% !TeX root = ./examples/pig.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This package is part of the TikZlings package % A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz % Maintained by samcarter % % Project repository and bug tracker: % https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings % % Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later % See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-pigs}[2021/03/17 version v0.5 Drawing pigs in TikZ] \RequirePackage{tikz} \RequirePackage{tikzlings-addons} \definecolor{pigdark}{RGB}{241,164,142} \newcommand*{\pig}[1][]{% \begin{scope}% \tikzset{/pig/.cd,#1}% \pig@draw% \end{scope}% \thing[#1]% % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname pighookforeground\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookforeground\endcsname % } \newif\ifpig@threeD \newif\ifpig@back \newif\ifpig@contour \tikzset{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Pass unknown keys on to tikz % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /pig/.search also={/tikz,/pgf,/thing}, /pig/.cd, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % body % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% body/.code = \def\pig@body{#1}, body = pigdark, eye/.code = \def\pig@eye{#1}, eye = gray, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % options % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3D/.code = \pig@threeDtrue, back/.code = \pig@backtrue, contour/.code = \pig@contourtrue \def\pig@contour{#1}, contour/.default = black, outline/.forward to = /pig/contour, } \def\pig@draw{% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % minimal bounding box size % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \path (-0.625,0.1) rectangle (0.905, 2.27); % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % store the current scale factor % from https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings/issues/3#issuecomment-461373494 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pgfgettransformentries{\tmpscaleA}{\tmpscaleB}{\tmpscaleC}{\tmpscaleD}{\tmp}{\tmp}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\scalingfactor}{sqrt(abs(\tmpscaleA*\tmpscaleD-\tmpscaleB*\tmpscaleC))*sqrt(abs((\pgf@xx/1cm)*(\pgf@yy/1cm)-(\pgf@xy/1cm)*(\pgf@yx/1cm)))}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\xscalefactor}{\tmpscaleA} \pgfmathsetmacro{\yscalefactor}{\tmpscaleD} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from % https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/45991801#45991801 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@threeD \def\pig@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]} \else \ifpig@contour \def\pig@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\pig@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]} \else \def\pig@part@draw[##1]{\fill[##1]} \fi \fi % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Body parts (center: x=0) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname pighookbackground\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname % % Tail %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@back\else \ifpig@contour \draw[\pig@contour,line width=\scalingfactor*0.8pt] (0.8431, 0.583) .. controls (0.8609, 0.4063) and (0.7006, 0.361) .. (0.6384, 0.4293) .. controls (0.5762, 0.4976) and (0.5613, 0.6052) .. (0.6551, 0.629) .. controls (0.7537, 0.6541) and (0.7759, 0.5628) .. (0.7455, 0.4948) .. controls (0.6412, 0.2697) and (0.3543, 0.356) .. (0.2638, 0.4238) .. controls (0.1967, 0.4779) and (0.1788, 0.6076) .. (0.3192, 0.633) .. controls (0.6000, 0.6836) and (0.5130, 0.3048) .. (0.2098, 0.3322) .. controls (0.0809, 0.3438) and (0.0809, 0.5236) .. (0.0809, 0.5236); \else \draw[\pig@body,line width=\scalingfactor*0.8pt] (0.8431, 0.583) .. controls (0.8609, 0.4063) and (0.7006, 0.361) .. (0.6384, 0.4293) .. controls (0.5762, 0.4976) and (0.5613, 0.6052) .. (0.6551, 0.629) .. controls (0.7537, 0.6541) and (0.7759, 0.5628) .. (0.7455, 0.4948) .. controls (0.6412, 0.2697) and (0.3543, 0.356) .. (0.2638, 0.4238) .. controls (0.1967, 0.4779) and (0.1788, 0.6076) .. (0.3192, 0.633) .. controls (0.6000, 0.6836) and (0.5130, 0.3048) .. (0.2098, 0.3322) .. controls (0.0809, 0.3438) and (0.0809, 0.5236) .. (0.0809, 0.5236); \fi \fi % % Feet if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@back \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (0.3216,0.15) arc (-15:195:0.12) -- (0.16,0.15) to [bend left] (0.25,0.15) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (-0.3216,0.15) arc (195:-15:0.12) -- (-0.16,0.15) to[bend right] (-0.25,0.15) --cycle; \fi% % Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@body!55!white] ( 0.6, 0.8 ) .. controls ( 0.6 , 0.4) and ( 0.35, 0.16) .. ( 0.0, 0.16) .. controls (-0.35, 0.16) and (-0.6 , 0.4) .. (-0.6, 0.8 ) .. controls (-0.6 , 1.3) and (-0.35, 1.5) .. ( 0.0, 1.5) .. controls ( 0.35, 1.5) and ( 0.6 , 1.3) .. ( 0.6, 0.75) -- cycle; % % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname pighookbelly\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname % % Arms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@back\else \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (-0.2402, 0.9823) .. controls (-0.2994, 1.0582) and (-0.3721, 1.0651) .. (-0.4024, 0.9978) .. controls (-0.4327, 0.9305) and (-0.4092, 0.8145) .. (-0.35, 0.7386) .. controls (-0.3311, 0.7145) and (-0.3101, 0.6964) .. (-0.289, 0.6862) .. controls (-0.2755, 0.7023) and (-0.2498, 0.7563) .. (-0.2498, 0.7563) .. controls (-0.2498, 0.7563) and (-0.1790, 0.731) .. (-0.1611, 0.746) .. controls (-0.1611, 0.746) and (-0.1809, 0.9064) .. (-0.2402, 0.9823) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (0.2402, 0.9823) .. controls (0.2994, 1.0582) and (0.3721, 1.0651) .. (0.4024, 0.9978) .. controls (0.4327, 0.9305) and (0.4092, 0.8145) .. (0.35, 0.7386) .. controls (0.3311, 0.7145) and (0.3101, 0.6964) .. (0.289, 0.6862) .. controls (0.2755, 0.7023) and (0.2498, 0.7563) .. (0.2498, 0.7563) .. controls (0.2498, 0.7563) and (0.1790, 0.731) .. (0.1611, 0.746) .. controls (0.1611, 0.746) and (0.1809, 0.9064) .. (0.2402, 0.9823) -- cycle; \fi % % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@body!55!white] (0,1.64) ellipse[x radius=.5, y radius=.5]; % % Show details only from the front %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@back\else % % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@eye] (-0.09, 1.82) circle[radius=0.02]; \pig@part@draw[\pig@eye] ( 0.09, 1.82) circle[radius=0.02]; % % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (0, 1.62) ellipse[x radius=0.18, y radius=0.14]; \pig@part@draw[gray] (-0.06, 1.62) circle[radius=0.035]; \pig@part@draw[gray] ( 0.06, 1.62) circle[radius=0.035]; % % Mouth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@threeD \draw[gray!70!black,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.105, 1.46) arc [start angle=-50, end angle=-130, radius=0.16] ; \else \ifpig@contour \draw[\pig@contour,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.105, 1.46) arc [start angle=-50, end angle=-130, radius=0.16] ; \else \draw[gray,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.105, 1.46) arc [start angle=-50, end angle=-130, radius=0.16] ; \fi \fi % % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (0.3216,0.15) arc (-15:195:0.12) -- (0.16,0.15) to [bend left] (0.25,0.15) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (-0.3216,0.15) arc (195:-15:0.12) -- (-0.16,0.15) to[bend right] (-0.25,0.15) --cycle; % \fi % % Ears %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (0.22, 2.0392) .. controls (0.22, 2.1584) and (0.49460, 2.255) .. (0.49460, 2.255) .. controls (0.49460, 2.255) and (0.5300, 1.86) .. (0.3721, 1.86) .. controls (0.2891, 1.86) and (0.22, 1.9201) .. (0.22, 2.0392) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body!55!white] (0.22, 2.0392) .. controls (0.26, 2.1584) and (0.47, 2.22) .. (0.47, 2.20) .. controls (0.47, 2.2) and (0.49, 1.9) .. (0.3721, 1.9) .. controls (0.2891, 1.88) and (0.22, 1.88) .. (0.22, 2.0392) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body] (-0.22, 2.0392) .. controls (-0.22, 2.1584) and (-0.49460, 2.255) .. (-0.49460, 2.255) .. controls (-0.49460, 2.255) and (-0.5300, 1.86) .. (-0.3721, 1.86) .. controls (-0.2891, 1.86) and (-0.22, 1.9201) .. (-0.22, 2.0392) -- cycle; \pig@part@draw[\pig@body!55!white] (-0.22, 2.0392) .. controls (-0.26, 2.1584) and (-0.47, 2.22) .. (-0.47, 2.20) .. controls (-0.47, 2.2) and (-0.49, 1.9) .. (-0.3721, 1.9) .. controls (-0.2891, 1.88) and (-0.22, 1.88) .. (-0.22, 2.0392) -- cycle; % % Tail if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifpig@back \ifpig@contour \draw[\pig@contour,line width=\scalingfactor*0.8pt] (0.8431, 0.583) .. controls (0.8609, 0.4063) and (0.7006, 0.361) .. (0.6384, 0.4293) .. controls (0.5762, 0.4976) and (0.5613, 0.6052) .. (0.6551, 0.629) .. controls (0.7537, 0.6541) and (0.7759, 0.5628) .. (0.7455, 0.4948) .. controls (0.6412, 0.2697) and (0.3543, 0.356) .. (0.2638, 0.4238) .. controls (0.1967, 0.4779) and (0.1788, 0.6076) .. (0.3192, 0.633) .. controls (0.6000, 0.6836) and (0.5130, 0.3048) .. (0.2098, 0.3322) .. controls (0.0809, 0.3438) and (0.0809, 0.5236) .. (0.0809, 0.5236); \else \draw[\pig@body,line width=\scalingfactor*0.8pt] (0.8431, 0.583) .. controls (0.8609, 0.4063) and (0.7006, 0.361) .. (0.6384, 0.4293) .. controls (0.5762, 0.4976) and (0.5613, 0.6052) .. (0.6551, 0.629) .. controls (0.7537, 0.6541) and (0.7759, 0.5628) .. (0.7455, 0.4948) .. controls (0.6412, 0.2697) and (0.3543, 0.356) .. (0.2638, 0.4238) .. controls (0.1967, 0.4779) and (0.1788, 0.6076) .. (0.3192, 0.633) .. controls (0.6000, 0.6836) and (0.5130, 0.3048) .. (0.2098, 0.3322) .. controls (0.0809, 0.3438) and (0.0809, 0.5236) .. (0.0809, 0.5236); \fi \fi % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname pighookbody\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname % }