% luaset package % version 1.0 % Authors: Chetan Shirore and Ajit Kumar % Licensed under LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later. The complete license text is available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt. \ProvidesPackage{luaset}[1.0] \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \RequirePackage{amsmath} \RequirePackage{luacode} \RequirePackage{luamaths} \begin{luacode*} sets = {} Set = {} local mt = { __tostring = function(self) return "\\{" .. table.concat(table.sortedkeys(self), ", ") .. "\\}" end } function Set.new(str) str = str or "" local set = {} for v in utilities.parsers.iterator(str) do set[v] = true end return setmetatable(set, mt) end function Set.union (a, b) local union = {} for k in pairs(a) do union[k] = true end for k in pairs(b) do union[k] = true end return setmetatable(union, mt) end function Set.intersection (a, b) local intersection = {} for k in pairs(a) do intersection[k] = b[k] end return setmetatable(intersection, mt) end function Set.difference (a, b) local difference = {} for k in pairs(a) do if b[k]~= true then difference[k] = true end end setmetatable(difference, mt) return difference end function Set.cardinal (a) local len = 0 for k in pairs(a) do len = len + 1 end return len end function Set.subseteq(a, b) for k in pairs(a) do if not b[k] then return false end end return true end function Set.subset (a, b) return Set.subseteq(a, b) and not (Set.subseteq(b, a) ) end function Set.equal (a, b) return Set.subseteq(a, b) and (Set.subseteq(b, a) ) end function Set.belongsto (x, s) if s[x] then return true else return false end end \end{luacode*} \newcommand\luaSetNew[2]{% \directlua{% sets[\luastringN{#1}] = Set.new(\luastringN{#2}) }% } \newcommand\luaSetUnion[3]{% \directlua{% sets[\luastringN{#1}] = Set.union(sets[\luastringN{#2}], sets[\luastringN{#3}]) }% } \newcommand\luaSetIntersection[3]{% \directlua{% sets[\luastringN{#1}] = Set.intersection(sets[\luastringN{#2}], sets[\luastringN{#3}]) }% } \newcommand\luaSetDifference[3]{% \directlua{% sets[\luastringN{#1}] = Set.difference(sets[\luastringN{#2}], sets[\luastringN{#3}]) }% } \newcommand\luaSetPrint[1]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(sets[\luastringN{#1}]))}% } \newcommand\luaSetCardinal[1]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(Set.cardinal(sets[\luastringN{#1}])))}% } \newcommand\luaSetSubseteq[2]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(Set.subseteq(sets[\luastringN{#1}],sets[\luastringN{#2}])))}% } \newcommand\luaSetSubset[2]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(Set.subset(sets[\luastringN{#1}],sets[\luastringN{#2}])))}% } \newcommand\luaSetEqual[2]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(Set.equal(sets[\luastringN{#1}],sets[\luastringN{#2}])))}% } \newcommand\luaSetBelongsto[2]{% \directlua{tex.sprint(tostring(Set.belongsto("#1",sets[\luastringN{#2}])))}% } \endinput