-- -- This is file `lua-ul.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- lua-ul.dtx (with options: `luacode') -- -- Copyright (C) 2020 by Marcel Krueger -- -- This file may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either -- version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later -- version. The latest version of this license is in: -- -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of -- LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. local unset_t = node.id'unset' local hlist_t = node.id'hlist' local vlist_t = node.id'vlist' local kern_t = node.id'kern' local glue_t = node.id'glue' local properties = node.direct.get_properties_table() local has_attribute = node.direct.has_attribute local set_attribute = node.direct.set_attribute local dimensions = node.direct.dimensions local flush_node = node.direct.flush_node local getboth = node.direct.getboth local getfield = node.direct.getfield local getglue = node.direct.getglue local getleader = node.direct.getleader local getlist = node.direct.getlist local setheight = node.direct.setheight local setdepth = node.direct.setdepth local getheight = node.direct.getheight local getdepth = node.direct.getdepth local getnext = node.direct.getnext local getshift = node.direct.getshift local insert_after = node.direct.insert_after local insert_before = node.direct.insert_before local nodecopy = node.direct.copy local nodenew = node.direct.new local setboth = node.direct.setboth local setlink = node.direct.setlink local hpack = node.direct.hpack local setfield = node.direct.setfield local slide = node.direct.slide local setglue = node.direct.setglue local setnext = node.direct.setnext local setshift = node.direct.setshift local todirect = node.direct.todirect local tonode = node.direct.tonode local traverse = node.direct.traverse local traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id local traverse_list = node.direct.traverse_list local getList = function(n) return getfield(n, 'list') end local setList = function(n, h) return setfield(n, 'list', h) end local tokennew = token.new local set_lua = token.set_lua local scan_keyword = token.scan_keyword local scan_list = token.scan_list local scan_int = token.scan_int local scan_toks = token.scan_toks local put_next = token.put_next local texerror = tex.error local functions = lua.get_functions_table() local char_given = token.command_id'char_given' local underlineattrs = {} local underline_types = {} local underline_strict_flag = {} local underline_over_flag = {} local vmode do for k, v in pairs(tex.getmodevalues()) do if v == "vertical" then vmode = k break end end end local texnest = tex.nest local scan_raw_hlist do local create = token.create local lbrace, rbrace = token.new(0x7B, 1), token.new(0x7D, 2) tex.enableprimitives('luaul@', {'everyhbox'}) local set_everyhbox do local set_toks1, set_toks2 = {create'immediateassignment', create'luaul@everyhbox', lbrace}, {rbrace, create'relax'} function set_everyhbox(t) token.put_next(set_toks2) token.put_next(t) token.put_next(set_toks1) token.scan_token() end end local func = luatexbase.new_luafunction"luaul.restore_everyhbox" local everyhbox_saved functions[func] = function() set_everyhbox(everyhbox_saved) end local toks = {rbrace, -- Housekeeping, only for balance reasons lbrace, create'the', create'luaul@everyhbox', rbrace, create'hpack', lbrace, token.new(func, token.command_id'lua_call')} function scan_raw_hlist() assert(token.get_next().command == 1) put_next(toks) token.get_next() -- Scan a corresponding brace to keep TeX's brace tracking happy local saved_toks = scan_toks(false, true) everyhbox_saved = saved_toks set_everyhbox{} local list = scan_list() set_everyhbox(saved_toks) return list end end local saved_values = {} local function new_underline_type() for i=1,#underlineattrs do local attr = underlineattrs[i] saved_values[i] = tex.attribute[attr] tex.attribute[attr] = -0x7FFFFFFF end local strict_flag = scan_keyword'strict' local over_flag = scan_keyword'over' local b = todirect(scan_raw_hlist()) for i=1,#underlineattrs do tex.attribute[underlineattrs[i]] = saved_values[i] end local lead = getlist(b) if not getleader(lead) then texerror("Leader required", {"An underline type has to \z be defined by leader. You should use one of the", "commands \z \\leaders, \\cleaders, or \\xleader, or \\gleaders here."}) else local after = getnext(lead) if after then texerror("Too many nodes", {"An underline type can only be \z defined by a single leaders specification,", "not by \z multiple nodes. Maybe you supplied an additional glue?", "Anyway, the additional nodes will be ignored"}) setnext(lead, nil) end table.insert(underline_types, lead) setList(b, after) flush_node(b) end put_next(tokennew(#underline_types, char_given)) underline_strict_flag[#underline_types] = strict_flag underline_over_flag[#underline_types] = over_flag end local function set_underline() local j, props for i=texnest.ptr,0,-1 do local mode = texnest[i].mode if mode == vmode or mode == -vmode then local head = todirect(texnest[i].head) local head_props = properties[head] if not head_props then head_props = {} properties[head] = head_props end props = head_props.luaul_attributes if not props then props = {} head_props.luaul_attributes = props break end end end for i=1,#underlineattrs do local attr = underlineattrs[i] if tex.attribute[attr] == -0x7FFFFFFF then j = attr break end end if not j then j = luatexbase.new_attribute( "luaul" .. tostring(#underlineattrs+1)) underlineattrs[#underlineattrs+1] = j end props[j] = props[j] or -0x7FFFFFFF tex.attribute[j] = scan_int() end local function reset_underline() local reset_all = scan_keyword'*' local j for i=1,#underlineattrs do local attr = underlineattrs[i] if tex.attribute[attr] ~= -0x7FFFFFFF then if reset_all then tex.attribute[attr] = -0x7FFFFFFF else j = attr end end end if not j then if not reset_all then texerror("No underline active", {"You tried to disable \z underlining but underlining was not active in the first", "place. Maybe you wanted to ensure that \z no underling can be active anymore?", "Then you should \z append a *."}) end return end tex.attribute[j] = -0x7FFFFFFF end local new_underline_type_func = luatexbase.new_luafunction"luaul.new_underline_type" local set_underline_func = luatexbase.new_luafunction"luaul.set_underline_func" local reset_underline_func = luatexbase.new_luafunction"luaul.reset_underline_func" set_lua("LuaULNewUnderlineType", new_underline_type_func) set_lua("LuaULSetUnderline", set_underline_func, "protected") set_lua("LuaULResetUnderline", reset_underline_func, "protected") functions[new_underline_type_func] = new_underline_type functions[set_underline_func] = set_underline functions[reset_underline_func] = reset_underline local stretch_fi = {} local shrink_fi = {} local function fil_levels(n) for i=0,4 do stretch_fi[i], shrink_fi[i] = 0, 0 end for n in traverse_id(glue_t, n) do local w, st, sh, sto, sho = getglue(n) stretch_fi[sto] = stretch_fi[sto] + st shrink_fi[sho] = shrink_fi[sho] + sh end local stretch, shrink = 0, 0 for i=0,4 do if stretch_fi[i] ~= 0 then stretch = i end if shrink_fi[i] ~= 0 then shrink = i end end return stretch, shrink end local function new_glue_neg_dimensions(n, t, stretch_order, shrink_order) local g = nodenew(glue_t) local w = -dimensions(n, t) setglue(g, w) setnext(g, n) setglue(g, w, -dimensions(1, 1, stretch_order, g, t), dimensions(1, 2, shrink_order, g, t), stretch_order, shrink_order) setnext(g, nil) return g end local add_underline_hlist, add_underline_hbox, add_underline_vbox local function add_underline_vlist(head, attr, outervalue) local iter, state, n = traverse_list(head) -- FIXME: unset nodes local t n, t = iter(state, n) while n ~= nil do local real_new_value = has_attribute(n, attr) local new_value = real_new_value ~= outervalue and real_new_value or nil if underline_strict_flag[new_value] or not new_value then if t == hlist_t then add_underline_hbox(n, attr, real_new_value) elseif t == vlist_t then add_underline_vbox(n, attr, real_new_value) end n, t = iter(state, n) elseif real_new_value <= 0 then n, t = iter(state, n) else local nn nn, t = iter(state, n) local prev, next = getboth(n) setboth(n, nil, nil) local shift = getshift(n) setshift(n, 0) local new_list = hpack((add_underline_hlist(n, attr))) setheight(new_list, getheight(n)) setdepth(new_list, getdepth(n)) setshift(new_list, shift) setlink(prev, new_list, next) set_attribute(new_list, attr, 0) if n == head then head = new_list end n = nn end end return head end function add_underline_vbox(head, attr, outervalue) if outervalue and outervalue <= 0 then return end setList(head, add_underline_vlist(getList(head), attr, outervalue)) set_attribute(head, attr, outervalue and -outervalue or 0) end function add_underline_hlist(head, attr, outervalue) local max_height, max_depth slide(head) local last_value local first local shrink_order, stretch_order for n, id, subtype in traverse(head) do local real_new_value = has_attribute(n, attr) local new_value if real_new_value then if real_new_value > 0 then set_attribute(n, attr, -real_new_value) new_value = real_new_value ~= outervalue and real_new_value or nil end else set_attribute(n, attr, 0) end if id == hlist_t then if underline_strict_flag[new_value] or subtype == 3 or not new_value then add_underline_hbox(n, attr, real_new_value) new_value = nil end elseif id == vlist_t then if underline_strict_flag[new_value] or not new_value then add_underline_vbox(n, attr, real_new_value) new_value = nil end elseif id == kern_t and subtype == 0 then local after = getnext(n) if after then local next_value = has_attribute(after, attr) if next_value == outervalue or not next_value then new_value = nil else new_value = last_value end else new_value = last_value end elseif id == glue_t and ( subtype == 8 or subtype == 9 or subtype == 15 or false) then new_value = nil end if last_value ~= new_value then if not stretch_order then stretch_order, shrink_order = fil_levels(head) end if last_value then local glue = new_glue_neg_dimensions(first, n, stretch_order, shrink_order) local w, st, sh = getglue(glue) local lead = nodecopy(underline_types[last_value]) setglue(lead, -w, -st, -sh, stretch_order, shrink_order) if underline_over_flag[last_value] then head = insert_before(head, n, glue) insert_after(head, glue, lead) else head = insert_before(head, first, lead) insert_after(head, lead, glue) end end if new_value then first = n local box = getleader(underline_types[new_value]) if not max_height or getheight(box) > max_height then max_height = getheight(box) end if not max_depth or getdepth(box) > max_depth then max_depth = getdepth(box) end end last_value = new_value end end if last_value then local glue = new_glue_neg_dimensions(first, nil, stretch_order, shrink_order) local w, st, sh = getglue(glue) local lead = nodecopy(underline_types[last_value]) setglue(lead, -w, -st, -sh, stretch_order, shrink_order) if underline_over_flag[last_value] then insert_before(head, nil, glue) insert_after(head, glue, lead) else head = insert_before(head, first, lead) insert_after(head, lead, glue) end end return head, max_height, max_depth end function add_underline_hbox(head, attr, outervalue, set_height_depth) if outervalue and outervalue <= 0 then return end local new_head, new_height, new_depth = add_underline_hlist(getList(head), attr, outervalue) setList(head, new_head) if set_height_depth then if new_height and getheight(head) < new_height then setheight(head, new_height) end if new_depth and getdepth(head) < new_depth then setdepth(head, new_depth) end end set_attribute(head, attr, outervalue and -outervalue or 0) end require'pre_append_to_vlist_filter' luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_append_to_vlist_filter', function(b, loc, prev, mirror) local props = properties[todirect(texnest.top.head)] props = props and props.luaul_attributes b = todirect(b) if loc == "post_linebreak" then for i = 1, #underlineattrs do local attr = underlineattrs[i] local current = props and props[attr] or tex.attribute[attr] if current == -0x7FFFFFFF then current = nil end add_underline_hbox(b, underlineattrs[i], current, true) end else for i = 1, #underlineattrs do local attr = underlineattrs[i] local current = props and props[attr] or tex.attribute[attr] local b_attr = has_attribute(b, attr) if b_attr and b_attr ~= current then local shift = getshift(b) setshift(b, 0) b = hpack((add_underline_hlist(b, attr))) setshift(b, shift) set_attribute(b, attr, 0) end end end return tonode(b) end, 'add underlines to list') luatexbase.add_to_callback('hpack_filter', function(head, group, size, pack, dir, attr) head = todirect(head) for i = 1, #underlineattrs do local ulattr = underlineattrs[i] local current for n in node.traverse(attr) do if n.number == ulattr then current = n.value end end head = add_underline_hlist(head, ulattr, current) end return tonode(head) end, 'add underlines to list') luatexbase.add_to_callback('vpack_filter', function(head, group, size, pack, maxdepth, dir, attr) head = todirect(head) for i = 1, #underlineattrs do local ulattr = underlineattrs[i] local current for n in node.traverse(attr) do if n.number == ulattr then current = n.value end end head = add_underline_vlist(head, ulattr, current) end return tonode(head) end, 'add underlines to list') -- -- -- End of file `lua-ul.lua'.