--[[ This file is part of the `ekdosis' package ekdosis -- Typesetting TEI xml compliant critical editions Copyright (C) 2020 Robert Alessi Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert Alessi This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . --]] -- `' -- This table will hold the functions: ekdosis = {} -- lpeg equivalent for string.gsub() local function gsub(s, patt, repl) patt = lpeg.P(patt) patt = lpeg.Cs((patt / repl + 1)^0) return lpeg.match(patt, s) end -- some basic patterns: local letters = lpeg.R("az", "AZ") local ascii = lpeg.R("az", "AZ", "@@") local dblbkslash = lpeg.Cs("\\") local bsqbrackets = lpeg.Cs{ "[" * ((1 - lpeg.S"[]") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * "]" } local bcbraces = lpeg.Cs{ "{" * ((1 - lpeg.S"{}") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * "}" } local spce = lpeg.Cs(" ") local spcenc = lpeg.P(" ") local cmdstar = lpeg.Cs(spce * lpeg.P("*")) local bsqbracketsii = lpeg.Cs(bsqbrackets^-2) local bcbracesii = lpeg.Cs(bcbraces^-2) local cmd = lpeg.Cs(dblbkslash * ascii^1 * cmdstar^-1) local rawcmd = lpeg.Cs(dblbkslash * ascii^1) local aftercmd = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.S("*[{,.?;:'`\"") + dblbkslash) local cmdargs = lpeg.Cs(spce^-1 * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * bsqbrackets^-1) local app = lpeg.Cs("app") local lemrdg = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.Cs("lem") + lpeg.Cs("rdg")) local note = lpeg.Cs("note") local lnbrk = lpeg.Cs("\\\\") local poemline = lpeg.Cs(lnbrk * bsqbrackets^-1) local endpoem = lpeg.Cs(lnbrk * lpeg.S("*!") * bsqbrackets^-1) local sections = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.P("book") + lpeg.P("part") + lpeg.P("chapter") + lpeg.P("section") + lpeg.P("subsection") + lpeg.P("subsubsection")) local par = lpeg.P(lpeg.P("\\par") * spce^0) local parb = lpeg.P(lpeg.Cs("\\p@rb") * spce^0) local para = lpeg.P(lpeg.Cs("\\p@ra") * spce^0) local labelrefcmds = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.P("label") + lpeg.P("linelabel") + lpeg.P("lineref") + lpeg.P("ref") + lpeg.P("pageref") + lpeg.P("vref") + lpeg.P("vpageref")) local citecmds = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.P("icite") + lpeg.P("cite") + lpeg.P("Cite") + lpeg.P("cite *") + lpeg.P("parencite") + lpeg.P("Parencite") + lpeg.P("parencite *") + lpeg.P("footcite") + lpeg.P("footcitetext") + lpeg.P("textcite") + lpeg.P("Textcite") + lpeg.P("smartcite") + lpeg.P("Smartcite") + lpeg.P("autocite") + lpeg.P("Autocite") + lpeg.P("autocite *") + lpeg.P("Autocite *") ) -- -- Bind to local variables local next = next -- General xmlids = {} local function xmlidfound(element) for i = 1,#xmlids do if xmlids[i].xmlid == element then return true end end return false end local function checkxmlid(str) if string.find(str, "^[0-9]") or string.find(str, "[:; ]") then return false else return true end end -- Witnesses listWit = {} idsRend = {} shorthands = {} local function isfound(table, value) for i = 1,#table do if table[i] == value then return true end end return false end local function isintable(table, value) for i = 1,#table do if table[i].a == value then return true end end return false end local function get_a_index(id, table) local idfound = nil for i = 1,#table do if table[i].a == id then idfound = i break end end return idfound end local function getindex(id, table) local idfound = nil for i = 1,#table do if table[i].xmlid == id then idfound = i break end end return idfound end function ekdosis.newwitness(id, siglum, description, Settlement, Institution, Repository, Collection, Idno, MsName, OrigDate) if xmlidfound(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as an xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") elseif not checkxmlid(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(listWit, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, detailsDesc = description, msIdentifier = { settlement = Settlement, institution = Institution, repository = Repository, collection = Collection, idno = Idno, msName = MsName} }) local indexwit = getindex(id, listWit) if OrigDate ~= "" then listWit[indexwit].history = {} listWit[indexwit].history.origin = {origDate = OrigDate} end end return true end function ekdosis.newhand(id, witid, siglum, description) if xmlidfound(id) or not xmlidfound(witid) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as an xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") elseif not checkxmlid(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) local indexwit = getindex(witid, listWit) -- listWit[indexwit].handDesc = {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, handNote = description} if listWit[indexwit].handDesc == nil then listWit[indexwit].handDesc = {} else end table.insert(listWit[indexwit].handDesc, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum, detailsDesc = description}) end return true end function ekdosis.newshorthand(id, rend, xmlids) if isintable(shorthands, id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as a shorthand. " .. "Please pick another shorthand.}}") else table.insert(shorthands, { a = id, b = rend, c = xmlids }) table.sort(shorthands, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = rend}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) end return true end local xmlbibresource = nil function ekdosis.setxmlbibresource(str) xmlbibresource = str..".xml" return true end function ekdosis.newscholar(id, siglum) if xmlidfound(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" already exists as an xml:id. " .. "Please pick another id.}}") elseif not checkxmlid(id) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..id.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = id}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) table.insert(idsRend, {xmlid = id, abbr = siglum}) table.sort(idsRend, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) end return true end function ekdosis.getsiglum(str, opt) str = str.."," str = string.gsub(str, "%s-(%,)", "%1") ctrl = str if opt == "tei" then for i = 1,#shorthands do str = string.gsub(str, shorthands[i].a, shorthands[i].c) end for i = 1,#idsRend do str = string.gsub(str, "(%f[%w])"..idsRend[i].xmlid.."(%,)", "%1#"..idsRend[i].xmlid.."%2") ctrl = string.gsub(ctrl, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", "") end str = string.gsub(str, "%,(%s-)([%#])", " %2") str = string.gsub(str, "%,$", "") else for i = 1,#idsRend do str = string.gsub(str, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", idsRend[i].abbr) ctrl = string.gsub(ctrl, idsRend[i].xmlid.."%,", "") end end -- if string.find(ctrl, "[A-Za-z0-9]") if string.find(ctrl, "%S") then return "" else return str end end -- begin totei functions local cmdtotags = { {a="textsuperscript", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sup\""}, {a="textsubscript", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sub\""}, {a="LRfootnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="RLfootnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="enquote *", b="quote", c=""}, {a="footnote", b="note", c=" place=\"bottom\""}, {a="enquote", b="quote", c=""}, {a="txtrans", b="s", c=" xml:lang=\"ar-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\""}, {a="textbf", b="hi", c=" rend=\"bold\""}, {a="textit", b="hi", c=" rend=\"italic\""}, {a="textsc", b="hi", c=" rend=\"smallcaps\""}, {a="textsf", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sf\""}, {a="arbup", b="hi", c=" rend=\"sup\""}, {a="txarb", b="s", c=" xml:lang=\"arb\""}, {a="mbox", b="", c=""}, {a="arb", b="foreign", c=" xml:lang=\"ar-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\" subtype=\"arabtex\""} } local texpatttotags = { {a="\\pagebreak%s+%[[1-4]%]", b=""}, {a="\\pagebreak%s+", b=""}, {a="\\altrfont%s+", b=""}, {a="\\LR%s+{(.-)}", b="%1"}, {a="\\RL%s+{(.-)}", b="%1"} } local envtotags = { {a="flushright", b="p", c=" rend=\"align(right)\""}, {a="flushleft", b="p", c=" rend=\"align(left)\""}, {a="quotation", b="quote", c=""}, {a="ekdverse", b="lg", c=""}, {a="txarabtr", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"ar-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\""}, {a="quoting", b="quote", c=""}, {a="ekdpar", b="p", c=""}, {a="txarab", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"arb\""}, {a="center", b="p", c=" rend=\"align(center)\""}, {a="verse", b="lg", c=""}, {a="arab", b="p", c=" xml:lang=\"ar-Latn\" type=\"transliterated\" subtype=\"arabtex\""} } local close_p = { "p", "lg" } local forbid_xmlid = true function ekdosis.newcmdtotag(cmd, tag, attr) if forbid_xmlid then attr = string.gsub(attr, "xml:id", "n") -- xml:id is not allowed here else end if isintable(cmdtotags, cmd) then local index = get_a_index(cmd, cmdtotags) table.remove(cmdtotags, index) table.insert(cmdtotags, {a = cmd, b = tag, c = " "..attr}) table.sort(cmdtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) else table.insert(cmdtotags, {a = cmd, b = tag, c = " "..attr}) table.sort(cmdtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) end return true end function ekdosis.newpatttotag(pat, repl) pat = string.gsub(pat, "([%[%]])", "%%%1") pat = string.gsub(pat, "%#[1-9]", "(.-)") repl = string.gsub(repl, "%#([1-9])", "%%%1") table.insert(texpatttotags, { a = pat, b = repl }) table.sort(texpatttotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) return true end function ekdosis.newenvtotag(env, tag, attr, closep) if forbid_xmlid then attr = string.gsub(attr, "xml:id", "n") -- xml:id is not allowed here else end if isintable(envtotags, env) then local index = get_a_index(env, envtotags) table.remove(envtotags, index) table.insert(envtotags, {a = env, b = tag, c = " "..attr, d = closep}) table.sort(envtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) else table.insert(envtotags, {a = env, b = tag, c = " "..attr, d = closep}) table.sort(envtotags, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) end return true end -- Get values of attributes local function get_attr_value(str, attr) str = str.."," local attrval = string.match(str, "%f[%w]"..attr.."%s?%=%s?%b{}") or string.match(str, "%f[%w]"..attr.."%s?%=%s?.-%,") or "" attrval = string.gsub(attrval, attr.."%s?%=%s?(%b{})", function(bbraces) bbraces = string.sub(bbraces, 2, -2) return string.format("%s", bbraces) end) attrval = string.gsub(attrval, attr.."%s?%=%s?(.-)%s?%,", "%1") return attrval end local function xml_entities(str) str = string.gsub(str, "%<", "<") str = string.gsub(str, "%>", ">") return str end local function note_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * note * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) teitype = get_attr_value(opt, "type") if teitype ~= "" then teitype = " type=\""..teitype.."\"" else end right = get_attr_value(opt, "labelb") left = get_attr_value(opt, "labele") if left ~= "" then return string.format( "<%s%s target=\"#range(right(%s),left(%s))\">%s", cmd, teitype, right, left, arg, cmd, right) elseif left == "" then return string.format( "<%s%s target=\"#right(%s)\">%s", cmd, teitype, right, arg, cmd, right) end end) return str end local function app_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * app * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) opt = get_attr_value(opt, "type") if opt ~= "" then opt = " type=\""..opt.."\"" else end return app_totei(string.format("<%s%s>%s", cmd, opt, arg, cmd)) end) return str end local function lem_rdg_totei(str) str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * dblbkslash * lemrdg * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, opt, arg) opt = string.sub(opt, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) -- opt = get_attr_value(opt, "wit") -- teiwit = get_attr_value(opt, "wit") if teiwit ~= "" then teiwit = " wit=\""..ekdosis.getsiglum(teiwit, "tei").."\"" else end teitype = get_attr_value(opt, "type") if teitype ~= "" then teitype = " type=\""..teitype.."\"" else end -- if opt == "" then return lem_rdg_totei(string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, arg, cmd)) else -- opt = ekdosis.getsiglum(opt, "tei") return lem_rdg_totei(string.format("<%s%s%s>%s", cmd, teiwit, teitype, arg, cmd)) end end) str = gsub(str, spcenc^-0 * dblbkslash * lemrdg * spcenc^-1 * bcbraces * spcenc^-1, function(bkslash, cmd, arg) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) return lem_rdg_totei(string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, arg, cmd)) end) return str end local function relocate_notes(str) str = string.gsub(str, "(%.-)(%.-%<%/note%>)(.-%<%/lem%>)", "%1%3%2") return str end local function linestotei(str) -- str = "\n"..str str = string.gsub(str, "^%s?(.-)%s?$", "\n%1\n") -- str = gsub(str, endpoem, "\n") str = gsub(str, poemline * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P(">"), "\n") str = gsub(str, poemline * spcenc^-1, "\n") -- str = str.."\n" return str end -- better use lpeg: look into this later local function versetotei(str) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{ekdverse%})(%b[])(.-)(\\end%s?%{ekdverse%})", function(benv, opt, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s%s", benv, opt, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{ekdverse%})(.-)(\\end%s?%{ekdverse%})", function(benv, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s", benv, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{verse%})(%b[])(.-)(\\end%s?%{verse%})", function(benv, opt, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s%s", benv, opt, arg, eenv) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(\\begin%s?%{verse%})(.-)(\\end%s?%{verse%})", function(benv, arg, eenv) arg = linestotei(arg) return string.format("%s%s%s", benv, arg, eenv) end) return str end local function envtotei(str) for i = 1,#envtotags do if envtotags[i].b ~= "" then if isfound(close_p, envtotags[i].b) or envtotags[i].d == "yes" then str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "\\p@rb <"..envtotags[i].b..envtotags[i].c..">") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "\\p@ra ") else str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "<"..envtotags[i].b..envtotags[i].c..">") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "") end else str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(envtotags[i].a) * lpeg.P("}"), "") end end str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\begin") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(ascii^1) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii * spcenc^-1, "<%1>") str = gsub(str, spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("\\end") * spcenc^-1 * lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cs(ascii^1) * lpeg.P("}") * bsqbracketsii * bcbracesii, "") return str end local function texpatttotei(str) for i = 1,#texpatttotags do str = string.gsub(str, texpatttotags[i].a, texpatttotags[i].b) end return str end local function icitetotei(str) str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * citecmds * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * bsqbrackets^-1, function(cmd, pre, post, body, opt) pre = string.sub(pre, 2, -2) post = string.sub(post, 2, -2) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) if not checkxmlid(body) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..body.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else end return string.format("%s %s", pre, body, post) end) str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * citecmds * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces * bsqbrackets^-1, function(cmd, post, body, opt) post = string.sub(post, 2, -2) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) if not checkxmlid(body) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..body.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else end return string.format("%s", body, post) end) str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * citecmds * spcenc^-1 * bcbraces * bsqbrackets^-1, function(cmd, body, opt) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) if not checkxmlid(body) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..body.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else end return string.format("", body) end) return str end local function cmdtotei(str) for i = 1,#cmdtotags do str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * lpeg.Cs(cmdtotags[i].a) * spcenc^-1 * bsqbrackets * -bcbraces, "\\%1%2{}") str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * lpeg.Cs(cmdtotags[i].a) * spcenc^-1 * -(bsqbrackets + bcbraces), "\\%1[]{}") str = string.gsub(str, "(\\"..cmdtotags[i].a..")%s?%*?(%b{})", "%1[]%2") str = string.gsub(str, "(\\"..cmdtotags[i].a..")%s?%*?(%b[])(%b{})", function(cmd, arg, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) arg = string.gsub(arg, "(%b{})", function(braces) braces = string.sub(braces, 2, -2) return string.format("\"%s\"", braces) end) body = cmdtotei(body) -- return string.format("<"..cmdtotags[i].b..cmdtotags[i].c.." %s>%s", arg, body) if cmdtotags[i].b ~= "" then return string.format("<"..cmdtotags[i].b..cmdtotags[i].c..">%s", body) else return "" end end) end -- temporarily: str = string.gsub(str, "\\(getsiglum)%s?(%b{})", function(cmd, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) teisiglum = ekdosis.getsiglum(body, "tei") printsiglum = ekdosis.getsiglum(body) -- body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("%s", teisiglum, printsiglum) end) str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("\\") * labelrefcmds * spcenc^-1 * bcbraces, function(cmd, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) if not checkxmlid(body) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..body.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else end if string.find(cmd, "label") then return string.format("", body) else return string.format("", body) end end) str = string.gsub(str, "\\(%a+)%s?%*?(%b[])(%b{})", function(cmd, opt, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, body, cmd) end) str = string.gsub(str, "\\(%a+)%s?%*?(%b{})", function(cmd, body) body = string.sub(body, 2, -2) body = cmdtotei(body) return string.format("<%s>%s", cmd, body, cmd) end) str = string.gsub(str, "(%s)(%>)", "%2") return str end local teiautopar = true function ekdosis.setteiautopar(choice) if choice == "yes" then teiautopar = true else teiautopar = false end return true end local function partotei(str) if teiautopar then str = gsub(str, lpeg.P(lpeg.P("\\par") * spcenc^1)^1, "\\par ") str = gsub(str, ((para + parb) * par^-1)^2, "\\p@r ") str = string.gsub(str, "\\p@ra%s+", "

") str = string.gsub(str, "\\p@rb%s+", "

") str = string.gsub(str, "\\p@r%s+", "") str = string.gsub(str, "%s?\\par%s?", "

", 1) str = string.gsub(str, "(%)(%s-)(%<%/?div%d?)", "%3") str = string.gsub(str, "%s?\\par%s?", "

") str = string.gsub(str, "


", "") str = string.gsub(str, "(%)%s?(%)$", "%2") str = string.gsub(str, "(%)%s?$", "") str = string.gsub(str, "(

)%s?()", "%2%1") else str = gsub(str, par + para + parb, "") end return str end local function self_close_tags(str) str = gsub(str, lpeg.P("<" * -lpeg.S("/")) * lpeg.Cs(letters^1) * lpeg.Cs((1 - lpeg.S"<>")^0) * lpeg.P(">") * lpeg.P(""), function(ftag, arg, ltag) if ftag == ltag then return string.format("<%s%s/>", ftag, arg) else end end) return str end local divdepth = { book = 1, part = 2, chapter = 3, section = 4, subsection = 5, subsubsection = 6 } function ekdosis.mkdivdepths(...) divdepth = {} local num = 1 for _, y in ipairs{...} do if y == "book" or "part" or "chapter" or "section" or "subsection" or "subsubsection" then divdepth[y] = num num = num + 1 else end end return true end -- LaTeX side: format the divisions local fmtdiv = {} function ekdosis.fmtdiv(n, fmtb, fmte) if isintable(fmtdiv, n) then local index = get_a_index(n, fmtdiv) table.remove(fmtdiv, index) else end table.insert(fmtdiv, { a = n, formatb = fmtb, formate = fmte} ) return true end function ekdosis.getfmtdiv(n, pos) local index = get_a_index(n, fmtdiv) if index ~= nil then if pos == "b" then return fmtdiv[index].formatb elseif pos == "e" then return fmtdiv[index].formate end else return "" end end local ekddivs = true function ekdosis.setekddivsfalse() ekddivs = false end local function ekddivs_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * lpeg.Cs("ekddiv") * spce^-1 * bcbraces, function(bkslash, cmd, space, arg) if ekddivs then arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) teitype = get_attr_value(arg, "type") tein = get_attr_value(arg, "n") teihead = get_attr_value(arg, "head") teidepth = get_attr_value(arg, "depth") if teitype ~= "" then teitype = " type=\""..teitype.."\"" else end if tein ~= "" then tein = " n=\""..tein.."\"" else end if teidepth ~= "" then teidepth = " depth=\""..teidepth.."\"" else teidepth = " depth=\"1\"" end return string.format("\\p@rb %s\\p@ra ", teitype, tein, teidepth, teihead) else return "" end end) return str end local function section_totei(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * sections * spce^-1 * bcbraces, "%1%2%3[]%4") str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * sections * spce^-1 * bsqbrackets * bcbraces, function(bkslash, secname, space, opt, arg) if ekddivs then return "" else ctr = divdepth[secname] arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -2) return string.format("\\p@rb %s\\p@ra ", ctr, secname, arg) end end) return str end local used_ndivs = {} local function close_ekddivs_at_end(str) local isdiv = false if string.find(str, "$") then isdiv = true str = string.gsub(str, "(.*)()$", "%1") else end -- collect used depth numbers for i in string.gmatch(str, "

") do i = string.match(i, "depth=\"%d\"") i = string.match(i, "%d") if isintable(used_ndivs, i) then else table.insert(used_ndivs, {a = i} ) end end if next(used_ndivs) ~= nil then table.sort(used_ndivs, function(a ,b) return(#a.a > #b.a) end) else end local firstdiv = string.match(str, "
") or "" firstdiv = string.match(firstdiv, "depth%=\"%d\"") or "" firstdiv = string.match(firstdiv, "%d") or "" local lastdiv = string.match(string.reverse(str), ">.-\"%d\"%=htped.- vid<") or "" lastdiv = string.match(lastdiv, "\"%d\"%=htped") or "" lastdiv = string.match(lastdiv, "%d") or "" local firstdivindex = get_a_index(firstdiv, used_ndivs) local lastdivindex = get_a_index(lastdiv, used_ndivs) firstdivindex = tonumber(firstdivindex) lastdivindex = tonumber(lastdivindex) local closedivs = "" if isintable(used_ndivs, firstdiv) then while lastdivindex >= firstdivindex do closedivs = closedivs.."
" lastdivindex = lastdivindex - 1 end end if isdiv then return str..closedivs.."
" else return str..closedivs end end local function close_ndivs_at_end(str) local isdiv = false if string.find(str, "$") then isdiv = true str = string.gsub(str, "(.*)()$", "%1") else end -- collect used div numbers for i in string.gmatch(str, " #b.a) end) else end local firstdiv = string.match(str, "= firstdivindex do closedivs = closedivs.."" lastdivindex = lastdivindex - 1 end end if isdiv then return str..closedivs.."" else return str..closedivs end end local function close_ekddivs_in_between(str) local maxdepth = 1 for i in string.gmatch(str, "", "%1") do if tonumber(i) > tonumber(maxdepth) then maxdepth = i else end end for ndivi = 1, maxdepth do str = string.gsub(str, "(
)", function(bdivi, ndivi, edivi, between, bdivii, ndivii, edivii) local firstdiv = ndivi local lastdiv = ndivii local firstdivindex = get_a_index(firstdiv, used_ndivs) local lastdivindex = get_a_index(lastdiv, used_ndivs) firstdivindex = tonumber(firstdivindex) lastdivindex = tonumber(lastdivindex) local closedivs = "" if firstdivindex >= lastdivindex then while firstdivindex >= lastdivindex do closedivs = closedivs.."
" firstdivindex = firstdivindex - 1 end end return string.format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", bdivi, ndivi, edivi, between, closedivs, bdivii, ndivii, edivii) end) end str = string.gsub(str, "()", "%1%3") used_ndivs = {} return str end local function close_ndivs_in_between(str) for ndivi = 1, 6 do str = string.gsub(str, "()(.-)()", function(bdivi, ndivi, edivi, between, bdivii, ndivii, edivii) local firstdiv = ndivi local lastdiv = ndivii local firstdivindex = get_a_index(firstdiv, used_ndivs) local lastdivindex = get_a_index(lastdiv, used_ndivs) firstdivindex = tonumber(firstdivindex) lastdivindex = tonumber(lastdivindex) local closedivs = "" if firstdivindex >= lastdivindex then while firstdivindex >= lastdivindex do closedivs = closedivs.."" firstdivindex = firstdivindex - 1 end end return string.format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", bdivi, ndivi, edivi, between, closedivs, bdivii, ndivii, edivii) end) end used_ndivs = {} return str end local function textotei(str) str = xml_entities(str) str = texpatttotei(str) str = note_totei(str) str = app_totei(str) str = lem_rdg_totei(str) str = relocate_notes(str) str = versetotei(str) str = envtotei(str) str = ekddivs_totei(str) str = section_totei(str) str = icitetotei(str) str = cmdtotei(str) str = self_close_tags(str) str = partotei(str) if ekddivs then str = close_ekddivs_at_end(str) str = close_ekddivs_in_between(str) else str = close_ndivs_at_end(str) str = close_ndivs_in_between(str) end return str end local teifilename = tex.jobname.."-tei" function ekdosis.setteifilename(str) teifilename = str return true end function ekdosis.openteistream() local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") f:write('', "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("<!-- Title -->", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") for i = 1,#listWit do f:write('", "\n") f:write('', textotei(listWit[i].abbr), "", "\n") f:write(textotei(listWit[i].detailsDesc), "\n") f:write("", "\n") if listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.institution == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.collection == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno == "" and listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName == "" then f:write("", "\n") else f:write("", "\n") if listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.settlement), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.institution ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.institution), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.repository), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.collection ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.collection), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.idno), "", "\n") else end if listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName ~= "" then f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].msIdentifier.msName), "", "\n") else end f:write("", "\n") end if listWit[i].handDesc ~= nil then f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") local j = 1 while listWit[i].handDesc[j] do f:write("", "\n") f:write('', textotei(listWit[i].handDesc[j].abbr), "", "\n") f:write("

", textotei(listWit[i].handDesc[j].detailsDesc), "

", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") j = j + 1 end f:write("
", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") else end if listWit[i].history ~= nil then f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", textotei(listWit[i].history.origin.origDate), "", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") end f:write("
", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") end f:write("
", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write('', "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:close() return true end local tidy = nil local function cleanup_tei() local f = assert(io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "r")) t = f:read("*a") t = string.gsub(t, "%%s?%", "") t = string.gsub(t, "^\n", "") f:close() local fw = assert(io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "w")) fw:write(t) fw:close() return true end function ekdosis.closeteistream(opt) local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") f:write("\n", "", "\n") if xmlbibresource ~= nil then bibf = assert(io.open(xmlbibresource, "r")) t = bibf:read("*a") t = string.gsub(t, "%s+corresp%=%b\"\"", "") t = string.gsub(t, "\n\n", "\n") f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") for i in string.gmatch(t, ".-") do f:write(i, "\n") end f:write("", "\n") f:write("", "\n") bibf:close() else end f:write("", "\n") f:write("
", "\n") f:close() cleanup_tei() os.remove(teifilename..".xml") os.rename(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", teifilename..".xml") if opt == "tidy" then os.execute("tidy -qmi -xml --output-xml yes "..teifilename..".xml") else end return true end function ekdosis.exporttei(str) local f = io.open(teifilename.."_tmp.xml", "a+") -- f:write("\n

") str = textotei(str) f:write(str) f:close() return true end -- end totei functions -- begin basic TeX Conspectus siglorum function ekdosis.basic_cs(msid) local indexwit = getindex(msid, listWit) siglum = listWit[indexwit].abbr -- if listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc == "" -- then -- name = listWit[indexwit].msIdentifier.msName -- else -- name = listWit[indexwit].msIdentifier.msName -- .."\\thinspace\\newline\\bgroup\\footnotesize{}".. -- listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc -- .."\\egroup{}" -- end name = listWit[indexwit].detailsDesc if listWit[indexwit].history ~= nil and listWit[indexwit].history.origin ~= nil then date = listWit[indexwit].history.origin.origDate else date = "" end return siglum.."&"..name.."&"..date end -- end basic TeX Conspectus siglorum function ekdosis.removesp(str) str = gsub(str, cmd * cmdargs * spcenc^-1, "%1%2") return str end function ekdosis.closestream() os.remove(tex.jobname..".ekd") os.rename(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", tex.jobname..".ekd") return true end local cur_abs_pg = 0 local pg_i = nil local pg_ii = nil local prevcol = nil local curcol = "x" local check_resetlineno = {} function ekdosis.update_abspg(n) -- not used cur_abs_pg = n return true end function ekdosis.storeabspg(n, pg) if pg == "pg_i" then pg_i = n elseif pg == "pg_ii" then pg_ii = n table.insert(check_resetlineno, curcol.."-"..pg_ii) end cur_abs_pg = n return true end function ekdosis.checkresetlineno() if isfound(check_resetlineno, curcol.."-"..pg_i) then return "" else return "\\resetlinenumber" end end -- -- Build environments to be aligned -- local cur_alignment = "-" local cur_alignment_patt = "%-" local cur_alignment_cnt = 1 local newalignment = false function ekdosis.newalignment(str) if str == "set" then newalignment = true cur_alignment = "-"..cur_alignment_cnt.."-" cur_alignment_patt = "%-"..cur_alignment_cnt.."%-" cur_alignment_cnt = cur_alignment_cnt + 1 elseif str == "reset" then newalignment = false cur_alignment = "-" cur_alignment_patt = "%-" end return true end local aligned_texts = {} local texts_w_apparatus = {} local coldata_totei = {} local function sanitize_envdata(str) -- look for a better way to achieve this str = string.gsub(str, "(%a+)%s+(%b[])", "%1%2") str = string.gsub(str, "(%a+)(%b[])%s+", "%1%2") str = string.gsub(str, "%s+(%a+)(%b[])", "%1%2") str = gsub(str, lpeg.Cs(letters^1) * spcenc^-1 * -bsqbrackets * lpeg.Cs(";"), "%1[]%2") str = string.gsub(str, "%s+(%a+)(%b[])", "%1%2") return str end function ekdosis.mkenvdata(str, opt) if not string.find(str, "%;", -1) then str = str .. ";" else end -- str = str ..";" -- str = string.gsub(str, "%s+", "") local fieldstart = 1 local col = 0 if opt == "texts" then str = sanitize_envdata(str) repeat local _s, nexti = string.find(str, "%b[]%s-%;", fieldstart) local namediv = string.gsub(string.sub(str, fieldstart, nexti-1), "(%a+)%s-(%b[])", "%1") local attr = string.gsub(string.sub(str, fieldstart, nexti-1), "(%a+)%s-(%b[])", "%2") attr = string.sub(attr, 2, -2) if forbid_xmlid then attr = string.gsub(attr, "xml:id", "n") -- xml:id is not allowed here else end table.insert(aligned_texts, { text = namediv, attribute = attr, column = col }) table.insert(coldata_totei, { environment = namediv, data = {} }) col = col + 1 fieldstart = nexti + 1 until fieldstart > string.len(str) return aligned_texts elseif opt == "apparatus" then repeat local nexti = string.find(str, "%;", fieldstart) table.insert(texts_w_apparatus, string.sub(str, fieldstart, nexti-1)) fieldstart = nexti +1 until fieldstart > string.len(str) return texts_w_apparatus end end -- Reminder: the following two variables are already set above -- local prevcol = nil -- local curcol = "x" function ekdosis.storecurcol(n) curcol = n return true end function ekdosis.flushcolnums() prevcol = nil curcol = "x" return true end function ekdosis.flushenvdata() aligned_texts = {} texts_w_apparatus = {} coldata_totei = {} return true end function ekdosis.storecoldata(nthcol, chunk) local tindex = tonumber(nthcol) + 1 table.insert(coldata_totei[tindex].data, chunk) return true end local environment_div = {} local function build_envdiv(str) if not environment_div[str] then environment_div[str] = 1 else environment_div[str] = environment_div[str] + 1 end local div = "div-"..str.."_"..environment_div[str] if xmlidfound(div) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..div.. "\" already exists as an xml:id. " .. "ekdosis has generated some random id.}}") return "div-"..math.random(1000,9999) elseif not checkxmlid(div) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..div.. "\" is not a valid xml:id. \\MessageBreak " .. "Please pick another id.}}") else table.insert(xmlids, {xmlid = div}) table.sort(xmlids, function(a ,b) return(#a.xmlid > #b.xmlid) end) return div end end function ekdosis.mkenv() local environments = {} for i = 1,#aligned_texts do if isfound(texts_w_apparatus, aligned_texts[i].text) then table.insert(environments, "\\NewDocumentEnvironment{".. aligned_texts[i].text.."}{+b}" .."{\\begin{nthcolumn}{".. aligned_texts[i].column.."}" .."\\par" .."\\EkdosisColStart" .."\\EkdosisOn#1" .."}{\\EkdosisOff" .."\\EkdosisColStop" .."\\end{nthcolumn}" .."\\csname iftei@export\\endcsname\\luadirect{ekdosis.storecoldata(" .. aligned_texts[i].column ..", \\luastringN{\\par#1\\par})}\\fi" .."}") table.insert(environments, "\\NewDocumentEnvironment{".. aligned_texts[i].text.."*}{+b}" .."{\\begin{nthcolumn*}{".. aligned_texts[i].column.."}[]" .."\\par" .."\\EkdosisColStart" .."\\EkdosisOn#1" .."}{\\EkdosisOff" .."\\EkdosisColStop" .."\\end{nthcolumn*}" .."\\csname iftei@export\\endcsname\\luadirect{ekdosis.storecoldata(" .. aligned_texts[i].column ..", \\luastringN{\\par#1\\par})}\\fi" .."}") else table.insert(environments, "\\NewDocumentEnvironment{".. aligned_texts[i].text.."}{+b}" .."{\\begin{nthcolumn}{".. aligned_texts[i].column.."}" .."\\par" .."#1" .."}{\\end{nthcolumn}" .."\\csname iftei@export\\endcsname\\luadirect{ekdosis.storecoldata(" .. aligned_texts[i].column ..", \\luastringN{\\par#1\\par})}\\fi" .."}") table.insert(environments, "\\NewDocumentEnvironment{".. aligned_texts[i].text.."*}{+b}" .."{\\begin{nthcolumn*}{"..aligned_texts[i].column.."}[]" .."\\par" .."#1" .."}{" .."\\end{nthcolumn*}" .."\\csname iftei@export\\endcsname\\luadirect{ekdosis.storecoldata(" .. aligned_texts[i].column ..", \\luastringN{\\par#1\\par})}\\fi" .."}") end forbid_xmlid = false if aligned_texts[i].attribute ~= "" then ekdosis.newenvtotag(aligned_texts[i].text, "div", "xml:id=\"" ..build_envdiv(aligned_texts[i].text) .."\" " ..aligned_texts[i].attribute) else ekdosis.newenvtotag(aligned_texts[i].text, "div", "xml:id=\"" ..build_envdiv(aligned_texts[i].text) .."\"") end forbid_xmlid = true end str = table.concat(environments) return str end function ekdosis.export_coldata_totei() for i = 1,#coldata_totei do ekdosis.exporttei("\\begin{".. coldata_totei[i].environment .."}" .. table.concat(coldata_totei[i].data) .. "\\end{".. coldata_totei[i].environment .."}") end end -- handle multiple layers in apparatuses -- local apparatuses = {} local bagunits = {} function ekdosis.newapparatus(teitype, appdir, apprule, appdelim, appsep, appbhook, appehook, applimit) if isintable(apparatuses, teitype) then tex.print("\\unexpanded{\\PackageWarning{ekdosis}{\"" ..teitype.. "\" already exists.}}") else table.insert(apparatuses, {a = teitype, direction = appdir, rule = apprule, delim = appdelim, sep = appsep, bhook = appbhook, ehook = appehook, limit = applimit}) end bagunits[teitype] = 1 return true end function ekdosis.getappdelim(str) for i = 1,#apparatuses do if apparatuses[i].a == str then delimfound = apparatuses[i].delim break end end return delimfound end function ekdosis.get_bagunits(teitype) return bagunits[teitype] end local function getapplimit(str) for i = 1,#apparatuses do if apparatuses[i].a == str then limitfound = apparatuses[i].limit break end end if tonumber(limitfound) ~= nil then if tonumber(limitfound) < 10 then return 0 else return limitfound end else return 0 end end function ekdosis.limit_bagunits(teitype) local limit = tonumber(getapplimit(teitype)) if limit >= 10 and bagunits[teitype] > limit then bagunits[teitype] = 2 return "\\pagebreak" else return "" end end function ekdosis.increment_bagunits(teitype) bagunits[teitype] = (bagunits[teitype] or 0) + 1 end local function reset_bagunits() for i = 1,#apparatuses do bagunits[apparatuses[i].a] = 1 end end function ekdosis.appin(str, teitype) local f = io.open(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", "a+") if next(apparatuses) == nil then f:write("<", cur_abs_pg, cur_alignment, curcol, "-0>", str, "\n") else for i = 1,#apparatuses do if apparatuses[i].a == teitype then appno = i break end end f:write("<", cur_abs_pg, cur_alignment, curcol, "-", appno, ">", str, "\n") end f:close() return true end function ekdosis.appout() local file = io.open(tex.jobname..".ekd", "r") if file ~= nil then io.close(file) f = assert(io.open(tex.jobname..".ekd", "r")) t = f:read("*a") local output = {} if next(apparatuses) == nil then -- table.insert(output, "BEGIN") table.insert(output, "\\noindent\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS") table.insert(output, "\\csname ekd@begin@apparatus\\endcsname\\ignorespaces") -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") for i in string.gmatch(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg ..cur_alignment_patt ..curcol.."%-0>.-") do table.insert(output, i) end -- table.insert(output, "END") else local n = 1 while apparatuses[n] do if string.match(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg ..cur_alignment_patt ..curcol.."%-"..n..">.-") then -- table.insert(output, "BEGIN") table.insert(output, "\\bgroup{}") if apparatuses[n].direction == "LR" then table.insert(output, "\\pardir TLT\\textdir TLT{}") elseif apparatuses[n].direction == "RL" then table.insert(output, "\\pardir TRT\\textdir TRT{}") end if apparatuses[n].rule == "none" then if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS{}") else table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") end elseif apparatuses[n].rule ~= "" then if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS{}" .. apparatuses[n].rule .. "\\NLS{}") else -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].rule .. "\\NLS{}") end else if n > 1 then table.insert(output, "\\NLS\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS{}") else -- table.insert(output, "\\noindent ") table.insert(output, "\\csname ekd@default@rule\\endcsname\\NLS{}") end end if apparatuses[n].sep ~= "" then table.insert(output, "\\edef\\ekdsep{" .. apparatuses[n].sep .. "}") else end if apparatuses[n].bhook ~= "" then table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].bhook) else table.insert(output, "\\relax") end for i in string.gmatch(t, "<"..cur_abs_pg ..cur_alignment_patt ..curcol.."%-"..n..">.-") do table.insert(output, i) end if apparatuses[n].ehook ~= "" then table.insert(output, apparatuses[n].ehook) else end table.insert(output, "\\egroup{}") -- table.insert(output, "END") end n = n + 1 end end f:close() str = table.concat(output) str = string.gsub(str, "", "") str = string.gsub(str, "<"..cur_abs_pg..cur_alignment_patt..curcol.."%-[0-9]>", " ") return str else end end function ekdosis.appin_out(str, nl) local f = io.open(tex.jobname.."_tmp.ekd", "a+") if nl == "yes" then f:write(str, "\n") else f:write(str) end f:close() return true end local curcol_curabspg = {} function ekdosis.testapparatus() if isfound(curcol_curabspg, curcol.."-"..cur_abs_pg) then if newalignment then if next(apparatuses) ~= nil then reset_bagunits() end newalignment = false return "\\booltrue{do@app}" else return "\\boolfalse{do@app}" end else table.insert(curcol_curabspg, curcol.."-"..cur_abs_pg) if next(apparatuses) ~= nil then reset_bagunits() end newalignment = false return "\\booltrue{do@app}" end end local function get_ln_prefix(x, y) for index = 1, string.len(x) do if string.sub(x, index, index) ~= string.sub(y, index, index) then return string.sub(x, 1, index - 1) end end end function ekdosis.numrange(x, y) xstr = tostring(x) ystr = tostring(y) if x == y -- which will never apply then return "\\LRnum{" .. xstr .. "}" elseif string.len(xstr) ~= string.len(ystr) then return "\\LRnum{" .. xstr .. "}--\\LRnum{" .. ystr .. "}" else common = get_ln_prefix(xstr, ystr) if string.len(common) == 0 then return "\\LRnum{" .. xstr .. "}--\\LRnum{" .. ystr .. "}" elseif string.sub(xstr, -2, -2) == "1" then return "\\LRnum{" .. string.sub(common, 1, -2) .. string.sub(xstr, string.len(common), -1) .. "}--\\LRnum{" .. string.sub(ystr, string.len(common), -1) .. "}" else return "\\LRnum{" .. string.sub(common, 1, -1) .. string.sub(xstr, string.len(common) + 1, -1) .. "}--\\LRnum{" .. string.sub(ystr, string.len(common) + 1, -1) .. "}" end end end local lnlabs = {} local lnlab_salt = 0 local current_lnlab = nil local prev_lnlab = nil local current_notelab = nil local prev_notelab = nil local current_lemma = nil local salt = 0 local function mdvisintable(table, value) for _, v in pairs(table) do if v == value then return true end end return false end function ekdosis.dolnlab(str) prev_lnlab = current_lnlab current_lemma = str i = md5.sumhexa(str) if not mdvisintable(lnlabs, i) then table.insert(lnlabs, i) else i = i..salt table.insert(lnlabs, i) salt = salt + 1 end current_lnlab = i return true end function ekdosis.getlnlab() return current_lnlab end function ekdosis.getprevlnlab() return prev_lnlab end function ekdosis.setnotelab(str) current_notelab = str return "\\linelabel{" .. current_notelab .. "}" end function ekdosis.getnotelab() return current_notelab end function ekdosis.setprevnotelab(str) prev_notelab = str return true end function ekdosis.getprevnotelab() return prev_notelab end local function remove_note(str) str = gsub(str, dblbkslash * lpeg.P("note") * cmdargs, "") return str end function ekdosis.mdvappend(str, teitype) if teitype == nil then return "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-b}\\wordboundary{}" .. current_lemma .. "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-e}" .. "\\csname append@app\\endcsname{" .. remove_note(str) .. "}" else return "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-b}\\wordboundary{}" .. current_lemma .. "\\linelabel{" .. current_lnlab .. "-e}" .. "\\csname append@app\\endcsname" .. "[" .. teitype .. "]{" .. remove_note(str) .. "}" end end