided by #1. % #2 is 1 if the flat is part of a clef. \def\GreFlat#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{GreFlat{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \gre@alteration{#1}{\gre@fontchar@flat}{\gre@fontchar@flathole}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % Same as the one before, but for naturals. \def\GreNatural#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{GreNatural{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \gre@alteration{#1}{\gre@fontchar@natural}{\gre@fontchar@naturalhole}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% % Same as the one before, but for sharps. \def\GreSharp#1#2#3#4#5{% \gre@trace{GreSharp{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \gre@alteration{#1}{\gre@fontchar@sharp}{\gre@fontchar@sharphole}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% \relax% \gre@trace@end% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% macros for typesetting punctum cavum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\gresetpunctumcavum#1{% \gre@trace{gresetpunctumcavum{#1}}% \IfStrEqCase{#1}{% {alternate}% {% \grechangecavumglyph{Punctum}{greciliae-hollow}{.caeciliae}[greciliae-hole][.caeciliae]% \grechangecavumglyph{LineaPunctum}{greciliae-hollow}{.caeciliae}[greciliae-hole][.caeciliae]% }% {normal}% {% \greresetcavumglyph{Punctum}% \greresetcavumglyph{LineaPunctum}% }% }[% all other cases \gre@error{Unrecognized option "#1" for \protect\gresetpunctumcavum\MessageBreak Possible options are: 'alternate' and 'normal'}% ]% \gre@trace@end% }% \def\GreCavum#1{% \gre@trace{GreCavum{#1}}% \ifgre@hidepclines% \gre@fillhole{{\gre@font@music@hole\csname GreHoleCP#1\endcsname}}{1}% \fi % {\gre@font@music@hollow\csname GreHollowCP#1\endcsname}% \gre@trace@end% }% % #1 is 0 for left or 1 for right bracket % #2 is the height of the lowest note within the brackets % #3 is the height of the highest note within the brackets % #4 is the point-and-click string \def\GreBracket#1#2#3#4{% \gre@trace{GreBracket{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \gre@newglyphcommon % \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax\else\GreNoBreak\fi% no break before right bracket \setbox\gre@box@temp@width=\hbox{\gre@pointandclick{\gre@font@music % \csname GreCPBracket% \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax Left\else Right\fi% % Logic: % if low pitch is on a line or below the staff: % if high pitch is on a line or above the staff: % use short bracket % else: % use normal bracket % else: % if high pitch is on a line or above the staff: % use normal bracket % else: % use long bracket \ifnum\numexpr#2\relax>\numexpr\gre@pitch@belowstaff\relax % low pitch not below staff % numexpr+/ rounds rather than truncates \ifnum\numexpr#2/2\relax=\numexpr(#2+1)/2\relax % =odd, low pitch not on a line \ifnum\numexpr#3\relax<\numexpr\gre@pitch@abovestaff\relax % high pitch not above staff \ifnum\numexpr#3/2\relax=\numexpr(#3+1)/2\relax % =odd, high pitch not on a line Long% \fi % \fi % \else % =even, low pitch on a line \ifnum\numexpr#3\relax<\numexpr\gre@pitch@abovestaff\relax % high pitch not above staff \ifnum\numexpr#3/2\relax=\numexpr(#3+1)/2\relax\else % =even, high pitch on a line Short% \fi % \else % high pitch above staff Short% \fi % \fi % \else % low pitch below staff % same as above! \ifnum\numexpr#3\relax<\numexpr\gre@pitch@abovestaff\relax % high pitch not above staff \ifnum\numexpr#3/2\relax=\numexpr(#3+1)/2\relax\else % =even, high pitch on a line Short% \fi % \else % high pitch above staff Short% \fi % \fi % \ifcase\numexpr#3-#2\relax % Zero% \or One% \or Two% \or Three% \or Four% \or Five% \or Six% \or Seven% \or Eight% \or Nine% \or Ten% \or Eleven% \or Twelve% \or Thirteen% \or Fourteen% \fi% \endcsname % }{#4}}% \global\gre@dimen@lastglyphwidth=\wd\gre@box@temp@width % \gre@calculate@glyphraisevalue{#2}{17}{}% \raise\gre@dimen@glyphraisevalue% \copy\gre@box@temp@width% \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax \GreNoBreak% no break after left bracket \ifgre@firstglyph% \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{making adjustments for leading bracket}% \global\advance\gre@dimen@notesaligncenter by \wd\gre@box@temp@width\relax % \global\gre@dimen@bolextra = \wd\gre@box@temp@width\relax% \gre@debugmsg{bolshift}{bolextra: \the\gre@dimen@bolextra}% \fi % \GreNoBreak% no break after left bracket \fi % \directlua{gregoriotex.adjust_line_height(\gre@insidediscretionary)}% \gre@endofglyphcommon % \relax% \gre@trace@end% }%