%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk %!TEX root = ../test/test.tex % %% symbol library for TikZ track schematics % % Copyright (c) 2018 - 2022, Martin Scheidt (ISC license) % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. % \ProvidesFileRCS{tikzlibrarytrackschematic.symbology.code.tex}% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % global settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \RequirePackage{booktabs,xltabular,multicol,adjustbox}% \usetikzlibrary{calc}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \DeclareRobustCommand{\tsSymbol}[2][1]{% \adjustbox{valign=c}{% \begin{tikzpicture}% \pic at (0,0) {symbology_#2};% \path ($0.5*(-0.2,-#1)$) rectangle ($0.5*(12.2,#1)$);% background rectangle to unify every cell containing a symbol \end{tikzpicture}% }% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbology table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% TODO: replave with package glossaries % \@ifpackageloaded{glossaries}{% % \newglossaryentry{main_track}{name={main track},description={},symbol={\tsSymbol{main_track}}}% % }{}% %% %% command \DeclareRobustCommand\tsFullSymbology{% \begin{xltabular}{\textwidth}{cX}% \toprule% \textbf{Notation} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Description}} \\% \midrule% \endfirsthead% % ----------- \midrule% \textbf{Notation} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Description}} \\% \midrule% \endhead% % ----------- \midrule% \multicolumn{2}{c}{\footnotesize -- continued on next page -- } \\% \endfoot% % ----------- \bottomrule% \endlastfoot% % ----------- \tsSymbol{main_track} & main track \\% \tsSymbol{secondary_track} & secondary track \\% \tsSymbol{track_label} & track label \\% \tsSymbol{bufferstop} & bufferstop \\% \tsSymbol{friction_bufferstop} & friction bufferstop \\% \tsSymbol{track_closure} & track closure \\% \tsSymbol{turnout} & turnout \\% \tsSymbol{turnout_fouling} & turnout with fouling point indicator \\% \tsSymbol{turnout_manually} & turnout operated manually \\% \tsSymbol{diamond_crossing} & diamond crossing \\% \tsSymbol{slip_turnout} & double-slip turnout \\% \tsSymbol{turnout_points_right} & turnout with points in right position \\% \tsSymbol{turnout_points_left} & turnout with points in left position \\% \tsSymbol{turnout_points_moving} & turnout with moving points \\% \tsSymbol{derailer} & derailer \\% \tsSymbol{parked_vehicles} & parked vehicles \\% \tsSymbol{train_shunt_mode} & train in shunting mode \\% \tsSymbol{train_shunting} & train shunting \\% \tsSymbol{train} & train \\% \tsSymbol{train_moving_slow} & train moving slow \\% \tsSymbol{train_moving} & train moving \\% \tsSymbol{train_moving_fast} & train moving fast \\% \tsSymbol{train_ghost} & train ghost \\% \tsSymbol{train_drive_automatic} & train operated automatic \\% \tsSymbol{train_drive_human} & train operated by human \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_signal} & distant signal \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_speed_signal}& distant signal with speed indicator \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{speed_signal} & speed signal \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{block_signal} & block signal \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{route_signal} & route signal \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{combined_signal} & combined signal (distant, block and route signal) \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_signal} & shunt signal \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{locked_shunt_signal} & shunt signal locked \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_limit} & shunt limit \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{train_berth_sign} & train berth sign \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{view_point} & view point \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{braking_point} & braking point \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{end_of_authority} & end of movement authority \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{danger_point} & danger point \\% \tsSymbol{clearing_point} & clearing point \\% \tsSymbol{block_clearing_point} & block clearing point \\% \tsSymbol{route_clearing_point} & route clearing point \\% \tsSymbol{transmitter} & transmitter \\% \tsSymbol{transmitter_forward} & transmitter effective forward \\% \tsSymbol{transmitter_bidirectional}& transmitter bidirectional \\% \tsSymbol{loop_transmitter} & loop transmitter \\% \tsSymbol{route} & route \\% \tsSymbol{direction_control} & direction control \\% \tsSymbol{platform} & platform \\% \tsSymbol{level_crossing} & level crossing \\% \tsSymbol[2.0]{bridge} & bridge \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{hump} & hump \\% \tsSymbol{pylon} & pylons \\% \tsSymbol{interlocking} & interlocking \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_power_off} & distant power off \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{power_off} & power off \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{power_on} & power on \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_pantograph_down}& distant pantograph down \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_down} & pantograph down \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_up} & pantograph up \\% \tsSymbol[1.4]{wire_limit} & wire limit \\% \tsSymbol[2.0]{track_distance} & track distance \\% \tsSymbol{train_berth} & train berth \\% \tsSymbol{measure_line} & measure line \\% \tsSymbol{hectometer} & hectometer \\% \tsSymbol{track_marking} & track marking \\% \end{xltabular}% }% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput