%% %% This is file `topcoman.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% toptesi.dtx (with options: `topcmn') %% ______________________________________________________ %% The TOPtesi bundle %% Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Claudio Beccari %% All rights reserved %% %% License information appended %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2016/01/01] \ProvidesPackage{topcoman}[% 2018/01/12 v.~6.1.12 Additional commands for the TOPtesi bundle] \RequirePackage{iftex} \ifPDFTeX \newcommand*\DeclareSlantedCapitalGreekLetters{% \mathchardef\Gamma="7100 \mathchardef\Delta="7101 \mathchardef\Theta="7102 \mathchardef\Lambda="7103 \mathchardef\Xi="7104 \mathchardef\Pi="7105 \mathchardef\Sigma="7106 \mathchardef\Upsilon="7107 \mathchardef\Phi="7108 \mathchardef\Psi="7109 \mathchardef\Omega="710A }\else \newcommand*\DeclareSlantedCapitalGreekLetters{% \PackageWarning{toptesi}{% When using LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX specify\MessageBreak option math-style=ISO to package unicode-math\MessageBreak} } \fi \providecommand*\ensuremath[1]{\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi}% \providecommand*\textormath{} \renewcommand*\textormath{\ifmmode\expandafter\@secondoftwo\else \expandafter\@firstoftwo\fi} \providecommand*\textsubscript{\raisebox{-0.5ex}} \ifPDFTeX \RequirePackage{textcomp} \fi \providecommand{\ohm}{\textormath{\textohm}{\mathrm{\Omega}}} \@ifpackageloaded{toptesi}{ \providecommand\ped{}\providecommand\ap{} \renewcommand*{\ped}[1]{\textormath{\textsubscript{#1}}{_{\mathrm{#1}}}} \renewcommand*{\ap}[1]{\textormath{\textsuperscript{#1}}{^{\mathrm{#1}}}}}{% \providecommand*{\ped}[1]{\textormath{\textsubscript{#1}}{_{\mathrm{#1}}}}% \providecommand*{\ap}[1]{\textormath{\textsuperscript{#1}}{^{\mathrm{#1}}}}} \@ifpackageloaded{siunitx}{\def\unit#1{\si{\,#1}}}{% \providecommand\unit{}% \renewcommand\unit[1]{\ensuremath{{\mathrm{\,#1}}}} } \providecommand{\gei}{\ensuremath{{\mathop{\mathrm{j}}\nolimits}}} \providecommand{\eu}{\ensuremath{{\mathop{\mathrm{e}}\nolimits}}} \providecommand{\micro}{\textormath{\textmu}{% \ifPDFTeX \ifdefined\muup\muup\else\mbox{\textmu}\fi \else \mathup{\mu}% \fi }} \providecommand{\gradi}{\textormath{\textdegree}{^\circ}} \RequirePackage{fancyvrb} \fvset{fontsize=\small} \let\listing\VerbatimInput \DeclareRobustCommand*{\simulatedSC}[1]{% {\mbox{$\relax$}\fontsize{\sf@size}{\f@baselineskip}\selectfont#1}}% \def\ft@figure{\iflanguage{italian}{\MakeLowercase{\figurename}}% {\figurename}~} \def\ft@table{\iflanguage{italian}{\MakeLowercase{\tablename}}% {\tablename}~} \newcommand*\EnableFigTabNames{% \let\p@figure\ft@figure\let\p@table\ft@table} \newcommand*\DisableFigTabNames{% \let\p@figure\empty\let\p@table\empty} \DisableFigTabNames %% %% Copyright 2005-2017 Claudio Beccari %% %% Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License, %% version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of %% this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This work is "author-maintained" %% %% This work consists of this file toptesi.dtx, a README file %% the manifest.txt file, and the derived files: %% toptesi.cls, %% toptesi.sty, %% topfront.sty, %% topcommand.sty, %% toptesi-scudo.sty, %% toptesi.cfg, %% toptesi-monografia.sty, %% toptesi-sss.sty, %% toptesi-magistrale.sty, %% toptesi-dottorale.sty, %% and the English documentation toptesi.pdf. %% %% Furthermore the bundle contains the documentation source %% file toptesi-it.tex and the derived file %% toptesi-it.pdf. %% %% The toptesi-example.tex source file is just an example %% that shows how to use the various commands; by commenting %% or uncommenting certain source lines it is possible to %% typeset different kind of theses and their front pages. %% %% The topfront-example.tex source file is an example of how %% to produce just the title page with TOPtesi and the external %% package frontespizio. %% %% The toptesi-scudo-example.tex source file is an example %% that shows the particular features available with TOPtesi, %% when a doctoral thesis is produced for the Scuola di %% Dottorato (ScuDo) of Politecnico di Torino. %% %% The toptesi.cfg file is a sample of a local configuration %% file that can be copied to another file and its copy freely %% edited and customised. %% %% The other toptesi-*.sty files are extension modules for %% typesetting the specific thesis kinds described by the %% suffix that replaces the asterisk. %% %% By running pdflatex on toptesi.dtx the user gets the class, %% sty and cfg files and the English documentation file in %% PDF format. %% %% The source file of the Italian documentation file %% toptesi-it.pdf is another example of how to use TOPtesi. %% This file toptesi-it.tex may be typeset with pdfLaTeX, %% XeLaTeX, and LuaLateX; see the first comment lines of %% the file for how-to information. In spite of being mainly %% written in Italian, it contains several sections in English %% for the benefit of foreign students attending the Doctoral %% School of Turin. %% %% End of file `topcoman.sty'.