-- The luafractions module -- Authors: Chetan Shirore and Ajit Kumar -- version 1.1, Date=04-Aug-2023 -- Licensed under LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later. The complete license text is available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt. M = {} -- the module frac_mt = {} -- the metatable function M.new (n, d, mode) mode = mode or 'fracs' if mode == 'nofracs' then return (n/d) end if mode == 'fracs' then if n~=math.floor(n) or d~=math.floor(d) then error('Only integers are expected.') end if d == 0 then error('Invalid fraction') end local fr = {} local g = M.lgcd(n,d) fr = {n=n/g, d=d/g} return setmetatable(fr,frac_mt) end end lfrac = M.new function M.lgcd (a, b) local r while (b ~= 0) do r = a % b a = b b = r end return a end function M.simp (num) local cf = gcd(num[1], num[2]) return M.new(num[1] / cf, num2[2] / cf) end function M.toFnumber(c) return c.n / c.d end function M.toFrac(x) if type(x) == "number" then if x==math.floor(x) then return M.new(math.floor(x),1) else return x end end return x end function addFracs (c1, c2) return M.new(c1.n * c2.d + c1.d * c2.n, c1.d*c2.d) end function subFracs (c1, c2) return M.new(c1.n * c2.d - c1.d * c2.n, c1.d*c2.d) end function mulFracs (c1, c2) return M.new(c1.n * c2.n, c1.d*c2.d) end function divFracs (c1, c2) return M.new(c1.n * c2.d, c1.d*c2.n) end function minusFracs (c1) return M.new(-c1.n,c1.d) end function powerFracs (c1,m) return M.new((c1.n)^m,(c1.d)^m) end function M.add(a, b) if type(a) == "number" then if a==math.floor(a) then return addFracs(M.new(a,1),b) else return a + M.toFnumber(b) end end if type(b) == "number" then if b==math.floor(b) then return addFracs(a,M.new(b,1)) else return M.toFnumber(a) + b end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( a ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( b ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { a+b[1], b[2] }, complex_meta ) end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( b ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( a ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { b+a[1], a[2] }, complex_meta ) end end return addFracs(a, b) end function M.sub(a, b) if type(a) == "number" then if a==math.floor(a) then return subFracs(M.new(a,1),b) else return a - M.toFnumber(b) end end if type(b) == "number" then if b==math.floor(b) then return subFracs(a,M.new(b,1)) else return M.toFnumber(a) - b end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( a ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( b ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { a-b[1], b[2] }, complex_meta ) end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( b ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( a ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { a[1]-b, a[2] }, complex_meta ) end end return subFracs(a, b) end function M.mul(a, b) if type(a) == "number" then if a==math.floor(a) then return mulFracs(M.new(a,1),b) else return a * M.toFnumber(b) end end if type(b) == "number" then if b==math.floor(b) then return mulFracs(a,M.new(b,1)) else return M.toFnumber(a) * b end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( a ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( b ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { a*b[1], a*b[2] }, complex_meta ) end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( b ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( a ) == complex_meta then return setmetatable( { b*a[1], b*a[2] }, complex_meta ) end end return mulFracs(a, b) end function M.div(a, b) if type(a) == "number" then if a==math.floor(a) then return divFracs(M.new(a,1),b) else return a / M.toFnumber(b) end end if type(b) == "number" then if b==math.floor(b) then return divFracs(a,M.new(b,1)) else return M.toFnumber(a) / b end end if type( a ) == "table" and type(b) =="table" then if getmetatable( a ) == frac_mt and getmetatable( b ) == complex_meta then b= setmetatable( { M.toFrac(b[1]), M.toFrac(b[2]) }, complex_meta ) return a*(1/b) end end return divFracs(a, b) end function M.tostring (c) if c.n == 0 then return string.format("%g",0) end if c.d == 1 then return string.format("%g",c.n) end if c.d == -1 then return string.format("%g",-c.n) end return string.format("\\frac{%g}{%g}", c.n, c.d) end --Setting Metatable operations. frac_mt.__add = M.add frac_mt.__sub = M.sub frac_mt.__mul = M.mul frac_mt.__div = M.div frac_mt.__unm = minusFracs frac_mt.__pow = powerFracs frac_mt.__tostring = M.tostring return M