org-be = Faculty of Business and Economics org-fbd = Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences org-ggw = Medicine and Health Sciences org-lw = Faculty of Arts org-ow = Faculty of Design Sciences org-re = Faculty of Law org-sw = Faculty of Social Sciences org-ti = Faculty of Applied Engineering org-we = Faculty of Science org-iob = Institute of Development Policy org-ua = University of Antwerp arr = All rights reserved of = of domainname = datename = Date subjectname = Subject acyearname = Academic year baname = Bachelor of Science spname = Switching Programme vpname = Preparatory Programme maname = Master of Science phdname = PhD thesisname = Thesis mthesisname = Master's thesis bthesisname = Bachelor's thesis lecturername = Lecturer lecturersname = Lecturers supervisorname = Supervisor supervisorsname = Supervisors cosupervisorname = Cosupervisor cosupervisorsname = Cosupervisors extsupervisorname = External supervisor extsupervisorsname = External supervisors examname = Exam --- Examen seriesname = Series lastname = Last name --- Naam firstname = First name --- Voornaam docketname = Docket No. --- Rolnr. roomname = Room --- Lokaal roomsname = Rooms --- Lokalen examstartname = Start --- Begin examendname = End --- Einde examdurationname = Exam duration --- Duur van het examen juryname = Jury jurymembersname = Members jurychairname = Chair bmthesisname = Thesis to obtain the degree of pthesisnamei = Thesis submitted for the degree of pthesisnameii = at the University of Antwerp to be defended by weightname = Weight