% Typically used in the USA. Novel file version 1.36 % The values of the arguments are public industry standards. % Remember: TeX special characters must be backslashed here. % You may see % or # or _ in the data or file names. % Be sure that they are written as \% \# \_ or there will be trouble. % This identifier has spaces, even though file name has no spaces. \gdef\@OIidentifier{CGATS TR 001} % also called "reference name" \gdef\@OIcondition{SWOP (Publication) printing in USA (Printing process definition: ANSI CGATS.6).} \gdef\@OIinfo{U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2} \gdef\@OIregistry{http://www.color.org} \gdef\@OIprofile{USWebCoatedSWOP.icc}