% ucalgmthesis class % ================== % A LaTeX class for producing thesis documents conforming to the % University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Study formatting rules. % % Richard Zach % % The latest version of the class is available at % https://github.com/rzach/ucalgmthesis % % Distributed under the terms of the MIT License % https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT \ProvidesClass{ucalgmthesis}[2019/04/02 University of Calgary Memoir Thesis Class] \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] %% Options for spacing (default is 1.5 spacing) % All pages must be double or one-and-one-half spaced (Note: this % includes your Abstract, Acknowledgments, Dedications, etc.). You % can use single-line spacing if you have a long Table of Contents, % List of Tables, List of Figures, or for long quotes in the body of % your thesis). Use \verb|memoir|'s \verb|SingleSpace| environment to % typeset, e.g., a quotation single spaced. \DeclareOption{singlespaced}{\AtEndOfClass{\SingleSpacing}} \DeclareOption{onehalfspaced}{\AtEndOfClass{\OnehalfSpacing}} \DeclareOption{doublespaced}{\AtEndOfClass{\DoubleSpacing}} % Options for typefaces \DeclareOption{palatino} {\AtEndOfClass{\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsthm} % load amsthm before newpxmath \usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath}}} \DeclareOption{times} {\AtEndOfClass{\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsthm} % load amsthm before newtxmath \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath}}} \DeclareOption{garamond} {\AtEndOfClass{\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} \usepackage[osf]{garamondx} \fixmdhrulefill}} \DeclareOption{utopia} {\AtEndOfClass{\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utopia]{mathdesign} \fixmdhrulefill}} \DeclareOption{libertine} {\AtEndOfClass{\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsthm} % load amsthm before newtxmath \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath}}} % options for headings \DeclareOption{plain}{\AtBeginDocument{\pagestyle{plain}}} \DeclareOption{headers}{\AtBeginDocument{\pagestyle{ucalgaryruled}}} % options for the typeblock % fullpage uses the entire space available: 1 in on all sides, set the % typeblock to fill to the margins. We do this when the class is loaded % so it takes into account any changes to the fonts and type % size made using the class options, but not anything done later % after the class is called. Since memoir will set the line % width to \textwidth when it first computes the default type block % size, we have to reset that after we change the type block. \DeclareOption{fullpage}{ \AtEndOfClass{\fullpagethesis}} % manuscript sets the typeblock to approximately 72 characters by 25 % lines at 12pt and using double line spacing and sets left and right % margins evenly. \DeclareOption{manuscript}{ \PassOptionsToClass{12pt}{memoir} \ExecuteOptions{doublespaced} \AtEndOfClass{\manuscriptthesis}} % All other options are passed to the base class directly. \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{memoir}} % By default, typeset with one half spacing, no running heads, 11 pt \ExecuteOptions{onehalfspaced,plain} % Tell memoir the document has to be one-sided (i.e., don't switch % margins, etc.) and don't add empty pages before new chapters \PassOptionsToClass{openany,oneside,11pt}{memoir} \ProcessOptions % now load memoir \LoadClass{memoir} % Commands to set up type block and margins based on selected typeface % and size. These are called after the class loads, but before the % rest of the preamble. % fullpagethesis sets the margins to 1in on all sides, so maximum % allowed space is used. \newcommand{\fullpagethesis}{% \settypeblocksize{9in}{6.5in}{*}% \setlrmarginsandblock{1in}{*}{*}% \setulmarginsandblock{1in}{*}{*}% \checkandfixthelayout} % \manuscriptthesis sets the typeblock to 25 lines per 72 characters % (approx.) per line, and vertically centers the page. Left and right % margins are left to memoir: equal margins for onesided (default), % wider outside margins for twosided. \newcommand{\manuscriptthesis}{% \setlxvchars \settypeblocksize{25\baselineskip}{1.1\lxvchars}{*}% \setulmargins{*}{*}{*}% \checkandfixthelayout} % fix a bug in mathdesign \newcommand*{\fixmdhrulefill}{\def\hrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders \hrule height \rulethickness \hfill\kern\z@}} % \makethesistitle formats the title page \newcommand{\makethesistitle}{ \begin{titlingpage*} \begin{center}\begin{DoubleSpace} UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY \\ \vfill {\@title \par} \vfill by \\ \vfill {\@author \par} \vfill {A \@thesis} \par SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES \par IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE \par {DEGREE OF \@degree} \vfill \@dept \par \vfill {CALGARY, ALBERTA \par} {{\@monthname}, {\@gradyear} \par} \vfill {\copyright\ {\@author}~{\@gradyear} \par} \end{DoubleSpace}\end{center} \end{titlingpage*} } \newcommand{\dedication}[1]{% {\clearpage\thispagestyle{plain}\mbox{}\vfill \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Dedication}% \centering #1 \par\vfill\clearpage}} % Commands for the thesis title page \def\dept#1{\gdef\@dept{\uppercase{#1}}} \let\prog\dept % compatibility with ucalgthes class \def\degree#1{\gdef\@degree{\uppercase{#1}}} \def\monthname#1{\gdef\@monthname{#1}} \def\gradyear#1{\gdef\@gradyear{#1}} \let\thesisyear\gradyear \def\thesis#1{\gdef\@thesis{\uppercase{#1}}} \thesis{Thesis} % Ruled pagestyle according to rules: folio centered in footer, % headers with a rule. Chapter number and title flush right. Also % works twosided, in which case the verso headers hold the chapter % title and the recto headers the section title. \copypagestyle{ucalgaryruled}{ruled} \if@twoside \makeevenhead{ucalgaryruled}{\leftmark}{}{} \makeoddhead{ucalgaryruled}{}{}{\rightmark} \else \makeoddhead{ucalgaryruled}{}{}{\leftmark} \fi \makeoddfoot{ucalgaryruled}{}{\thepage}{} \makeevenfoot{ucalgaryruled}{}{\thepage}{} % Since the TOC must include everything in the front matter, the % default TOC style looks odd. We reduce the space between chapter % entries and add dotted leaders also to chapters. \setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{3pt plus 0pt} \renewcommand{\cftchapterleader}{\normalfont\cftdotfill{\cftsectiondotsep}} \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents} % we need toc, lof, lot to begin on a new page \def\tocheadstart{\clearpage} \def\lofheadstart{\clearpage} \def\lotheadstart{\clearpage}