--% Kale Ewasiuk (kalekje@gmail.com) --% 2022-04-16 --% Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Kale Ewasiuk --% --% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: --% --% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in --% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --% --% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF --% ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED --% TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A --% PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT --% SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR --% ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN --% ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE --% OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- tinyyaml license --MIT License -- --Copyright (c) 2017 peposso -- --Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- --The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all --copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- --THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR --IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, --FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE --AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE --SOFTWARE. YAMLvars = {} -- self table YAMLvars.yaml = require'markdown-tinyyaml' -- note: YAMLvars.sty will have checked existence of this already local pl = _G['penlight'] or _G['pl'] -- penlight for this namespace is pl if (__PL_EXTRAS__ == nil) or (__PENLIGHT__ == nil) then tex.sprint('\\PackageError{yamlvars}{penlight package with extras (or extrasnoglobals) option must be loaded before this package}{}') end YAMLvars.xfm = {} YAMLvars.prc = {} YAMLvars.dec = {} -- table of declare function YAMLvars.varsvals = {} YAMLvars.varspecs = {} YAMLvars.varslowcase = pl.List() YAMLvars.xfmDefault = {} YAMLvars.prcDefault = 'gdef' YAMLvars.dftDefault = nil YAMLvars.allowUndeclared = false YAMLvars.overwritedefs = false YAMLvars.lowvasevarall = false YAMLvars.valTemp = '' YAMLvars.varTemp = '' YAMLvars.tabmidrule = 'hline' YAMLvars.debug = false function YAMLvars.debugtalk(s, ss) if YAMLvars.debug then pl.tex.help_wrt(s, ss) end end function YAMLvars.pkgerr(m) pl.tex.pkgerror('yamlvars', m, '', true) end -- todo need distinction beyyween table and penlight list ??? --val = pl.array2d.map_slice1(_1..'\\\\', val, 1,-2) --return val:join('') --return pl.tablex.reduce(_1.._2, val, '') function YAMLvars.xfm.markdown(var, val) --return '\\begin{markdown} '..val..'\n \\end{markdown}' pl.tex.help_wrt(val, md) return [[begin markdown ..val.. par end markdown]] end -- xfm functions (transforms) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function YAMLvars.xfm.addxspace(var, val) return val .. '\\xspace' end function YAMLvars.xfm.tab2arr(var, val) return pl.array2d.from_table(val) end function YAMLvars.xfm.arrsort2ZA(var, val) return pl.array2d.sortOP(val, pl.operator.strgt) end function YAMLvars.xfm.addrule2arr(var, val) return pl.array2d.map_slice2(_1..'\\\\\\'.. YAMLvars.tabmidrule..' ', val, 1,-1,-2,-1) end function YAMLvars.xfm.arr2tabular(var, val) return pl.array2d.toTeX(val)..'\\\\' end function YAMLvars.xfm.list2items(var, val) return pl.List(val):map('\\item '.._1):join(' ') end YAMLvars.xfm.arr2itemize = YAMLvars.xfm.list2items function YAMLvars.xfm.arrsortAZ(var, val) return pl.List(val):sort(pl.operator.strlt) end function YAMLvars.xfm.arrsortZA(var, val) return pl.List(val):sort(pl.operator.strgt) end local function complastname(a, b) a = a:split(' ') b = b:split(' ') a = a[#a] b = b[#b] return a < b end function YAMLvars.xfm.arrsortlastnameAZ(var, val) val = pl.List(val):sort(complastname) return val end function YAMLvars.xfm.list2nl(var, val) if type(val) == 'string' then return val end return pl.List(val):join('\\\\ ') end function YAMLvars.xfm.list2and(var, val) -- for doc vars like author, publisher if type(val) == 'string' then return val end return pl.List(val):join('\\and ') end function YAMLvars.xfm.lb2nl(var, val) --linebreak in text 2 newline \\ val, _ = val:gsub('\n','\\\\ ') return val end function YAMLvars.xfm.lb2newline(var, val) --linebreak in text 2 newline \\ val, _ = val:gsub('\n','\\newline ') return val end function YAMLvars.xfm.lb2par(var, val) --linebreak in text 2 new l val, _ = val:gsub('\n%s*\n','\\par ') return val end function YAMLvars.xfm.lowercase(var, val) return val:lower() end -- dec laration functions, -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function YAMLvars.dec.gdef(var, dft) YAMLvars.deccmd(var, dft) end function YAMLvars.dec.yvdef(var, dft) YAMLvars.deccmd('yv--'..var, dft) end function YAMLvars.dec.toggle(var, dft) tex.print('\\global\\newtoggle{'..var..'}') YAMLvars.prc.toggle(var, dft) end function YAMLvars.dec.length(var, dft) tex.print('\\global\\newlength{\\'..var..'}') YAMLvars.prc.length(var, dft) end -- prc functions (processing) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function YAMLvars.prc.gdef(var, val) --token.set_macro(var, val, 'global') -- old way, don't do as it will cause issues if val contains undef'd macros pl.tex.defcmd(var, val) YAMLvars.debugtalk(var..' = '..val, 'prc gdef') end function YAMLvars.prc.yvdef(var, val) pl.tex.defmacro('yv--'..var, val) YAMLvars.debugtalk('yv--'..var..' = '..val, 'prc yvdef') end function YAMLvars.prc.toggle(t, v) -- requires penlight extras local s = '' if pl.hasval(v) then s = '\\global\\toggletrue{'..t..'}' else s = '\\global\\togglefalse{'..t..'}' end tex.print(s) YAMLvars.debugtalk(s, 'prc toggle') end function YAMLvars.prc.length(t, v) v = v or '0pt' local s = '\\global\\setlength{\\global\\'..t..'}{'..v..'}' tex.print(s) YAMLvars.debugtalk(s, 'prc length') end function YAMLvars.prc.setATvar(var, val) -- set a @var directly: eg \gdef\@title{val} pl.tex.defcmdAT('@'..var, val) end function YAMLvars.prc.setdocvar(var, val) -- call a document var \var{val} = \title{val} -- YAML syntax options -- k: v -> \k{v} -- k: -- v1: v2 -> \k[v2]{v1} -- k: [v1, v2] -> \k[v2]{v1} -- k: [v1] -> \k{v1} if type(val) ~= 'table' then tex.sprint('\\'..var..'{'..val..'}') elseif #val == 0 then -- assume single k,v passed for k,v in pairs(val) do tex.sprint('\\'..var..'['..v..']{'..k..'}') end elseif #val == 1 then tex.sprint('\\'..var..'{'..val[1]..'}') else tex.sprint('\\'..var..'['..val[2]..']{'..val[1]..'}') end end function YAMLvars.prc.setPDFdata(var, val) --update pdf meta data table (via penlight), uses pdfx xmpdata -- requires a table input for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(v) == 'table' then v = pl.List(v):join('\\sep ') end pl.tex.updatePDFtable(k, v, true) end end -- with hyperref package function YAMLvars.prc.PDFtitle(var, val) tex.print('\\hypersetup{pdftitle={'..val..'}}') end function YAMLvars.prc.PDFauthor(var, val) tex.print('\\hypersetup{pdfauthor={'..val..'}}') end -- -- -- ?? --token.set_macro('yv--'..var, val, 'global') -- todo fix with csname hack? -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function YAMLvars.makecmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) and (not YAMLvars.overwritedefs) then YAMLvars.pkgerr('Variable '..cs..' already defined, could not declare') else pl.tex.defcmd(cs, val) --token.set_macro(cs, val, 'global') -- issues if val contains undefined macro end end function YAMLvars.deccmd(cs, def) if def == nil then YAMLvars.makecmd(cs, '\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{Variable "'..cs..'" was declared and used but, not set}{}') else YAMLvars.makecmd(cs, def) end end -- -- -- -- -- -- local function getYAMLfile(y) local f = io.open(y,"r") if f ~= nil then y = f:read('*a') io.close(f) return y else YAMLvars.pkgerr('YAML file "'..y..'" not found') return 'YAMLvars: FileNotFound' end end function YAMLvars.declareYAMLvarsStr(y) local t = YAMLvars.yaml.parse(y) for var, specs in pairs(t) do if pl.hasval(specs['lowcasevar']) or YAMLvars.lowvasevarall then var = var:lower() YAMLvars.varslowcase:append(var) end YAMLvars.varspecs[var] = {xfm=YAMLvars.xfmDefault,prc=YAMLvars.prcDefault,dft=YAMLvars.dftDefault} if type(specs) == 'string' then specs = {xfm={specs}} end if specs['xfm'] == nil then specs['xfm'] = {} end for s, p in pairs(specs) do if s == 'xfm' and type(p) ~= 'table' then p = {p} end YAMLvars.varspecs[var][s] = p -- set property of var end if YAMLvars.dec[YAMLvars.varspecs[var].prc] ~= nil then YAMLvars.dec[YAMLvars.varspecs[var].prc](var, YAMLvars.varspecs[var].dft) --else -- actually don't a dec function for all -- -- -- -- tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{Declaration function for '..YAMLvarspecs[var].prc..'not found}{}') end end YAMLvars.debugtalk(YAMLvars.varspecs, 'declared YAML vars, varspecs') end function YAMLvars.declareYAMLvarsFile(y) YAMLvars.declareYAMLvarsStr(getYAMLfile(y)) end local function check_def(var, val) if YAMLvars.allowUndeclared then if YAMLvars.prcDefault == 'yvdef' then YAMLvars.prc.yvdef(var, val) YAMLvars.debugtalk(var..' = '..val,'yvdef made (undeclared)') else YAMLvars.makecmd(var, val) YAMLvars.debugtalk(var..' = '..val,'gdef made (undeclared)') end else --tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{Variable "'..var..'" set but not declared}{}') YAMLvars.pkgerr('Variable "'..var..'" set but not declared') end end local function sub_lua_var(s, v1, v2) return s:gsub('([%A?%-?])('..v1..')([%W?%-?])', '%1'..v2..'%3') -- replace x variables end local _YV_invalid_expression = '\1 invalid expression' local _YV_no_return = '\2 no return val' local function expr_err(var, val) --tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{xfm with "= or /" error on var "'..var..'"}{}') -- todo make program stop YAMLvars.pkgerr('xfm with "= or /" error on var "'..var..'"}{}') -- todo make program stop end local function eval_expr(func, var, val) local s, c = func:gsub('^[=/]', {['/'] = '\2', ['='] = 'YAMLvars.valTemp = '}, 1) -- / is run code, = sets val = code if c == 0 then return _YV_invalid_expression else --pl.tex.help_wrt(s, var) --pl.tex.help_wrt(val, var) YAMLvars.valTemp = val YAMLvars.varTemp = var --pl.tex.help_wrt(s, var) s, c = s:gsub('\2', '') -- strip \2 that might have appeared if / was applied s = sub_lua_var(' '..s, 'x', 'YAMLvars.valTemp') s = sub_lua_var(s, 'v', 'YAMLvars.varTemp') --pl.tex.help_wrt(s, var) local f, err = pcall(loadstring(s)) if not f then --tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{xfm with "= or /" error on var "'..var..'"}{}') -- YAMLvars.pkgerr('xfm with "= or /" error on var "'..var) -- end if c > 0 then expr_err(var) return _YV_no_return end return YAMLvars.valTemp end end local function transform_and_prc(var, val) for _, func in pairs(YAMLvars.varspecs[var]['xfm']) do --apply cleaning functions local f = YAMLvars.xfm[func] if f == nil then local val2 = eval_expr(func, var, val) if val2 == _YV_invalid_expression then --tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{xfm function "'..func..'" not defined or invalid expression passed on var "'..var..'"}{}') YAMLvars.pkgerr('xfm function "'..func..'" not defined or invalid expression passed on var "'..var) elseif val == _YV_no_return then else val = val2 end else val = f(var, val) end end f = YAMLvars.prc[YAMLvars.varspecs[var]['prc']] if f == nil then --tex.print('\\PackageError{YAMLvars}{prc function "'..YAMLvars.varspecs[var]['prc']..'" on var "'..var..'" not defined}{}') YAMLvars.pkgerr('prc function "'..YAMLvars.varspecs[var]['prc']..'" on var "'..var..'" not defined') end f(var, val) -- prc the value of the variable end function YAMLvars.parseYAMLvarsStr(y) YAMLvars.varsvals = YAMLvars.yaml.parse(y) for var, val in pairs(YAMLvars.varsvals) do if YAMLvars.varslowcase:contains(var:lower()) then var = var:lower() end if YAMLvars.varspecs[var] == nil then check_def(var, val) -- if not declared -- todo consider free form parse declaring -- variable name: {xfm:, dec:, prc:, val: } -- definitely doable here else transform_and_prc(var, val) end end end function YAMLvars.parseYAMLvarsFile(y) YAMLvars.parseYAMLvarsStr(getYAMLfile(y)) end function YAMLvars.print_varspecs() local pretty = require('pl.pretty') texio.write_nl('VVVVVV Var specifications:') texio.write_nl(pretty.write(YAMLvars.varspecs)) end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function YAMLvars.doYAMLfiles(t) if #t == 2 then YAMLvars.declareYAMLvarsFile(t[1]) YAMLvars.parseYAMLvarsFile(t[2]) elseif #t == 1 then YAMLvars.parseYAMLvarsFile(t[1]) else tex.print('\\PackageWarning{YAMLvars}{No .yaml files found in CLI args"}{}') end end function YAMLvars.getYAMLcli() local t = {} if arg then for i,v in pairs(arg) do if v:find('.*%.yaml$') then t[#t+1] = v end end end --pl.tex.help_wrt(t) return t end YAMLvars.yaml2PDFmetadata = function(ytext) -- parse a YAML file and update the pdfmetadata table __PDFmetadata__ = __PDFmetadata__ or {} -- existing metadata if ytext ~= nil then local pdfmetadata_yaml = YAMLvars.yaml.parse(ytext) -- new metadata local t = {} for k,v in pairs(pdfmetadata_yaml) do -- ensure first character is capital letter t[k:upfirst()] = v end __PDFmetadata__ = table.update(__PDFmetadata__, t) end end -- graveyard function YAMLvars.prc.setheader(val, rl) local _, count = string.gsub(val, '\\\\', '') if count == 0 then val = '{\\ }\\\\'..val end val = '\\setstretch{0.8}'..val tex.print('\\'..rl..'ohead{'..val..'}') end function YAMLvars.prc.setheader(val, rl) local _, count = string.gsub(val, '\\\\', '') if count == 0 then val = '{\\ }\\\\'..val end val = '\\setstretch{0.8}'..val tex.print('\\'..rl..'ohead{'..val..'}') end function YAMLvars.prc.rhead(var, val) YAMLvars.prc.setheader(val, 'r') end function YAMLvars.prc.lhead(var, val) YAMLvars.prc.setheader(val, 'l') end function YAMLvars.prc.memoTo(var, val) for k, v in pairs(v) do pl.tex.defcmd('@memoTo', val) v = YAMLvars.xfm.list2nl(var, v) pl.tex.defcmd('@memoTo', val) end end function YAMLvars.prc.memoFr(var, val) for k, v in pairs(v) do pl.tex.defcmd('@memoFr', val) v = YAMLvars.xfm.list2nl(var, v) pl.tex.defcmd('@memoFrAddr', val) end end -- produce \Var[val[2]\\val[3].....\val[n]]{val[1]} --function YAMLvars.prc.setdocvarOpt(var, val) -- if type(val) ~= 'table' then -- val = {val} -- end -- local s = '\\'..var..'{'..tostring(val[1])..'}' -- s = s..'['..pl.List(v):map_slice1():join()..']' -- what does this do? -- tex.print(s) --end -- -- --function YAMLvars.prc.setdocvarOpts(var, val) -- if type(val) ~= 'table' then -- val = {val} -- end -- local s = '\\'..var..'{'..tostring(val[1])..'}' -- for k, v in pairs(val) do -- if k > 1 then -- s = s..'['..tostring(v)..']' -- end -- end -- tex.print(s) --end return YAMLvars --token.set_macro('@memoFr', k, 'global') --token.set_macro('@memoFrAddr', v, 'global') --token.set_macro('@memoTo', k, 'global') --token.set_macro('@memoToAddr', v, 'global') --help_wrt(var,val) -- token.set_macro('@'..var, val, 'global') --function YAMLvars.prc.title(var, val) -- YAMLvars.prc.setdocvar('title', val) --end -- -- --function YAMLvars.prc.author(var, val) -- YAMLvars.prc.setdocvar('author', val) --end -- --function YAMLvars.prc.date(var, val) -- YAMLvars.prc.setdocvar('date', val) --end --clean = clean or true --if clean then -- clean first part of yaml string -- y = clean_tex_spaces(y) --end --local function clean_tex_spaces(s) -- pl.tex.help_wrt(s) -- if s:sub(1,2) == '%s' then -- s, _ = s:gsub('%s+','',1) -- end -- s, _ = s:gsub('\\par ','\n\n') -- return s --end