%%% Configuration file for lua-typo.sty %%% These settings can also be overruled in the preamble. %% Minimum gap between end of paragraphs’ last lines and the right margin \luatypoBackPI=1em\relax \luatypoBackFuzz=2pt\relax %% Minimum length of paragraphs’ last lines \ifdim\parindent=0pt \luatypoLLminWD=20pt\relax \else \luatypoLLminWD=2\parindent\relax \fi %% Maximum number of consecutive hyphenated lines \luatypoHyphMax=2\relax %% Nearly empty pages: minimum number of lines \luatypoPageMin=5\relax %% Maximum acceptable stretch before a line is tagged as Underfull \luatypoStretchMax=200\relax %% Minimum number of matching characters for words at begin/end of line \luatypoMinFull=3\relax \luatypoMinPart=4\relax %% Minimum number of characters for the first word on a page if it ends %% a sentence. \luatypoMinLen=4\relax %% Default colours = red, cyan, blue, LTgrey, LTred, LTline. \definecolor{LTgrey}{gray}{0.6} \definecolor{LTred}{rgb}{1,0.55,0} \definecolor{LTline}{rgb}{0.7,0,0.3} \luatypoSetColor1{red}% Paragraph last full line hyphenated \luatypoSetColor2{red}% Page last word hyphenated \luatypoSetColor3{red}% Hyphens on to many consecutive lines \luatypoSetColor4{red}% Short word at end of line \luatypoSetColor5{cyan}% Widow \luatypoSetColor6{cyan}% Orphan \luatypoSetColor7{cyan}% Paragraph ending on a short line \luatypoSetColor8{blue}% Overfull lines \luatypoSetColor9{blue}% Underfull lines \luatypoSetColor{10}{red}% Nearly empty page \luatypoSetColor{11}{LTred}% First word matches \luatypoSetColor{12}{LTred}% Last word matches \luatypoSetColor{13}{LTgrey}% Paragraph ending on a nearly full line \luatypoSetColor{14}{cyan}% Footnote split \luatypoSetColor{15}{red}% Too short first (final) word on the page \luatypoSetColor{16}{LTline}% Line color for multiple flaws %% Language specific settings (example for French): %% short words (two letters max) to be avoided at end of lines. %%\luatypoOneChar{french}{"À Ô Y"} %%\luatypoTwoChars{french}{"Je Tu Il On Au De"} %% %% %% End of file `lua-typo.cfg'.