%%%% End toc nav configuration
\special{t4ht+@File: #1}%
% \HPage{}%
% \Configure{OpfManifest}{\HCode{}}%
% \ifvmode \IgnorePar\fi \EndP%
% \HCode{\Hnewline}}
% {%\ifvmode \IgnorePar\fi \EndP%
% Structural elements
% Foootnote configuration for epub3
% Footnotes are printed directly after the paragraph they appeared in
% footnotebox - configure box in which footnotes are printed
% default configuration doesn't work in ibooks, don't know why
% We must create new link command, so footnote mark can link to footnote text
\LinkCommand\fnlink{aside,href,id,class="footnote" epub:type="footnote"}
\Configure{footnotemark}{\NoFonts\Link[ epub:type="noteref"]{fn\FNnum x\minipageNum}{}}{\EndLink\EndNoFonts}
\fnlink{}{fn\FNnum x\minipageNum}\NoFonts\Tg