%% This is file `texosquery.cfg',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% texosquery.dtx  (with options: `texosquery.cfg')
%% Please follow the instructions below.

% This configuration file must be edited to match your system.
% Copy the file to your TEXMFLOCAL or TEXMFHOME tree to prevent it
% from being overwritten by updates.

% 1. Check your version of Java. To do this run
%      java -version
% from your command line.

%  * If the version number starts with "1.5" or "1.6" then
%    \TeXOSInvokerName must be texosquery-jre5
%    and \TeXOSQueryAllowRestricted must be commented out
%  * If the version number starts with "1.7" then
%    \TeXOSInvokerName must be texosquery
%    and \TeXOSQueryAllowRestricted must be commented out
%  * If the version number starts with "1.8" or above then
%    \TeXOSInvokerName must be texosquery-jre8
%    and \TeXOSQueryAllowRestricted should be uncommented if
%    texosquery-jre8 is on the restricted list. (This has been the
%    case since TeX Live 2017.)

% (bash users need to check that the .sh extension has been removed
% from the bash scripts.)


% 2. If the invoker name given in the definition above is on the
% restricted list, the line below should be uncommented to allow it to be run
% in restricted mode. Otherwise comment it out.


%% End of file `texosquery.cfg'.