%% %% This is file `tudscrfonts.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% tudscr-version.dtx (with options: `package') %% tudscr-fonts.dtx (with options: `package,identify') %% tudscr-base.dtx (with options: `load') %% tudscr-fonts.dtx (with options: `package,option') %% tudscr-comp.dtx (with options: `fonts,option') %% tudscr-fonts.dtx (with options: `package,execute') %% tudscr-fonts.dtx (with options: `package,body') %% %% ============================================================================ %% %% TUD-KOMA-Script %% Copyright (c) Falk Hanisch , 2012-2015 %% %% ============================================================================ %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. The latest %% version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and %% version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 2005/12/01 %% or later and of this work. This work has the LPPL maintenance status %% "author-maintained". The current maintainer and author of this work %% is Falk Hanisch. %% %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz %% in der Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden. Die aktuelle %% Version dieser Lizenz ist http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt und %% Version 1.3c oder spaeter ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX 2005/12/01 %% oder spaeter und dieses Werks. Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status %% "author-maintained", wird somit allein durch den Autor verwaltet. Der %% aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Falk Hanisch. %% %% ============================================================================ %% %%% From File: tudscr-version.dtx \begingroup% \catcode`\@11\relax% \ifx\TUDVersion\undefined% \newcommand*\@TUDVersion[1]{\gdef\TUDVersion{#1}}% \else% \newcommand*\@TUDVersion[1]{% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\TUDVersion\@tempa\else% \@latex@warning@no@line{% \noexpand\TUDVersion\space is `\TUDVersion',\MessageBreak% but `#1' was expected!\MessageBreak% You should not use classes, packages or files from\MessageBreak% different TUD-KOMA-Script-Bundle versions% }% \fi% }% \fi% \@TUDVersion{2015/06/11 v2.03a TUD-KOMA-Script}% \endgroup% \providecommand*\tudscrmail{tudscr@gmail.com} \@ifundefined{TUDScript}{% \DeclareRobustCommand{\TUDScript}{% \ifdin{TUD-KOMA-SCRIPT}{% \textsf{T\kern.05em U\kern.05em D\kern.1em-\kern.1em}\KOMAScript% }\csname xspace\endcsname% }% }{} %%% From File: tudscr-fonts.dtx \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2011/06/27] \ProvidesPackage{tudscrfonts}[% 2015/06/11 v2.03a TUD-KOMA-Script package (corporate design fonts)% ] \newif\if@tud@oldclass \newif\if@tud@oldscrclass \@ifclassloaded{tudbook}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudbeamer}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudfax}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudform}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudhaus}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudletter}{\@tud@oldclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudscrbookold}{\@tud@oldscrclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudscrreprtold}{\@tud@oldscrclasstrue}{}% \@ifclassloaded{tudscrartclold}{\@tud@oldscrclasstrue}{}% \if@tud@oldscrclass \let\TUDoptions\relax \let\TUDoption\relax \let\univln\relax \let\univrn\relax \let\univbn\relax \let\univxn\relax \let\univls\relax \let\univrs\relax \let\univbs\relax \let\univxs\relax \let\dinbn\relax \fi %%% From File: tudscr-base.dtx \RequirePackage{tudscrbase}[\TUDVersion] %%% From File: tudscr-fonts.dtx \newif\if@tud@univers \newif\if@tud@dinbold \newcommand*\tud@univers{lun} \newcommand*\tud@dinbold{0m6} \newif\if@tud@fontspec \TUD@key{fontspec}[true]{% \TUD@set@ifkey{fontspec}{@tud@fontspec}{#1}% } \AtEndOfPackage% {% \TUD@key{fontspec}[] {% \PackageError{tudscrfonts} {Option `fontspec' too late}{% Option `fontspec' can only be set while loading the\MessageBreak% package `tudscrfonts' but you have tried to set it up later.% }% \FamilyKeyStateProcessed% }% \@ifpackageloaded{fontspec}{% \PackageError{tudscrfonts}{Package `fontspec' too early}{% When using the option `fontspec' you must not load\MessageBreak% the package `fontspec' before `tudscrfonts'.% }% }{} \if@tud@fontspec% \PreventPackageFromLoading[% \PackageWarning{tudscrfonts}% {% You must not load the package `fontspec' as it is\MessageBreak% loaded automatically at the end of the preamble.\MessageBreak% If you want to pass options to `fontspec' use\MessageBreak% `\string\PassOptionsToPackage{