% $Date: 2007-04-21 17:11:50 +0200 (Sat, 21 Apr 2007) $ % $Revision: 28 $ \def \filedate {2007/04/21}% \def \fileversion {v1.1}% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{xifthen}% [\filedate \space \fileversion \space Extended ifthen features] \RequirePackage{etex} \RequirePackage{calc} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{ifmtarg} % \cnttest {} {} {} % \newcommand*{\TE@cnttest}[4]{% \TE@throw \noexpand \calc@assign@count{\@tempcnta}{\unexpanded{#1}}% \noexpand \calc@assign@count{\@tempcntb}{\unexpanded{#3}}% \noexpand \if \noexpand \TE@cnttest@ {#2}% #4% } \newcommand*{\TE@cnttest@}[1]{% \ifcsname TE@cnttest@@#1\endcsname \csname TE@cnttest@@#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \endcsname \expandafter \@gobble \else \expandafter \@firstofone \fi {FF\PackageError{xifthen}{Not a valid comparison operator "#1"}% {Valid comparisons are <, =, >, <=, and =>.}}% } \@namedef{TE@cnttest@@<}{\ifnum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@cnttest@@>}{\ifnum \@tempcnta>\@tempcntb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@cnttest@@=}{\ifnum \@tempcnta=\@tempcntb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@cnttest@@<=}{% \ifnum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb AA\else \ifnum \@tempcnta=\@tempcntb AA\else AB\fi \fi } \@namedef{TE@cnttest@@>=}{% \ifnum \@tempcnta>\@tempcntb AA\else \ifnum \@tempcnta=\@tempcntb AA\else AB\fi \fi } % \dimtest {} {} {} % \newcommand*{\TE@dimtest}[4]{% \TE@throw \noexpand \calc@assign@skip{\@tempskipa}{\unexpanded{#1}}% \noexpand \calc@assign@skip{\@tempskipb}{\unexpanded{#3}}% \noexpand \if \noexpand \TE@dimtest@ {#2}% #4% } \newcommand*{\TE@dimtest@}[1]{% \ifcsname TE@dimtest@@#1\endcsname \csname TE@dimtest@@#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \endcsname \expandafter \@gobble \else \expandafter \@firstofone \fi {FF\PackageError{xifthen}{Not a valid comparison operator "#1"}% {Valid comparisons are <, =, >, <=, and =>.}}% } \@namedef{TE@dimtest@@<}{\ifdim \@tempskipa<\@tempskipb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@dimtest@@>}{\ifdim \@tempskipa>\@tempskipb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@dimtest@@=}{\ifdim \@tempskipa=\@tempskipb AA\else AB\fi} \@namedef{TE@dimtest@@<=}{% \ifdim \@tempskipa<\@tempskipb AA\else \ifdim \@tempskipa=\@tempskipb AA\else AB\fi \fi } \@namedef{TE@dimtest@@>=}{% \ifdim \@tempskipa>\@tempskipb AA\else \ifdim \@tempskipa=\@tempskipb AA\else AB\fi \fi } % \isnamedefined {} % \newcommand*{\TE@isnamedefined}[2]{% \TE@throw \noexpand \ifcsname #1\endcsname #2% } % \isempty {} % \newcommand*{\TE@isempty}[2]{% \TE@throw \noexpand \if FF\noexpand \@nameuse{fi}% \noexpand \@ifmtarg{\unexpanded{#1}}{% \noexpand \@nameuse{iftrue}% }{% \noexpand \@nameuse{iffalse}% }% #2% } % \isequivalentto {} {} % \newcommand*{\TE@isequivalentto}[3]{% \TE@throw \noexpand \ifx \noexpand #1\noexpand#2% #3% } % \isin {} {} % \newcommand*{\TE@isin}[3]{% \TE@throw \unexpanded {\in@{#1}{#2}}% \noexpand \ifin@ #3% } % \endswith {} {} % \newcommand*{\TE@endswith}[3]{% \TE@throw \unexpanded {\in@{#2\@nil}{#1\@nil}}% \noexpand \ifin@ #3% } % \newtest [] {} % \newcommand*{\newtest}[1]{% \@ifnextchar[{% \@newtest{#1}% }{% \@newtest{#1}[0]% }% }% \newcommand*{\@newtest}{} \def \@newtest #1[#2]#3{% \toks@ = {\(#3\)}% \TE@repl \or \TE@or \TE@repl \and \TE@and \TE@repl \not \TE@neg \TE@repl \OR \TE@or \TE@repl \AND \TE@and \TE@repl \NOT \TE@neg \edef \@tempa {% \unexpanded{\newcommand*{#1}[{#2}]}{\the \toks@}% }% \@tempa }% \newcommand*{\TE@hook}{% \let \isequivalentto = \TE@isequivalentto \let \terminateswith = \TE@endswith % For compability reasons (deprecated) \let \endswith = \TE@endswith \let \isnamedefined = \TE@isnamedefined \let \isempty = \TE@isempty \let \cnttest = \TE@cnttest \let \dimtest = \TE@dimtest \let \isin = \TE@isin } \renewcommand{\ifthenelse}[1]{% \toks@{#1}% \TE@repl \or \TE@or \TE@repl \and \TE@and \TE@repl \not \TE@neg \TE@repl \OR \TE@or \TE@repl \AND \TE@and \TE@repl \NOT \TE@neg \begingroup \let \protect = \@unexpandable@protect \def \@setref ##1##2##3{\ifx ##1\relax \z@ \else \expandafter ##2##1\fi}% \def \value ##1{\the \csname c@##1\endcsname}% \let \equal = \TE@equal \let \( = \TE@lparen \let \) = \TE@rparen \let \isodd = \TE@odd \let \lengthtest = \TE@length \let \isundefined = \TE@undef \TE@hook \begingroup \let \@tempa = \relax \let \@tempb = \relax \xdef \@gtempa {\expandafter \TE@eval \the \toks@ \TE@endeval}% \endgroup \@gtempa \expandafter \endgroup \ifTE@val \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } \endinput