%% %% This is file `xcookybooky.cfg', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% xcookybooky.dtx (with options: `config') %% \ProvidesFile{xcookybooky.cfg} [2015/02/03 v1.1 'xcookybooky' configuration file] %% Change Layout \setRecipeColors {% recipename, intro, ing, inghead, prep, prephead, suggestion, suggestionhead, separationgraph, hint, hinthead, hintline, numeration } \setRecipeSizes {% recipename, intro, ing, inghead, prep, prephead, suggestion, hint, hinthead } \setRecipeLengths {% pictureheight, bigpicturewidth, smallpicturewidth, introductionwidth, preparationwidth, ingredientswidth } \setRecipenameFont{cmr}{T1}{m}{n} \setHeadlines {% inghead, prephead, hinthead, continuationhead, continuationfoot, preparationtime, bakingtime, bakingtemperature, portion, portionvalue, calory, source } \endinput %% %% End of file `xcookybooky.cfg'.